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Sirius Adjustments #5

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Feb 4, 2016
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Will you ad mizar strong/rapid sniper and defender tech into the game with sirius adjustments 2?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Will you remove all other items/boosters that can create unfair advantages when in pirate mode?
Speaking of drones and gravitons


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Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
Hi, I have questions about the sirius adjustments part two:

What could we buy with the clan cryonite for recharge the jump ship drive? Mission by-pass? five quarcs?
What is the price for it?

You will increase the number of planets of the 5th ring?


Mar 16, 2017
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flyfighter said:
Will you remove all other items/boosters that can create unfair advantages when in pirate mode?
Speaking of drones and gravitons
Why would you possibly want to remove drones from PvP? Because it is "unfair"? Go grind it out and use them yourself! The gravis idea tho, is debatable.


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Sep 1, 2016
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Kal said:
Remove the instances from Ring 5 to make finding players to cooperate with easier

This means for example all 10 clans will share a planet ?

Which clan(s) will do intels first and kill Giza ?

Do you think how clans will cooperate on this?

Please keep the instances as it is now.

The instances will not be necessary since when completing a count comes another and as design Highway The required Intel will be drastically reduced to be able to respawn the giza at a faster rate than currently cultivating khons. And x what I saw that the giza is private in escu even if it is helping out of the escu :LOL:


Mar 16, 2017
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Yea devs, thanks for killing the shop in the process ^^ ^^ ^^


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Dear highway and gms,

Colossus is being exploited by people who are creating teams. Its meant for solo battles and not to team up with eachoter to get to place one and earn 100k. I would like to bring this to your attention. This time i will not call any names but i've made some video's of the teaming up taking place and as clearly shown in my history you can see who did the teaming. This should be a warning for all players. Next time this happens again i will send in a report with the names of the players.

Secondly i would advise you to have atleast 1 gm online during these scheduled colossus battles to prevent this from happening. Its extremely annoying. People don't understand they are killing fun for others by teaming up.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Oh and besides the system is bugged aswell. If people are teaming up with eachother and you get killed by 5 of them you lose 5 attempts.

So the more people shoot you the more lives you lose

So if you team up you can easily shut down your enemies and destroy all their attempts


Mar 16, 2017
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Jeez if people are teaming up against you, go get yourself a team as well! I know there are a lot of things to complain about in PG, but this is just ridiculous.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2016
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Good lets have some fun on this forum, throw some more constructive comments in my direction. Im up for it. Idc what you think. Annoyances must be dealt with to maintain the remaining fun in this game, simple.


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Mar 15, 2010
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thank you for the BIG work that Devs are doing for the game. :)

But i have a difficult question :
When Tau Ceti system will be released,
Will you focus on other games (dino storm / steal legion), or continue working on PirateGalaxy ? :|


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May 18, 2017
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Dear devs.
You wanted to overhaul the dropsystem, that you have. Unfortunately you did it without acknowledge the actual situation of the game. By increase the drop for squads, you don't recognize that most player fly solo.
And to your information, the solo drops are worse. (i read "no difference", but that's not true)

What I can't understand is your understanding of balancing. To weaken us, your customer, without any reason, you will face an even more severe situation in the near future.
You weaken ships and tech to a level where it's completely nonsense to spend any more time on this game.
It's still possible to do most of the fights solo, but when i do damage of 2-3% and e.g. an Odion has 13%, (critical 26%), than i must say, play this nonsense alone.
I spent hours to get one of the best ships with good tech, but when you level it down to a tin can that throw cottonbuds, i regret all of this hours and money i spent:

Emperor Tank
Blaster and Sniper Blaster do 2-3% Damage,
Sniper Blaster was always superior to Blaster and strong blasters with only 3% damage is a joke
I have the assassin drone, what should give more critical damage, what it doesn't, or the damage i do is so low that a critical hit is not more countable.
Protector time decreased and took Sniper blaster damage, Why you still call it protector, because it don"t protect anymore.
Ifrit cortex nearly useless because of the pseudo protector
All tech activation time of 1 sec additional to the usual cooldown time - ridiculous.

It's not that we don't want changes or don't read the forum. When you bring your car to the garage and you get it back with speed clipped to 30mph and no bumpers, while someone explained to you that's for the greater good,
I doubt you will accept it. Neither do we.

