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PVP Overhaul #4

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Mar 16, 2017
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Time for some positive feedback:
>Emperors have been nerfed. It's great to see Punishers destroying them again, restores some form of balance at least.
>Strong Shields and Strong Aim Computer cooldowns has been reduced by rougly half or more. I'm sure certain ship types can benefit from this development.
>Engineers have a purpose again. Since Mysts are absolutely useless in "Soloing" right now, I'm sure Constructors and Onyxes would stop gathering dusts in servers and start assisting in Giza operations. This would hopefully bring back a sense of teamwork but at the status of the game right now, I don't think it was a good time to implement it.
>Colossus rewards are nice. Actually had fun in there for once.
>Aim Scrambler isn't a one press invincibility item anymore and requires more thought into using it, but the devs took it a little to far this time. I see this as a good thing but apparently people here are too used to its overpowered nature that they don't want to accept its nerf. In my opinion, It should be slightly buffed as to not make it too useless in battle.

I think this updated emphasized damage and engineer ships whilst decreasing the effectiveness of tanking ships for a more "balanced" experience. Remember, Sirius was never meant to be a One-man show, but should be a collective effort of the clan and the alliance, this update hoped to rectify that notion. However, the developers implemented it in the WRONG time in the games history, where there aren't enough people to reasonably sustain a clan. We can only hope for more improvements in the future.


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Aug 1, 2014
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C_D said:
Time for some positive feedback:
>Emperors have been nerfed. It's great to see Punishers destroying them again, restores some form of balance at least.
>Strong Shields and Strong Aim Computer cooldowns has been reduced by rougly half or more. I'm sure certain ship types can benefit from this development.
>Engineers have a purpose again. Since Mysts are absolutely useless in "Soloing" right now, I'm sure Constructors and Onyxes would stop gathering dusts in servers and start assisting in Giza operations. This would hopefully bring back a sense of teamwork but at the status of the game right now, I don't think it was a good time to implement it.
>Colossus rewards are nice. Actually had fun in there for once.
>Aim Scrambler isn't a one press invincibility item anymore and requires more thought into using it, but the devs took it a little to far this time. I see this as a good thing but apparently people here are too used to its overpowered nature that they don't want to accept its nerf. In my opinion, It should be slightly buffed as to not make it too useless in battle.

I think this updated emphasized damage and engineer ships whilst decreasing the effectiveness of tanking ships for a more "balanced" experience. Remember, Sirius was never meant to be a One-man show, but should be a collective effort of the clan and the alliance, this update hoped to rectify that notion. However, the developers implemented it in the WRONG time in the games history, where there aren't enough people to reasonably sustain a clan. We can only hope for more improvements in the future.
The game died 3 years, this update to motivate the team game only killed the game even more, let's play with only the NPCs left.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Sorry. But, since it has been harder even members in my (big) clan are put off by the mines becoming more difficult to shoot.

You cannot always shoot with others all the time and I and many others had great fun when you WAS able to do things yourself.

Agreed, it can be MORE FUN with others (not to mention quicker). But shooting with others is now being forced on us.
--- Seen a lot, wishing for the old days of the game.
What is it that you cant do anymore? I can still solo SU and pod a ds for boss bps. I have experienced mine shooters who quickly addapted to the new mines and our clan is still spawning gizas with dragging khons. And i think if i had a black granite i would still be able to kill a boss solo, u have a aggrobeacon to tank some damange if u realy have to run and bosses hit you less from sniper blaster distance if the incomming dps becomes to much. It just requires a bit more skill then just pressing aim scram rep droit and protector in a specific order. And that change made me smile again, ppl in black granites have to use their brain for once again. And besides that i don't think giza and bosses should be something u should be able to solo.


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Mar 15, 2010
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Hello ! :)

I'm going to detail you my ideas for a new version of the ennemy explosions :

:arrowr: Small economic explosion for graphics performance, for : mobs of farm: example: interceptors, mantis halloween, snowmen, etc ...

