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The Development Team #02

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Mar 30, 2016
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-Decimator- said:

Also as some players already wrote, you should look in using boosters during pvp, when PM is on and they shoot a player the boosters should stop temporarily (stops counter when booster ends) and it turns back on after a minute when the 'booster-user' isn't shooting a player.
Fights must be won with weapons and skills, not boosters (this is already during CQ and Collosus)
As Abeer said, no1 uses boosters for mantis xD :LOL:

katana33 said:
P.S remove speed booster from pvp , dont make it pay to win please :)
Lol. They won't do that, it's a way of getting money for them. :eek:
And why would players buy speed boosters for if they are disabled in PVP? :p

-Decimator- said:
... The next one is also for Conquests and probably Collosus also, wich is about the use of Gravitons.
They make fights simply not fun and unbalanced, so I come with an idea that will make the use of Gravitons get a balanced twist...
> Secondly:
The cooldown of Gravitons are currently 4 minutes, they also could get increased to 10 minutes on CQs.
Decimator. Cmon man. What do you use gravies for then? Sirius? And to be honest, I find it very funny when there are for example 3 guys shooting me and I use a grav that I still got a chance to kill someone before I pod. :LOL:

Gravitons are part of the game. And increasing the cooldown of gravies to 10min.? lol, nvm. That’s just trying to avoid any use of gravies in CQ’s.
Don't tell me the use of gravitons is a bit too much for your brains to handle...


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Apr 27, 2015
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Hey devs , still looking forward on you about disabling speed boosters in pvp . I hope u will make pvp fair.
Dont make pvp pay to win its only thing i ask so much because pvp has been my main passion in PG.
Also there is not really big need to spoil fun in pvp just because game needs money to run. Yeah i know it needs, i am not stupid but like in other pvp games , you can leave faster and better ways for payers to level up , get stronger faster than non-payers while paying BUT please dont give advantage to anyone in right fight just because he can pay more than others. I am asking so much and i am looking forward because i know you dont want game to be pay to win 100% , deactivating boosters on CQ and forbidding gravs , drones , ancient items on tournaments proves that . I respect PG too much coz of that but disabling booster in pvp at all would make many pilots glad.
Thanks in advance :))

And few words to those people who does not want speed boosters removed in pvp , guys u got skills right ? u can hold yourself without having extra advantage right ? Then whats need of advantage vs non-payers if u have been so strong ? :D Dont tell me that you need speed booster to run from khons :)
If pvp will turn worse in PG (that i am sure wont happen) or if boosters will stay , probably i wont pvp excepting tournament and Colossus or i will play other game with better pvp BUT you keep in mind that you might win because you got those boosters but you cannot buy SKILLS and those boosters wont save you on Colossus for sure :D


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Nov 5, 2012
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Death Watch
First of all thanks for feedback #tookawhile, I understand you guys thoughts but still got to ask, why have to use them on pvp anyway? Gues for fun and its good for SSG but speedy boosters won't be the thing they are running on, and some changes are never wrong. Show me some Men to Men, not Men to Booster :LOL:

Decimator. Cmon man. What do you use gravies for then? Sirius? And to be honest, I find it very funny when there are for example 3 guys shooting me and I use a grav that I still got a chance to kill someone before I pod. :LOL:

Gravitons are part of the game. And increasing the cooldown of gravies to 10min.? lol, nvm. That’s just trying to avoid any use of gravies in CQ’s.
Don't tell me the use of gravitons is a bit too much for your brains to handle...
I don't think gravitons is really a 'part' of this game, they where added a long time after the release
And their where never problems during pvp that time, now their just 8 people max during some pvp fights, was alot more.
And after all, you could play without them before so see no issue playing without it again. :)

And im not talking about people using gravs when its 3 on 1, more like 1 on 1 and on cq. And on that point gravitons and boosters show your weakness, you either can't no longer win without or can't play without it, so my brains are fine I think since I don't have to use them. ;)

But we can keep going on on this discussion but we won't get it any further and don't make sense anyway, so let the devs decide what they gonna change on PVP system and what not...


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
In sirius singularity, on the inner rings you should make new enemies. You should make ravens. You should give them raven dynamic blasters to suit their ships (we can't get raven dynamic blasters on our ships though) also firing like Draconis blasters do. The enemy names should start with "Raven". Example "Raven Granite" Please make this part of sirius adjustments.

Can another part be increasing the armor (not on the actual sirius ships). On Lagrange Singularity when i was talking about the ancient stargate, i was talking about new types of ancient ships you can earn that are bigger and more armored. (they have the same looks) Want more information please read Lagrange singularity's arrival.

Please increase the armor for our sirius ships because we die so easily. It may be clan but we at least need more armor and many of us kept getting podded a number of times and we lose loads of cryo. It isn't fair on us compared to our enemies.

