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#10 Tau Ceti Part 4

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Feb 24, 2010
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I would like to bring this to the attention of the developer and let you know that cryonite is dropping much more often than the blue projects and it is very difficult to catch the rare ones @Highway
I find it ironic cus normally everyone complains that no Cryo is droping while it seems at Arias Servers they prefer less Cryo Drops but want to drown in BP? :unsure:

I would see this from the other side and say that it is good that you drop way more cryos then Blues/Golds as at the end without Cryo you will not be able to install the items anyways so i rather prefer more green drops then Blue or Gold ones as an decrypted BP brings you nothing if you can not install it and have to farm for Cryos then anyways... just saying

What is the current state of affairs?

Can the "July 2022" schedule still be met? There is not much time left.
Where did you get the info that TC4 should drop in July 2022? It gives no offical information to this as far as i´m aware and currently it is more a speculation that TC4 drops after the current Spaceball Event ended due of the Cryo Booster that is active atm and so hints to a "you will need Cryo soon" scenario.

july is a long month. i bet we will see tc4 in the beginning of august.. we waited long enough, i'm sure we can wait 3-5 weeks too
I wouldn´t be so sure about this is we consider the time of Events that happened so far...
I mean since last year it was said that TC4 will come and it was mainly stated "early 2022". Then in February 2022 the TC4 trailer was announced and so gave the impression TC4 will come soon after the TC4 trailer was brought live of February 18, 2022... well what followed after the Trailer? Galactic Eastern Event... then the OTB update for CQs and currently Spaceball 2K22 or better said "Spaceball 2K21 in 2022".

So this is already an hefty delay of now 5 months since the TC4 trailer was revealed and i can fully understand that the community is more and more unhappy with the way SSG approaches the situation ala "stay radio silent and hope for the best". I mean what even was the point of reposting the TC4 reveal trailer rather then showing a new trailer with some more/new stuff in it?

Doesn´t change the fact that it still is not here and the more they delay it without any proper explenation the more unhappy the community grows and if based on @Highway´s last explenation it was only a few tweaks here and there and texts is true the question is why does those take so long when it gives a bunch of testers to ensure everythings goes well at the end?

And another thing:
Try not to bash each other just of strange actions or stuff as it will not result in any change of the current situation as only SSG is able to change this situation and hopefully will drop TC4 after Spaceball has ended and way before September arrives as in theory this month is the start of the RDX Event again.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
I find it ironic cus normally everyone complains that no Cryo is droping while it seems at Arias Servers they prefer less Cryo Drops but want to drown in BP? :unsure:

I would see this from the other side and say that it is good that you drop way more cryos then Blues/Golds as at the end without Cryo you will not be able to install the items anyways so i rather prefer more green drops then Blue or Gold ones as an decrypted BP brings you nothing if you can not install it and have to farm for Cryos then anyways... just saying

Where did you get the info that TC4 should drop in July 2022? It gives no offical information to this as far as i´m aware and currently it is more a speculation that TC4 drops after the current Spaceball Event ended due of the Cryo Booster that is active atm and so hints to a "you will need Cryo soon" scenario.

I wouldn´t be so sure about this is we consider the time of Events that happened so far...
I mean since last year it was said that TC4 will come and it was mainly stated "early 2022". Then in February 2022 the TC4 trailer was announced and so gave the impression TC4 will come soon after the TC4 trailer was brought live of February 18, 2022... well what followed after the Trailer? Galactic Eastern Event... then the OTB update for CQs and currently Spaceball 2K22 or better said "Spaceball 2K21 in 2022".

So this is already an hefty delay of now 5 months since the TC4 trailer was revealed and i can fully understand that the community is more and more unhappy with the way SSG approaches the situation ala "stay radio silent and hope for the best". I mean what even was the point of reposting the TC4 reveal trailer rather then showing a new trailer with some more/new stuff in it?

Doesn´t change the fact that it still is not here and the more they delay it without any proper explenation the more unhappy the community grows and if based on @Highway´s last explenation it was only a few tweaks here and there and texts is true the question is why does those take so long when it gives a bunch of testers to ensure everythings goes well at the end?

And another thing:
Try not to bash each other just of strange actions or stuff as it will not result in any change of the current situation as only SSG is able to change this situation and hopefully will drop TC4 after Spaceball has ended and way before September arrives as in theory this month is the start of the RDX Event again.
, I get more annoyed when they make up dates on the spot and never stick to it like the last several times, I am also sus there are lies when saying "its just minor tweaks and small testing to see if everything is alright here and there". . yeah bro I don't think final touches of testing would take nearly 5 months. They need to confess proper rather than lying. Also, I don't see why it's such a strain to reply to your community to update what's going on since the silent way ain't going to make the community happy like its clearly doing. obviously it's been a disaster and most the people aren't happy with the way they move but no change in their approach shows there's little care


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Nov 22, 2021
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Where did you get the info that TC4 should drop in July 2022? It gives no offical information to this as far as i´m aware and currently it is more a speculation that TC4 drops after the current Spaceball Event ended due of the Cryo Booster that is active atm and so hints to a "you will need Cryo soon" scenario.
Then you haven't read properly, Or you missed it. Highways contributions are not speculations for me.

