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Aug 8, 2022
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Collectable bp for e.g
Mizar Ancient Strong Lightning Chains
Sirius Ancient Long Damage Inverter
Draconis Ancient Scope Shifter
Maybe adding ancient variants for Mizar sniper and defender rares would also be nice, currently these prints are no longer event exclusive since Tc-4, considering the sol sniper golds have ancient variants and so does Draconis defender with their ancient equivalents, might be a decent idea.
The only issue with this would be players being tired of grinding more on Sirius singularity ^^


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Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
Problem is that new update is make longer than players done it.
How many years took tc 4 vs how long players done golds ?
After that many get bored,cause what more can do ? help others ?
Ok then how long can help others do same stuff like they done :p
Normal is that players stop play after done all,get bored or die,but they return when something new show up [ ok thos who die no return]
So if there are 1 new ship every year,max 2,and nothing more till next 5 years - then cant expect game alive.

But true sirius is empty cause no need anymore start from r1 to r5 slowly progressing when all already on r5 and done important sirius ancients and dont care rest of.

If want grab life on sirius then perhaps time add on r1 to r5 some rares like King say,or random spawn there some rare unit what can give a nice reward like x10 cryo or rare bp.
Small changes on low rings and make them attractive again without wait for huge update with new map and enemys,just add some extra random event or anything :p
Sirius is now only fast stop for grab ancients to rush tc.This is not what was before.
I miss old sirius.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Maybe adding ancient variants for Mizar sniper and defender rares would also be nice, currently these prints are no longer event exclusive since Tc-4, considering the sol sniper golds have ancient variants and so does Draconis defender with their ancient equivalents, might be a decent idea.
The only issue with this would be players being tired of grinding more on Sirius singularity ^^
Maybe but the r88 units would be very interesting and also adding this time new Ancients ships too. This could save splitscreen more time for another system after oort or other plans for pg.

I believe some will grind on the 6th ring🌝


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Feb 24, 2010
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How many years took tc 4 vs how long players done golds ?
I kinda made this sort of calculation in another post last year:
As a further compare cus i like to throw with numbers around me:
Re-Release of TC Part 1 was on June 19, 2018
406 days = 1 year, 1 month and 11 days later TC Part 2 was released on July 30, 2019
224 days = 7 months and 10 days later TC Part 3 was released on March 10, 2020
857 days = 2 years, 4 months and 5 days later aka today and for TC Part 4 it still gives no confirmed release date aside from speculations of the community

From TC3 to TC4 it took in the end 866 days = 2 years, 4 months and 14 days until the release on July 26, 2022.

All in all the whole release from TC only counted from the re-release from June 19, 2018 until July 26, 2022 it took 1498 days = 4 years, 1 month and 6 days alone.

If we however go aaalll the way back to the initial release of TC with the planed monthly episodes what was on March 20, 2013 until July 26, 2022 we talk about a total of 3414 days = 9 years, 4 months and 5 days. So there you have the time dates.


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Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
For be clear - i dont say anything is wrong.
We have what we have,better that than nothing.
Releases is longer than players done on boosters and ms.
But someone who fly for fun and do progress by own way - this took him much longer,make for him every day something to do cause he not rush.
Have time for all,no pressure and not feel that he need rush fast done it right now.
So for this type of players when be update is no matter,matter is that new update not destroy they peacefull style ^^

But for pay for rush players is too long and they quit.

I just miss a days where you need much more work to get in to r5.
When i remember how many times took be on r5 and finally grab some sirius ancient stuff - that was really nice.
Now in some month player can have full ancient ship in next month can done tc and in best case he done game in 4-6 month.
Sure is action game and players decide how fast they want progress.
Me for example no rush even if many players try grab me higher on tc.
Thx of that still have what to do on PG while they all stop play.

So 9 years ...
Well need count 4 cause Devs also work on other games.
So 4 years took them for tc and players done it on 4 month.
If new player focus on 1 ship whole game can be much faster done and
when comes day when he must grind cryo solo,this day he quit cause all time someone help,was fast,now is slow and bored.
Help too much make players quit much more than throw in deep water.