Nix | ZeMedic

Aug 10, 2015
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So, there's still no dev shack 3 up?
I wonder what's taking them so long writing a letter.

Also, Heavy, they probably won't listen and just not buff the armor, they're probably just gonna delay dev shack 3 again because of reasons.

If there's something that keeps dev shack 3 from coming out, tell us. You've lied to us enough, it is time you tell us exactly why, how and when. Especially WHEN.

Before thinking about saying "IT'S GONNA APPEAR IN APRIL", think about an approximate date. We do not like surprises, we do not like delays, and we really do not appreciate these kind of messages. I understand, you told us that alright, it's gonna appear in april, but come on, even I was a game developer, and writing letters the an audience never took a month or more.

Hell, the last time I wrote a serious letter that was very very large, (~1800 words if I remember correctly) it only took me a day.

And I am quite sure that you won't write a letter that's even nearly as big as that, but instead, you're just gonna say "TAU CETI IS NOT DELAYED" but show no proof, you're not gonna listen to your audience on potential improvements on the game, and most importantly, you are not even gonna read this.

And if you are gonna read this, then wake up, you know it has been too long, you know that we know you have been lying about the delay, the only thing you said about the delay was about Dino Storm being your main project at that point, but then again, Tau Ceti was before that, and you said it will be creeated soon. Years passed, you delayed it into october/december/november, and now you come to us saying that Tau Ceti is gonna be released soon? You know, it's not like we didn't expect Tau Ceti to be released at some point during this year, but the thing that annoys me the most is that you have the muscle to say that it will not be delayed anymore, but yet Tau Ceti is still not here, and I see no responses regarding this.

I bet that no person from the staff will read this, and even if someone does, they will probably not even tackle our issues in particular, no details will be given, and most importantly, no dates.

And if you, staff, manage to do it, I know, it sounds very strange to finish something and announce it with no delays) then our problems will disappear, but, it's not over yet.

Look, here's a tip, don't bloody announce a future update if you will delay it for long periods of time, in our case, years.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Nix | ZeMedic said:
So, there's still no dev shack 3 up?
I wonder what's taking them so long writing a letter.

Also, Heavy, they probably won't listen and just not buff the armor, they're probably just gonna delay dev shack 3 again because of reasons.

If there's something that keeps dev shack 3 from coming out, tell us. You've lied to us enough, it is time you tell us exactly why, how and when. Especially WHEN.

Before thinking about saying "IT'S GONNA APPEAR IN APRIL", think about an approximate date. We do not like surprises, we do not like delays, and we really do not appreciate these kind of messages. I understand, you told us that alright, it's gonna appear in april, but come on, even I was a game developer, and writing letters the an audience never took a month or more.

Hell, the last time I wrote a serious letter that was very very large, (~1800 words if I remember correctly) it only took me a day.

And I am quite sure that you won't write a letter that's even nearly as big as that, but instead, you're just gonna say "TAU CETI IS NOT DELAYED" but show no proof, you're not gonna listen to your audience on potential improvements on the game, and most importantly, you are not even gonna read this.

And if you are gonna read this, then wake up, you know it has been too long, you know that we know you have been lying about the delay, the only thing you said about the delay was about Dino Storm being your main project at that point, but then again, Tau Ceti was before that, and you said it will be creeated soon. Years passed, you delayed it into october/december/november, and now you come to us saying that Tau Ceti is gonna be released soon? You know, it's not like we didn't expect Tau Ceti to be released at some point during this year, but the thing that annoys me the most is that you have the muscle to say that it will not be delayed anymore, but yet Tau Ceti is still not here, and I see no responses regarding this.

I bet that no person from the staff will read this, and even if someone does, they will probably not even tackle our issues in particular, no details will be given, and most importantly, no dates.

And if you, staff, manage to do it, I know, it sounds very strange to finish something and announce it with no delays) then our problems will disappear, but, it's not over yet.

Look, here's a tip, don't bloody announce a future update if you will delay it for long periods of time, in our case, years.

It's still not the middle of April yet, i would expect it to come somewhere on the 15th of April.


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Sep 7, 2011
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This dev shack will say if they care of this game or not, this is the last time you wait, big disapointing or final hope.

They choose and we leave or stay.

So now wait and stop posting saying "WHERE IS TC OR DEVSHACK", you know its useless unfortunately:-(

Enjoy your waiting.


Mar 25, 2012
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Funny how i Abandoned this game long ago to play another, and they still haven't even put a devshack 03



Well-known member
Jan 19, 2016
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When they mean April. That could also be 30th April at 23:59. Dont forget that guys.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-


Mar 31, 2015
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LimitedHansen said:
When they mean April. That could also be 30th April at 23:59. Dont forget that guys.

Sorry, I wasn't clear, was that 2016 or 2017? of April at 29:59?


