HGus said:
- Based in these new facts, the new armor index for Myst is (BulkwarkMystHP / SiriusParsecHP x 1.2 x 100) or just (BulkwarkMystHP / MethDracoStorm x 100) and gives (4084.9 / 5435.9 x 100) ~ 75. The discrepancy is seen if you calculate an hypothetic Ancient storm as (AncientParsecHP / 1.2), the armor index for Methanoid Myst is (7948.4 / 13079.5 x 1.2 x 100) ~ 73. That means a 2% disadvantage for Methanoid Ancient ships vs. Ancient Proto/Raven ships compared with Bulkwark Ancient vs Sirius Proto/Raven.
I see you line of thought, I think it works,
almost. There's a factor "2" though. My argumentation for the new armor indices would go like this. (and I'll probably have to implement it this way as I see no room for wiggle)
We will agree that hitpoints are calculated as product of:
HP = Armor Grade index * Ship Class index * Ship Level * Armor Bonus
In the simulator I (arbitrarily) scaled everything to Bulkwark Phoenix S = 1, which is done by my scaling factor "150". Thus I call it relative Hitpoints (rHP) because they are not absolute:
rHP = Armor Grade index * Ship Class index * Ship Level * Armor Bonus / 150
Bulk-Phoenix S___________old Bulk-Myst____________old Meth-Myst
Grade = Bulkwark = 1
_____Grade = Bulkwark = 1
_____Grade = Methanoid = 3.68
Class = Raider = 150
______Class = A.Myst = 84.22
_____Class = A.Myst = 84.22
Level = "0" (pod) = 1
______Level = 85 = 4181.4
_______Level = 85 = 4181.4
Bonus = None = 1
_________Bonus = None = 1
_________Bonus = None = 1
rHP = 1*150*1*1/150 = 1___rHP = 2347.7____________rHP = 8639.6
So far so good....
Because we now know that new Bulk-Myst =
4085.0 rHP and new Meth-Myst =
7948.4 rHP, the indices come out as follows:
new Bulk-Myst
Grade = Bulkwark = 1 (Bulkwark is by definition 1)
Class = A.Myst = 84.22*1.74 =
Level = 85 = 4181.4 (cannot change as it's linked to all other R85 ships, too)
Bonus = None = 1
rHP = 4085.0
new Meth-Myst
Grade = Methanoid = 3.68*0.92/1.74 = 1.947
Class = A.Myst =
146.54 (constant)
Level = 85 = 4181.4
Bonus = None = 1
rHP = 7953.5
So, I will
have to set the Myst "armor index" to
146.54. Your proposed
73 would work the same if it was for a factor x2. Except, there is no room in the equation for a factor 2 here. Unless I cannot see it, please explain again. I'm always happy to learn.
Best wishes