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#7 Tau Ceti Part 2

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Don't get me wrong, i'm just saying that this game has such a big potential... and lately its just being messed up because rushed updates.


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gonzaabel said:
Highway said:
Thanks for all the kind words and feedback. Keep it up :) Next week I think i find time to answer some questions again and give some little sneak peak into the upcoming updates. Have an nice weekend and fly save.
Ok, good :)
I will try to resume here all of the discussed before about the restriction of TC items in Sirius.
To start, I think the time gives me the reason. In the last time with my "refresh" of this topic, we can see more players showing dislike to this restriction because the insane of the situation. Each player who want to build these biggest ships knowed like "Parsecs and Ravens Prototypes" has to spend more than five millions of cryonite but if they spend now more cryo (for TC items, and later for new armor) they pass to be unable to use that ships in Sirius.
With the idea of Fra_592, I think we have finded the best fix to that issue. Because if that idea being real, the restriction is removed but the Giza, Amarna and Soris can only be attacked by pilots with the mission accepted and with Draconis / Sirius tech only. :)
And with that, the players who have spended millions and millions in their ships (without count how many time is required to search and complete each BP for that's ships) will land in Sirius.

After the discuss about this theme, here the questions to you:
1.- The restriction would be removed?
2.- the idea of Fra_592 would be implemented?
3.- We can expect that idea being implemented on January 2019?

I need to know the answer to decide if is convenient to return to play... (I not play actively because I hate see the TC tech being restricted to land in Sirius with the effort needed to get it in cryonite, Sirius BPs to decrypt it and TIME to do it and MONEY for memberships) :sneaky:


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sabau100 said:
Yeah, but you see.. the issue here is that the dev team is too small to maintain 3 games at a good time rate, if you check the linkedIn page, they are only 4 people right now, although i don't really know how or whats is the real status of the company rn.

When a game gets to this point, the deed of improving the game falls over us, the community, they are trying to do their best too, not only because the community, but also because this is a business if you know what i mean.

As a comparison, i've been a dev and admin for another community in another game, and it's very difficult to make everyone happy, the only thing you can expect is to give a balanced update, so the game doesn't break and the community is also happy, but its very very hard due to time, money and effort investment, your resources are limited and you have to make 100% sure that the decision that you are taking is the right one, because you might not even have enough resources to undo what you've done. We did the same thing, we asked for feedback, and we did what we could with what we got.

And that's why there are still constructive comments around here, that's why the game is still active, even today.

This game is truly amazing, not only because the lore, the game mechanics, the missions and the artwork that was dedicated to it, but also because it attract such people that you can bond so deep with, that no other game has. And i'm still not sure how did the original marketing team to get such outstanding demographic results.

It's true that this game isn't at its best, but that doesn't mean that it can't get back to what it was.
I want also to remember to the devs that THIS EXISTS: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=35127 , I strongly suggest you to take your time, and read those 4 topics in deep detail please.. if im not wrong, some time ago, when the whole "Dev vs User" thing was on, SHADES translated those and sent them to the Dev Team.

That's basically an alternative suggestion made of 4 parts, of everything.. tech, lore, planets, story, secrets, that could be used for the game, the story, the tech, and everything was made with the scope of making sense out of Sirius, the Ancients, and some Lore gaps that appeared after the Sol System missions, and to give an escape-route to Sirius and the Devs for Tau-Ceti (Since Tau-ceti and the whole decrypt system just made the game dinamic to turn into a giant bottleneck, making the Ancient tech almost obsolete and deprecated).

Also, don't be shy to undo something done, no matter how big is it. For some players, Tau-Ceti, at its current status, looks like bottleneck for the whole game system.

One more thing, I would STRONGLY recommend to implement a poll system ingame, more over than 80% of the pilots doesn't even use the forum, so, a global poll system, (that can be used to do stuff such as, deciding which update would be the best before applying or developing), would help A LOT.

Best regards. The Ghostly Falconer.
Would hate to disagree. Every sentence makes sense and is 100% true imo.

Esp this one.
This game is truly amazing, not only because the lore, the game mechanics, the missions and the artwork that was dedicated to it, but also because it attract such people that you can bond so deep with, that no other game has. And i'm still not sure how did the original marketing team to get such outstanding demographic results.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Hey fellow space pirates,

sorry for the communication gap. We have just moved into a new cosy office and it took us some time to relocate. Let me give you some answers and updates from the development front. :)

New Items for Tau Ceti 2

Many guesses on the new items where on the right track only knowing how the icons looked like. Let me give you the current description straight out of the design doc.