Mar 25, 2012
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LimitedHansen said:
When they mean April. That could also be 30th April at 23:59. Dont forget that guys.
That could also mean April of next year or even 2018 ;)


Mar 31, 2015
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One year more without new in game content will kill this game. A good share of my friends that I've made are slowly leaving the game. In one year's time, the number of people playing the game shown on facebook was 50K, now it shows as 10K.


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Jan 19, 2016
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null said:
LimitedHansen said:
When they mean April. That could also be 30th April at 23:59. Dont forget that guys.

Sorry, I wasn't clear, was that 2016 or 2017? of April at 29:59?
That was 2016. And what kinda planet do you live on that has 30 hours in its day cycle?


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Jul 13, 2011
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. . . .
Mobius 118 - TXS
Hello everyone,

I know that maybe this message will not be readed by anyone from the Dev Team, anyways i alaways wanted to remember you some facts about the community, your community.

-This community, the Pirate Galaxy community is the most active between the 3 games that Splitscreen have released by now.

-Some members of the community are angry, not cause they love to rage or something else, its because they hate to see this masterpiece dying slowly in front of their own eyes.

-If you have any question about why the players are leaving or about how to improve the gameplay just ask, you're not in a math class hearing how your teacher explain something that you don't understand, but you don't want to ask cause you "may look stupid" in front of him or your classmates.

-You have to know that the Vega to Draconis Gameplay is repetitive, and the Sirisu System was the REAL innovation on the general gameplay.

-If you ran out if ideas.. take a look at those: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and tha last part, Chapter 4, there's no problem to develop your own community suggestions and ideas. You know that this forum have alot of topics with very good ideas that could be added to the game.

-Please, take a break for about a month, and on that time just play as a new user on the game, so by this way you will see by your own eyes what your game needs, the averange time to reach Sirius is 8 days.

-Do not underestimate anyone in here, your community is very special compared to the other game communities.

-Think about to add more fun on the missions, what i mean by this is that just the Hive missions are fun and provide an they give an unforgettable experience to the player. Don't misunderstand me, the storyline is fun and good but the way what it is told, is not.

Yes.. when we, the community, speak with the Devs, is only to ask new stuff that you can't afford, and to ask questions that you can't answer at that right moment, but.. maybe.. and just maybe.. take a look at the entire community, not only the English or Deutsch ones.. i mean about all of it, take some days, read each post, gather ideas and inspiration, and then, proceed to get back to work, knowing that your community is betting on you guys.

Best regards, The Ghostly Falconer.

PD: Just look how great it is!


Mar 31, 2015
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LimitedHansen said:
LimitedHansen said:
When they mean April. That could also be 30th April at 23:59. Dont forget that guys.
That was 2016. And what kinda planet do you live on that has 30 hours in its day cycle?

Thats a good question, I can't tell you the name of the planet I came from. Simply hearing the word for humans causes their tongues to be ripped out of their mouths. It does have a 30 hour day, and it's not my fault that your puny planet only has 24. So you were saying that you're sure that the new DEV update will be in 2017? I was hoping that wasn't the case.

Forum Rules said:
Please don't make a quote level higher than 2 levels, thank you!


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2016
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null said:
LimitedHansen said:
That was 2016. And what kinda planet do you live on that has 30 hours in its day cycle?
Thats a good question, I can't tell you the name of the planet I came from. Simply hearing the word for humans causes their tongues to be ripped out of their mouths. It does have a 30 hour day, and it's not my fault that your puny planet only has 24. So you were saying that you're sure that the new DEV update will be in 2017? I was hoping that wasn't the case.
Omg...i hope that was just a writing failure? I clearly typed ((2016)) and not ""2017""

Forum Rules said:
Please don't make a quote level higher than 2 levels, thank you!


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Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
sabau100 said:
-You have to know that the Vega to Draconis Gameplay is repetitive, and the Sirisu System was the REAL innovation on the general gameplay.
Yes that's right at the beginning of it, but sirius make the veteran players leave PG, from the beginning because you only can enter on it if have a clan, else not. And some time later because it was with the time BORING AND REALLY REPETITIVE! and in various cases a bad system why in one planet it drops the bp of you wants and you can't get it because differents reasons and if you don't get it before the planet collapses... sorry! but you was to wait at the planet in the near or far future drop it again!
Sirius make disappear a lot of clans and veteran players from the game. and with 'disappear' I say it make the leave of these players. For example, in the Aurora server the fleets most inactives at the moment because the Sirius Singularity and the INCOMPLETE TAU CETI SINCE 2013 are: HotBlaster Clan, Goliat Clan, the most veteran players of Orion Fighters, and it only on this server, but the rest servers? the same.
Maybe these clans and pilots return the game when Splitscreen update the game WITH TAU CETI. But I don't know really if it can be possible.
But the best way to make PG better AGAIN is return the same way to play of Vega to Draconis in Tau Ceti and forget the SINGULARITY WAY.
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