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Sirius Adjustments #5

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Mar 16, 2017
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tonyikego said:
Apparently, any pilot who has received help with tech is a worthless slacker and must be punished.
^Basically this upcoming "update" summed up. C'mon devs you can do better than that. You're trying to make this game more fair, not harder for everybody left.


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Feb 4, 2016
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Yall see it wrong :LOL:

When you help a person with getting bp's they just need to fly a engi and nonstop heal you. You oneshot all the mantis and cos they healed you they applied "effort" and still have a chance on seeing some bp.

If a vega engineer heals a person grinding on for example venar harvs will it get a personal drop? :eek:. All nubs will get rich now, just shoot with ppl that are grinding.

If heals factor in the "effort" -> defender heals plus nice damange equals huge effort (OP)

Besides that i think ur priority's should lay elsewhere, its the lack of content we have not the lack of cryonite or blueprints. Venar first and when we are bussy with that system u can take loads of time doing updates like ur planning now. For me these updates might keep me entertained for 1 or 2 days to check whats new, but more that that it does not grant me. Whats the point of grinding cry etc if u don't have anything new u can spend it on.

And what about the XP gain will it have the same "effort" system as ur planning on implementing on the cry/bp system now? Since engineers and ppl with low damage always get less xp then a damage dealer. And what about tanks, how will they get the same "effort as a damage dealer" does taunt generate "effort" aswell? And stunners?

You will always have ppl being mad that others might generate more in the same time cos it seems to me this system will never be that good that it will equally share all the loot between the players that participate and one player will make more then the other depending on the system. Therefor making one type of ship always prefferd if it comes to making cryonite and earning bps. Always generating "unfair" situations.

It's good u get lost in idea's and still have inspiration for them but please focus, don't lose track on the actual stuff we need. Simple update way to complex now.

What goes for giza, maybe you can make a storymission out of the giza event. Only players who participate on the story mission will be able to see the giza. And ppl can decide how many times they want to do the story missions over and over. Maybe ad a few different types mission so that its not a total braindead grind to make the giza's.

But i don't think sirius is bad as it is now, its the best system u created and look how long it entertained us. Maybe its time to increase the droprate of bps and make a way that new players can quickly aquire some bps but i don't think you should drasticly change sirius. Maybe add a few storymissions on each ring 5 for the standard sirius blueprints, see it as a starterpackage, BUT only make the normal sirius items be dropped in a quick way and if ppl want strong tech they have to follow the path we took. Eagerly awaiting the next ring 5 and be super excited what for what might drop. Maybe leave a tear after you found out it only dropped a strong stundome from vega or so, or a huge smile that it dropped both a ship and some other cool sirius bps like Strong Rockets. It's that excitement that kept me playing for sush a long time.

That sums up all i could come up with, gl.


May 2, 2017
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Well, I knew about the engi trick but didn't want to write it here because devs can try to nerf it before the update hits.

I'm also excited to see how it will improve the sirius but it will be straight nerf to lower system players. New players are needed. Update in the sirius will be really good and is needed, without speeding up BP collection you won't see any players with ancient tech anymore who reached sirius few weeks after tau ceti update because people will sit in tau ceti. Now one will bother with jumpship for few weeks to get these BPs for that one r80 who joined the clan when everyone else is in Tau Ceti.

Well, in my eyes sirius idea was flawed from the beginning. If there's anything higher than sirius then it becomes completely unnecessary because it was made to keep players busy for as much time as possible for lowest effort possible. Sirius need to become faster or else non-sirius players will be rushed to tau ceti straight after finishing draconis, no one will waste months for equipping one player when there's tau ceti and sirius is clan system.


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Sep 7, 2011
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Hello ,

The system you are talking about seems good , i think the system for seeing BP or not depending on what you done has to be made carefully , if it's too hard sirius will be boring , if not , too easy.

Making Sirius easier is a very good idea even if today it's already the case with all bug exploits and mass damage/tanking squad (punisher and emperor) on ring 5.

Still , if all CM bug exploits are fixed, i don't really see a futur for small fleets (2-5 players max) in Sirius. ( yes , Sirius is made for huge fleet technically , but still.)
Maybe it will force people to make huge fleets or to ragequit Sirius.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Please lets stay constructive so that we can incorporate your feedback in the current development. ;)

The "planned" changes are not carved in stone and when there are problems that do not follow our goals, we try to find a solution for it. We sure do not have the time and experience in game as you all have. That's why the community & GM feedback is so important. Therefore we are giving out as many details as possible in the communication through the dev shack so you are able to understand the planned changes and goals better.

Vigilante said:
Can you guys give any insight into 'why'' the game needs to be changed so fundamentally? :confused:
We have already explained why this change is necessary to pave the way for the upcoming updates. Make sure to read up the this devshack and previous ones for a better understanding.