I expect that the release window might be around June/July depeding on how well the tests are going and the final touches are coming along. Stay tuned a bit more until you can hands on enjoy the last part of Tau Ceti. :coffee:


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Aug 14, 2020
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and here suddenly reavendynamic and a new ship and no tc 4 xd


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Feb 24, 2010
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Then you haven't read properly, Or you missed it. Highways contributions are not speculations for me.
Tbf i don´t really considered this as an "confirmation" as it not states at this point "TC4 will drop in July". Highway stated here at best that he "expects" that TC4 will drop in June/July what is a small but still fine difference between a confirmed date or a speculation that the community can make out of it like i do and is purely based on the Cryo Booster from the Spaceball event and nothing more.

So as long as it gives no offical word from the side of SSG it still is possible that even when Spaceball has concluded we may not hear or see anything about TC4s release or new information and July passes without the release of it.

Again due of no new information of the TC4 story it seems to have only something ~8 Story Missions in total + something ~120 regular missions.

As a further compare cus i like to throw with numbers around me:
Re-Release of TC Part 1 was on June 19, 2018
406 days = 1 year, 1 month and 11 days later TC Part 2 was released on July 30, 2019
224 days = 7 months and 10 days later TC Part 3 was released on March 10, 2020
857 days = 2 years, 4 months and 5 days later aka today and for TC Part 4 it still gives no confirmed release date aside from speculations of the community

So we have here very different timeframes between each release of TC parts where TC4 already takes touble the time of the release between TC1 and TC2 at this point so the question is why was the release between TC2 and TC3 so short when now the final part takes so much time again? What where the devs working on in all this time for crying out loud?

We have not seen anything of the TC4 work aside from geting here and there minor infos or "distorted" screens until @Poland got @Highway somehow to make this Dev Livestream where we could at least see the orbit and a part of the surface of the final planet for TC4 and this next to the trailer was it then again. Sure Bug fixes here and there along with tweaks in the code here and there where made, events where re-used RDX rounds where held, CQ was updated etc. but i think that all this should not take so much recourses to really argue why TC4 takes such a freaking long time to finally drop...


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Tbf i don´t really considered this as an "confirmation" as it not states at this point "TC4 will drop in July". Highway stated here at best that he "expects" that TC4 will drop in June/July what is a small but still fine difference between a confirmed date or a speculation that the community can make out of it like i do and is purely based on the Cryo Booster from the Spaceball event and nothing more.

So as long as it gives no offical word from the side of SSG it still is possible that even when Spaceball has concluded we may not hear or see anything about TC4s release or new information and July passes without the release of it.

Again due of no new information of the TC4 story it seems to have only something ~8 Story Missions in total + something ~120 regular missions.

As a further compare cus i like to throw with numbers around me:
Re-Release of TC Part 1 was on June 19, 2018
406 days = 1 year, 1 month and 11 days later TC Part 2 was released on July 30, 2019
224 days = 7 months and 10 days later TC Part 3 was released on March 10, 2020
857 days = 2 years, 4 months and 5 days later aka today and for TC Part 4 it still gives no confirmed release date aside from speculations of the community

So we have here very different timeframes between each release of TC parts where TC4 already takes touble the time of the release between TC1 and TC2 at this point so the question is why was the release between TC2 and TC3 so short when now the final part takes so much time again? What where the devs working on in all this time for crying out loud?

We have not seen anything of the TC4 work aside from geting here and there minor infos or "distorted" screens until @Poland got @Highway somehow to make this Dev Livestream where we could at least see the orbit and a part of the surface of the final planet for TC4 and this next to the trailer was it then again. Sure Bug fixes here and there along with tweaks in the code here and there where made, events where re-used RDX rounds where held, CQ was updated etc. but i think that all this should not take so much recourses to really argue why TC4 takes such a freaking long time to finally drop...
would it not great to see how it work with the develop process? i mean stuff like creating something and not only starsystem stuff, other stuffs too. uploading more vids on their youtube channel not only teasers or trailers. or maybe creating a new account on other platforms. the best e.g was pinterest where splitscreen uploaded some artits work on their develop process. its not about tau ceti, its about the delay on not showing the forum what they needs to show and when its only 40 sec. it feels like we are freezed. are u confident and satisfied when they say tc4 is ready for the end of 2021 in the devshack or for the early 2022 in livestream with Poland? what means like febuary or march and now june and july. however, .. i am confident for august and july is just a filler event


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Jul 12, 2017
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according to the meme Eredin posted we´ll receive some details about the release of TC4 between now and 18/07/3100 :facepalm:


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Questions regarding new update of TC4: @Highway

Narokath said:
  • Added 72 new regular blueprints.
  • Added 36 new rare blueprints.
In 72 regular blueprints, ne0n-9 and ne0n-10 spaceships are included probably from hunting specific units, or gained by missions completion.

