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#9 Tau Ceti Part 3 & Conquest Rework

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Feb 24, 2010
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Considering the current situation and Calon i hope that Parsecs get an "advanced TC armor" cus otherwise Parsecs would be pretty much obsolete on the new planet if only the TC ships would get more armor.

My current guess if a new armor comes are costs of 1mio-1.2mio for parsec classes and ~600k for tc ships.


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Jan 20, 2020
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Za VillainEmperor
Hello everyone, I would like to propose a change to the CQ system that could (and in the minds of many - probably should) come and it has to do with energy usage on CQ planets.
What I suggest is that energy consumption on those planets be completely nullified as I believe that would make for a more even and also more fun battle for both sides. The less time we spend refilling, the more actual fighting time and therefore more fun :). Moreover such a change would even the battle field as nobody would be able to complain of lack of energy mid-conquest anymore.
Finally, I'd like to point out that at the current state of the game no one actually purchases membership for the PvP aspect of the game (especially conquests) so this would hardly affect the income for the developers.

Best regards!
P.S. This change, should it be implemented, would also be very welcome on Colossus which is only a 2h long event once a week :)


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Getagripx said:
Hello everyone, I would like to propose a change to the CQ system that could (and in the minds of many - probably should) come and it has to do with energy usage on CQ planets.
What I suggest is that energy consumption on those planets be completely nullified as I believe that would make for a more even and also more fun battle for both sides. The less time we spend refilling, the more actual fighting time and therefore more fun :). Moreover such a change would even the battle field as nobody would be able to complain of lack of energy mid-conquest anymore.
Finally, I'd like to point out that at the current state of the game no one actually purchases membership for the PvP aspect of the game (especially conquests) so this would hardly affect the income for the developers.

Best regards!
P.S. This change, should it be implemented, would also be very welcome on Colossus which is only a 2h long event once a week :)
Hmm, I can agree with this since on cqs we barely take energy, especially from sol system where venus has 200 e per 3 seconds and energy goes fast really really fast, like this if a full ally of 25 on planet has no membership they need at least 5 mins to make their e full (without any engagments ofc) and then in next 5 minutes energy is out hehe. So if you can do something about this will be really nice :) .
Best Regards,


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Hecatte said:
Getagripx said:
Hello everyone, I would like to propose a change to the CQ system that could (and in the minds of many - probably should) come and it has to do with energy usage on CQ planets.
What I suggest is that energy consumption on those planets be completely nullified as I believe that would make for a more even and also more fun battle for both sides. The less time we spend refilling, the more actual fighting time and therefore more fun :). Moreover such a change would even the battle field as nobody would be able to complain of lack of energy mid-conquest anymore.
Finally, I'd like to point out that at the current state of the game no one actually purchases membership for the PvP aspect of the game (especially conquests) so this would hardly affect the income for the developers.

Best regards!
P.S. This change, should it be implemented, would also be very welcome on Colossus which is only a 2h long event once a week :)
Hmm, I can agree with this since on cqs we barely take energy, especially from sol system where venus has 200 e per 3 seconds and energy goes fast really really fast, like this if a full ally of 25 on planet has no membership they need at least 5 mins to make their e full (without any engagments ofc) and then in next 5 minutes energy is out hehe. So if you can do something about this will be really nice :) .
Best Regards,
Well... I agree with the point but I see the second solution here. Lets Just increase the e orbs 300% on CQ planets and Colossus Deathmatch Event so that energy refilling will be shortened quite much so that nullifing the energy consuption on batlle planets will not be necessary.
Greetings, RavenPL


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Poland said:
Hecatte said:
Getagripx said:
Hello everyone, I would like to propose a change to the CQ system that could (and in the minds of many - probably should) come and it has to do with energy usage on CQ planets.
What I suggest is that energy consumption on those planets be completely nullified as I believe that would make for a more even and also more fun battle for both sides. The less time we spend refilling, the more actual fighting time and therefore more fun :). Moreover such a change would even the battle field as nobody would be able to complain of lack of energy mid-conquest anymore.
Finally, I'd like to point out that at the current state of the game no one actually purchases membership for the PvP aspect of the game (especially conquests) so this would hardly affect the income for the developers.