Crash said:
Everyone in squad should get a chance of getting a BP, at least give minimum effort factor for every mob destroyed by squdmate even if someone didn't do anything. New players shouldn't have harder.
Yes something like that is already planned and an overall boost in drop chances when more players are making effort. We want that the new drop system feels better for all players. It also is not our intention to make it harder for new players.

space mercenary said:
ok let's see the personalized drop is a really good point the bad thing is the "effort" part, if a high lvl player is going to help a new player, we would have to use a ship with the same lvl for even help them with bps?

If we use a high lvl ship destroying everything with one shoot the new pilot won't get nothing beacause they don't do any "effort" with those mantis also we have the same case against a giza the high players will do most of the damage and the new one won't get nothing because most of the time the new ones in sirius are equipped with bps of draconis so they don't do a lot of "effort" against ancients
For that we plan to adjust the effort based on the level difference of the target and attacker ship so that high level ships don't generate to much effort on targets which have a lower level. (check out the planned changes)

Crash said:
There's not enough players in lower systems. Often they need help of high level players, especially with armor level restrictions. There's no reason to stay in lower system longer than it's mandatory because there's no worthwhile activities in lower systems.
With the PVP overhaul part 2 update we have something nice planned (pirate raids) so that all star systems interesting again even for high level players. This should help new players to get in contact with experienced players to help them to understand the game mechanics and to make friends.

flyfighter said:
1. Venar first and when we are bussy with that system u can take loads of time doing updates like ur planning now.

2. And what about the XP gain will it have the same "effort" system as ur planning on implementing on the cry/bp system now? Since engineers and ppl with low damage always get less xp then a damage dealer. And what about tanks, how will they get the same "effort as a damage dealer" does taunt generate "effort" aswell? And stunners?

3. What goes for giza, maybe you can make a storymission out of the giza event. Only players who participate on the story mission will be able to see the giza. And ppl can decide how many times they want to do the story missions over and over. Maybe ad a few different types mission so that its not a total braindead grind to make the giza's.
1. When Tau Ceti is released you understand why we need to do this updates beforehand. It will be required to have the Sirius blueprints to build Tau Ceti items & Ships. All the effort that many of you already put in to get the Ancient BPs should not be skipable by others when Tau Ceti comes out.

2. The XP system already works "effort" based. The effort system itself is being improved so that it should feel better when mixed classes are playing together.

3. Sirius Adjustments Part 2 has some nice ideas planned for exactly the stuff you are mentioning. More on that on the next dev shack :)

Darkos said:
Still , if all CM bug exploits are fixed, i don't really see a futur for small fleets (2-5 players max) in Sirius. ( yes , Sirius is made for huge fleet technically , but still.)
Maybe it will force people to make huge fleets or to ragequit Sirius.
Our goal is that small clans (~5 players) still are able to play in sirius even after the exploits are fixed. Part 2 will shed more light on this.

Thanks for joining in the discussion about the planned update and that you have shared how you play the game and what potential issues might come up etc. Like I said already: it really helps us making better updates. :!:


May 2, 2017
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Highway said:
Crash said:
Everyone in squad should get a chance of getting a BP, at least give minimum effort factor for every mob destroyed by squdmate even if someone didn't do anything. New players shouldn't have harder.
Yes something like that is already planned and an overall boost in drop chances when more players are making effort. We want that the new drop system feels better for all players. It also is not our intention to make it harder for new players.
Good to know that it's already being changed so new players won't have harder. I think we can be a little calmer about this thing now :p

Can be get any info when can we expect new dev shack? And also can we get any info when the first PTR with this blueprint update opens? :p

And also, is cryo going to be also a personal drop? I saw that removal of cryo sharing was mentioned before but nothing more about this. If cryo will be also personal drop, will the drop rate be increased or left at the same level as now? Similar question about blueprint drop rate, current BP drop rate is going to be absolute minimum in the next update, so effort increases drop rate?


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Sep 13, 2012
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Highway said:
Please lets stay constructive so that we can incorporate your feedback in the current development. ;)
Constructive Comment: Ignoring player feedback is bad for the game. I have seen no player feedback that supports your intention to make it impossible for a lower level player being helped with tech to see a bp unless thay have shot at the npc or supported the shooting player. Yet, you obviously intend to ignore that feedback.


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Nov 5, 2012
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Death Watch
I still wonder if the BP parts can't get reduced still, because upcoming BP system update is mostly for team play but some players hunt there BP's alone and they get no benefit from this update (atleast so it sounds like).

Secondly maybe the Rare BP's should just become 1-2 BP part again and they keep shared between all players that shot the enemy like how it is now with all BP's, as they drop hard and when it drops, atleast someone who need it can take it.


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Nov 25, 2010
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I think this adjustments are going in the good direction by making players do more teamwork. Unfortunatenly the effort should go on fleet missions in my opinion. None sirius mission should be doable alone. Blue prints loot should stay the same way because many players are connected and alone in their fleet. Then what should they do if they can't even hunt their blueprints ? Some players in all servers , especially on trantor don't have the same connecting hours as the others because they are frome overseas french territories or Canada, Will they be more penalized than they are already ?
so in few words i'm for more team work in mission but lonely players should be able to play.