:arrowr: Pretty small explosion for the standard mobs: example: marauder, pyro, roketteurs, etc ...
The 3D models of the mantis are composed of triangles. For a pretty explosion: we must see the triangles separate : that we see the mantis destructuring with all its 3D triangles
This is a shematic representation i have created for the 3D triangles explosion of an ennemy :

:arrowr: Great, big and magnificent explosion for big mobs: example: boss, Giza, harvesters, Anubis, Keops, etc ...
This is a picture i have created with Gimp for show you what kind of explosion i want to see :D

Thanks for reading ! ;)


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Mar 15, 2010
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Highway said:
- Adjustments to Colossus’ time schedule for improved accessibility of battle events.
I have an idea :
make a smart opening of Collossus :
:arrowr: Open Collossus when the number of connected players on the server exceeds 100 or 1000 (for exemple).
:arrowr: Putting a random technology, BUT : ensure that all technologies (Vega => Sirius) were proposed in the week.
:arrowr: Ensure that Colossus is not open during an active conquest.



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Feb 25, 2010
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I have a Dominator without the last armor, why Gold Draconis Repair Droid is better than Arcane Sirius Repair Droid?

It's Ridiculous!!


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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flyfighter said:
1. If you organise a public test you should make sure you have added all the things that you were planning on changing. I cannot remember the mines being changed in that ptr. I had the impression that loads of stuff was changed in the time between the ptr test and when the update came live. Things we could not have spotted in the ptr!

2. Sirius should be a challange, a teambased system where you need a good group of experience players and good friends to efficiently shoot stuff. I like the fact that sirius is being made harder, make the giza's even harder again. Ancients with less hp but more suprice attacks and damage to kill you! The only thing that i think should change is the risk/reward factor. I think cry is decent but the blueprintdroprate kills loads of fun and makes sirius truly a grind for bps, especially when ur whole clan needs the same bps from giza's.

3. To be honest thats quite sad, its widely known within the community that we spawn gizas that way. I'm scared of other things u might not know aswell. How can you update something without knowing ur own game? Maybe start playing ur own game again cos this game is still amazing, and when you have insight from within u can easily spot things that could be improved and loads of cool things that could be added (Feedback topic!!).

4. I do believe you, but sometimes its so hard to tell. As you hope you will keep hearing from us about our updates, I hope that you will invest some more time in actaually caring about the community. Atleast a weekly respond and i realy hope that you will invest some time in reading the feedback topic and giving ur opinion once in a while.
1. Yes that's a fair point that we missed to do another public test with final version before releasing it. We will learn from that for the next time.

2. Its definitely a team based system. But we also see that it is not easy some players want to enjoy it in smaller groups. Currently the system does not scale for that and we look into this in the next "Sirius Adjustment" update.

3. We do play the game, but we not as specialised as the community plays to find the spots etc. So we were not aware about these special tactics ;) For that we need help from the community and the GM Team.

4. We read most of your feedback but since we are a very small team its not possible to invest more time on one end without losing time on the other. So it must be in balance. At least we are now way more active in the forum as it was some time ago ^^

Concerned Pilot said:
GM's are Players they are supposed to be the middle link between other players and Devs for issues. If a GM cannot relay this when they too are pilots and would know all the issues that there pilot clans faces and the challenges before them Then why does this Game have GMS other than to be chat police.
The GMs are doing more than just controlling the chat. They collect your feedback and pass it on. But some info might have slipped through regarding the mines. Sorry for that.

Armageddon said:
Your extreme balancing of AIM scramblers have really put me off playing. People still died a lot with their "overly powered items", but now we are dying more - in PVE. :)
I still disagree with the extent scramblers and shield's have been nerfed, but at the very least you could have scaled back the enemies a bit.
Especially the Aim Scrambler is a tricky one to balance right since it its very sensitive to minor changes. We looked into in and hopefully now found the sweet spot in the next update.

jlinares said:
I have an idea :
Thanks for your ideas but it would be better to place them in the feedback section of the forum because in the dev shack they are a bit off topic.

DaRK_XePHoN said:
I have a Dominator without the last armor, why Gold Draconis Repair Droid is better than Arcane Sirius Repair Droid?
If that's the case then this sounds like a bug we will look into. Please send in a support ticket with more details on how this is reproducable, since we could not yet conform it in our tests.

And thanks for the positive feedback it helps to not get totally frustrated that we missed the mark completely :D Stay tuned for the upcoming changelog!