Miss there some long term system to players have what to do.
Maybe time for purple rares ? :unsure:
1k npc for 1 bp "power of rare drop rate" :ROFLMAO:

There was.not anymore exist mmo space action,where you have purple item.They was top with best bonuses but random system bonus adds.
Like bonus to accuracy,damage,reload etc.
Can inplant similar on PG for items depend of they role.
From damage to range and consumption energy.
This make game longer,for drop items,what players want created on ship depend of preferences and make game much harder on pvp thx to different configurations.
But that give you more unique configuration depend of situation what you do.
But in that case every items will have own stats,work idependence.So can use blaster and next item if is reload without wait.
Can be nice shoot and collect same time without wait for "refresh" or whatever is that thing what not allow use more items in same time.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
For be clear - i dont say anything is wrong.
We have what we have,better that than nothing.
Releases is longer than players done on boosters and ms.
But someone who fly for fun and do progress by own way - this took him much longer,make for him every day something to do cause he not rush.
Have time for all,no pressure and not feel that he need rush fast done it right now.
So for this type of players when be update is no matter,matter is that new update not destroy they peacefull style ^^

But for pay for rush players is too long and they quit.

I just miss a days where you need much more work to get in to r5.
When i remember how many times took be on r5 and finally grab some sirius ancient stuff - that was really nice.
Now in some month player can have full ancient ship in next month can done tc and in best case he done game in 4-6 month.
Sure is action game and players decide how fast they want progress.
Me for example no rush even if many players try grab me higher on tc.
Thx of that still have what to do on PG while they all stop play.

So 9 years ...
Well need count 4 cause Devs also work on other games.
So 4 years took them for tc and players done it on 4 month.
If new player focus on 1 ship whole game can be much faster done and
when comes day when he must grind cryo solo,this day he quit cause all time someone help,was fast,now is slow and bored.
Help too much make players quit much more than throw in deep water.

Miss there some long term system to players have what to do.
Maybe time for purple rares ? :unsure:
1k npc for 1 bp "power of rare drop rate" :ROFLMAO:

There was.not anymore exist mmo space action,where you have purple item.They was top with best bonuses but random system bonus adds.
Like bonus to accuracy,damage,reload etc.
Can inplant similar on PG for items depend of they role.
From damage to range and consumption energy.
This make game longer,for drop items,what players want created on ship depend of preferences and make game much harder on pvp thx to different configurations.
But that give you more unique configuration depend of situation what you do.
But in that case every items will have own stats,work idependence.So can use blaster and next item if is reload without wait.
Can be nice shoot and collect same time without wait for "refresh" or whatever is that thing what not allow use more items in same time.
Sirius saved pg and mostly financed the whole mess from the misalignment with tau ceti, but in the other hand they have lost many many players. Even with the reboot with part 1 it did not feel right for some players, so they left.

I miss Sirius too, because you had always to do something, besides of jumping around and repeat the whole story to collect quarcs. You had a bunch of improvements for your ships and build the way that suits you, endurance, fast or slow, but strong.

But, with the tc1 we did loose some benefits from the Sirius stuff, that affected only the sirius stuff and their ancient ships. 85 to 82, vénar ne0n ships to 85 and parsec to 82. Even the techs got powerless and the units are stronger.

To give some life to this masterpiece they really should add a 6th Ring. I wrote something that everyone can understand what I would want for Sirius