Magnet Array (Left Icon)
Spawns a Magnet beacon on the target location which % significantly slows down only all movements for ships that are in range of the beacon. Beacon can be destroyed resulting that the ships once locked are free to move again.

Target Teleportation (Middle Icon)
Instant teleports to the location of the currently selected target.

Formation Shield (Right Icon)
Casts a special shield around the caster that chains max X friendly units that are X meters apart together originating from the caster. Units that are in the chain (caster not included) will get their received damage reduced by x % . The damage that was reduced will heal up the caster's shield. A once chained friendly unit will stay marked for each skill trigger, so that only the once chained units can be used for that skill trigger. Squad member are pre-selected so that they are chosen before other friendly units are selected.

Q & A

DessusP said:
1. Could you tell us a date for the sirius bp update?
2. Also, could we expect a RDX event soon?
1. I guess many have already noticed that with the update from 2 days ago (18 December) we already deployed the "Sirius blueprint rotation Improvement" that was planned for the Tau Ceti 2 part.

With this changes all blueprints will drop more diverse and and queued more properly so that it do not take ages for a blueprint to apear. To evaluate and test this, it turned out that it was quite tricky and required a tool too simulate the probability with the real codebase & data of the game. Our talented dev build a nice tool with visualization to be able to compare the previous blueprint distribution to the new blueprint rotation system.

Example with the new rotation system simulated

The results have confirmed the feedback we got from the community that some Blueprints are not dropped within a year. We thought that with the blueprint redistribution in the Tau Ceti 1 update have resolved most of this. But we missed out the part that the remaining blueprints where still picked randomly and where not queued into a proper order of appearance. With this change it should be way better to acquire the required tech to progress properly.

2. We often hear that a Raven RDX event is wanted by the community. Not only for the Ships but also for the ifrit cortex parts. Therefore we have planned a Raven event for February together with a new Raven ship that can be unlocked. This ship will feature skills that where introduced on Tau Ceti 1.


Zoowaerter said:
you guys mentioned month ago that we'd get options to farm way more cryonite in the upcoming tc updates (as far as i remember in order to make skipping missions in ring 1-4 a way more viable option than before). but till now we didn't really see much of it to be honest... no new options -> still as time consuming...
The more parts of Tau Ceti are released the more cryonite should be acquirable since we introduce higher level units with each update. Where is currently the best spot for cryonite per hour? Is it still in Sirius or in Venar?

sabau100 said:

1) A new cortex, ...
This would be a nice addon to the new TC system.

2) Let the Scientists from Carl Sagan tell you the Stats from your items / ships, a lot of players would LOVE this,....

1. It is planned to introduce a new cortex and challenge planet for Part 4

2. We also thought about showing some of the values the items have, especially because our community likes all those values. We kept them disclosed since it can make a game overwhelming with all that numbers if you are a new players. Lets see we might show some stats in future updates :)

gonzaabel said:
You can remove the TC restriction in Sirius and add special mission in orbit of R5 to kill Giza, Amarna and Soris only with sirius tech?
We know that this restriction was something players might dislike. But was set in place for a reason. Sirius is not a traditional system and instead a system that is played side by side to tau ceti, interleaved with the blueprint dependency. But think I can see what negative aspects that restriction also have. Mainly that you can not use your new tech to faster grind crynite in lower systems and that you need at least two setups to progress in TC.

The team will evaluate this restriction and together with your feedback and ideas to see what and when we can adjust this aspect. But this will not happen in 2018, since most of the team are on xmas holidays soon.

sabau100 said:
This game is truly amazing, not only because the lore, the game mechanics, the missions and the artwork that was dedicated to it, but also because it attract such people that you can bond so deep with, that no other game has. And i'm still not sure how did the original marketing team to get such outstanding demographic results.
Totally. The Pirate Galaxy Community, together with the GMs, Testers are really awesome! Without it Pirate Galaxy would not be where it is today. You can have great discussions and constructive feedback, many creative and complex ideas :x and so on.

So I hope you all will have a nice christmas time with your familiy and friends. Have a good entry into 2019. ^^

Btw: I already have some nice stuff to show but sadly that is for part 3 & 4 :devilish:


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See? THIS is what a x-mas gift looks like.


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Thanks for all writed and the images! try to do it more often if you can. But thanks for the answers. :mrorange:

Highway said:
gonzaabel said:
You can remove the TC restriction in Sirius and add special mission in orbit of R5 to kill Giza, Amarna and Soris only with sirius tech?
We know that this restriction was something players might dislike. But was set in place for a reason. Sirius is not a traditional system and instead a system that is played side by side to tau ceti, interleaved with the blueprint dependency. But think I can see what negative aspects that restriction also have. Mainly that you can not use your new tech to faster grind crynite in lower systems and that you need at least two setups to progress in TC.