Best regards!
P.S. This change, should it be implemented, would also be very welcome on Colossus which is only a 2h long event once a week :)
Hmm, I can agree with this since on cqs we barely take energy, especially from sol system where venus has 200 e per 3 seconds and energy goes fast really really fast, like this if a full ally of 25 on planet has no membership they need at least 5 mins to make their e full (without any engagments ofc) and then in next 5 minutes energy is out hehe. So if you can do something about this will be really nice :) .
Best Regards,
Well... I agree with the point but I see the second solution here. Lets Just increase the e orbs 300% on CQ planets and Colossus Deathmatch Event so that energy refilling will be shortened quite much so that nullifing the energy consuption on batlle planets will not be necessary.
Greetings, RavenPL
I agree. Easter event that ended 1 week ago was pretty satisfying when it comes to orbs. Players would need 30 seconds at maximum to refill which is pretty good.
Considering CQ and Colossus, you don't have time to refill your energy due to constant combat, and refilling energy on CQ is harder and can result loss of CQ for those 2-3 minutes due to enemy conquering other areas. I would suggest as well increasing orbs by 300-500% on CQ and Colossus , so that way players can have fun doing those and not having interrupt with hard long refilling. Also , increasing normal orbs by same percentage would benefit whole community, and wouldn't change purpose of having Membership (because people still spend that energy pretty fast and they need to find energy field to refill, so Membership is still good). Instead of having combat and farming or PvP-ing , they have to sit in energy field for few minutes otherwise.
One addition to that to mention why this would be good, is because for example mission 11 of Earth (in unrest) - Dark Premonition requires player going through Terasa in Antares to escort ships LZ-Carl Sagan and way back from Carl Sagan-LZ by the very long route. This mission requires constant killing units that require Membership , or even Chromian ships that slow up enemy to save some energy. Increasing energy for 300-500% would not change gameplay but help players be able to do something in situations like this, such as taking Few Energy Balls during mission like this , would be crucial for Non-Membership players (I've never seen people pass this sm 11 without at least 1 or 2 membership people).


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Jan 1, 2012
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Rare Ship for the Tau Ceti System:

Ne0n-X Chameleon: “Prototype developed by the Logan Barossa Pirate Clan thanks to the fruit of long years of research and piracy of Arcana technology. It is a very powerful ship to infiltrate any defensive system in the entire galaxy.
Operating under the concept of quantum energy, it uses an anomalous cryonite to change the ship's hull in a perfect atomic order which makes it literally undetectable by sight and scanners. ”

1 - Cannon.
2 - Collectors.
3 - Ionized Laser.
4 - Repair Droid.
5 - Afterburners.
6 - Electromagnetic Mine.
7 - Hacking Antenna.
8 - Quantum Camouflage.


Ionized Laser: Deactivate 3 enemy Components at random for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 seconds at random. Damage dealt comparable to Long Range Cannon. Recharge time: 24 seconds. Casting Time: 0.5 Seconds.

Electromagnetic Mine: Explode is an area paralyzing all enemies hit. Does not cause damage. Standstill Time: 10 Seconds. Recharge Time: 50 Seconds. Casting Time: 1 Second. Number of Maximum Mines on the planet: 5.

Hacking Antenna: Steal an ability from an enemy. It allows you to choose between 2 randomly chosen components for your own use. The abilities of the stolen ability are the same as the enemy in PVP. For PVE the stolen ability is adapted to the level of the Hacking Antenna. Casting Time: 2 Seconds. Recharge Time: 90 Seconds.

Quantum Camouflage: You become invisible and undetectable to all enemies. Taking area damage, shooting, or dealing damage (Ionized laser) will disable camouflage. All other special abilities on the ship allow you to use them in Camouflage mode. Including: Afterburners, Repair Droid and Collector. Active time: 20 Seconds. Recharge Time: 45 Seconds. It can become invisible in combat mode, if Limpet Bomb or Missiles were launched after using the ability, they will still do damage to you and instantly disable camouflage. Quantum Camouflage disables the Target.

This message is for Highway. I hope it is interesting and that you can communicate with me that I have many other things to contribute.

I know that is not the issue right now, but I would like the programming to study the design for the rare ship of the Tau Ceti system and that it will not be a disappointment.


