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Sirius Adjustments #5

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Mar 2, 2013
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ok i can see there is lots of replied to this topic but not a developer giving a generla feedback to players cvomments at all. I have been rarely active on the forum cause i was happy with the game as it was this chnaged when the so -called game overhaul sdtarted with the armor update that put the ancient ships to paper armor and splitted antares and sol tech and ship levels . i disagree that antares should not been splitted in the first way cause you could get already the gold rep droid on terasa but you were not allowed to use it for the unwelcome guest sm what is far too hard to do now. then comes more over haul in form of nerfing blasters, sniper blaster and rockets where i guess more for pvp reasons rather then pve where players need the firepower to kill the mantis or other units in sirius which now get the advantage against the players more then ever. What is the real joke is you gave us 4 years ago the Raven parsecs which (a dev said to me that the BG was broken from the beginning) are real good ships when they have all armors and top techs installed. and now after 4 years you nerfed them even when Parsec ships should be superior. The ships itself cos me between 3.4 to 3.8 mio per piece and i build 19 parsecs in 2 years which are now most of them sitting in the hangar thanks to the lack of strenght from ring 3 upwards the ships cant cope with the damage the receive in sirius. Seriously to me i wasted a hugh load of cryonite for basically nothing and that even even with boosters what is in my opinion not right. Players complain about solo activity in sirius but its the only way to play cause most players wited too long for updates that so far never came and quit of boredom and impatience. Last not least are you over hauling now even clanmissions in sirius and so called bugs are now fixed and small clans go bust now thanks to improvements that dont make the game more enjoyable rather then more stressful and the fun factor is below 0. If you want to improve the game then devs that did not play the game at all should be taking the time come 1 or 2 times to the servers and ask the players where the real improvements can be done but not by changing missions to make it more or less impossible to progress through the game. If you dont listen to the old players that spent lots of time and money into your game then there is a big chance that you will loose your last customers for good.
This is not a threat or so its more like a wake up call cause things dont improve at all and rather go downhill atm and i am seriously concerned if we get any players back to PG in the future


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Feb 4, 2016
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Just roamed around in hive with my punisher, i counted how much units i killed and how much bps there dropped. Here is what happend.......

loot reduction: 12-15%.
Units killed: 100
Bps Dropped: 6
BP droprate: 6%

Seems legit


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Feb 4, 2016
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Tested a second time with a draco sniper on mantis hive....
Ship lvl: 70

Loot reduction: 0%
Enemy unit lvl: 70
Units killed: 100
bps Dropped: 11
Overall bp droprate: 11%
Golds dropped: 2
Blue Dropped 9
Gold droprate: 2%
Blue droprate: 9%

Seems legit

Bps required to finish blue draco items: 10
BP droprate 9%
Aprox units required to complete bp: 110
Aprox units required to complete a full draco ship: around 880


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Jun 21, 2017
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Highway i dunno how to contact u im new to this forum, id like to present an idea in auctioning in pirate galaxy, allowing players to have inventories and u can expand it by buying large inventory set with either gold or cryo idk u decide if interested and u can keep blueprints stored in ur inventory that u will not need and not just for sirius for all systems as the updates made harder to tech the auction feature would be a fun role and part to the game especially for the lowers comming up


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Jun 21, 2017
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I forgot to add, a daily, weekly and monthly tab in the auction small stuff like regular blueprints for the daily , which, winner goes to the highest bidder at the end, and allowed to purchase the items instantly with gold making the item unavailable till the next reset and auction begins for that day, week or month The prices of immediate purchase, all your idea, the weekly tab i'd say contains gold blueprints only which players can put in there to sell from their inventory, no direct trading, monthly tab; ship blue prints of any kind ancient and more, i recommend putting a minimum amount cryo to put the blueprints to sell for, so it doesn't defeat the grinding purpose


