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The Development Team #02

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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
Small and neccesary changes:
  • *Quit the "Cryonite penalization" of the planets! it isn't neccesary, and the -20% of probabilites of search cryonite is notable so much! The other day's 3-4 GMs put a spawn-event on Baumar to Mizar ships and in the course of the event, they put some mantis harvesters of Lustra lvl 26, when I kill one, it's interceptors drops various crystals of cryonite whit a penalization of... 10% or less (I can't remember but I was with Mizar ship with Molikar tech.) while with 20% less of probabilities, the harvesters and interceptors sometimes no drop cryonite, or 1-3 crystals (rarely drop 5 crystals or more) and it is 20 interceptors killing two harvesters at the same time.
  • *Restore the BP Bonus who this work in the past! the people with BP Bonus can help with it a pilots without bonus, now and from 3 years or more the pilots without bonus can't see the drops of BP's of the pilots with that. And it's boring, because one pilot without it can have bad luck in Sirius and he and her clan can be hours and hours with the last part of the BP or more parts because kill and kill NPC and the BP can't drop without BP BONUS! if considered that, please no increase the BP parts or decrease the probabilities to drop a BP. Spend hours to complete BP's is boring.



Jul 5, 2014
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gonzaabel said:
Small and neccesary changes:
  • *Quit the "Cryonite penalization" of the planets! it isn't neccesary, and the -20% of probabilites of search cryonite is notable so much! The other day's 3-4 GMs put a spawn-event on Baumar to Mizar ships and in the course of the event, they put some mantis harvesters of Lustra lvl 26, when I kill one, it's interceptors drops various crystals of cryonite whit a penalization of... 10% or less (I can't remember but I was with Mizar ship with Molikar tech.) while with 20% less of probabilities, the harvesters and interceptors sometimes no drop cryonite, or 1-3 crystals (rarely drop 5 crystals or more) and it is 20 interceptors killing two harvesters at the same time.
  • *Restore the BP Bonus who this work in the past! the people with BP Bonus can help with it a pilots without bonus, now and from 3 years or more the pilots without bonus can't see the drops of BP's of the pilots with that. And it's boring, because one pilot without it can have bad luck in Sirius and he and her clan can be hours and hours with the last part of the BP or more parts because kill and kill NPC and the BP can't drop without BP BONUS! if considered that, please no increase the BP parts or decrease the probabilities to drop a BP. Spend hours to complete BP's is boring.

honestly i have to agree with everything here. Cryo penalties need to be gone, drop rate increased and yeah its hard to find bps on occasion. Tech runs are ridiculous in sol and draconis because of how long they take


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
To be honest, in Sirius it is very unfair on us compare to the ancients because our Sirius ships die so easily and you should make ancient armor to the Sirius ships. (Twice the armor) Although a Myst, granite can solo many things, it requires many tactics and it's not easy soloing ancients. At least make a new armor for Sirius ships so it can be more fair and easier. In fact even the weak units are more armored than our ships.


Jul 5, 2014
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balance the repair droids to further compensate, or add Tau Ceti tech, and this would be an excellent idea


Active member
Jul 11, 2010
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In all honestly, its good to hear where the devs have been, and that the game hasn't just been killed off.

On a side note however, i would like to see more incentives to play other classes then Storms or Tanks for SM's and solo play, and more reason to use them in squads, such as for example, getting XP for healing and reviving a ship, which would then compensate for the lack of XP gain due to the lacking offensive capabilities of an engi.


Jul 10, 2013
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I think the Splitscreen Studios developers are missing the actual problems of the game. For that, a question aside:

How do you think is it possible that a third class game that never advertised before has like ten times more active players (satisfied players!) than pirate galaxy? The answer is quite simple: it knows how to give players a smooth gameplay without getting stuck at farming times, plus it introduced 3 new systems and several new game mechanics in the game that you need for a single one.

Let's be honest, altogether, what does the game consist of? Farming, farming and even more farming, farm until you are done and still you haven't archived anything. Yay you reached Mizar, still several more systems until you reach your goal, that again takes weeks and month to archive, depending on the time you play the game daily.

