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PVP Overhaul #4

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Sep 7, 2011
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Giza solo with myst was possible because the aim scrambler was overpowered...

Now ,you can still do bosses with granit ( normal aim scrambler,strong prot ,normal rd , killed giza and keops).

The power of many items was not real... Actuator..scrambler were really insane.

LONG SCRAMBLER is a rapid classed item... Its not meant to give you god mode for 60 s

Its hard to let this advantage go away... But... Now its logic ,and you have to deal with it and to be more skilled... OR call some friends .. 2 is the minimum to kill bosses

Its not a NERF its a decrease of OVER POWERED. Item ( long stuns etc...)


If u cant admit this ... Then your complaining is pointless.

Devs fixed many bugs... If they done that its not for nothing... They have tester dont forget that tester = player... So some player think thats this system is legit they maybe approved it.... So... Why not you ?


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Sep 13, 2012
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If your intent is to make this game die quicker, you guys hit a home run. No need to add new content. Just keep making current content harder.


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Sep 26, 2011
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tonyikego said:
If your intent is to make this game die quicker, you guys hit a home run. No need to add new content. Just keep making current content harder.
agree with that. harder and nothing in exchange.


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Jun 12, 2015
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I do not understand why so many complaints, everyone should know that the new content (understood by Tau Ceti), will be released after the Sirius update, as already mentioned in Dev Shack 2

Highway said:
1. Ship Armor Adjustments
2. PvP Overhaul
3. Sirius System Adjustments
4. Tau Ceti System
5. Player Controlled Invasions


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Apr 28, 2016
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agree with that. harder and nothing in exchange.
Nothing in exchange?
  • Now you have real PvP.
  • Now you have real turrets.
  • Now you have real mines.
  • Now you have landing protection.
  • Now you have real stuns.
  • Now you have cryo reward on colossus.
  • Now you have fully fonctionnal drones and gravitons.
  • Now you can use your items during CQ, they'll work correctly.
  • Now you have real perforators.
  • ....


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Jun 12, 2015
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You missed something, now you have real difficulty in Sirius, not that joke of before :LOL:


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Sep 26, 2011
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Fra_592 said:
agree with that. harder and nothing in exchange.
Nothing in exchange?
  • Now you have real PvP.
  • Now you have real turrets.
  • Now you have real mines.
  • Now you have landing protection.
  • Now you have real stuns.
  • Now you have cryo reward on colossus.
  • Now you have fully fonctionnal drones and gravitons.
  • Now you can use your items during CQ, they'll work correctly.
  • Now you have real perforators.
  • ....
compare with what I can do to mantis now, that is nothing. from my point of view I lose much more than what I win. Sorry but is my opinion, and seem much other pilots agree. Time will tell if this was good or not, just wait 3 o 4 weeks and we will see if I am wrong or not.


Mar 16, 2017
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Good luck getting any Giza tech from now on. Khon Milking is now impossible as mines explode as soon as you get in range. It's either Silos or good 'ol fashioned killing. I hope devs could make intel gathering in R5 much faster in Sirius update, or else R5 operations will be at a near-standstill.


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Apr 20, 2011
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The Dark Power
C_D said:
Good luck getting any Giza tech from now on. Khon Milking is now impossible as mines explode as soon as you get in range. It's either Silos or good 'ol fashioned killing. I hope devs could make intel gathering in R5 much faster in Sirius update, or else R5 operations will be at a near-standstill.
Mines are not made for filling gizas. They are made for making damage.
Also Sirius is made for fleets, not for Clans with less than 4 active members. If this is a Problem, Clans should stick together again instead of splitting up for doing their own thing in Sirius.

And keep in mind there was a public test where you were already able to see some changes. Feedback during this Tests are always helpful.


