DantePlays said:
Heavy artillery said:
Nope not happening either, you and others have asked similar questions like this before and it never happened, like 2 years ago i thought tc was going to be released in 2017 which was not okay thinking of me since now we are at the end of 2018 which is just crazy as not even half of tc has been released, the developers have messed up since now they have become a small team and working on 3 games is just too heavy for them to bare, admit it. Sucks even more since it doesn't look like they want to cooperate with the community like you who try to actually make the game more enjoyable. They want to make everything go their way which will make the game far from fun.
I feel sorry for anyone in the community who are still trying to constructively criticize splitscreen and have to wait for nearly 3 months to get an answer from them each time. It's not worth it. It takes a lot for one to still have hope for a game in this state. Main thing is a lot of people (like me) have pretty much left and now there is little to no hope left. I can't even be bothered to further criticize as i have for the last few years, it's not worth it.
You can edit or hide this message if you want but whether you like it or not someone else will just bring out a message like this and hiding it could show that you don't want to admit that you did wrong in this game.
I hate how this is so true.
I wish they'd spend a bit more time on PG. At least consider our feedbacks and let us know why you think it won't work Mr. Devs. We'd really appreciate it rather than being ignored, at least then we'll know that you're listening
Yeah, but you see.. the issue here is that the dev team is too small to maintain 3 games at a good time rate, if you check the linkedIn page, they are only 4 people right now, although i don't really know how or whats is the real status of the company rn.
When a game gets to this point, the deed of improving the game falls over us, the community, they are trying to do their best too, not only because the community, but also because this is a business if you know what i mean.
As a comparison, i've been a dev and admin for another community in another game, and it's very difficult to make everyone happy, the only thing you can expect is to give a balanced update, so the game doesn't break and the community is also happy, but its very very hard due to time, money and effort investment, your resources are limited and you have to make 100% sure that the decision that you are taking is the right one, because you might not even have enough resources to undo what you've done. We did the same thing, we asked for feedback, and we did what we could with what we got.
And that's why there are still constructive comments around here, that's why the game is still active, even today.
This game is truly amazing, not only because the lore, the game mechanics, the missions and the artwork that was dedicated to it, but also because it attract such people that you can bond so deep with, that no other game has. And i'm still not sure how did the original marketing team to get such outstanding demographic results.
It's true that this game isn't at its best, but that doesn't mean that it can't get back to what it was.
I want also to remember to the devs that THIS EXISTS: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=35127 , I strongly suggest you to take your time, and read those 4 topics in deep detail please.. if im not wrong, some time ago, when the whole "Dev vs User" thing was on, SHADES translated those and sent them to the Dev Team.
That's basically an alternative suggestion made of 4 parts, of everything.. tech, lore, planets, story, secrets, that could be used for the game, the story, the tech, and everything was made with the scope of making sense out of Sirius, the Ancients, and some Lore gaps that appeared after the Sol System missions, and to give an escape-route to Sirius and the Devs for Tau-Ceti (Since Tau-ceti and the whole decrypt system just made the game dinamic to turn into a giant bottleneck, making the Ancient tech almost obsolete and deprecated).
Also, don't be shy to undo something done, no matter how big is it. For some players, Tau-Ceti, at its current status, looks like bottleneck for the whole game system.
One more thing, I would STRONGLY recommend to implement a poll system ingame, more over than 80% of the pilots doesn't even use the forum, so, a global poll system, (that can be used to do stuff such as, deciding which update would be the best before applying or developing), would help A LOT.
Best regards. The Ghostly Falconer.