I actually don't care about systems or new maps in Pirate galaxy, it should take a step into the future where the entire game isn't about farming all day. Even Pay2Win games are more fun to me.

regards ~


New member
Aug 29, 2015
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Seriously, I mean after reading all of this one thing is for sure. YOU GUYS DONT CARE ABOUT PG. What ever u have spended on it u have earned it 100 times multiple of it back rite. People like us still playing it spending on it willingly.

About that boosters not working in pvps .... like that gonna work. This is an ans to Decimator suggestion, Deci mate they will never do that what u suggested cause no one byes boosters to run from Mentis in sirius :p.

Now the major thing. (A suggestion)

If any single one of u care about this game and even think about this game. Please consider this as a very serious prospect, get the most active players on different servers on a SIngle new server and with all of thr tech and ships and whatever they have on thr accounts. like Combine the MOST ACTIVE SERVERS together. SImple. it is not a big deal to combine 2 servers as 1 or even 10 servers as 1. You guys have the count and every single detail and I guess u can do that.

Now by doing that you will achieve more activeness from dead members, more competions players fighting for planets CQS, Pvp stuff.

Regarding the GMs, lol ... I mean seriously Gms here only have powers to pick pp from chat and rage on them simple.

Anyways enough said, peace out!


Jul 5, 2014
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Abeer123 said:

Seriously, I mean after reading all of this one thing is for sure. YOU GUYS DONT CARE ABOUT PG. What ever u have spended on it u have earned it 100 times multiple of it back rite. People like us still playing it spending on it willingly.

About that boosters not working in pvps .... like that gonna work. This is an ans to Decimator suggestion, Deci mate they will never do that what u suggested cause no one byes boosters to run from Mentis in sirius :p.

Now the major thing. (A suggestion)

If any single one of u care about this game and even think about this game. Please consider this as a very serious prospect, get the most active players on different servers on a SIngle new server and with all of thr tech and ships and whatever they have on thr accounts. like Combine the MOST ACTIVE SERVERS together. SImple. it is not a big deal to combine 2 servers as 1 or even 10 servers as 1. You guys have the count and every single detail and I guess u can do that.

Now by doing that you will achieve more activeness from dead members, more competions players fighting for planets CQS, Pvp stuff.

Regarding the GMs, lol ... I mean seriously Gms here only have powers to pick pp from chat and rage on them simple.

Anyways enough said, peace out!
ultimately, yes Splitscreen does not care about Pirate Galaxy and if they do they have a lot of work to make it up to us and prove they care. However, I dont think creating just 1 server is the solution. What they need to be doing is advertising their game, keeping their word and updating the game, and drawing people back.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2016
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Bring up the Gold Shop from Kongregate. Its not working. "404 i give up" :confused:


New member
Sep 6, 2015
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I see a prefect solution to the grinding problem~!

How about bringing full refund when selling ship with items?

So that player that got bored with a ship after playing for certain time can easily switch to another one and enjoy the game! The items' prices do vary but with the full refund we talk about really small amount of cryonite needed to full equip the ship we choose.

Untill the draconis it would not be so essential but.. draconis and SIRIUS full r85 ship and prototypes. Flying NEW ships is biggest fun here, one of the few. And you TAKE IT AWAY from us.

I do have few prototypes but through all the grinding the game started to look like some kind of work.. no fun.

So.. full refund or AT LEAST 50% consisting of the prices for ARMORS. I stopped playing the game for another time, but still come to check in here and might log in once in a while. I liked the game. Make it fun again.


New member
Apr 27, 2015
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hey Dev team . a word about week of Colossus . its nice idea . i havent seen it before tho . it will make some more fun for people who enjoy pvp in different systems. actually i see more fun in opened pvp in normal planet . not on CQ or battle planets , but still its good idea .
P.S remove speed booster from pvp , dont make it pay to win please :)
Good luck


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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Main Pilotname
The Doctor
katana33 said:
P.S remove speed booster from pvp , dont make it pay to win please :)
Good luck
I Think it was deactivated in Colossus.


May 7, 2010
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I doubt any dev will read this, but maybe you have one person who reads all posts and search for feedback.
This is what in my eyes this game needs:

CQ improvements. Ancient Rapid/Strong/Long etc. variants are unfair in lower systems where players can't reach them. I suggest that during CQs all Rapid/Strong variants temporary has stats of standard items.