Drop Charts for the 6th in Sirius

Mizar System:
Mizar Ancient Sniperblaster
Mizar Ancient Rapid Sniperblaster
Mizar Ancient Strong Sniperblaster
Mizar Ancient Attack Droide
Mizar Ancient Long Attack Droide
Mizar Ancient Strong Attack Droide
Mizar Ancient Orbitalstrike
Mizar Ancient Rapid Orbitalstrike
Mizar Ancient Strong Orbitalstrike
Mizar Ancient Attack Charge
Mizar Ancient Long Attack Charge
Mizar Ancient Strong Attack Charge
Mizar Ancient Repair Turret
Mizar Ancient Long Repair Turret
Mizar Ancient Strong Repair Turret
Mizar Ancient Attack Turret
Mizar Ancient Long Attack Turret
Mizar Ancient Strong Attack Turret
Mizar Ancient Sticky Bomb
Mizar Ancient Rapid Sticky Bomb
Mizar Ancient Strong Sticky Bomb
Mizar Ancient Minelayer
Mizar Ancient Long Minelayer
Mizar Ancient Strong Minelayer
Sol Ancient Repair Turret
Sol Ancient Long Repair Turret
Sol Ancient Strong Repair Turret
Sol Ancient Attack Turret
Sol Ancient Long Attack Turret
Sol Ancient Strong Attack Turret
Sol Ancient Sticky Bomb
Sol Ancient Rapid Sticky Bomb
Sol Ancient Strong Sticky Bomb
Sol Ancient Minelayer
Sol Ancient Long Minelayer
Sol Ancient Strong Minelayer

Tau Ceti Reboot Techs

Mizar Ancient Lightning Chain
Mizar Ancient Rapid Lightning Chain
Mizar Ancient Strong Lightning Chain
Sol Ancient Lightning Chain
Sol Ancient Rapid Lightning Chain
Sol Ancient Strong Lightning Chain
Draconis Ancient Lightning Chain
Draconis Ancient Rapid Lightning Chain
Draconis Ancient Strong Lightning Chain
Sirius Ancient Lightning Chain
Sirius Ancient Rapid Lightning Chain
Sirius Ancient Strong Lightning Chain
Mizar Ancient Magnet Trap
Mizar Ancient Rapid Magnet Trap
Mizar Ancient Strong Magnet Trap
Sol Ancient Magnet Trap
Sol Ancient Rapid Magnet Trap
Sol Ancient Strong Magnet Trap
Draconis Ancient Magnet Trap
Draconis Ancient Rapid Magnet Trap
Draconis Ancient Strong Magnet Trap
Sirius Ancient Magnet Trap
Sirius Ancient Rapid Magnet Trap
Sirius Ancient Strong Magnet Trap
**add some ancient design to it**
Mizar Ancient Quantum Leap
Mizar Ancient Rapid Quantum Leap
Mizar Ancient Long Quantum Leap
Sol Ancient Quantum Leap
Sol Ancient Rapid Quantum Leap
Sol Ancient Long Quantum Leap
Draconis Ancient Quantum Leap
Draconis Ancient Rapid Quantum Leap
Draconis Ancient Long Quantum Leap
Sirius Ancient Quantum Leap
Sirius Ancient Rapid Quantum Leap
Sirius Ancient Long Quantum Leap
Mizar Ancient Corruption Cloud
Mizar Ancient Long Corruption Cloud
Mizar Ancient Strong Corruption Cloud
Sol Ancient Corruption Cloud
Sol Ancient Long Corruption Cloud
Sol Ancient Strong Corruption Cloud
Draconis Ancient Corruption Cloud
Draconis Ancient Long Corruption Cloud
Draconis Ancient Strong Corruption Cloud
Sirius Ancient Corruption Cloud
Sirius Ancient Long Corruption Cloud
Sirius Ancient Strong Corruption Cloud
Mizar Ancient Damage Inverter
Mizar Ancient Long Damage Inverter
Mizar Ancient Strong Damage Inverter
Sol Ancient Damage Inverter
Sol Ancient Long Damage Inverter
Sol Ancient Strong Damage Inverter
Draconis Ancient Damage Inverter
Draconis Ancient Long Damage Inverter
Draconis Ancient Strong Damage Inverter
Sirius Ancient Damage Inverter
Sirius Ancient Long Damage Inverter
Sirius Ancient Strong Damage Inverter
Mizar Ancient Allies Cover
Mizar Ancient Long/Rapid Allies Cover
Mizar Ancient Strong Allies Cover
Sol Ancient Allies Cover
Sol Ancient Long/Rapid Allies Cover
Sol Ancient Strong Allies Cover
Draconis Ancient Allies Cover
Draconis Ancient Long/Rapid Allies Cover
Draconis Ancient Strong Allies Cover
Sirius Ancient Allies Cover
Sirius Ancient Long/Rapid Allies Cover
Sirius Ancient Strong Allies Cover
Mizar Ancient Deflection Droide
Mizar Ancient Long Deflection Droide
Mizar Ancient Strong Deflection Droide
Sol Ancient Deflection Droide
Sol Ancient Long Deflection Droide
Sol Ancient Strong Deflection Droide
Draconis Ancient Deflection Droide
Draconis Ancient Long Deflection Droide
Draconis Ancient Strong Deflection Droide
Sirius Ancient Deflection Droide
Sirius Ancient Long Deflection Droide
Sirius Ancient Strong Deflection Droide
**add some ancient design to it**
Mizar Ancient Scope Shifter
Mizar Ancient Rapid Scope Shifter
Mizar Ancient Long Scope Shifter
Sol Ancient Scope Shifter
Sol Ancient Rapid Scope Shifter
Sol Ancient Long Scope Shifter
Draconis Ancient Scope Shifter
Draconis Ancient Rapid Scope Shifter
Draconis Ancient Long Scope Shifter
Sirius Ancient Scope Shifter
Sirius Ancient Rapid Scope Shifter
Sirius Ancient Long Scope Shifter

