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#7 Tau Ceti Part 2

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Jun 10, 2018
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BrYaN said:
Heavy artillery said:
If tau ceti part two you get to do missions in lower system planets, if you get to play in sol, wouldn't it be cool if you get to land in the upper atmosphere of the gas planets (Jupiter Uranus and Neptune) as they are just there now because they are pointless. Wouldn't it be cool if you can go there if you are a tau ceti ship with raiders in the planet. Since in tau ceti you can use the environment to your advantage I was thinking you can do the same in planets like Jupiter (as it's very stormy)
There can be a large storm cloud building up and you can drag multiple enemies to the cloud and once the cloud blows up it gives out a lightning chain to the enemies (it can happen to you though if you are not careful)
There can also be a warning if your out of the "safe zone" for a long time your ship can overheat causing a thermoblast. in all gas planets I think there should be a safe zone in the e-field areas.
Neptune & Uranus:
There can be an freezing ice storm building up in a small area and you can drag enemies up there to get them "stunned" (But it can happen to you if you are not careful)
Both Gas planets:
There can be a "corruption zone" which is large storm clouds around the area that can reduce your damage and the enemy's damage.
It would be very interesting if in tau ceti you get to go to lower systems and have the chance to go to planets like Jupiter or other gas planets. If you can it would be cool if the maps would be bigger.
jajajajaja tu imaginacion pero mas bien parece que quieres hacer una mescla del pubg mobile con el pirate ...

es mi idea o en este "Dev Shack #7 " parece que los que comentan son los mismos creadores del juego que todo opinan: bien bien bien de acuerdo excelente y muchas cosas mas , o es que estos jugadores aun ni llegan a tau ceti para ver la gran sorpresa de 6 años de espera.
porque en el anterior habían muchas criticas y en este ya no porque sera?
o es que la verdaderos jugadores ya se cansaron o le sancionaron para que ya no opinen.

El lanzamiento de la Parte 2 está planificado para principios de 2019. Mientras tanto estamos trabajando en una actualización de Dino Storm ya que la comunidad también espera obtener una actualización. Pero esto no retrasará a Tau Ceti ya que ya está planificado en la ventana de lanzamiento dada.
porque esta parte deja mucho que hablar porque ya nos dijeron que dino ya no lo tocarían hasta terminar con el pirate porque en los 6 años de espera era porque se habían encargado solo del dino y ahora vuelve a tocar el dino dejándonos de una lado pff
sino te gusta ya el juego nadie te esta obligado a jugarlo los que nos gusta el juego nos esperamos para difrutarlo


Nov 29, 2010
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sino te gusta ya el juego nadie te esta obligado a jugarlo los que nos gusta el juego nos esperamos para difrutarlo
jajajajaja se nota que no entiendes a que me refiero y veo que te la arranchaste el comentario porque sera?

nadie dice que no le gusta el juego solo estamos pidiendo mas actualizaciones de tau ceti seguidas, no que nos dejen otro 6 años abandonados con excusas que el dino dino dino dino...


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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We just want to give you a tiny update on the new items that will be unlocked in Tau Ceti Part 2.

One of each of these skills will be on the new ships introduced in the next Part.
Lets see if you can guess these items this time ^^
Tipp: All shown items are defensive skills

BTW: Thanks for the conquest planet designs so far. Keep it coming :)


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Jul 26, 2018
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Highway said:
We just want to give you a tiny update on the new items that will be unlocked in Tau Ceti Part 2.

One of each of these skills will be on the new ships introduced in the next Part.
Lets see if you can guess these items this time ^^
Tipp: All shown items are defensive skills

BTW: Thanks for the conquest planet designs so far. Keep it coming :)
Thanks for the update, gonna post my guess later.

Could you tell us a date for the sirius bp update? Also, could we expect a RDX event soon?


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Mar 22, 2016
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Thanks sir highway ,

You are the best with others devs and gms ^^


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May 6, 2016
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Thank you for the updating us with new item pictures for part 2

Can't wait for this update hopefully sooner rather than later :)


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
First one i can just tell it's some sort of a turret however, i have no idea what these items are. :idea:


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Heres some:
Left- a turret that causes a shock zone??? Shock turret
Middle- a deflector? A force field that deflects any outgoing damage to the enemies.
Right- shield leecher which can take health from near enemies to increase your shield??? Shield chain where you can lend nearby allies a shield.


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Aug 24, 2018
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Podemos esperar armaduras de Tau Ceti para RDX e Parsecs?


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-Obs the skrapper-
cob said:
Podemos esperar armaduras de Tau Ceti para RDX e Parsecs?
I think highway said that there will be 1 additional armor available in the part 2 update.


