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Tau Ceti Intro & Part 1 #6

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Cute Fuzzy Bunny

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May 23, 2017
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You need to wait , Devs need time to create some ships / add items / script mantis / missions / Fix bugs ....


True. Devs had 4 years of doing nothing, followed by one year of making old content more difficult. They need more time to build new content and rig the system to make it much more grinding intensive than before.
Trying to save the game or just milk every dollar they can before it dies?
I won't render an opinion on that. Players must decide for themselves.


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Cute Fuzzy Bunny said:
True. Devs had 4 years of doing nothing
Guy, you know really what happenned in Splitscreen Studios? okay, i know, 4 years of doing nothing IN PG, but they sayed in one Dev Shack, they will rotate the work seasons between their different games, so, 2 years ago (aprox) they started bringing again updates to PG, armor update, pvp update, sirius update, and now they are making the TAU CETI, yeah, we need to wait a little bit more, but at least, now we have info, images, and feedback. :D


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Feb 4, 2016
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If possible i think everyone would like it if we could take our new Tau Ceti ships back to Sirius. If you take a Sirius ship into Draco you have the same effect. Less effort for those that are in Draco ship. Its all the way across every system. I don't think Sirius is anything special. Therefor i hope you reconsider so we can smash some ancients in our Tau Ceti ships.


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flyfighter said:
If possible i think everyone would like it if we could take our new Tau Ceti ships back to Sirius. If you take a Sirius ship into Draco you have the same effect. Less effort for those that are in Draco ship. Its all the way across every system. I don't think Sirius is anything special. Therefor i hope you reconsider so we can smash some ancients in our Tau Ceti ships.
Yes, I hope it so.


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Jul 28, 2010
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Hi guys, i have a little question here!
What will be happen if right now I have an ancient skill on my ship but i dont have the rare bp?

This questions is because a lot of people have only the ancient but don't the rare bp and it makes a "conflict"

I was thinking in something like the armor, you know, if you have an ancient on the ship but not the rare bp you can't do a mission or something like that.

Let me know what you think about it.


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Was wird das max. Lvl sein das man in Part 1 erreichen kann und wird es außer der Energie u. Gold zuschrift noch andere Belohnungen geben.

MFG GreenSpider


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Was das erstellen der Baupläne angeht könnte man da auch die Ringe 1-4 von Sirius mit einbeziehen sofern jemand die Ancient Waffen nicht besitzt um eine andere Variante des freischalten´s zu ermöglichen?

Ich mein wozu gibts die dann in Sirius...

MFG GreenSpider


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-Obs the skrapper-
Are there any other tc tech that don't require you to have ancient items e.g. they drop from tc npcs?


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-Obs the skrapper-
And also when you mentioned that we have the ability to replay Tau ceti episode 1 and 2 Do we HAVE TO or can we if we want to.
If the answer is the second one what will happen if we have done TC episode 2 but not 1?


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Feb 4, 2016
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Honestly do me just one simple favor , remove gravitons when pirates enter pirate mode just like speed booster.
Removing speedboosters was good, next step is gravitons.

Its the biggest irritation in this whole game, and ofc i can use them myself. But its not how you should win a pvp.

And if you dont remove gravitons during pirate mode then give me back my speedbooster again so i can atleast outrun all those grav poppers.

Thanks in advance, im sure you realise this should happen. Had to be done on pvp rework already!

Im looking forward to Tau Ceti and the fact strong items are not a thing there anymore


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-Obs the skrapper-
Speaking of which, what armors can the new tc ships reach to?


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Feb 22, 2017
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hey highway u say that next big update is planned in first quarter of 2018,then coming out for march or april????


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antocm93 said:
hey highway u say that next big update is planned in first quarter of 2018,then coming out for march or april????
it will be released in the end of March.


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Feb 24, 2010
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it seems that a lot of players forgotten that it's a little our fault if the game is in this state with players raging towards the old tau ceti system divide in episode.
Due to this devs team thinked to a new system and it take a long time. Certainly not as much as that, but it was without taking that several team members into account leave SplitScreen Studio in the meantime, so it's complicate to get back on your feet after that.

now, this last 3 years lot of players moved on to others games.

Mirror Image

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Sep 25, 2017
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Crash said:
Looking at price of Sirius ancient ships I'm sure that Tau Ceti ships will be extremely overpriced.
I'm 99% that this will happen:
- Sirius Parsec-class ships will be much cheaper to convert to Tau Ceti, cost of Tau Ceti ships will be little cheaper than cost of entire Sirius Parsec ship so most of people won't even think about buying Tau Ceti ships.
- Because of above, devs will try to make Tau Ceti ships worth even looking at so they will do two things:
-- new ships will have superior armor to Parsecs.
-- new items will be extremely powerful and available only to Tau Ceti ships. There will be no balance at all.
This will be Myst vs Domi and Puni vs Parsec Storm after Sirius release(before changes) all over again. After many years and after people will buy TC ships and leave their parsecs having "No item added" in all 8 slots, devs will "rebalance" armor so Parsecs will be good again.