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Feb 24, 2010
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One addition to that to mention why this would be good, is because for example mission 11 of Earth (in unrest) - Dark Premonition requires player going through Terasa in Antares to escort ships LZ-Carl Sagan and way back from Carl Sagan-LZ by the very long route. This mission requires constant killing units that require Membership , or even Chromian ships that slow up enemy to save some energy. Increasing energy for 300-500% would not change gameplay but help players be able to do something in situations like this, such as taking Few Energy Balls during mission like this , would be crucial for Non-Membership players (I've never seen people pass this sm 11 without at least 1 or 2 membership people).
For this mission it wouldn´t change really much considering how small the E-Cells are at Terasa in compare to the max E we could hold at that point (11.750 for a Lvl 91 Pilot) and an increase of 300-500% would only give use somewhat of 150-200(?) E/Cell.

An imo much easier approach to that whole situation would be like i already suggested in another post:

[...]The Formula
The only thing i´m not sure about is the E-generation itself inside the E-Fields but for the most easy way i would go for something like "Current E-Max/60 seconds = x E/second"
Translated for an Lvl 91 Pilot it would look then something like this:
11.250E/60 seconds = 187,5 E/second (rounded up 186 E/second)
I would change here however my own Formula here cus for starters the E-Cap for an 91 Pilot is 11.750E and instead of going by 60 seconds i would say it only takes 30 seconds by just standing in an E-Field what would then look like the following:
11.750E/30 Seconds = 391,67 E/Second (rounded up 392 E/Second)

In addition to that i also would make it then so that a E-Cell that the Pilot collects manually to speed up the process it would have the quadruple worth of the E/Second so that it would look like the following:
11.750E/30 Seconds*4 = 1566,68 E/Cell (rounded down 1567 E/Cell) manually collected.

In terms of collectors power it´s normaly so that it takes 2 secs of cooldown for the Collector to be rdy again so that we gain in theory every 2 seconds with manual collection 1.959E (Lvl 91 Pilot) what results in a total refill time of ~10 seconds (5 E-Cells)

The BPs i would leave as they are right now and not change their conversion rate in any way. The only reason the E-Fields would need that change and should be independent from the System and Planet is more like an QoL Update.

The Benefit
Over this way a player would at max need 1 full minute ON EVERY PLANET IN EVERY SYSTEM to fill his tank from 0 --> max. The more E you have remaining the less time it takes to fully refill your E-Tank

In return that helps the high level players to help new players with missions cus they need the same time no matter the level and system what also helps a ton for events that play in every system and high level players need to leave for at least 3 - 5 mins the system to go to their current top system to fill their energy up again and then return to the lower system.

Another thing it would serve would be the "brb-moments" where we can shortly move away from the screen and then return with an full E-Tank again.
Over this way Memberships wouldn´t lose their purpose at all imo and it would benefit for those Pilots who either don´t want to spend money on the game or don´t want to have the Ult-Membership for whatever reason + Missions that take part in a way lower system (like Dark Prem in Antares) would be more doable cus a Pilot can short park in a E-Field for a couple of secs and then continue again.


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Feb 24, 2010
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Grandma Edit says:
I just noticed that i did forget that i made 4 levels between the old Quote and my E-Statement cus an lvl 95 Pilot has 11.750 Energy as max cap but from the formula nothing really changes but cus we still can´t edit our own posts after a while Grandma Edit needs to jump in.


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys

Rare Ship for the Tau Ceti System:

Ne0n-X Chameleon: “Prototype developed by the Logan Barossa Pirate Clan thanks to the fruit of long years of research and piracy of Arcana technology. It is a very powerful ship to infiltrate any defensive system in the entire galaxy.
Operating under the concept of quantum energy, it uses an anomalous cryonite to change the ship's hull in a perfect atomic order which makes it literally undetectable by sight and scanners. ”

1 - Cannon.
2 - Collectors.
3 - Ionized Laser.
4 - Repair Droid.
5 - Afterburners.
6 - Electromagnetic Mine.
7 - Hacking Antenna.
8 - Quantum Camouflage.


Ionized Laser: Deactivate 3 enemy Components at random for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 seconds at random. Damage dealt comparable to Long Range Cannon. Recharge time: 24 seconds. Casting Time: 0.5 Seconds.

Electromagnetic Mine: Explode is an area paralyzing all enemies hit. Does not cause damage. Standstill Time: 10 Seconds. Recharge Time: 50 Seconds. Casting Time: 1 Second. Number of Maximum Mines on the planet: 5.

