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Sirius Adjustments #5

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Jun 12, 2015
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Len the post is going to remove the cd time from the Giza !!!!!!!!!


Aug 6, 2013
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Je pense qu'enlever les instances sur Sirius est une très mauvaise idée. Pour ma part j'ai déjà assez des mes pilotes à gérer sans coopérer avec d'autres. Je pense aussi que beaucoup de conflits pourrait venir entre les flottes.
Ceci est mon opinion
Merci de m'avoir lu et à bon jeu à tous


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Ahh we are happy that most of you like the recent update and the planned changes for part 2 :D
But I see there is some pro&con feedback for the instances removal. Let me go trough your questions as usual and it should make it more clearer why the instances will not be required anymore and all players will benefit from that.

darkrock said:
Now my question is will the total damage we did to an ancient or the assist we have given our squad members dissipate after we disengage, disengage and return to orbit for repairs in the jumpship, and then land on our squad leaders to keep shooting at that same unit that our squad member are still engaging?
The effort done on a the attacked unit will stay as long they go out of combat or get destroyed. So a player that logs out, leaves the zone for repairs etc. will be able to collect his loot afterwards. (Changelog contained that information)

-Decimator- said:
1. But was wondering as instances on r5 is getting removed, will the respawn rate of WU, MU, SU and bosses (Anubis, Osiris, Keops) be decreased? As everyone will be in same instance so will be good if it doesn't take ages to respawn then.

2. Another anoying thing in Sirius is the despawning of units at the planets. When nobody isn't at a certain spot for few minutes all the NPC dissapear, so you have to reset the planet again :( . Is it possible that this gets fixed/changed?

3. Now intels gets removed for Mines, how will we able to get intels now? Just killing Ancients or other ways?

4. Last question is about the CMs (clanmissions), as how I'm reading you can do CM, then jump to next planet and do CM again over and over, is that correct? But in that case you can get alot of Cryonite :eek: , is that intended?
1. We have a system planned to adjust the population and spawn rate for planets but its not scheduled for this update. It think we first must evaluate the situation after part 2 is out before we introduce such system.

2. This is an automatic system that is there to conserve server peformance to despawn units from areas that are not populated. But how you describe it it sounds like a issue that needs a closer look. Please send in a report on how this is encountered and can be resolved by the user. Thanks

3. Intel will then be collected as usual from all ancient units on the planet. But the amount of intels required and time to initiate a new giza spawn will be about as fast as with using the mines. In addition the 3 hour cooldown of the giza respawn will be removed.

4. This we must looked into so that it can not be exploited as you described it.

Falke said:
6-7 Years ago, we had that from the start of Sirius. What happened? Big a** crying, because some ppl collecting intels and other players are just waiting, to blow up the Giza and steal the BP. To avoid this, the Devs decided to make alliance instances. Honestly the BEST improvement! Now you want to remove this? Why?
Since the new drop system is now live everyone will benefit when more people are fighting the giza because the drop rate is heavily boosted and this is not limited to squads. Currently it is hard to get a feeling for it on the live server because most players are in instances. Also every loot drop is personalized and can not be stolen anymore. Read up the changelog to get a better understanding on how the drop system works.

The problem with the instances is that it also segments the players even more and smaller clans have a hard time find enough players that help fight gizas.

Currently the instances offer an exploit to bypass the 3 hours respawn cooldown for the gizas, but this cooldown is planned to be removed as well. So this stuff is out of the way.