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Dec 4, 2015
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Das letzte Bild sieht aus wie eine Protektorkette ähnlich der Blitzkette nur vllt mit der Funktion das man auf eine gewisse Anzahl Spieler einen Schutz verteilen kann.
Kann auch sein es ist totaler käse was ich mir denke aber wäre auch was :D

MFG GreenSpider


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May 23, 2018
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you guys mentioned month ago that we'd get options to farm way more cryonite in the upcoming tc updates (as far as i remember in order to make skipping missions in ring 1-4 a way more viable option than before). but till now we didn't really see much of it to be honest... no new options -> still as time consuming...


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Highway said:
Areatius said:
Will it be possible to do the storymissions from Part 1 with the items from Part 2 if you want to help someone with the storymissions from Part 1?
I guess it might not be possible to fly the part 1 missions with part 2 tech. But this is not yet decided.

Habe mir mal etwas überlegt. Ist es nicht möglich, dass die Schiffsbewaffnung und die Rüstung automatisch an Wert verliert wenn bessere Baupläne und Rüstungen eingebaut sind? Da es im PvP möglich ist, dass kleinere Schiffe gegen größere gewinnen können, müsste das doch im PvE auch möglich sein.
Somit müsste man sich nicht für nur ein paar Missionen ein extra Schiff kaufen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


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Nov 25, 2011
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Oh ja das ist eine sehr gute Idee.
Ich wollte schon immer mal die Queen mit meinen 1800er verprügeln. Wäre sicher lustig... :p ;)


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The Doctor
Messages in TC Part #1 thread (15 pages in 3 months)
Messages in TC Part #2 thread (6 Pages in 3 months and my first reply on it)

I don't know if that numbers can mean like the amount of active players was decreased or increased after the deploy of TC part one.
But I'm not playing actively because this game have one thing what I was saying before the TC update and after that : Yes, the TC Restriction in Sirius.
The game has loosed sense for me with that after playing throught eight years and more than one server since 2010.
the things what makes this game lose their sense are:
[*] If you have a parsec or raven ship full equipped sirius with ancient armor and you put on it some skill of Venar, you need to spend like 3 - 5 millions in one new configuration of your ship to use it in Sirius again because the TC tech is forbidden.
The same if you spend 2 - 3 millions of cryo in one of the new TC ships. You spend that to only use it in TC. You can't land in Sirius with your new ship.
[*] After five years of the release of TC in 2013, we still receive it in parts. So the TC content still being insufficient to "focus in TC and forget Sirius" (the hype of the new Venar only lasted two weeks for me).
And what another place we can stay when we want to switch planet? Sirius R5 planets.
In the past, we always return to the previous system with the new and highest technology to see the value and differences of that over the tech of that system. Here we have the sadly difference: the highest technology (TC) is restricted in Sirius because it is being "singularity and clan friendly".
[*] You have said in the patch note "Sirius Update Part 1" about the drop system some like the highest players do less effort than low players ("High-level pilots generate less effort against low-level pilots/enemy units the greater the level difference."). So, if we can do squads between players with Sirius tech and players with Draconis tech, why we can't do the same with Sirius / TC tech? what's the problem? And it is supposed to be the sirius ships do more effort than TC ships.

I don't want to extend it so much and I want to send it always as feedback. The game with that little restriction removed can be funny again for me and many players more for sure. I, like veterans players, we were killing ancients in Sirius with the same tech since 2012. We must keep the sirius ships and tech for missions and Sirius CQ. But since Vega (So always) we were go throught old systems with new system tech like if this game were a sandbox and not only doing that in a mission context.

I hope you can answer me, Highway. To see if is possible to find one solution :D


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gonzaabel said:
Messages in TC Part #1 thread (15 pages in 3 months)
Messages in TC Part #2 thread (6 Pages in 3 months and my first reply on it)

I don't know if that numbers can mean like the amount of active players was decreased or increased after the deploy of TC part one.
But I'm not playing actively because this game have one thing what I was saying before the TC update and after that : Yes, the TC Restriction in Sirius.
The game has loosed sense for me with that after playing throught eight years and more than one server since 2010.
the things what makes this game lose their sense are:
[*] If you have a parsec or raven ship full equipped sirius with ancient armor and you put on it some skill of Venar, you need to spend like 3 - 5 millions in one new configuration of your ship to use it in Sirius again because the TC tech is forbidden.
The same if you spend 2 - 3 millions of cryo in one of the new TC ships. You spend that to only use it in TC. You can't land in Sirius with your new ship.
[*] After five years of the release of TC in 2013, we still receive it in parts. So the TC content still being insufficient to "focus in TC and forget Sirius" (the hype of the new Venar only lasted two weeks for me).
And what another place we can stay when we want to switch planet? Sirius R5 planets.
In the past, we always return to the previous system with the new and highest technology to see the value and differences of that over the tech of that system. Here we have the sadly difference: the highest technology (TC) is restricted in Sirius because it is being "singularity and clan friendly".
[*] You have said in the patch note "Sirius Update Part 1" about the drop system some like the highest players do less effort than low players ("High-level pilots generate less effort against low-level pilots/enemy units the greater the level difference."). So, if we can do squads between players with Sirius tech and players with Draconis tech, why we can't do the same with Sirius / TC tech? what's the problem? And it is supposed to be the sirius ships do more effort than TC ships.