Hacking Antenna: Steal an ability from an enemy. It allows you to choose between 2 randomly chosen components for your own use. The abilities of the stolen ability are the same as the enemy in PVP. For PVE the stolen ability is adapted to the level of the Hacking Antenna. Casting Time: 2 Seconds. Recharge Time: 90 Seconds.

Quantum Camouflage: You become invisible and undetectable to all enemies. Taking area damage, shooting, or dealing damage (Ionized laser) will disable camouflage. All other special abilities on the ship allow you to use them in Camouflage mode. Including: Afterburners, Repair Droid and Collector. Active time: 20 Seconds. Recharge Time: 45 Seconds. It can become invisible in combat mode, if Limpet Bomb or Missiles were launched after using the ability, they will still do damage to you and instantly disable camouflage. Quantum Camouflage disables the Target.
That is very interesting. It's said to be 2 new items and spaceships in part 4. However, that's not case for golden ships. 2 of those items (let's say Quantum Camouflage and Ionized Laser) can appear in TC4.
Electromagnetic Mine, Hacking Antenna items can only be available as Golden Items. That would be addition same way as etc. Mizar Sniper items, Mizar/Sol Defender items (Hyan) that are only available in Golden versions. So those 2 special items that steal ability from enemy and paralyze them upon hit would be only available in Golden Versions.
Aside of that, Highway said already that Golden Ships will use all of TC items in TC4, which I predict that there will be more than few Golden ships (at least 3-4) since they can't combinate 10 of TC items at only few ships. I'm looking forward to it and very good idea mate. :)


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Feb 24, 2010
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[...]Aside of that, Highway said already that Golden Ships will use all of TC items in TC4, which I predict that there will be more than few Golden ships (at least 3-4) since they can't combinate 10 of TC items at only few ships. I'm looking forward to it and very good idea mate. :)
Didn´t Highway already say that it will give 2 Rare Ships for TC that use all of the new items?

So far it would totaly work out with only 2 Rare Ships considering the current Items of TC1-3 that are only 6 so far and if TC4 brings 2 more items it will end up by 8 for me at the current point.
TC1: Lightning Chain (LC) + Corruption Cloud (CC)
TC2: Quantum Leap (QL) + Magnet Trap (MT)
TC3: Deflection Droid (DDroid) + Scope Shifter (ScSh)
TC4: So far unknown if and what the next items will be if 2 more will be added again.

So the current Setup is more or less unknown how Split will combine those items but both ships will have for sure the basic components (Blaster, Collector, RD and AB) and then 4 of the TC Items.


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Apr 28, 2016
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TC1: Lightning Chain (LC) + Corruption Cloud (CC)
you forgot Damage Inverter ;)
TC2: Quantum Leap (QL) + Magnet Trap (MT)
you forgot Allies Cover ;)
So we already have 8 items. I remember Highway saying that there will be 2 gold ships using 4 TC items each as well as you seem to do, so i'd expect no new item for TC4, but to be fair i can't remember where i've read it and i am a bit too lazy to go hunting in the forum for it, especially right after the forum update, since all links i kept are now broken T_T.


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Feb 24, 2010
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you forgot Damage Inverter ;)

you forgot Allies Cover ;)
So we already have 8 items. I remember Highway saying that there will be 2 gold ships using 4 TC items each as well as you seem to do, so i'd expect no new item for TC4, but to be fair i can't remember where i've read it and i am a bit too lazy to go hunting in the forum for it, especially right after the forum update, since all links i kept are now broken T_T.
Oh right the 2 items of TC i so far never have seen at any point (if we exclude the Mission undercover Job) or rather said no one flies those ships that actually use them lol.

It took me a while but thx to the power of using the mysterious "search function" i could dig the post up again from Highway where he mentioned it.

[...]The two new rare ships classes that are designed to use all the new item/skills will come in part 4.[...]
But this would then in reverse mean that both rare ships would have to sacrifice 1 item of their Basic components and the only real item you could "remove" from a ship is then like with the Para the AB.

Blaster is a basic attack item, Collector is needed and a ship without RD would have to rely on something that gives HP back like an RTurr (that is no TC Items) or the Allies Cover that only gives HP back if others are attacked so it would be to "situational" to replace the it with the RD.