Enemies units should be ranked as level 88

Two new Ancient-Prototype Ships this depends on the dev side how it would look like or where it can be found. As the Sirius BPs are blue they are not rare as the golden ones, but still rare and way more powerful. I would possibly increase the number of pieces from 0/2 to 0/4, or even to 0/6. If they are actually Blue blueprints.

What would happen with the Ancients ships? Well they could rease the bar and add a clean Ancient Armor r88 for them and collect some different Quarcs for the installed Sirius tech Improvements.

*Collect 30 Kenyte Quarcs to Improve Cooldown and Power for the Sirius Blaster and Sniperblaster, therefor the Blaster will gain a Quarcs boost and will stay on r88. So, no new Sirius techs, only improvements. It does not matter which Sirius variant is installed*

You will need to do some r1-r4 missions to collect different Quarcs, r5-6 Quarcs are free to find. You cannot skip the missions. You have to do them.

Releasing the r99 ships for the Giza bosses would not be good.

Should the planets exactly look like the r5 ones? Definitely not, maybe 1-2 planets are ok, maybe devs have some old drafts, it can be some destroyed planets like technotoria, a planet like cybertronian optic with some old ancient buildings or adding mephisto nebula to that ring. Mixed units e.G Imperials/Methanoids and Ancients arguing and fighting there.

Well, i think will get some hate for that.

Or does anyone have better ideas for this game? 😁


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2020
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nice idea but i think a lot of people would be very annoyed because it's effective to find all these scientists to unlock the golden technology with tc a lot of people would be discouraged so it will appear to me though i also like the idea of r6 for more money cryo and new invent something Interesting :)


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Jun 12, 2015
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I want to clarify something, NO, I'm not in favor of another singularity, I don't want ancient and/or similar variants for Tau Ceti, that's fine, making that clear, I wouldn't mind maybe a sixth ring on Sirius for sniper bp, minelayer and others that only their golden versions exist, but I don't want anything cumbersome like having to touch rings below 1-4, I want a game where I join, farm what is really necessary and then be able to do other things, not dedicate myself as if it were my second job, take out completely unnecessary bp or add some absurd mechanic to unlock the sixth ring bp

Not even the developers are so blind (or so I want to believe) to realize that adding the bp of 1-4 ring is financial, business suicide, murdering the game with a blunt knife


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
You mean the points around a celestial object where radial speed and gravitation ensure that you can stay in the same speed without the use of some deltaV?
In Germany we would say "hast du heute ein clown gefrühstückt" 🤣


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
nice idea but i think a lot of people would be very annoyed because it's effective to find all these scientists to unlock the golden technology with tc a lot of people would be discouraged so it will appear to me though i also like the idea of r6 for more money cryo and new invent something Interesting :)
Instance or it be r6 all time empty for ppl and then it be annoyed :)
Old r5 instance was nice and reset able so all was happy.
Now when low ppl play r5 is fine but when you have there 3 active clans ...