We can ensure you that farming gizas will be faster that it currently is on the live servers and we want to make it a better gameplay experience.

flyingjumper said:
So, yesterday it did a mission, where i had to finde the first blue orbitalstrike (starlight orbitalstrike in english i thing) from mantis hive, and i had to kill signors for it. i did it 2 hours long, the result was no blue blueprint but 4 goldis. (sometimes a kommandeur was annoying so i had to kill him, he dropped in very rare moments a blueprint). after this 2 hours i restartet the mission, and i finished with my 5 blueprints in less than 10 minutes. Today i notice the same thing with the rockettowers, when i was searching the aimcomputer with the mission for it. 2 hours no blueprint. i restartet the mission to hope to get the same result as yesterday with the orbital strike, but i failed. 1 more houer and not even one blueprint

2:Maybe you know, that cryonite always drop at the center spot of the mantis u killed, and if a blueprint drops, it is slightly pushed to the site. In the old system (when someone had a tracker) u maybe noticed, if he saw a blueprint that u don´t saw, the cryonite u saw was slighty pushed to the site, but there was nothing next to it.... So here i got the same effect, the cryonite is slighty pushed to the side, sometimes very far, but i was the only one who killed the mantis. Its like there are invisible blueprints for me, even i should be the only player who is able to see it.
1. Having a mission active or not is not affecting the drop rates. Since drops are dice rolls it depends as well on luck and it can go in both ways. Send in a bug report it this is reproduceable and we can look into that.

2. The loot plancement has changed to ensure that drops are better distributed on the ground, especially when more loot is dropped at the same time. So an offset is pretty normal now.

flyfighter said:
... Conclusion item stats are all over the place, need to have a good look at it and im not the one doing that to tired of testing all this numbers.
Thanks for the notice. We already could fix some of this and it will be soon live. Please send in reports in the ticket system if you encounter more of these.

gonzaabel said:
The drop is worst now, I am in squad with another 2 pilots. I with sniper draconis lvl 70 and BP elite tracker, my clanmattes 2 myst lvl 82 and the ancients drop less cryo, giza intels and BPs.

What is going bad here? Where is the "more drop" chance when we are in squad?
That should not be the case. Most of the players are getting better rates. Please send in a ticket with more details so that we can look more this.

Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
The update has achieved your intent to keep players in lower systems longer. It is now so tiresome, tedious , and time consuming to help players in lower systems with tech that very few higher level players will be willing to do it anymore. I predict another achievement from this update will be that more lower level playersb stop playing.
If you read up our goals you will see that it is not our intention to make it harder for lower system players. But a player must be at least do some effort to achieve his goals or this could be counted to pushing. Can you describe why low level player can not be helped anymore?

conan said:
... Und dann am Besten noch 3 Stunden warten müssen bis die nächste gestellt werden kann, oder wie soll das laufen?...
I am sorry that we can not provide translations for the dev shack postings & changelogs which makes it harder for people to read information that is not in their native language. But some community member help to translate it afterwards. (Thanks!)
Your sentence shows that you don't have fully read the planned changes for update 2. The 3 hour cooldown will get removed so no more waiting for gizas to respawn. If the activity is high the gizas will be plenty to shot.

Darkos said:
i like your ideas , but i think we need more details to agree with some of them ( like paying for jumpship or the bp on ancient units) , the idea can be good but the mechanic can be boring so we need to see it first :) ( i know you are working on it i wait :v )
More details will follow as the development goes on. Its planned that each Ancient planet will have different bosses that can be attacked simultaneously featuring a different BP set, way to get them to respawn and tactics to fight against them.



Mar 16, 2017
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Highway said:
If you read up our goals you will see that it is not our intention to make it harder for lower system players. But a player must be at least do some effort to achieve his goals or this could be counted to pushing. Can you describe why low level player can not be helped anymore?

Here is the way we used to do it pre-update:

We would tell the lower leveled pilot to stay out of danger, while the helper one-shots everything in sight for blueprints for the lower pilot to collect without any problem. With this method, tech-hunts would take a couple of hours instead of days and make game progression faster and more convenient.

NOW that we have to wait for the little guy to shoot the enemies first, tech-hunts are now MUCH, MUCH more tedious! It consumes much more time, and it exposes the lower leveled pilot to more danger, so extra effort is required to keep him/her alive. This would be alright if there are still many people online at a time, but these days, ALMOST NO ONE is online, so group hunting with same tech levels is impossible.