Jan 31, 2013
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I`m very glad the devs finally showd that they can make changes to the game, glad that something at all is happening in the game. Havent had so much fun reading in chat for a long time:D

as i`ve pointet out in several older posts is that majority of pilots is PVE-players and enjoy pvp once in a while. And due to that i and most likely several other pilots would be saddend if PVE wasn`t balanced propperly according to new referance system.

i`ll probably get shot for saying that i liked the idea and how sirius works, but to be able to go from draconis and directly to Tauceti needs to work. those who has gotten the sirius prints will have somewhat easier time in the beginning, but draco tech needs to be enough to grind new system bp`s in Tau.
The change regarding shield is good, would prefer it to last a coupple of more seconds, but still miles better then it was. i still find (sorry to say it) the protector and shield of mantis to be too weak, now it is just an annoyance and at the same time makes the perforator a gimmik, perhapps take som hp from those mantis and move it to their shields?
i allso like the new hud-display, just make the pilot ships somewhat thougher again or mantis weaker.

the mines from khons is interresting, but the detonation and blast radius needs a change, they blow up from far away and the radius is the same as the blaster range.

i didn`t think that the aimscrambeler was overpowered at all pre-patch. now it is allmost useless. even on moon the aimscrambeler doesn`t work. and the stun from the mantis?

i dont mind tuning or changes, but there needs to be a balance between the mantis and the pilot-equipment.
and pvp? why should some one that is barely dry behind his/her ears fight on equal therms as someone that has spent years in the game, gotten all the best bp`s and ship?

i think that is wrong, why spend even a minute trying to make the ships so close to eachother (in pvp) that the skill is the benefitting factor? so what if every one buy a stunner to do pvp, what is the problem? the different type of ships will have different aspect for different use. there was never any need for change regarding this.

Still, i`m happy the devs show som interrest for the game and continue to scale the game and add new content.
hope TauCeti is just around the corner (im hoping next week! but santa isn`t back just jet i guess^^).

i could write a novel but i`ve allready bored you guys enough:)


May 24, 2010
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Gladiator said:
C_D said:
Good luck getting any Giza tech from now on. Khon Milking is now impossible as mines explode as soon as you get in range. It's either Silos or good 'ol fashioned killing. I hope devs could make intel gathering in R5 much faster in Sirius update, or else R5 operations will be at a near-standstill.
Mines are not made for filling gizas. They are made for making damage.
Also Sirius is made for fleets, not for Clans with less than 4 active members. If this is a Problem, Clans should stick together again instead of splitting up for doing their own thing in Sirius.

And keep in mind there was a public test where you were already able to see some changes. Feedback during this Tests are always helpful.
Believe it or not... but MINES still drop Intel! Oh no! The dev's made a mistake! They're not supposed to drop intel.

Or.. maybe they *can* and now they've just made it really hard. Because that's what they're doing. Slowing us down, forcing more and more "teamwork" but I just call it stopping progress.

On a side note I definitely noticed a lot of disappointment in public chat and quite a few people logging off early yesterday. This is the sort of update that will stop me from renewing the boosters I pay for.


Well-known member
Apr 28, 2016
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So far only 2 things are harder than before:
  • Soloing giza, which was never intended to be soloed. Harder but still possible with myst or granit.
  • Killing mines. Now you cannot sleep and let the mines on the ground. You need either to be far from them or to blast them quickly. To me that won't change anything, since i already blasted most of the mines as soon as they spawned before the update.
So only 2 things are a little bit harder to do solo in the fleet instance now and you will leave the game? Men, if you have not been assisted through the whole game, or if you've played long enough, you should remember a time at the very beginning of sirius during which half the players were complaining that it was impossible to kill R71 mantis with 10 players with boosters and top tech. Meanwhile, the other half was soloing them without even noticing any difficulty.
You should also remember the time at the beginning of Draconis, or at the beginning of Earth missions where most of us needed at least 2-3 players to do any mission, and in the case of draconis, a full squad not doing the mission to clear the path and escort us. Those same missions are now nearly all soloable. You should also remember that at that time there weren't ancient items, and there weren't gravitons nor getting energy from blueprints.
At that time this game was fun because it was challenging.
And guess what?
Every R85 player is supposed to have been through thoses hard missions to reach sirius, which is damn easy. Sirius is the only system in which you can go solo on top planet and drag a dozen mobs around without podding for 20 minutes. Sirius is the only system in which death squads are just "farm squads" because they do not have stuns neither resurrector. Sirius is so dead easy that it was boring. And in my opinion, even if it now is a little bit harder, it still is dead easy and very far from the "challenging fleet experience" we were promised when it has been launched.