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Jun 12, 2015
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Instance or it be r6 all time empty for ppl and then it be annoyed :)
Old r5 instance was nice and reset able so all was happy.
Now when low ppl play r5 is fine but when you have there 3 active clans ...
It's a bit annoying, yes, but I wouldn't compare it to having to wait 3 hours for a boss, plus you had to do it twice, now in just one chance you can complete the plans for X boss


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
It's a bit annoying, yes, but I wouldn't compare it to having to wait 3 hours for a boss, plus you had to do it twice, now in just one chance you can complete the plans for X boss
Who say on instance cant do same ? ;)
I dont say all return,just instance and posibility to reset r5 like was before,with it be r6.

So same as now just instance and reset.
But dont think so Devs want do something more on sirius if created new aorta system.
Still have game a lot empty planets where can add something.
Also was plans for cortex on every system,still is possible add ships with 9th item.

Only what i dont like is how now sirius looks like - fast go to grab and rush tc cause not anymore is priority system.
It is only for ancient tech to unlock tc tech.No one anymore cares of r1-r4 or cms if can fast pay fast jump fast done.

In old days cms was fun and co-op mission for clan to learn how fly in sq and when use what to survive as group.
Now op rdx make it easy and fast and if no descryptions then 90% players will skip ancient ships.

Huge system where is usable only r5 what make it bit bored if player need kill every day same enemys for next tech.
But well :) I still have pleasure sit there and shoot on relax mode for cryo ;)
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
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Who say on instance cant do same ? ;)
I dont say all return,just instance and posibility to reset r5 like was before,with it be r6.

So same as now just instance and reset.
But dont think so Devs want do something more on sirius if created new aorta system.
Still have game a lot empty planets where can add something.
Also was plans for cortex on every system,still is possible add ships with 9th item.

Only what i dont like is how now sirius looks like - fast go to grab and rush tc cause not anymore is priority system.
It is only for ancient tech to unlock tc tech.No one anymore cares of r1-r4 or cms if can fast pay fast jump fast done.

In old days cms was fun and co-op mission for clan to learn how fly in sq and when use what to survive as group.
Now op rdx make it easy and fast and if no descryptions then 90% players will skip ancient ships.

Huge system where is usable only r5 what make it bit bored if player need kill every day same enemys for next tech.
But well :) I still have pleasure sit there and shoot on relax mode for cryo ;)
All systems that are not the meta at the moment are like this, when there was only Sol, Sol was the center of the universe and the rest was secondary, when Draconis came out the same and Sirius the same, the difference is that Sirius continues to be visited even more because Tau Ceti forces you to have all ancient variants

No one goes to rings 1-4? that of a lifetime, the most that was looked at in such a case was the 4 ring because there is no way you can make a jump of 41654651235645 kilometers from one 5 ring to another 5 ring at the other end of the map XD


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
All systems that are not the meta at the moment are like this, when there was only Sol, Sol was the center of the universe and the rest was secondary, when Draconis came out the same and Sirius the same, the difference is that Sirius continues to be visited even more because Tau Ceti forces you to have all ancient variants

No one goes to rings 1-4? that of a lifetime, the most that was looked at in such a case was the 4 ring because there is no way you can make a jump of 41654651235645 kilometers from one 5 ring to another 5 ring at the other end of the map XD
To go from one r5 to another no need r1 2 or 3 :) and 4 is only for refuel and move on next r5 so yea no one use em now.
Is not a case where players go from draconis to sir and need do r1 cms and some bps to easer go to r2 and go on.
So is not work as should be.
You not skip sol system to be on draconis.
But skip all 1-4 rings cause no need there existing bps if you are not the collector.
So right now if you no lost js you dont care r1-r3 and no one fly on r4 or do cms.Just refuel cause no one have time for this.
Basicaly devs can remove r1-r4 and left only r5 spawn close eath other to players no need wast of time on fly in r4 to next r5 :ROFLMAO:


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Jun 12, 2015
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In the current situation, of course, it could happen, but of course, the 1-4 rings exist in the context when Sirius was just rising, naturally now that anyone has a Tau or Sirius ship in good condition, nobody looks at those rings, at least as you say you are a collector