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Jan 13, 2016
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-The Shark-
The Wreckers
im getting fed up with this, if there was a competition how to mess up a game within the least number of patches, u would probably win
really, what are these changes to drop rate? hello? it just seems impossible to get bps for new players- it takes way more time to get them... this leads new players to get stuck somewhere and then they would most likely leave the game coz of not getting any success -1 point
now there are still players who like to do thier stuff solo, obviously u put us in disadvantage, uve managed to mess up venar harvs pretty good, the sirius drop rate is just ridiculous both for bps and cryo so yh, rip grinding -1point
if the drop rate wasnt enough u took away the power from ships, it takes even more time to kill stuff now, u kill less units and u get even fewer loot. -1 point
to be fair i dont think that the fact that sol obsi can 100-0 a sirius punisher is alright, thats not called balance -1point
one more thing to pvp, u disable speed boosters alright, do so, but then disable gravitons and drones too. -1point
and yh, U DEVS SHOULD PLAY THE DAMN GAME FROM THE BEGINING TILL SIRIUS AND FLY THERE FOR ATLEAST MONTH IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND IT, the way it looks like is u play the game for the first time in sirius whithout understanding the actaul game.
lets point of something positive too, i like the idea of being protected from getting lz-camped +1point

imho overall the game has became more frustrating due to sirius drop rate and mission ''rebalance'' and the drop rate ''balance''
like hell it is an actaull balance.
oh and yes... this bothers me for ages.. u pay for 100% membership and u still have to fill the drones? please, fix this finally, it doesnt take that much time
if u want to lose even more players keep up the good work :)

cant wait for the sirius update part 2. kappa


May 2, 2016
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-theshark- said:
im getting fed up with this, if there was a competition how to mess up a game within the least number of patches, u would probably win
really, what are these changes to drop rate? hello? it just seems impossible to get bps for new players- it takes way more time to get them... this leads new players to get stuck somewhere and then they would most likely leave the game coz of not getting any success -1 point
now there are still players who like to do thier stuff solo, obviously u put us in disadvantage, uve managed to mess up venar harvs pretty good, the sirius drop rate is just ridiculous both for bps and cryo so yh, rip grinding -1point
if the drop rate wasnt enough u took away the power from ships, it takes even more time to kill stuff now, u kill less units and u get even fewer loot. -1 point
to be fair i dont think that the fact that sol obsi can 100-0 a sirius punisher is alright, thats not called balance -1point
one more thing to pvp, u disable speed boosters alright, do so, but then disable gravitons and drones too. -1point
and yh, U DEVS SHOULD PLAY THE DAMN GAME FROM THE BEGINING TILL SIRIUS AND FLY THERE FOR ATLEAST MONTH IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND IT, the way it looks like is u play the game for the first time in sirius whithout understanding the actaul game.
lets point of something positive too, i like the idea of being protected from getting lz-camped +1point

imho overall the game has became more frustrating due to sirius drop rate and mission ''rebalance'' and the drop rate ''balance''
like hell it is an actaull balance.
oh and yes... this bothers me for ages.. u pay for 100% membership and u still have to fill the drones? please, fix this finally, it doesnt take that much time
if u want to lose even more players keep up the good work :)

cant wait for the sirius update part 2. kappa
Yep, the worst imo were Venar harvs. That only was enough to ruin the game for me. Everything else just adds up to the list of negative things. Now simply everything takes longer to kill, hell it was too long before the "update".


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Feb 4, 2016
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The_Ghost said:
If you can grind those harvs you can grind on r4-r5 which can give you more cryo than venar inters :LOL:
Sirius is like playing lottery, on venar harvs i could grind 70k/hour before updates. Sirius could be the same but mostly never get 70k/hour in sirius.


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The_Ghost said:
Venar harvs.. never got what made them so attractive. If you can grind those harvs you can grind on r4-r5 which can give you more cryo than venar inters :LOL:
Enemies taking longer to kill? i have not noticed any difference :sneaky:
except for soloing gts can't really use ifrit like I used to and timing between aim scram and keops buff has been messed up :|
still annoyed at the aim scram duration nerf as it really hurts PvE but still doable to solo everything... should really start paying more attention to how PvP "balancing" affects PvE
yo dude, have u ever grinded on those harvs ? u stable income per hour unlike in sirius.
u r right that the pvp balancing which is ummmmm, how do u call it... retarted affects the pve way too much


May 2, 2017
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To be honest I don't know how you were able to screw up this update. Touching items was completely unnecessary and broke things again. You promised not making it harder to get BPs/cryo and you screwed up.

Despite what people said to me I was optimistic about incoming update. I thought "the last update was quite good so why not?". You proved me wrong. Now after returning from a longer break from the game I don't have anything to return to because my clan became inactive.