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Apr 19, 2016
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Hi :)
I have 1 idea for wild PVP and 1 for conquest.
First, I propose to add a good rewrd for the wild PVP. For exemple, a big Cryonite amount in function of bounty. Th pvp restart if you offer a gift :)
Second, I propose to add an automatic vault in the conquest. Mor people participate for this and it's more fun.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
You should rob cryo from enemies if you kill your enemies.


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Sep 26, 2011
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For last devs coment it seem the last update is flexible and they are agree in changing/ adjust the problems mencions in the forum. This is good step. I hope the PVE got less nerfed as is it now. Also I want to ask if is posible the crio that mantis drop got automatic in the player account? that will do the game much less boring. Or there are a reason for that can not be implemented?


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Jun 12, 2015
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The only thing that occurs to me so that it can not be implemented is that you pass for example this:

You are very happy of life destroying a boss of the fourth rink and when you have a few shots left, someone appears to shoot you, what would happen there ?, the cryonite could be shared, and although it can be done to be shared according to Effort made to destroy it, no one would like it to happen :(


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Sep 26, 2011
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is truth, but if the crio shared base on the damage each pilot do to the boss I will don't have problem with that shared. I mean If I take 95% of the live of the boss and other pilot shot at end and take 5% of the live of the boss then I got 95% of the crio. that is perfectly fine. The problem maybe is the program actually don't Know how many damage do each pilot to each mantis, not sure this is easy to get done in the program, Myabe this is much more difficult that what we tougth. Don't know. But I heard other pilot coment here, that in other games this was solved, maybe a solucion out there for acomplish this?


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Feb 4, 2016
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Just give every1 the full bounty when they kill the boss, free cry for everyone! :LOL: :LOL:


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Mar 16, 2017
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As a paying player...who has fought hard and spent what I consider to be a lot on this game,I am VERY disappointed with this update. I have fought hard and taken the time to acquire the BP's that I have and this update totally has taken all that I have fought for,away. Stun is broken,aim scram is ineffective,and what you've done with the shields/protectors...my guess is you want people to quit the game. Well...you've made me come exactly to that decision,and i'm taking my money with me. I can understand certain aspects that are fair for PvP playing,but why make it affect the PVE'rs ? We cant solo giza's anymore...something every pilot looks forward to possibly doing when they are "growing". The money I have spent to get what I wanted in this game,is now pretty much not worth it. Check my account...i have been a faithful paying player when in fact...I could have done most of it without paying.Its my opinion that even though its a free game...the game development team,and gaming company...deserve a bit extra for a great product,which it was. I feel you have taken many players and thrown dirt in their faces with this unfair redevelopment. The amount of work and time to get cryo to buy overpriced ships...and what this update has done to the integrity of the Myst,making it virtually useless...has given me no choice-I quit. In the event you reconsider your stance on re-issuing us our hard fought for defensive capabilities,I will come back to what once was...an awesome game.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Some of the community are thinking it's a much better idea if you can hire more members for your team to help with your progress and make overall updates at a faster rate. Is there any disadvantage if you get more people to join your team?


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Feb 4, 2016
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Any more teases for Tau Ceti ships or development? Cos this would be a great time to post them. :LOL:


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
flyfighter said:
Any more teases for Tau Ceti ships or development? Cos this would be a great time to post them. :LOL:
The next dev shack they will very likely to give us further knowing or even screenshots of Tau Ceti.


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Feb 4, 2016
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New intel drop spreadsheat:

Let me first explain what the community means by:
WU (Weak Unit): Khons, Shysis and Ammon;
MU (Medium Unit): Horus and Isis;
SU (Strong Unit): Odion, Ignomes and Abasis;
CU (Commander Unit): Bosses and ds;
CBGFBGSU (Commander Boring Grind Full Black Granite Sq Unit): AKA giza

Now we got that coverd i can get to the real post.
Mines/ Quarks/ Other equipment: Has a change of dropping a 1% intel;
WU: Has a change of dropping a 1% intel;
MU: Has a change of dropping a 2% intel;
SU: Has a change of dropping a 5% intel;
CU: Has a change of dropping a 10% intel;
CBGFBGSU: Has a change of dropping a rare cryonite (100k)

This way its way less of a grind to spawn a giza thank you for your attention!


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
The rest is an amazing idea but the giza is a bit much don't you think? I only mean it if it's 100k for each squadron member.
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