Dec 5, 2014
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flyfighter said:
Long scram is basically useless
Agree, it's useless even on 1st ring. There is about 44% (46/104) of shots by medium units are missed and only 20% (23/110) by bosses. It's aweful.

Gladiator said:
Also Sirius is made for fleets, not for Clans with less than 4 active members. If this is a Problem, Clans should stick together again instead of splitting up for doing their own thing in Sirius.
Theoretically yes, but reality is that sometimes it is very difficult to assemble an active clan. Players are leaving game before they rise to Sirius or 85 lvl. Some players active only 3-4 months because of work. Some players are leaving because of conflicts/bans. For 3 years I've invited/helped to rise about 35 players and all of them are left the game without any reason, clan is still half-dead. Travel in Sirius was not easy before updates, but now it seems it going to be impossible for 2-3 ppl.
Of course you would tell me that I should to join to any big active clan, but I feeling a some discomfort when I see a lot of chats which I can't understand fully but needs to answer on them fast. I have real headache because of this. Also there's some chance of racist attitudes because of my nation. I know what I'm talking about, since 2nd day of playing in 2013 ("thank" you, Askone).
So some of active players can totally lose from those changes.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2011
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This is a game, It need to be fun, not a hard boring work, for some guys challenging is equal to grind infinite hours. for some guys challenging = a pass 2 o 3 days filling 10 boring giza event for got bps for 5 member squad. If that is challenging for you this is your ideal game. The problem is the mayority of player don't find this challenging. Time will tell.


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Apr 28, 2016
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Well, spawning a giza was farming 20 minutes without difficulty. That was as challenging and boring as recopying a given text or copy/pasting texts during 20 minutes.
What I find challenging is when I cannot simply repeat indefinitely the same thing without even looking at my screen. Which is what I used to do, and still do, when spawning a giza. What I find challenging is fighting a boss I do not know yet or doing some hard mission.
Seems like all of you noticed that now we can nearly feel mantis stuns in sirius and that long scrambler doesn't give you immunity when having 10 khons behind you.
In case you didn't notice, strong shield has now 30 seconds cooldown. That is faster and stronger than what the strong protector was before the update.
I dare you to find any other system in which mantis stuns were ineffective and in which you could drag 10 mobs without getting hit in long scrambler, on the highest planet of the system of course.


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Jun 12, 2015
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They are complaining a lot that now Sirius is impossible because there are almost no players to fight this challenge, but, do not remember the principles of Sirius in which there were also people who left the game ?, new people will enter, yes It is necessary, I wait for those people to arrive at Draconis to form a fleet of TRUTH and then to play and have fun in Sirius, not loading a Giza every 20 minutes doing the same action, order Khons, at least now, while you call the Giza, you make crionita in the process

And if you like games that are easy to get things, there are many games, for example in FaceBook, where you can find everything you are looking for, easiness, or better yet, pay to win :D


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Seems like all of you noticed that now we can nearly feel mantis stuns in sirius and that long scrambler doesn't give you immunity when having 10 khons behind you.
If you ask me stuns should go back to the way they were and in addition sirius mantis should stun sirius ships fully. So stuns should make u be stuck in place like it was before, not this small reduction. I dont know how it is right now, but if deathsquads do not stun me enough then i can just AB away and still be alive. Getting attacked by a death sq should be deadly and not easy to fly away from. If you want ppl to fly an engi the gameplay has to change and be more challenging.

Sirius is way to easy atm but also way to boring. Its not a challenge to shoot anything anymore, it just takes time. Sirius mantis should have less hp but deal more damage and make the overall sirius experience harder. And with the new update is just became more boring. It will take tonns of time to spawn giza's now. Maybe change the intel a bit. Something like kill 5 bosses to unlock the giza. No need to dragg khons then and no1 will ever complain about that anymore.

Quick and fast killing - better bp drops - quick giza spawning - Killing mantis should be a challenge - Gizas should do stuns and 5 man oses again or something. Its just a grind to take that thing down. 1 rep field turret and u got all damage covered.

We need content first then updates like this second!

Small changes can be a huge difference.

Ur making it to hard for urself with these complex changes.