The team will evaluate this restriction and together with your feedback and ideas to see what and when we can adjust this aspect. But this will not happen in 2018, since most of the team are on xmas holidays soon.
I think the best way to solve it is aplying the idea of Fra_592 like I say before.

Have a nice holidays too :)


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I.. i wonder how big is that new raven ship xD, thats a big hype hehe.

also, the teleportation skills has a range limit?

Also again, hehe, answering that question you did before... at least from my perspective, it's easier to make more crio on sirius than on Vénar, i often do 100k daily (from 5 to 8 hours per day, with full squad of punishers / medics).


Nov 29, 2010
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Bravo, me quito el sombrero, que te costo darnos esta información de apoco, en semanas anteriores, un pedazo cada semana, así estuviéramos tranquilos que por lo menos nos están prestando atención.

Respondiendo a la parte que dice que ponen la restricción, porque Sirius no es sistema entonces si tau sigue la lógica de draconis, deberíamos poder matar algo con una nave draco, me parece así?

Highway Edit: Removed Quote. Please don't just quote a whole post, thx.


Dec 28, 2012
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Reading you, Highway, I see things that encourage me, I see a little bit of hope, I hope that they are not just empty words.
The future of the Pirate Galaxy goes through that:
1- That the game is a free game without restrictions (eliminate all restrictions)
2- When you enter the game a window opens and asks you which server you want to play now (if I want to play now in Gaia or another server, that is possible). Just imagine that a server can be invaded by Another server is a pass, how many new rivalries ?, how many new wars ?, ¿fight all with all? It is an amazing thing. DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU DO NOT WANT THAT?
3- You should think of other combinations of components, much more offensive, not just defensive (that's what attracts people)
4- You should lower the prices a bit, this way people will spend more, more riders will appear who can buy gold
5- Your motto should be: The one who pays must be stronger, but everything in comparison with the one that does not pay. it is the law of life. We are not all equal. That everyone should be equal is a matter of communism. Those who have not bought gold until now, never will, but instead those who have bought gold until now will stop playing. Why? Once you've played a better Pirate Galaxy you will not pay for a Pirate Galaxy worse (example: improvements of all the type in pirate mode). And if someone wants to be as strong as a driver who has bought improvements, I bought it also, the improvements are not forbidden for some pilots and not for others. The pilots who pay must feel powerful, they should feel good because that's why they PAY, they do not play free programmers (everest).

Leyéndote, Highway, veo cosas que me anima, veo un poquito de esperanza, espero que no sean solo palabras vacías.
El futuro del Pirate Galaxy pasa por eso:
1- Que el juego sea un juego libre sin restricciones(eliminar todas las restricciones )
2- Cuando entras en el juego que se te abra una ventana y que te pregunte en que servidor quieres jugar ahora (si yo quiero jugar ahora en Gaia u otro servidor, que sea posible).Solo con imaginarme que un servidor puede ser invadido por otro servidores es una pasada, ¿Cuántas rivalidades nuevas?, ¿Cuántas nuevas guerras?, ¿Luchar todos con todos? Es una cosa increíble. ¿NO ENTIENDO POR QUE VOSOTROS NO QUIEREIS ESO?
3- Deberéis pensar en otras combinaciones de componentes, mucho más ofensivas ,no solos defensivas (eso es lo que atrae a la gente)
4- Deberéis bajar un poco los precios, de esta forma la gente van a gastar mas, van a aparecer mas pilotos que puedan comprar oro
5- Vuestra Lema debe ser: El que paga debe ser más fuerte, mas todo en comparación con el que no paga. Es la ley de la vida. No todos somos iguales. Eso de que todos deben ser iguales es cosa del comunismo .Los que no han comprado oro hasta ahora, nunca jamás lo van a hacer, pero en cambio los que han comprado oro hasta ahora van a dejar de jugar ¿Por qué?, porque una vez que has jugado un Pirate Galaxy mejor ya no vas a pagar por un Pirate Galaxy peor!(ejemplo: mejoras de todo el tipo en modo pirata).Y si alguien quiere ser igual de fuerte que un piloto que se ha comprado mejoras , que se lo compre el también, las mejoras no son prohibidas para unos pilotos y para otros no . Los pilotos que pagan deben sentirse poderosos, deben sentirse bien, por que por eso PAGAN , no juegan gratis señores programadores (everest).


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Dec 4, 2015
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Kann man dem Magnet Beacon ein Schild oder Schutz geben?

MFG GreenSpider


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Feb 4, 2016
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You could also give that "Magnet Array (Left Icon) " to the shock class instead of granting it to a new ship. I think this would suite a terrorizor nicely. Cos aggrobeacon is kinda useless in its current state, this could be a usefull change of it.