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Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
you forgot Damage Inverter ;)

you forgot Allies Cover ;)
So we already have 8 items. I remember Highway saying that there will be 2 gold ships using 4 TC items each as well as you seem to do, so i'd expect no new item for TC4, but to be fair i can't remember where i've read it and i am a bit too lazy to go hunting in the forum for it, especially right after the forum update, since all links i kept are now broken T_T.
Yes, Highway have said that about the two rare TC ships.


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Responding to what recently after my post, I would say:

My suggestion is focused on making it the specific rare ship of the Tau Ceti system. As was the Defender Ship in Draconis.

If Tau Ceti part 4 brings us a rare ship capable of using 4 unique elements, it should be so and not the recently known ones.

Now, if there is going to be more than one golden ship in Tau Ceti, that would mean that:

Or, they can make 1 golden ship per planet (Vénar, Earth in Conflict and Calon) that could go in the following strategic way:

Support: Damage Inverters + Deflection Droid + Corruption Clouds + Allies Covers

Combat: Lightning Chains + Quantum Leaps + Magnet Traps + Scope Shifters

I suppose they could event on this in creating a combination and the best voted will be released live.


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I have another job that should be done based on progress in the game. There are several elements that are very useless for the version of the game we are playing.

This is another message for Highway. Keep in mind that I am a 2010 player of the year, I make these suggestions with great care and always based on the history of the game and its mechanics.

Rework of the Component "Aggro Beacons"

Object Name: "Ionic Pulse Tower"

Effect: Provokes Mantis and other enemies to destroy this device, confusing their scanners with that of a player ship. If the tower is not attacked by any target, its life will decrease constantly until reaching 1%.

Every 25% less health the tower will emit an ionic pulse in a 360º area slowing down all the enemies reached (An area not greater than the launch distance of a missile)

Visual Effect: Tower similar in appearance to the lure, an electric effect is added like that of the paralyzing tower with a pulsating blue light.

Pulse Effect: Shock wave through the floor, similar to Orbital, in this case represented with visual electrical effect.

Interactivity: Player's choice to make the tower constantly lose life through scanning.

History of the Ionic Pulse Tower:
- “The Aggro Beacons once formed part of the Shock Ships Tactical System, a technology created by humans to deal effectively with Mantis in past wars. Scientists at Carl Sagan, with the help of Tobias Planck, used the knowledge gained from the Arcana in the Tau Ceti System to amplify the device's power to a new level and thus develop a terrifying tool for the most hostile battlefields.”


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Sep 14, 2010
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Death Watch
Maybe it's not quite connected to the topic, but I want to ask one question that is bothering some of the players right now and is connected to the PvP in the game. I mean the Colossus Saturday battles that don't really suit the expectations of players. Will it be ever changed to some better shape? For example like I have presented in some of the Pirates' Voice series episode, so the idea named as "Arena of Colossus".


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Maybe it's not quite connected to the topic, but I want to ask one question that is bothering some of the players right now and is connected to the PvP in the game. I mean the Colossus Saturday battles that don't really suit the expectations of players. Will it be ever changed to some better shape? For example like I have presented in some of the Pirates' Voice series episode, so the idea named as "Arena of Colossus".
Would be good to create a seperate topic on that so it can be discussed what are the issues of the current system,


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Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
Hello Highway,
What long estimate or think you need to get finished the new system? it will take more than two months more or is it more near or more far?
Sorry for this question but I and many of my friends & clanmates are very excited... :sweatgrinning: And outside this and performance issues, it looks like you are working on a Dino Storm update as well :unsure:
So that is all, we want to know how many time we will have to wait approx. to enjoy it :)


Mar 12, 2020
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Do the new Tau Ceti units still get information when their ships are scanned? The field is still blank. I know there are more important things to do right now, but if we can't get any more information, why is the scan feature still there? It would be nice if that could be added. Never neglect the small details. They also make up the game. :)


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Do the new Tau Ceti units still get information when their ships are scanned? The field is still blank. I know there are more important things to do right now, but if we can't get any more information, why is the scan feature still there? It would be nice if that could be added. Never neglect the small details. They also make up the game. :)
I strongly agree, tau ceti so far is solid but one thing that makes it looks gappy is the fact there are no description on the new units or even the tech. Same for sirius.
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