For be clear - i dont say anything is wrong.
We have what we have,better that than nothing.
Releases is longer than players done on boosters and ms.
But someone who fly for fun and do progress by own way - this took him much longer,make for him every day something to do cause he not rush.
Have time for all,no pressure and not feel that he need rush fast done it right now.
So for this type of players when be update is no matter,matter is that new update not destroy they peacefull style ^^
But for pay for rush players is too long and they quit.
I just miss a days where you need much more work to get in to r5.
When i remember how many times took be on r5 and finally grab some sirius ancient stuff - that was really nice.
Now in some month player can have full ancient ship in next month can done tc and in best case he done game in 4-6 month.
Sure is action game and players decide how fast they want progress.
Me for example no rush even if many players try grab me higher on tc.
Thx of that still have what to do on PG while they all stop play.
So 9 years ...
Well need count 4 cause Devs also work on other games.
So 4 years took them for tc and players done it on 4 month.
If new player focus on 1 ship whole game can be much faster done and
when comes day when he must grind cryo solo,this day he quit cause all time someone help,was fast,now is slow and bored.
Help too much make players quit much more than throw in deep water.
Miss there some long term system to players have what to do.
Maybe time for purple rares ?

1k npc for 1 bp "power of rare drop rate"
There was.not anymore exist mmo space action,where you have purple item.They was top with best bonuses but random system bonus adds.
Like bonus to accuracy,damage,reload etc.
Can inplant similar on PG for items depend of they role.
From damage to range and consumption energy.
This make game longer,for drop items,what players want created on ship depend of preferences and make game much harder on pvp thx to different configurations.
But that give you more unique configuration depend of situation what you do.
But in that case every items will have own stats,work idependence.So can use blaster and next item if is reload without wait.
Can be nice shoot and collect same time without wait for "refresh" or whatever is that thing what not allow use more items in same time.