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Being honest with You, Highway, the best grinding spot is still r3 with Disruptor. :) With that global booster and at least 75% membership you can easily get 150k/hr. Buying cryonite booster will increase it even further. On venar there's no way to drop that much cryonite :)

Greetings, RavenPL


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I really hope this company becomes successful and that you hire more potentials so that your workload isn't as heavy as it is now. I really appreciate all of what you've done and do. Thank you, devs! Thought I'd take some time to appreciate


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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sabau100 said:
also, the teleportation skills has a range limit?
Sure it will have a range limit but pretty far I suppose :)

Green said:
Kann man dem Magnet Beacon ein Schild oder Schutz geben?
Jup giving the beacon an additional shield might be possible but only if it will not make the magnet beacon imbalanced by allowing that.

Poland said:
Being honest with You, Highway, the best grinding spot is still r3 with Disruptor. :)..... On venar there's no way to drop that much cryonite :)
So it is always better to go grinding in lower systems regardless of the drop penalty? I see, so if we lift the restrictions in sirus for tau ceti equipment the grind spot will more further up, probably to ring 5 to gather more cryonite.

DantePlays said:
I really hope this company becomes successful and that you hire more potentials so that your workload isn't as heavy as it is now. I really appreciate all of what you've done and do. Thank you, devs! Thought I'd take some time to appreciate
These kind words really means a lot for me and the team! Especially that our work is appreciated by our great community. Our focus is to make the game better, driven by our passion, that once was lost during very stressful time.



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Highway said:
So it is always better to go grinding in lower systems regardless of the drop penalty? I see, so if we lift the restrictions in sirus for tau ceti equipment the grind spot will more further up, probably to ring 5 to gather more cryonite.
If the drop penalty is 5 ~ 15% is a thing. But if it is major, is worst to grind.
And I am not sure about the ring 5 being better to do cryo, because at now, the highest tech of Venar has the same strong as the Sirius Ancient Strong BPs but with the normal times of cooldown and active of the skill. (I suppose that is correct).
But the TC tech in Sirius can make it less tedious. If something is tedious, it is boring so much with the passage of time (for the majority of players, Sirius doesn't have something new). The new thing for us is Venar, but when we acquired the new tech, we need to use it in lower systems (Sirius too and the best site because it was our most difficult system in the past and it will have the planets with less drop penalty).

Highway said:
These kind words really means a lot for me and the team! Especially that our work is appreciated by our great community. Our focus is to make the game better, driven by our passion, that once was lost during very stressful time.

In my case, I decided to return to play. Buying 500.000 of gold to get full memberships. Depositing hopes on you and your team for make this game better and funny without restrictions. :)


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Sep 1, 2016
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Green said:
So it is always better to go grinding in lower systems regardless of the drop penalty? I see, so if we lift the restrictions in sirus for tau ceti equipment the grind spot will more further up, probably to ring 5 to gather more cryonite.

the best idea to remove a restriction in sirius from the technology of tau ceti :D :) :)


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anthony.navas said:
the best idea to remove a restriction in sirius from the technology of tau ceti :D :) :)
Good decision, at least that will increase the level of hope left in the game


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Mar 20, 2012
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Hey Highway,

I want to know if it's possible to see my ideas that I wrote, when you were asking for feedback to develope TC and the game in general. It was send to my email account on 26.07.2016. I would love to reread this, but I have of course no more access to it^^


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Dante Knelly
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IDEA: How does everyone like the idea of auto-looting cryonites instead of actually having to pick them. As in, your reward upon killing a Mantis fades in and out next to your ship like those RPG games out there, I think it'd enhance the gameplay further. Since pilots aren't really bothered to pick cryo on the lower systems bcus they're too low and not worth the time spent for picking.

Also, on a side note. Due to PG's player base being so low at these hours(day-time for me) It is almost impossible to grind a BP, and the fact that the drop rates are low makes it even tougher.

I'm not trying to put pressure on our devs, I'm suggesting ideas to attract players and make it playable during most of my day time. There really aren't many people online at this hour

Player satisfaction is crucial, let's make things more fun, please.


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DantePlays said:
Also, on a side note. Due to PG's player base being so low at these hours(day-time for me) It is almost impossible to grind a BP, and the fact that the drop rates are low makes it even tougher.
I'm talking about GTs in R5s here, also consider the fact that DS heads aren't solo-able anymore too.

I hope you devs take this into your core consideration as I think the previous suggestions would make an impact on the game. I have many more ideas up my sleeves if these are considered. Please :idea:
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