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Sep 13, 2012
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Obversations from a long time paying customer:
The devs don't care what you think unless you are a sycophant cheerring the nerfing of everything in the game.
If you are a long time paying customer and you disagree with the nerfing of everyting in the game. you will be ignored
Business 101: If you ignore your paying customers, your customer base will decrease.
Business 101: Your customers matter.
Business 101: Slap your paying customers in the face and they will no longer be paying customers.
Business 101: Wake up or the game will die.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Our intentions for every update for Pirate Galaxy are good and with the focus on improving the game. Sadly we can never make every player happy, because some don't like changes at all :cry: . But I guess it how it is when a game is changed after its release and players got already used to the game mechanics. Still we are really trying to find a good balance for the updates and hope that this is noticed by the community.

As for the drop system we are fine adjusting the drop system to adjust it with the feedback we have received over the last weeks. Especially the "random" drop system can be often frustrating since human logic has difficulties to perceive randomness well.

C_D said:
When can we expect Part 2 to come out?
anthony.navas said:
For when will the test server test part 2 of sirius :?: :D

The update is progressing very good. A rough time frame would be in the next month for public PTR testing. If everything runs good the live release follows shortly after. :)

Heavy artillery said:
So will Tau ceti be the next one after you've finished the part 2 update?
Yes, its the next one in the list.

tonyikego said:
Don't understand why nerfing everything in the game is more important to you than adding new content.
To better understand it i suggest reading up the other devshacks as well. Its all to lay a foundation to build future updates on them. Otherwise we would not be able to properly integrate new systems.

xxKampfzwergxx said:
Wie kann es sein, dass eine Giza keinen Satz Bp´s mehr schmeißt? Normal sollte doch jede Giza immer mindestens einen Bp von den drei haben. :?:
Teaspoon said:
So giza does not drop all 3 bp anymore, this can be a big problem.
tonyikego said:
Killed 3 gizas today.
Giza 1: 3 in squad; 1 bp
Giza 2: 4 in squad; 2 bp
Giza 3: 4 in squad: 6 bp

So 9 bp from 3 giza. same as before when you average, but only one of the bp we were actually looking for.
How is this better? We killed 3 gizas with 3 to 4 in squad and only dropped one of the bp we were looking for. Before, one player could kill 2 gizas and drop a full set of all 3 bps. If you really want to make the drop better, then a giza should still drop a minimum of 3 bps and a minimum of one of each bp.

And maybe if we dropped and killed three more gizas, we would find the bp we were after, and maybe not.

Is this really what you intended? I would appreciate an honest reply.
Currently to benefit from the drop boost you need more players participating in the combat. After the update was live some aspects surfaced where it still needs some adjusting. We are already on this and hoping to the get the update live very soon resulting in more drops as intended .

Green said:
Reduce time required to unlock a Ring 5 boss through intels.
How can i understand this
How much reduce of intel? 50%?
Or is there another plan to collect Intel?
The required Intel will be drastically reduced to be able to respawn the giza at faster rate than currently farming khons. In addition there will be alternative ways to find and lure out new and different giza bosses.

K/T said:
1. I was wondering if someone was reading these posts, because nobody answered my questions
I wrote about Sirius, so I don't know what is a problem.

2. Kenyte blaster has 82nd lvl and Sirius ancient strong blaster also has 82nd lvl at the moment, so kenyte blaster = Sirius ancient strong blaster.

3. Units on r5 has 82nd lvl now. 82nd lvl was from Tau Ceti.
So we have weaker ships against stronger units after last updates.
1. Sure all the feedback is read and questions are answered by the devs besides working on the updates.

2. The Sirius Ancient items are handled similar to the rares from each system that why they have the same levels.

3. The level of the units from r5 have been increased since they had a to low level which resulted in a drop penalty for players with lvl 82 equipment. The difficulty of the enemys are not affected by that change.

flyfighter said:
I think you lack serious communication between us and you. We hardly get any reply on other forum posts besides the dev shack. And even the dev shack knows its highs and lows. When a update is about to launch or just after it has been launched you show your face but besides that i don't see much activity.
I am not sure from where this feeling comes from but we are communicating more than ever with the community and listening to your feedback. Make sure to use the forum "Quick Links" button on the top left of the forum to find latest posts easily to not miss posts from devs etc. Keep in mind that we are only handful of devs here are splitscreen getting all activities under the hood and none is dedicated to just work on the communication part.

flyfighter said:
Why even change cry reduction loss in lower systems to Loot reduction loss? Like bp hunting was not hard enough. See this is yet another example of lowering the "Fun factor". Like even bps dropped good before update...
This change was required because the effort based drop system would otherwise allow high level players to steal a big part of the effort from lower level players. Effectively the effort of a high level player is reduced when he destroy low level units resulting in lower effort/loot reduction.