Removal of pod cryo on CQs. Players shouldn't drop cryo on death because losing money in CQs makes CQs really unappealing and worthless. Maybe activated cryo vault on CQ planets could be good solution. This would make CQs more interesting for all players.

RD ships overhaul or old parsec buff. RD trophy ships are superior over old ones(parsec, domi, terrorizer). All ships should be equally powerful or at least let us sell obsolete old trophy ships with 100% refund on ship, armor and items.

Sirus overhaul. It's boring, extremely repetitive and annoying. Random missions(random difficulty level), too many parts for completing one blueprint, low chance of getting BP and being 100% dependent on your teammates to have ANY progress in system makes it extremely not fun. Getting into sirius is more like a punishment than reward for completing Draconis. Everything is more fun than Sirius. Sirius is the worst endgame I've even seen in games because it forces to spend many hours per day there to achieve ANYTHING.

Hoping to see Tau Ceti as pre-sirius system with actual story, being able to solo etc and not another failure like Sirius was.

Crappy sirius and bad CQ system(having no cryo vault meant losing ~20k cryo per CQ) made my entire clan leave the game. Me included. Things I wrote here are things with which my old clan agreed.

Sirius and RD event made clear that you want to turn a game into unfun grindfest to delay progress of players as much as possible. There are many hardcore players who have no problem with current situation in PG but you lost other players because of it. If you want to get any new players or some old players back then you shouldn't just tunnelvision on these hardcore players.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
In my opinion I have a feeling that you might be saying this again to buy more time. In the end please don't tell us that we still have to wait more because i think you have had enough time to give us the update.
i think you should quit saying that we have to wait more because when you are actually focusing on Tau ceti it will not be easy to make everyone believe what kind of ships, planets you' re making. I think you now have to crack on with the Tau ceti work and get it done before everyone quits the game. In fact by now if you were all still proper active Lagrange would be out with ships tech etc. At least focus on working on a game that is about to die. Just because Dinostorm is so popular, doesn't mean you should all focus on it and not be bothered to work on pirate galaxy or steel legions because leaving them 2 will make both games die slowly. Please focus on the updates for other games not just one.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Great feedback, even when its not all positive. But it shows that you actually care. We totally read all your feedback here when it is constructive and contributes to the topic.

Let me clarify a bit how we will work from now on, as it seems it was not fully understood.
We are a small team and we can only work on one game at a time. ( eg: Pirate Galaxy -> Dino Storm -> Steel legions -> Pirate Galaxy ->...) Since all of our games are important, we try to fairly distribute our time to each game. Our new coder is really looking forward to work on Pirate Galaxy. He is very talented and he loves space/sci-fi games ;)

Hopefully we can convince you that this will work when we get out the first updates for Pirate Galaxy to make the game more awesome!


Active member
Apr 1, 2012
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Thanks for the answer highway,

but i still have the question, why do u don´t even told us the truth from the beginning? u know what i mean.
that u lied at. ath the Q&A, so i just wanna know, maybe i can trust u than for the next things u gonna tell us


Well-known member
Mar 4, 2011
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Main Pilotname
But what time line is planed ?

when will you done with updating the other games and start with updating pg ?


New member
Sep 6, 2015
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The BIG update for Dino Storm is finished. It only needs some more testing so I assume the dev team will get on the PG updates pretty soon.

As for the previous post from @flyingjumper

I couldn't agree more. We are all humans, we make mistakes and accept it. If You need some extra time do tell us. If You give us pretty certain feedback and it doesn't go well You just lose credit. But if we know there is strict schedule, You're out of resources and we need to wait longer let us know first! That's all, not asking about anything more.


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2010
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We could you have a picture of the next Tau Ceti, a preview that will cause a lot of players will come back or when the next MaJ, we'll give her a hope, a chance hoped and encouraged the players left, you have a new coder, very good news, and post your say is excellent, so the work done on what we put on the teeth!

Thank you advance!


New member
Sep 6, 2015
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"Player controlled invasions" this sounds tricky^^

Does it mean there would be event similar to giza's "intel time" ? I had a sudden thought of that^^ So there won't be needed for GMs to come and do it. Players would be able to start this event after collecting certain resources spread all over the map:) And all participants should get nice reward for defending from invasion~ I think that would be cool.
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