L3giT said:
Vesperion said:
youmustconstructadditionalpylons said:
well i guess i better grind 9999 mil for humpback so i can get out of tc part 1.....
Actually you only need a minimum of 1.393.481 Cryonite if you wanna go for minimalistic build. I just did that one mission yesterday with a Hump that had only an sub blaster, sub collector, perc rd, ab and di and completed the mission with that build lol.
Was interesting at some parts (5 mins just to collect that scanner

) but cus i know that i not really will use the hump i did go as low as possible with the cryo investment just get this mission done.
you dont need a blaster for the mission? i was planning to go the same but with blaster, collector, ab, rep, and DI, which is about 1.6m cryo
Considering that it is a "spy" mission you avoid the units as much as possible. The only thing you maybe "attack" is a mine here and there eventually but the whole missions doesn´t require a single kill. 1st part of the mission is pretty simple cus you "have time for your routing" while the 2nd part puts you under pressure cus every 30(?) secs a wave of mantis strikers lands if you stand still they might kill you so you have to move all the time with little moments in "safe spots".
Just to give you an idea about the route of that mission here is a little map for it (taken from HH and edited the route into it.)
Ironicly however is that i´m not sure if the 2nd blue circle was a mission area but i did delete that mission from my memory when i completed it

Aside from that fact you basicly fly this route 2 times cus from lz to end then the same route back.
The Red lines are "patrols" and when you cross those lines the mission fails + it will fail as well when you did collect the scanner (pruple circle) and pod during that mission. When you have reached the final spot you will have to fly all the way back to lz cus the mission puts you in an "perma combat mode" until you reach the lz again.
So the pressure of the 2nd part is not only the waves that come everytime but also that poding will fail the mission for sure.
Best is to install a lvl 5 speed drone to cover more ground in 1 go and if you want to cover even more (what i not did) is maybe to invest in a speed booster for 3 hours if you not have running an monthly version alraedy.
To sad however it didn´t give an achive for "minimalistic undercover job"