These ideas are great, but the timing couldn't be worse! THERE ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS ON TO MAKE THIS IDEA SUSTAINABLE!!! Please allow only at least BPs to be seen by people who did not do effort WITHIN A SQUAD.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2016
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C_D said:
Here is the way we used to do it pre-update:

We would tell the lower leveled pilot to stay out of danger, while the helper one-shots everything in sight for blueprints for the lower pilot to collect without any problem. With this method, tech-hunts would take a couple of hours instead of days and make game progression faster and more convenient.
Except that on some servers this is called pushing and punished by jail/ban :sneaky:


Mar 16, 2017
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Fra_592 said:
C_D said:
Here is the way we used to do it pre-update:

We would tell the lower leveled pilot to stay out of danger, while the helper one-shots everything in sight for blueprints for the lower pilot to collect without any problem. With this method, tech-hunts would take a couple of hours instead of days and make game progression faster and more convenient.
Except that on some servers this is called pushing and punished by jail/ban :sneaky:
Well, the community has no choice but to continue doing this practice, or else new pilots (OR WHATEVER IS LEFT OF THEM) would be stuck for weeks on a system with little to no help. Unless 5000 new players magically registered on PG, this idea would never work. Less than 30 people are online in any given time here in Solaria, is that a sustainable player base?


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Mar 22, 2015
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I agree with C_D, it's an indispensable method to help low players get blueprints for their missions.
Even if all players of all servers will be forced into one server, there would be not enough players.


Jul 5, 2017
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Green Tea
Say: my clan is spawning a giza, and plan to come back and kill giza 1 hour later, can other kill the giza when we're gone? If that's the case, the insten remove is a bad think to do.
Occasionally we now have 4-6 giza in the instinct before we kill them.


Active member
Apr 1, 2012
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I can again only agree with that what the others say to the Instances.... Don´t remove them, as u see like 90% is against the remove! There are more bad thinks about to happen than u think.

And to the guy who wrote in Caps and Colors í can only say, we did read the changelogs, but our arguments against the removing are clear and not about BP drop


New member
Jan 27, 2016
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Can i suggest two things?

1. Please give us the option to distribute cryonite equally or individually in squads, and the blueprints that a squad member found for us should be visible to us (at least in sirius). Because when 2 units are attacking a squad some players might forget to tag the other unit while engaging the other and that might get annoying.

2. If you are going to remove clan instances please give us allied instances (at least) before removing all sirius instances. And the giza spawn rate is crucial for even the allied instance to work. Because we are mostly on sirius ring five planets for giza blueprints and if we can't spawn enough gizas for a lot of people in a short amount of time this new instance wont work for anyone.


Splitscreen Studios
Nov 6, 2013
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C_D said:
Highway said:
If you read up our goals you will see that it is not our intention to make it harder for lower system players. But a player must be at least do some effort to achieve his goals or this could be counted to pushing. Can you describe why low level player can not be helped anymore?

Here is the way we used to do it pre-update:

We would tell the lower leveled pilot to stay out of danger, while the helper one-shots everything in sight for blueprints for the lower pilot to collect without any problem. With this method, tech-hunts would take a couple of hours instead of days and make game progression faster and more convenient.

NOW that we have to wait for the little guy to shoot the enemies first, tech-hunts are now MUCH, MUCH more tedious! It consumes much more time, and it exposes the lower leveled pilot to more danger, so extra effort is required to keep him/her alive. This would be alright if there are still many people online at a time, but these days, ALMOST NO ONE is online, so group hunting with same tech levels is impossible.

These ideas are great, but the timing couldn't be worse! THERE ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS ON TO MAKE THIS IDEA SUSTAINABLE!!! Please allow only at least BPs to be seen by people who did not do effort WITHIN A SQUAD.
I would call that, simply pushing.