Simple things like changing the paste in wich arkon can be done would be huge. Adding a cryonite reward instead of cortex or just copy that rdx special event arkon like minigame to a planete from sol and make a cry reward there.

Remove the cry loss on CQ and loads of ppl will do CQ again. Remove cryloss on Colussus. Keep cry loss on all other places. But just give us a place where we can have fun without having to bother about that. Make CQ rewards more attractive. U got plenty of tools that you can re-use to make this game atleast fun to play in the upcomming months. Then while we are playing pg with the new updates you can work on stuff like this and we wont whine for updates all day.

Maybe do a poll on what the community wants first. PVP update? or TC? or other means to grind? or Sirius adjustment?

And maybe make a storage for items that you purchase. I have to refit loads of my ships cos of the recent changes to the items. Some items are just not viable anymore, atleast do not fit my playstyle like they did before.

Whine whine whine whine whine etc...

you know the drill


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
Finaly engi start comming back and sirius like in definition "clan system" start work well.
Finaly stop ppl doing alone all and start fly on sq like in old times,what gives more fun,more pleasure.


May 7, 2010
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hektor.barbossa said:
Finaly engi start comming back and sirius like in definition "clan system" start work well.
Finaly stop ppl doing alone all and start fly on sq like in old times,what gives more fun,more pleasure.
Especially when there aren't many players here and sometimes getting 5ppl squad is a miracle. Clan system never works in games without many players and smaller clans or not that strong ones will just give up with it. r1-r3 items are garbage, without help of sirius ancient players r1-r3 players will just give up.
It's totally fun being podded because one player dragged a mantis like in old times, sure. I get that some people think that grinding is fun, but I don't get how making game more tedious, annoying and more depending on others is called "fun". There's no pleasure to drop a BP for 1-2 squads(if you even gather that much people) from bosses with these crappy drop rates and blueprint part system. There's no pleasure in waiting for hours or even days because there aren't enough players in clan. There's no pleasure in shooting 1 dumb mob who knows how much time in ENTIRE squad like before because without squad it's impossible like before. Being completely dependent on others to make ANY progress is a crap, it's not fun, it creates only problems. And then boss BP drops and who knows how many people beg at once for million parts of it. Solo should always a thing like in vega-drac. Old sirius was garbage, it was only made to slow player's progress as much as possible. It wasn't fun, there was no pleasure, it was tedious, it was a chore. Now it was acceptable, finally Sirius was enjoyable and with right equipment soloable so you didn't have to scream to your friends "please, I know you are tired after 12h work but come here for even more tedious work that won't get you any reward for it". Unfortunately some players like you prefer to get everything nerfed. Why won't you just buy a r70 ship and install clay items if you want game to be more tedious? Why do you want to force others to "enjoy" your tediousness?
And no, I'm not fully sirius ancient player. I'm r1-r3 player who had many breaks in the game because sirius was too boring. I came back to the game because it was finally better and bam, crap again. It's not fun getting 31% hp back in one rep, getting shield down to 20% by one hit from r4 mob and having r2 aim scrambler COMPLETELY useless on r4 mobs because some people wanted game to be more tedious. With this update game can be completely dead in max one year.


New member
Jan 21, 2017
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The update was supposed to be a PVP overhaul I suppose. What I don't understand is that instead of boosting PVP, they just nerfed PVE massively. PVP still doesn't give you more rewards as far as I've seen (feel free to correct me here, because I'm not a PVP player so I don't know for sure), the only thing that's changed is that certain ships are now crappy. PVP used to be a game of which ship class beats which ship class, but as far as I've tested it the only good PVP ship now is storm, because the shock (which used to counter storm) is now useless. In PVE, especially in sirius, it is just more difficult now. And I can respect a new degree of difficulty in sirius, but then the units there should have a LOT less hp. With the hp of siri units as it is now even shooting weak units is a grind, and for a grind to be somewhat doable it needs to be relatively safe to do. So either give a big nerf to siri units' hp, or give us our proper ships/items back. The thing I always thought PG did really well was that every ship did what it was supposed to do, every ship was good at something, every ship had a purpose. Now you've made certain ships completely and utterly useless in every situation, and that can only be seen as a downgrade.
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