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Sep 7, 2011
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I agree with Djadzia , was thinking the same , how sirius can be done in a small clans if the CM stay like this and are no more exploitable ( already said it ) , but my question is , do CM will stay like that ? They are insanely hard in a full squad when we make them like Defending Zone , Ressource War , or others CM like that.
I am telling this as a newbie player of Sirius 4 years ago with Hive equipment doings CM's we weren't able to do first exploration some time without using mass gravitons , it was just horrible in a full squad ( but challenging .. insanely challenging on ring 1 and 2)

I really think that CM should be easier or else , only Ring 5 will change. I trust you for Ring 5, so i don't really suggest i'm sure you will find an easy solution (like more khons per zone for more milking mines maybe ? xd).

I will add another thing , the most usefull exploit of Sirius , and i ask if you will remove it ? ( if it's the case, sirius will be harder)

This bug make ALL NPC of the planet disapear , I guess this mechanic is made for not overheating the servers , but its exploitable. The planet is empty for like 10 minutes ( except bosses and giza) which let time to players for doing whatever they want. ( this exploit can be done in all systems but it's really usefull on sirius because it need to be alone on planet )
I'm sure people will give you more informations i don't need to make a ticket for that.


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Jun 12, 2015
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It seems to me good that it is still possible to help players of low lvl, in addition to the effort system is modified to have ships of superior systems, on the other hand it seems great that they have paid attention to a thread created by the English community, where they report the many bugs that exist in Sirius and missions of other systems



May 2, 2016
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I have discussed this a bit in the Askone Sirius Chat, but how about cutting down the amount of Ancient Tech for Vega-Draconis to make room for more Sirius Ancient Tech, since that is mostly the reason why we are in Sirius after all?

Currently it's 6/7 for Vega-Draconis and 1/7 chance for Sirius, so would it be better to increase the chance of Sirius Ancient Tech & Ancient Ships appearing on R5 planets to let's say, 4/7? This wouldn't only ease the pain on obtaining Sirius Ancient Tech & ships, but also make Rare Tech for previous systems more relevant, since the Ancient Tech for previous systems would simply be more uncommon now.

Just throwing my 2 and a half cents out there.



Mar 28, 2017
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GOTIL0N said:
It seems to me good that it is still possible to help players of low lvl, in addition to the effort system is modified to have ships of superior systems, on the other hand it seems great that they have paid attention to a thread created by the English community, where they report the many bugs that exist in Sirius and missions of other systems

I didn't see any response from devs after faye's post... idk if they were even looking at it


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Sep 7, 2011
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Makk_3 said:
I have discussed this a bit in the Askone Sirius Chat, but how about cutting down the amount of Ancient Tech for Vega-Draconis to make room for more Sirius Ancient Tech, since that is mostly the reason why we are in Sirius after all?

Currently it's 6/7 for Vega-Draconis and 1/7 chance for Sirius, so would it be better to increase the chance of Sirius Ancient Tech & Ancient Ships appearing on R5 planets to let's say, 4/7? This wouldn't only ease the pain on obtaining Sirius Ancient Tech & ships, but also make Rare Tech for previous systems more relevant, since the Ancient Tech for previous systems would simply be more uncommon now.

Just throwing my 2 and a half cents out there.

Good idea.

The developers want that Sirius tech is needed for TC , so it's technically needed to increase Sirius BP drop for new players so they don't have to make camping on Sirius.

It can be good that Sirius R5 is made for Sirius tech. Vega-Draconis tech should drop for players which want finish the collection or achievements.
But in that case some small systems tech can eventually not drop ( even today sometime it's hard to find a specific BP of a small system).

I suggest to guarantee ONE Sirius BP on every R5 planet ( or every 1/2 R5 planet) on all NPC ( can be one /13 or one /5 or one /2)(so you need 8 planet to finish your ship if you count going on R4 then R5, you stay 1 month on Sirius before Tauceti), so the problem can be solved without changing too much the drop of others items.


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Mar 15, 2010
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Hello all ! :)

The future game update looks very good !

But I am a little scared, because you say that we will have more cryonite. OK :)
But, It is real ? :confused:
If all pilots in a 5 members in the squad have ALL : ONE cryonite not shared for all members, it means that we can do cryonite 5X faster lol


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Mar 15, 2010
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And what about the cryonite penalty in lower star systems ?
it will be removed ?

Thank you for your answers ;)


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
jlinares said:
Hello all ! :)

The future game update looks very good !

But I am a little scared, because you say that we will have more cryonite. OK :)
But, It is real ? :confused:
If all pilots in a 5 members in the squad have ALL : ONE cryonite not shared for all members, it means that we can do cryonite 5X faster lol
Well good, cryo was originally much slower so it's not fair on others doing the most effort getting nothing.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Speaking of which highway, there were a lot of planned changes for this update, are you sure it won't be as complex as pvp overhaul?


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Jun 12, 2015
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I imagine that an update that will change the system of drop, has to be more complex than pvp, also that what is intended to do are quite ambitious projects, which is good in reality


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Dec 4, 2015
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Update News about this Dev Shack?

MFG GreenSpider
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