Remember what devs are doing in next update:
-Make old TC missions available again, basically zero effort.
-New story missions will continue from old TC missions so it means that "story" will reuse old content and story is being made only for one planet so they won't create many missions.
-Create "white missions", it's copy-paste job.
-Add new ships and BPs, basically 90% of effort is done by graphic designer team, so new mechanics will be only these few new BPs for Tau Ceti ships.
-Opening the rest of Venar, it means creating only half of the map, it's done by map makers and graphic designers

Do you remember how long it took to create Sol after Mizar? Sol was probably the biggest and most complex system ever created in PG(no, Sirius isn't complex, it's copy-paste fest with rand() functions everywhere designed to stop players from beating it fast). And Sol was fun. Now, we have waited few years for:
Half of planet with only first parts of BPs. Story that is based on missions created already few years ago. Some new ships that will be overpriced.
And that's all. Maybe TC will be finished before year 2030.

Draconis was the beginning of downfall, being as difficult as possible and impossible without membership(Hive missions), forcing players to use inferior ships for half of the story(Gazica) and having insane prices for equipment. Ring 1 of Sirius is much easier than Hive. However this didn't stop players from beating it fast when it was released before next system release.
So they created Sirius, copy-paste fest based on random functions designed to keep players from beating it fast. Sirius creation was a proof already in that time that devs will abandon the game. No story, boring planets, reused content on all rings but 5th. If all of this didn't happen and devs didn't abandon the game, we would be preparing for ~12th fun system already.

Currently devs are doing one of the following:
-creating all this "content"(showing us one ship each news, now these 3 icons, lol) on the fly using smallest resources possible and spend 98% of the rest of their time on other games. They don't want to care about PG.
-releasing all this "content"(ship arts, skill icons) one at time to keep people teased. Part 1 of Tau Ceti(reusing old content) is already created but they don't want to release it that fast. They want to make people teased so they pay for memberships and keep playing all that time. They don't care about creating something fun but to milk as much money from players from creating smallest content possible.
-genuinely they are doing everything what they can do. If this is true then it's better to forget about this game because all future content will take years for them to do.

When devs are having their "vacations" I was playing space game where devs released new ships, made events for getting real money currency for free, were adding new ship items, rebalanced few things, gave insane discounts on New Years Eve. Also, after new ship release they created an event to get this ship as fast as possible just by logging in into the game(only during the event). And that game is considered P2W. Now compare PG to that.
110% agree on it, but never felt to type all that. thx 4 that

Mirror Image

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Sep 25, 2017
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Green said:
Werden die Missionen eher Singlebasierend oder Staffelbasierend sein bzw gemschicht?
The quests in Tau Ceti will be either balanced for full squads, small squads or for solo. Just like in previous systems.

name 1 mission that needs a full sq in previous systems, I cant think of any.

Mirror Image

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Sep 25, 2017
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We briefly outlined in the Devshack #2 "The Development team" and i think :confused: also in other reply postings that we are small team. Actually we are a lot smaller than the time when we working on doing the Sol System etc. Since around 4 years we are only a small indie team of 6 people and volunteers GMs, Testers helping us out. Apart from developing the new updates the team is also responsible for the community and support and other daily maintenance work that is required to keep a company running.

So we are doing our best to get the updates ready as soon as possible but also with the mind to keep them in quality and not rushing them out. Therefore we kept the previous and upcoming update compact to bring them out sooner to you, but yes that also means some of it comes in 2019.

I hope it is more clear and understandable now :)

Traduction française par Fra_592 : ici[/quote]

thx for the clarification!

Mirror Image

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Sep 25, 2017
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DaKuaz said:
First to be said:

Didnt everybody got the opportunity to collect every single bp since 2012 Sirius release?
There were first players finishing with all bps with the much faster rotation now after the last update and most players I know lack only a handfull of bps.
If somebody didnt used the time of 5,5 years to collect the blueprints available, why should he/she be able to skip the efford others made.
And to be honest with the last update you cant really complain about bp rotation anymore.
These players that made their main progress before September had very much more work than every player now rushing into/through Sirius.

Just keep that in mind for your feedback, because I can see already little mimimis getting started about "I dont have all bps, but want to be first to finish Tau Ceti"

My personal Feedback:

--> In my opinion this system seems to be very fair towards players that are (nearly) finished with their bp collection.

--> Players with a selective bp collection may be feeling a bit grumpy, as they maybe will get some more work to catch up with in Sirius, but with new Sirius Mechanic there wont be a long time of delay to somebody who needs one special bp.

--> All in all I like what I read and I am looking forward to further Information.


--> What i would like very much about the mechanic would be, if it increases the needed bps from Tier 1 to n. So you will get a nice slope of difficulty in crafting Tau Ceti blueprints. So for Tier 3 you will need 3 Ancient items and for tier 4 corresponding 4 and so on.

--> For higher Tiers, blueprints from lower systems could be introduced too as they are available at all time.
For example lets say for Tier 5 blaster you need 4 Ancient blasters + 1 blue blaster from Draconis. This would deflate the difficulty a bit, so this system I suggested doesnt end in frustrating players getting stuck between too many frontiers of Bp search.
I disagree on your first part, reason: not everyone started in 2009 or 2012, not everyone has 1 account only and not everyone cared for crappy BPs, since skipping to siri tech was more interesting. we were not informed that we might need all bps one day. and today I am still unsure if we do.A lot of players/clans are doing just that atm, going back to R1 and finish all bps then move to next. Now it may still change or already did change so all that efford is for nothing again.

I really think devs need to give us a full list about what bps are going to be needed for TC total, not part x and y, or shut up about it and surprise us with good or bad news on it. and ofc some with be in advantage while other won't.
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