It's not us who are unreasonable, it's your permanent downgrading what fouls the game.


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Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
litlegiant said:
Emperor Tank
Blaster and Sniper Blaster do 2-3% Damage,
Sniper Blaster was always superior to Blaster and strong blasters with only 3% damage is a joke
I have the assassin drone, what should give more critical damage, what it doesn't, or the damage i do is so low that a critical hit is not more countable.
Protector time decreased and took Sniper blaster damage, Why you still call it protector, because it don"t protect anymore.
Ifrit cortex nearly useless because of the pseudo protector
All tech activation time of 1 sec additional to the usual cooldown time - ridiculous.

It's not that we don't want changes or don't read the forum. When you bring your car to the garage and you get it back with speed clipped to 30mph and no bumpers, while someone explained to you that's for the greater good,
I doubt you will accept it. Neither do we.

It's not us who are unreasonable, it's your permanent downgrading what fouls the game.

2-3% You mean on horus no o su :p 4% on critic
Strg rockets have 4%. 7% on critic XD

Critical hit nerf what see great on aim pc and that too dont tell us Devs till we dont see XD

Only speed actu [ time ] not get so big nerf like others stuff,but cd is shit XD

That why ppl stop play.

If solo need kill 20-40 su for 1 bp that is no sense to sit on game and waste of energy XD

Maybe when Devs finaly start play like normal acc here and see problems then start repair not only nerf
for news in future XD

So... How many time go away when they said to us abaut TC and we get only 2 screen with 2 ship ?
And how many time we need wait for see new items,maybe npc or missions XD

Well better for You and for others get "relax" making "log off" and wait like me for news becouse play
gives only frustration :)


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Sep 1, 2016
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hektor.barbossa said:
litlegiant said:
Emperor Tank
Blaster and Sniper Blaster do 2-3% Damage,
Sniper Blaster was always superior to Blaster and strong blasters with only 3% damage is a joke
I have the assassin drone, what should give more critical damage, what it doesn't, or the damage i do is so low that a critical hit is not more countable.
Protector time decreased and took Sniper blaster damage, Why you still call it protector, because it don"t protect anymore.
Ifrit cortex nearly useless because of the pseudo protector
All tech activation time of 1 sec additional to the usual cooldown time - ridiculous.

It's not that we don't want changes or don't read the forum. When you bring your car to the garage and you get it back with speed clipped to 30mph and no bumpers, while someone explained to you that's for the greater good,
I doubt you will accept it. Neither do we.

It's not us who are unreasonable, it's your permanent downgrading what fouls the game.

2-3% You mean on horus no o su :p 4% on critic
Strg rockets have 4%. 7% on critic XD

Critical hit nerf what see great on aim pc and that too dont tell us Devs till we dont see XD

Only speed actu [ time ] not get so big nerf like others stuff,but cd is shit XD

That why ppl stop play.

If solo need kill 20-40 su for 1 bp that is no sense to sit on game and waste of energy XD

Maybe when Devs finaly start play like normal acc here and see problems then start repair not only nerf
for news in future XD

So... How many time go away when they said to us abaut TC and we get only 2 screen with 2 ship ?
And how many time we need wait for see new items,maybe npc or missions XD

Well better for You and for others get "relax" making "log off" and wait like me for news becouse play
gives only frustration :)

Maybe the update of tau ceti be an october or november
Not enough for nothing to publish the server for testing part 2 of Sirius alomejor is therefore of the offer of summer xd :LOL:


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Mar 22, 2015
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You've forgotten something ;)
anthony.navas said:
Maybe the update of tau ceti be an october or november 2019


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Apr 1, 2012
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Hello Splitscreen,
I got a few Bugs or something similar i want to say to you. Maybe You know them, maybe not, but anyway, here they are:

1: Meta SDX Engineer and Fenix Shock dosn´t count for PVP Achivments. The Meta SDX is one of the "easter Ships" and all other "easter ships" are counting for PVP Achievments so that is kinda weird. Also if you see a healer in Draconis (or on CQ) its most of the Times the SDX Engineer, so its pretty hard to geht the Achivment if only the normal one counts and no one is using it.
I don´t know how the Fenix shock would work here. I didn´t test it actual, but as far as i know, a year ago it didn´t count for achivment aswell. And i don´t think that this got a change.
So in My Opinion is both ships should work to get a point at the PVP Achivments.
2: All Mantis Ships don´t count for PVP Achivments. This is more a question, why they don´t counter in this Achivments^^.
3: Draconis Sniper vs Draconis Storm (even TR Storm). We did a few PVP´s with draco tech with the mentioned ships. in every fight the sniper won. So Far ok, But the Sniper didn´t even need the Orbitalstrike or the Droid to win. if he don´t use it, he will still win. Even if all rockets from the storm will hit. I know u nerved the Rockets, but isn´t it a but to much? i mean, if the storm loose if the orbital strike hit all is fine. but if the sniper dont use his orbital strike, the storm should get a chance (In my opinion). Since the SNiper is overall the better PVE ships is there no reason anymore to go for the storm. Cause he didn´t has a chance in PVP storm. And with my TR storm its the same in anycase. So i wonder why do i even got it, if there is no way to use it.
4: Mantis Hive Difficulty. (Before u comment this section, pls try to fly to the queen with a common meth´s ship like sniper or defender) This could be something where some People would agree and others would say its ok. But in my opinion Hive is to Hard, cause of different Reason. I don´t want to say something about the Armor Removal, cause if u did the Story missions u didn´t got it. What i mean are the Minefields and shipspeed etc. Since the mines are changed, its pretty hard to get through one. if u try to kill every mine after mine u will die from the others Mantis in range (for example). If u just fly threw it u will die. If u get stunned u are dead. there is no way to escape. WIth the lowered speed of the Ships with High armor the Mantis will follow u even with Afterburner until u die. (This are some of the Reason why i think its to hard in the moment). In the moment i am doing the White missions and there is no way for me to get to the lvl 70er opponents without getting podded 2-3 Times and this everytime at the same position.
5: Problems if u die in MInefield. If u die in a minefield and u are alone. u need to go to the hangar. cause if u Ressurect yourself, u will instantly get killed again from a new mine. A small resurect protect ( for like 5sec) would be very usefull to avoid this.
6. Mantis Kommanduer stun time. If u fly over the planets with systemtech and u get stunned u will stay on the position for like ( what is it ? 30 sec?). U can activate your repair droide, but in most of all the cases u are still death. the stun is just to long. and u can´t avoid it aslong u don´t have a fast ship or protect. if u got a slow ship ( tank or defender) u will get stunned even if u use your afterburner to get pass the stunner. or if u do a white mission and u have to kill a stunner for example on aurora. the kommandeur will kill(only if u activate your repair droide while stunned and fly away with after burner in the moment stun is over u will survive) but hey u have to kill the stunner for the mission, so how do it ? cause he got his stun back before your repair droid is rdy again.
7:Some Missions with Bugs
7.1: Mizar mission "on the hunt": in the mission there is a point were u have to run after Vicius and u have to follow him. than 3 npc´s will land and block his way. Rosebud s will die and vicious will take his pod. is was able ( without graviton ) to get to vicius and killed him. but the mission didn´t end. why ? rosebud wont die. Rosebud has to die for the mission to progress and u are able to kill vicious (i mean why not do it? he is your opponent for most of the story time and in this missions its your plan to kill him).
7.2: there are 2 missions one on Baumar and one on Lustra where u have to kill special mantis to get intels ( baumar = enter, lustra = kommandeur) if u kill the first, the information window will show " gratulation, u found the intel" but it isn´t dropped. i still have to kill the mantis until its dropped, that is a bit confusing :D.

I Hope what i wrote is understandable. If u got more questions, just ask :).
i hope i didn´t forgot something, if it should be the case, i will write it here :).


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The Doctor
anthony.navas said:
Do not exaggerate that for 2019 :LOL: the best for early 2018 ;)
The best for the game and the community is It will be released on November of this year. And I think the devs can get it done to that month. ;)


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Don't blame me but i think the update will be released pretty quick after its dev shack has been released because they have been working on it at the same time as they were doing the updates all along. So i guess early November or October. ;)

Regards, the Bounty Hunter


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
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One thing the development team has shown is that it is very focused on upgrades, however, the '' re-creation '' of the game does not seem to compare with the construction of a new system, namely Tau Ceti
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