So far as I remember, from TC4 we have total of 10 ne0n ships, and should have 2 rare ships that use abilities from the previous TC parts. Are those ships counted in those 36 new rare blueprints?

I expected new rare spaceships to be announced as well, and I hope they are made.

Last question: You haven't announced 2 New items that come on ne0n-9 and ne0n-10 like in last parts. Is that also a surprise?

p.s. I didn't expect TC4 planet to be located in new star system, but I expected to gain an access to it after TC4 missions. Very good job for that! :D


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Feb 24, 2010
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So far as I remember, from TC4 we have total of 10 ne0n ships, and should have 2 rare ships that use abilities from the previous TC parts. Are those ships counted in those 36 new rare blueprints?
Yeah i remember this info about 2 rare ships as well but when you do the math it gives exactly 36 items so either the idea of 2 rare ships was scraped or they will be implemented later or the 2 new ne0n ships are the ones that where ment to be the rare ships but changed to regular ships now.

You can go even further as it was stated the following for BPs:
Added 72 new regular blueprints.
Added 36 new rare blueprints.
Based on this information and with our knowledge that 36 items exist it confirms at this point that it will give 2 tech levels again where the first will be item level 97 and the second item level 99 so either the new ships are given during the story at some point and so are not counted in the list or where overlooked as then it would have to mean that it gives 74 new regular BPs or 38 new Rare BPs

p.s. I didn't expect TC4 planet to be located in new star system, but I expected to gain an access to it after TC4 missions. Very good job for that! :D
I think with the TC4 trailer that already rolled in February it was a given that a new system will come due of the new Stargate we have seen. However the system only seem to have the Cort Planet for the Asura Cortex and the Mantis Homeworld Planet Erebos.

So the question here is if this system will be expanded at some point to get some more Planets or if it will stay and so be the smallest system in terms of Planets as even TC1 has at least 3 Planets.

Added 9 new and extensive story missions.
Mission progress is non-linear. Completing some of the new story missions has a direct effect on the starting conditions of other story missions.
This is something that is a bit vague for me in terms of the "non-linear" info. Does it mean that then the next mission can be easier or harder if you have completed/failed a certain task in the previous mission? Can we "change" this if we redo a previous mission and "do it better" or will it stay in the condition it is in + how will it affect the flying in Squad balance in terms of spawning units and stuff? Will it give for this new sort of missino aproach give an updated Mission Window or will we have to figure it out by ourself what affects the missions?

What i also faer considering that it only has 9 Story missions is that those are either tediously long with at least 30-60 mins+ or have insane fail conditions ala "one Squadmember pods/leaves the area and mission fails hence the remaining squad is still alive/inside the area" again.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Last question: You haven't announced 2 New items that come on ne0n-9 and ne0n-10 like in last parts. Is that also a surprise?
The two new and rare ships that come with TC Part 4 will finally use each 4 of the new items we have introduced in the past parts. These are the ships designed for these items.

So far as I remember, from TC4 we have total of 10 ne0n ships, and should have 2 rare ships that use abilities from the previous TC parts. Are those ships counted in those 36 new rare blueprints?
The listing of the rare blueprints only contains items. Ships are not part if it.

Were the tau ceti cq ship and items buffed for tc4 as well?
Yes they will be adjusted to match the new item strength introduced with the upcoming update.

This is something that is a bit vague for me in terms of the "non-linear" info. Does it mean that then the next mission can be easier or harder if you have completed/failed a certain task in the previous mission?
It means that you can play all the new missions in any order you like. You can go even go directly heads on to the queen. But certainly there are multiple missions that will increase the chance that you are not directly annihalated on the showdown. :devilish: Through the story you will get hints about what will change by the missions. So you will have some flexibility what you what missions you want to play first. The missions are long, complex and challenging but rewarding at the same time.

No mention of rocket aoe or magnet array fields in update so are they getting range boost/penalty changes as well?
Spawned objects like turrets, beacons, mines, orbitals will not get ther range shortened or extended. Thats why the magnet array is not affected by it.
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