HGus & V1, I respect you 200%, V1 we go back long time m8. I hope you remember me to ^^
Also others explaining stuff have my vote anytime, glad to read it all !
I am sovery glad others,specialy lower levels are voicing their problems now... At least they are taking time to express their problems and not unstalling the game ^^
I am also very glad you 2 and others are addressing the issues I read in last 3 pages with care !
Keep it up ! Respect !
I am very sad however I cant express myself to pinpoint problems for you
Sory if I come over confusing...
So here follows a lengthy read I hope i can make a point or 2... pelase read and dont dismiss...
I must disagree with some things dough:
Mizar was made cripling hard when it was the top planet in its days, 2009... Paralizers all over the place, in ones an twoos, even for a parsec V1 owned was a challange... Now their are packs of 8 paralizers on same spot... Living areas are widend cripling and making harder to "grind" and do missions, with harvies landig all over the place... That was not true when we where the ne wplayers there...
We had time, Sol was way off the chart to be opened back then, we needed a challenge so we made PVP clan wars, remember Baumar and Prosperous ? Lets hunt V1 & V2 in their slow moving parsecs lol
New players dont posses that knowledge and to say its a challange or they should be on a planet for 2 years to learn it is overboard in my opinion...
You try to do "A Traitor's Fate" with out help in a sq full of Molikar ships, you cant, I cant, nobody can ^^
Why because is bugged, only 1 player alowed in sq to follow the transporter through areas where 8 paralizers and packs of hungry mantis live... Try it without help and disconect previous knowledge and report back if I am wrong, before you reply...
Those "final" planets are made harder for the top players to still have fun and then left to side when new system comes. All players move up and the new players get stuck without help on to hard planets ^^
But some of us where helping to get them unstuck...
Its natural to keep people on their tows, You and Me... But we got good items and good ships and knowedge of flight paths of mantis, mission tricks, etc...We lived Mizar for more then a year ^^ We "rushed" players back then to ^^ i was trainer of a clan, we try to teach the game mechanics as we knuw them, not only rush...
Pre update a low player cry in chat and a more knowledge andprivilageed player steps up and rushes them to new system, because the helper knows people cant do story missions solo or in a same level pack with out help ^^
We are punishing lower levels for issues that could be addressed where it should be, on the high levels.
We should revise the lower levels missions if a new system is born, we dont and people get rushed to next system, because helping people is like a drugg, once you start you cant quit untill the new player is safe in Sol...
I hope that is addressed to. Lower levels are the live of this game ^^ They need a lurning curve but now the cruve is a vertical line in my honest opinion in some spots.
Also you make me buy a new ship, a config. To me as I am stupid is a new ship only ship base is cheaper when you alread got one. Need armor, items, slots, etc. I need to buy multiple configs on multiple ships to help people stuck in lower systems that where made exceptionaly hard for us when it was needed. I will not do that and I guess neither will a lot of upper class players, stranding lower levels and they where already leaving disapointed in the more easy pre update situation... Lets not forget you and me we did it the hard way, msot of the complianers didnt, they complain and are not victims but worried there will come a new him soon ^^
Maybe we should reverse the server and kick all back to Mizar that gone to Tau Ceti before 2010 with rigss and system and missions as they are now...
That wold be a great read in this forum ^^
Also I agree on the parsecs: current lvl 75 armor is weekend and is a very bad idea but i understand why it was made
Most people will leave or wurs not come back untill a release comes matching on stun, ab, blaster and repair...
This is a cripling update not a "we are moving forward" update in my honest opinion. And there is still no Tau Ceti and to call this update a step up to Ta Ceti, i dont see it. Should be one pack deal: A extreemly tough Tau Ceti (top planet) with story missions, white missions, BPs and open up the map, lozen up in Hive and revise Sirius as they are not top planets anymore ...
With respect to all hardworking people before and behind the scenes !
ps.: Check status of last top 10 clans in Askone server, see how long living respected adn admnired clans with respected players are still all inactive or semi inactive... I hope it does reflect only the status of this update, if not they are not comming back leaving one gigantic black hole in this game. You understand a new player seeying this wil not put effort in findng a clan or keep strugling as dev want