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Apr 1, 2012
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darkrock wrote:
2. If you are going to remove clan instances please give us allied instances (at least) before removing all sirius instances. And the giza spawn rate is crucial for even the allied instance to work. Because we are mostly on sirius ring five planets for giza blueprints and if we can't spawn enough gizas for a lot of people in a short amount of time this new instance wont work for anyone.
if i am correct, we actually have alliance instances and i want that they will stay like they are^^

darkrock wrote:
1. Please give us the option to distribute cryonite equally or individually in squads, and the blueprints that a squad member found for us should be visible to us (at least in sirius). Because when 2 units are attacking a squad some players might forget to tag the other unit while engaging the other and that might get annoying.
i am maybe wrong, but if i understand the actual changelogs correctly u are able to see the items from your squad members...


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Apr 28, 2016
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Teaspoon said:
Say: my clan is spawning a giza, and plan to come back and kill giza 1 hour later, can other kill the giza when we're gone? If that's the case, the insten remove is a bad think to do.
Occasionally we now have 4-6 giza in the instinct before we kill them.
From what i understood, the goal of this part 2 is to make giza much faster to spawn, so there would be no reason to not kill it immediately/to spawn it if you do not need to kill it immediately.
Plus there will be 0 cooldown. Just like halloween or christmas events.

Imo, a system like we have on christmas event should be fine: everyone can spawn a snowman (let's say with something like 20 intels instead of stashes), but no 1 cares if someone kills it. The only problem with such a problem was stealing blueprints but that can't happen anymore. And with such a system, the more players you have on an instance, the faster it will spawn.

flyingjumper said:
darkrock wrote:
1. Please give us the option to distribute cryonite equally or individually in squads, and the blueprints that a squad member found for us should be visible to us (at least in sirius). Because when 2 units are attacking a squad some players might forget to tag the other unit while engaging the other and that might get annoying.
i am maybe wrong, but if i understand the actual changelogs correctly u are able to see the items from your squad members...
Actually you need to make some effort to see the drop, even if you're in squad. For example shot once the unit or give any item to those shooting and you'll be fine.


New member
Sep 4, 2016
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I've found a bug - a small cooldown bug - affecting mostly collector but it oftenly affects all techs as well (mostly collector, 2nd is RD, 3rd is the AB .....) Some if not most also had this problem.

The bug: Once the tech has been activated, the active time on the tech resumes - but no tech effect EVEN THOUGH it ate up some e. And the cooldown won't COOL-DOWN, it will just remain frozen as the active time resumes for the next execution.

it has happened consecutively for Collector and Afterburner but few to rarely happen on RD and it pretty much fixes itself on the second execution. Its a real pain in the neck when you're soloing GTs and you need to repair,
but this happens so you wait for the cooldown (but not enough health, time - and e because it "ghost activated",
you heard it activate and CD but no effects and CD is frozen. So. Yeah. Just wanted to let you guys know.

DEVS - uhm you might wanna try doing this over and over and over until you experience it. Usually happens when you're in combat ALTHOUGH i have heard from a pilot that it also occured to him when picking up quarcs.
Collector activates, active time proceeds, e gets consumed but CD is frozen.
Use a no-CD pink gravi XD Hope this gets fixed soon...


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Jan 27, 2016
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flyingjumper said:
darkrock wrote:
1. Please give us the option to distribute cryonite equally or individually in squads, and the blueprints that a squad member found for us should be visible to us (at least in sirius). Because when 2 units are attacking a squad some players might forget to tag the other unit while engaging the other and that might get annoying.
i am maybe wrong, but if i understand the actual changelogs correctly u are able to see the items from your squad members...
Actually you need to make some effort to see the drop, even if you're in squad. For example shot once the unit or give any item to those shooting and you'll be fine.[/quote]

You need to at least tag units to be able to see the cryonite and blueprint drops, at least thats how it works in sirius.