Lex said:
Highway i dunno how to contact u im new to this forum, id like to present an idea...
No need to directly contact me. I recommend to set up a new topic where your ideas can be discussed with the community.


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Feb 4, 2016
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Lex said:
Highway i dunno how to contact u im new to this forum, id like to present an idea...
Highway said:
No need to directly contact me. I recommend to set up a new topic where your ideas can be discussed with the community.
There is already a topic for this called Feedback, i hope u know it exist?: http://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewforum.php?f=253

Highway said:
I am not sure from where this feeling comes from but we are communicating more than ever with the community and listening to your feedback. Make sure to use the forum "Quick Links" button on the top left of the forum to find latest posts easily to not miss posts from devs etc. Keep in mind that we are only handful of devs here are splitscreen getting all activities under the hood and none is dedicated to just work on the communication part.
The feeling comes from the gaps between replies. I know ur a small team and u can't reply each day eventhough that would be great. So i don't expect u to reply each day, but weekly would be greatly appreciated. Currently we get gaps of 3 weeks without any sign of life. We are currently all used to modern communication facility's with direct if not daily feeback. But sometimes this forum feels like im sending a pigeon with a message in the hope he will reach his destination and does not get caught in some dangerous storm. And after that he also has to flies back home with ur replies.

This forum is also part of the game in my opinion. Some ppl like me like to chat and like to feel they can help. I like to daydream about stuff that could be implemented in this game. Some ideas might be ridiculous and others might even be doable and would greatly increase our fun in this game. I'm putting them out there in the hope they get read, but there is no way of telling they actually are by the audience that they are truly meant for and that is you. It would mean a lot if you could spend a little time in replying on some of our idea's. Not only to me but i believe also to others. It does not have to be a fancy reply just a small word if you like it or not etc.

At the current state of this forum i think we players have to try to squeeze information loose. We mostly deliver all input in this forum. I would like to see that goes the other way around once in a while. I don't remember if it was possible in the past but something like a POLL on the forum would be a great idea to have interactions with ur community. For example the removal of r5 instances. Ur currently planning on doing so and this might make ppl happy and makes ppl sad. But what does the majority want? Im sure you have other questions... should we do this... or should we do that.... Would be nice if you asked for the community's opinion aswell. Let us feel heard and that we have a actual voice in the future of this game. We want to hear of your struggles, we want to know how much effort it actually takes to make updates, we want to see why something takes the amount of time, we want to know all sorts. We want to know more about everything xD. We are all investors, would you put money on something that you barely know anything off? At this point i still think this game can shine again, but im not 100% sertain, more like 50/50. For some ppl that doubt is the factor of putting money in this game yes or no.

Oh yeah and a poll about removing gravitons in pvp would be greatly appreciated. Or atleast a explanation why they are still usable in pvp

Highway said:
Our intentions for every update for Pirate Galaxy are good and with the focus on improving the game. Sadly we can never make every player happy, because some don't like changes at all :cry: . But I guess it how it is when a game is changed after its release and players got already used to the game mechanics. Still we are really trying to find a good balance for the updates and hope that this is noticed by the community.
People need time to get used to changes. And communication can be the factor in love or hate aswell. I personally would like to see some detailed explanation why stuff got changed and why some stuff did not receive changes. Maybe then we can better understand things and accept how they are. And its good to see updates again but i think most people are questioning why you did not prioritize creating new content instead of changing game balances. I can't wait to see what new system you create and what new ships there will be. And i think most of us are waiting for those update even many veteran players that are currently doing other games will come back when they hear the news that new bps and ships can be found. Im hoping that these updates had to be done and that without them tau ceti would not be great. That this foundation had to be made.

I'm looking forward to see what special offers we get on the summersale. Permanent blasters projectile skins?? Who knows i might even spend some gold and sponsor the further development. And i absolutely cant wait to see ur reactions on the feedback topic and am very curious about the upcoming content.


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Sep 13, 2012
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Highway said:
tonyikego said:
Don't understand why nerfing everything in the game is more important to you than adding new content.
To better understand it i suggest reading up the other devshacks as well. Its all to lay a foundation to build future updates on them. Otherwise we would not be able to properly integrate new systems.
I have read all the dev shacks and you have provided no plausible reason why nerfing everything in the game is necessary. We have to nerf everthing and make current (really old) content more difficult and time consuming before we can add new content is not a plausible explanation. You have not explained why ship armors have changed not only in the ship armor adjustment update but in every update afterward. You have not explained why the pvp overhaul affected pve throughout the game after you specifically said that it would not. You have not explained why you think the game is better with nerfed tech and armor. I think the game is less fun due to some of these changes.