I don't want to extend it so much and I want to send it always as feedback. The game with that little restriction removed can be funny again for me and many players more for sure. I, like veterans players, we were killing ancients in Sirius with the same tech since 2012. We must keep the sirius ships and tech for missions and Sirius CQ. But since Vega (So always) we were go throught old systems with new system tech like if this game were a sandbox and not only doing that in a mission context.

I hope you can answer me, Highway. To see if is possible to find one solution :D
INDEED ! ! !


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flyingjumper said:
dude u forgot something, there is a ship, u have to buy to do a mission in TC its only possible with this one ship. so u need an extra amount of 2.5 mio cryonite :D and yeah, what else, more restricstions.

*edit by Faye
I have listened about that mission. But I didn't finish any mission of TC. Because why we have to progress? and spend millions and millions of cryonite if we have restrictions that forbid us of use the ships where we invert millions and millions (a lot of hours per month to build one parsec / raven full if you have memberships. Only playing in saturdays and sundays all the day to make cryo).

These two restrictions are BAD. These restrictions only ruins the game. I don't imagine the devs building parsecs / ravens full equipped TC to see by her own eyes how feel try to land in Sirius. With the time you have to spend doing millions of cryo (and more without memberships)....

I have the myst, the punisher, the Dominator full gold Draconis Bps. Then I have the Disruptor, Hunter, Obsidian, Black Granite and Constructor for Sirius and the Ne0n-5 for TC. And more ships between Vega and Draconis.
So... I am sure We repudiate these restrictions because these are insane.


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gonzaabel said:
Messages in TC Part #1 thread (15 pages in 3 months)
Messages in TC Part #2 thread (6 Pages in 3 months and my first reply on it)

I don't know if that numbers can mean like the amount of active players was decreased or increased after the deploy of TC part one.
But I'm not playing actively because this game have one thing what I was saying before the TC update and after that : Yes, the TC Restriction in Sirius.
The game has loosed sense for me with that after playing throught eight years and more than one server since 2010.
the things what makes this game lose their sense are:
[*] If you have a parsec or raven ship full equipped sirius with ancient armor and you put on it some skill of Venar, you need to spend like 3 - 5 millions in one new configuration of your ship to use it in Sirius again because the TC tech is forbidden.
The same if you spend 2 - 3 millions of cryo in one of the new TC ships. You spend that to only use it in TC. You can't land in Sirius with your new ship.
[*] After five years of the release of TC in 2013, we still receive it in parts. So the TC content still being insufficient to "focus in TC and forget Sirius" (the hype of the new Venar only lasted two weeks for me).
And what another place we can stay when we want to switch planet? Sirius R5 planets.
In the past, we always return to the previous system with the new and highest technology to see the value and differences of that over the tech of that system. Here we have the sadly difference: the highest technology (TC) is restricted in Sirius because it is being "singularity and clan friendly".
[*] You have said in the patch note "Sirius Update Part 1" about the drop system some like the highest players do less effort than low players ("High-level pilots generate less effort against low-level pilots/enemy units the greater the level difference."). So, if we can do squads between players with Sirius tech and players with Draconis tech, why we can't do the same with Sirius / TC tech? what's the problem? And it is supposed to be the sirius ships do more effort than TC ships.

I don't want to extend it so much and I want to send it always as feedback. The game with that little restriction removed can be funny again for me and many players more for sure. I, like veterans players, we were killing ancients in Sirius with the same tech since 2012. We must keep the sirius ships and tech for missions and Sirius CQ. But since Vega (So always) we were go throught old systems with new system tech like if this game were a sandbox and not only doing that in a mission context.
If not for R5s at least allow TC ships in R4 and below. Because everyone can agree that grinding cryonite is extremely boring and repetitive.


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DantePlays said:
If not for R5s at least allow TC ships in R4 and below. Because everyone can agree that grinding cryonite is extremely boring and repetitive.
Yes. Its boring to me use the same tech in Sirius since 2012... But the devs read it and don't change their mind.

Please.... Highway you can allow TC ships to land in all rings of Sirius? Many people can see that restriction is insane like I predicted in the past. Is insane see how your ship that values +1.2M of cryonite if that are TC ship or your parsec/raven with Venar tech and armors values +5M of cryonite can't land on Sirius planets when we always since Vega we can return to farm in old planets with high tech, product of our progress in the game.

I am not playing and I still in this forum because I have hopes about you will remove that restriction to return to this game with desire to play and invert money to my fun. At least say "No, the TC restriction in Sirius will not be removed" and with it my hopes of use TC tech in Sirius will die and rest in peace.


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Feb 23, 2018
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invest more than 5 million in a raven tau and that can not be used in Sirius is not funny, many people ask to eliminate that restriction you say they are based on our comments to improve the game, however they show that it is not.
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