May 15, 2013
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Main Pilotname
voici , quelques , propositions Fr

Bonjours a tous .
Afin d'éviter la monter des flottes mortes
Pour monter en division il faut actuellement faire parti des premiers , ( avoir la petite flèche verte )
Mon idée et que ci on a pas de score de flight la flèche verte n'est pas accessible ,
il faudrait avoir du points ( fight )pour i avoir le droit .
Cella a mon avis éviterais la monter des flotte morte et inactives .
Pardonnez moi ci je me suis mal exprimer ? mais telle et mon idée .
Ha oui aussi une petite dernière , pour la même chose , les gravitons devraient être gagné que ci et seulement ci il i a des inscrits en face ! ( fight ) .

Les Gravitons et Sirius
Graviton temporelle et Graviton de Zone .
Comme pour le principe des dons 3 pour 1 , il serai nécessaire d’avoir (x) graviton de chaque type pour crée un graviton temporelle ou de Zone , pour cella il suffirais de faire une fusion de tous ces graviton pour réussir a crée l’un de ces 2 nouveau graviton, Ce qui donnerais pour le graviton temporelle un gain de rechargement de (x) temps et pour celui de zone x % de rayon en plus .
PETITE précision cela ne fonctionnerait qu'avec les dons de gravitons ! et les graviton gagner en conquête .

Conquête et fichier de donner
Pourquoi pas redonner a la flotte inscrite des fichier en cas de victoire ?
Si la flotte victorieuse atteint un certain % de fichier pourquoi pas lui redonner 50% des fichier restent ?
Si la flotte inscrite convoite une planète sans fight , ne devrait elle pas gagner que 50% des gravitons proposer actuellement ? , ci fight il y a ou 2 flotte inscrite gardon les récompense actuelle ,

Conquête et cryonites
Toutes les planètes conquêtes gagner par une même flotte d'un même système , débloqueraient des moisso d'un % , X de crio en plus sur l'une de ces planètes conquêtes .

IDÉE drone sirius ( explorateur)
Le drone explorateur
Cella permettrait de l envoyé comme une sonde afin de scanner la planète pour connaitre les plans !
Utilisation 1 fois , après il faudrait en racheter un autre .
Ce drone couterais de la cryo ou de l'or ! , achetable par les dons de flotte . il faudrait donc rajouter un onglet , dont en or a la flotte pour l acheter !
Le cout , ex.. 2500 or ou 250 000 cryo avec 1 emplacement par vaisseau de saut .

Temps supplémentaire
Serait il possible de rajouter 1 minute au temps d'inscription a partir du moment ou quelqu'un vient s'inscrire ?
Cella pourrais éviter les conquête sans flight et les inscription a la dernière seconde
Certain s'inscrivent a 17h59 ou 19h59 juste pour les gravitons ! alors qu'ils sont normalement ( je pense ? ) un récompense ! pour les combats .


New member
Jul 2, 2017
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I have some observations for part 1:

1. Why don't mines give intels? The shooting at units is too long. It's not possible to get all the bps for all the clanmembers. How will the person shoot intels, who just get to sirius. He only has PZ items. He won't kill khons with it.

2. Giza was gaving 3 another bps. Now the bps are random. Is it possible not to drop some bp? How many bps is Giza giving now? Yesterday my clanmembers shot giza. There were 4 people in sq. Giza gave 2 bps. Is this a joke?

3. Why did you change any missions, for example: sol reprisal? What bugs did you fix? Is every facilitation for player a bug? Isn't the minelayer that uses mines, sticky bombs and orbitals (lol) a bug?

I suggest you to give minelayers in all the systems, from Vega to Draconis in order to no one could do missions (lol).
A propos, all the missions should be easy for everybody to could do it solo. I see a lot of people who ask for some help in their missions.

4. I have a question for 100 points. How can I materialize myself when I am killed on the mine field? Anyone knows?

I was doing a mission on Mantis Hive in PTR. And I was killed on the mine field. I materialized myself, but the mines killed me again. I had to wait for 45 seconds and buy energy to materialize myself again. I tried to use a repair droid, but the mines killed me again. And I had to wait for 45 seconds and buy energy again to materialize myself (lol)... etc. I was killed six times before I could run from here. And I had the best deflector.