Players are quitting the game because of the changes you have made.

It is your game to do with as you please. I hope you do better.


May 2, 2017
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Highway said:
Our intentions for every update for Pirate Galaxy are good and with the focus on improving the game. Sadly we can never make every player happy, because some don't like changes at all :cry: . But I guess it how it is when a game is changed after its release and players got already used to the game mechanics. Still we are really trying to find a good balance for the updates and hope that this is noticed by the community.
"Deal with it" response it probably the worst thing you can do now. Your intentions are good for what? Because it's definitely not for players. Not for company's bank account because less players = less money. You can't just nerf things and say "deal with it".

Highway said:
flyfighter said:
Why even change cry reduction loss in lower systems to Loot reduction loss? Like bp hunting was not hard enough. See this is yet another example of lowering the "Fun factor". Like even bps dropped good before update...
This change was required because the effort based drop system would otherwise allow high level players to steal a big part of the effort from lower level players. Effectively the effort of a high level player is reduced when he destroy low level units resulting in lower effort/loot reduction..
There's something calling "increase". You could balance between high and low level player's effort and create something in between. Raise the effort of player who shoots "correct level and above" enemies. But you just straight nerfed everything. It would be correct way if all enemies dropped the same cryo everywhere based on player level, for example playerlevel*1,5 cryo on vega and playerlevel*1,5 cryo on draconis, then straight nerfing the cryo drop without a cap would be reasonable. Previous 20% penalty was always bad, you just made it even worse because now penalty is everywhere. Why should we get penalty for having better equipment in the first place? Isn't a point of a game to get better equipment to get things done faster?
Before the update the only reason to fly to lower system and watch all these cries of people who can't progress alone was to help them. Now there's completely no reason. Good luck for all these bulwark/thermograde ships getting top BPs. And don't tell me that new players shouldn't rush to top tech. Best tech = easier and faster. And especially with Sirius there's no reason not to rush to it. Cryo, ancient tech for all lower systems. Why waste time for gold BPs when there are ancients around?

Highway said:
tonyikego said:
Don't understand why nerfing everything in the game is more important to you than adding new content.
To better understand it i suggest reading up the other devshacks as well. Its all to lay a foundation to build future updates on them. Otherwise we would not be able to properly integrate new systems.
In devshacks you wanted to make game easier for new and current players so they don't need to spend months just in Sirius before getting to Tau Ceti. But you just nerfed everything and said "goodbye" to many old players and all new players that could play the game. Normal devs don't nerf everything to add content as strong as previous one before nerf.

Our clan had around ~12 active people and most of time we could find full squad to do anything. Now only one person is left there. Good luck with this. With updates like that and people quitting we will see "404 not found" on Pirate Galaxy faster than Tau Ceti in the game. Unless the Tau Ceti will be another system full of reused content with buffed up numbers and no story and no logic like sirius was. 40 part blueprints and drop rate 1 blueprint per 50 mobs. To be honest I don't think we should expect more than this. Another failure like release-sirius was and it will take another months to bring it down to playable state.


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Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
Hello ! ! !

So we need understand changes,but You dear Devs need understand us.
We wait YEARS for changes,when You dear Devs created and working in dino storm,we still wait.
When we see many changes on dino storm,we thinking that here will be same,but we all wrong...
When You done and come FINALY here - nerf and nerf and nerf.
So dont be mad that people have no more patience for wait till be somthing new,not only old changes.

I still have patience and belive,that be day,when like 2 years ago,I will again play with love.


Summer Sale ? Hmm who gives You idea abaut sals hmm hmmm.
Anyway good start.Now need only news and new events to ppl stop quit.

Good Hunting for All who dont rest from game :)


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Sep 13, 2012
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Highway said:
Our intentions for every update for Pirate Galaxy are good and with the focus on improving the game. Sadly we can never make every player happy, because some don't like changes at all :cry:
i am very supportive of changes that make the game more fun. I am strongly opposed to changes which make the game less fun.


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May 17, 2017
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Remove the instances from Ring 5 to make finding players to cooperate with easier

This means for example all 10 clans will share a planet ?

Which clan(s) will do intels first and kill Giza ?

Do you think how clans will cooperate on this?

Please keep the instances as it is now.
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