5. Don't change any ships. I made one kind of ships in every systems. It was good in pvp. Then it was changed and now it is weak in pvp. I've lost millions cryonites. Waste of time, cryonites and nerves.

6. I and my friend checked some ships in PTR. For example: vega ship vs myst. What do you think which ship is better? Vega blaster (gold, not ancient) = sirius ancient strong blaster. Is this a joke? What for did I do my level, grind cryonites and lose much time if vega ship can kill me now?

I have some observations for part 2:

1. Don't remove instances from ring 5 (in my opinion we should have clan gizas, not alliance ones). A lot of people leave some gizas and shoot them later.
I want to fly with my friends and I don't want to see on it my enemies. Sorry, but some people like disturbing other players. And I think there will be wars and quarrels among the clans.

2. Some people said that Sirius is for clans, not for solo. So why don't cryonites from clan missions go to the clanfund? Only the players get them. Why can't I give any cryonites from the clanfund to my clanmembers?

3. The jump ship should be cheaper. Clan missions should be obligatory if I want to jump to a higher ring. And they shouldn't If I am staying on the same ring or I am going to jump to a lower ring.

PS1. In my opinion It should be possible to shoot bosses and gizas solo. There are a lot of clans with few active clanmembers. A lot of people work or study and have little time to play all day. Unless this game is for the unemployed and prisoners.

PS2. The blueprint should drop from every units if somebody has a bp tracker. Someday I found 1 bp after 2 hours, having 75% tracker (lol). It was very irritating.

PS3. This game is more and more irritating. Sorry, but it isn't funny anymore.

PS4. Sorry for my english. It's still bad.


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Sep 13, 2012
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alewx said:
C_D said:
Highway said:
If you read up our goals you will see that it is not our intention to make it harder for lower system players. But a player must be at least do some effort to achieve his goals or this could be counted to pushing. Can you describe why low level player can not be helped anymore?

Here is the way we used to do it pre-update:

We would tell the lower leveled pilot to stay out of danger, while the helper one-shots everything in sight for blueprints for the lower pilot to collect without any problem. With this method, tech-hunts would take a couple of hours instead of days and make game progression faster and more convenient.

NOW that we have to wait for the little guy to shoot the enemies first, tech-hunts are now MUCH, MUCH more tedious! It consumes much more time, and it exposes the lower leveled pilot to more danger, so extra effort is required to keep him/her alive. This would be alright if there are still many people online at a time, but these days, ALMOST NO ONE is online, so group hunting with same tech levels is impossible.

These ideas are great, but the timing couldn't be worse! THERE ARE SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH PLAYERS ON TO MAKE THIS IDEA SUSTAINABLE!!! Please allow only at least BPs to be seen by people who did not do effort WITHIN A SQUAD.
I would call that, simply pushing.
If the lower level player is required to do the grinding to reach the appropriate level before receiving help with tech, I would not call that pushing. This change makes it absolute drudgery to help a lower level player who has put in the effort to reach the appropriate level. Thought this was a game (ie: supposed to be fun). I like this game and much of it is quite fun but this particular change discourages players from helping others.

Your game, your rules. We just vote with our wallet.


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Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
Highway said:
gonzaabel said:
The drop is worst now, I am in squad with another 2 pilots. I with sniper draconis lvl 70 and BP elite tracker, my clanmattes 2 myst lvl 82 and the ancients drop less cryo, giza intels and BPs.

What is going bad here? Where is the "more drop" chance when we are in squad?
That should not be the case. Most of the players are getting better rates. Please send in a ticket with more details so that we can look more this.
Ok, I will try record one video and send it to the support.


New member
Jul 2, 2017
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And why do we have weaker blasters and why do all the units in sirius have higher levels?
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