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Suggestions for potential game improvements


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
So it was pretty obvious the first time when after the tc4 update command units in sirius got their fire rate silently buffed along with some other stats. I assume this was done because devs were afraid to ban tc4 tech from sirius most likely thinking that people would take this negatively so they had to somehow rebalance sirius. People including myself tho have been starting to notice that unit damage in sirius once again increased around the same time we got those maintenance updates. I dont know if this was changed to counter the recent armour drone buff or something but i dont think a full tau-ceti ship should take 3-4 dmg from basic units without having that drone on. I remember holding up to 4 command units in deep chrome and now a gold one cant even hold 2 keopses without running, hell a full gold tau obsidian not using armour drone cant even kill an osiris without doing the same. Im just gonna say that this is a bit outrageous since now new players in sirius are suffering because of these changes. As our friend from askone said today, "Its easier to solo an amarna than an osiris now", which is sad but true atm. Doubt its intended for a command unit to do 5 times as much damage as the bosses.


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Feb 24, 2010
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If they really changed stuff in Siri it is a bit odd i might say. I can´t really tell if anything was changed as i did not visit Siri anymore with my latest playtime but for me Siri is not really the farming system anymore in reagards of time vs reward in case of Cryos with Calon and Erebos in mind.

In the end it makes it only for players who have to go through Siri BP hunting while we as the vets have it "somewhat easier" to not care about flying a Siri ship if not absolutely needed to. But it would not be one of the first Ninja patches that were implemented until player did find it out.


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Jun 12, 2015
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When T4 came out, I was returning to the game after approximately 5 years of absence, that is, I did not know T1, 2, 3, I play again and let's say approximately a month later T4 was announced, and while I was still Sirius, I noticed how the damage of the commanders in Sirius increased significantly, the Osiris seems to fire at machine gun speed

Leaving that aside, although technically TC is a better place to farm cryo, I personally don't like it, and in fact I prefer Sirius, specifically the R5, although for color tastes


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Jun 12, 2015
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ps: currently and since February 2023, I do not do cryo anywhere, only OTB XD


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Sep 1, 2016
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por que no ponen tambien galaxia pirata en android los androides tambien son potentes


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
Over the years ive heard a lot of people also complain about why some items on certain ships are in the same slots and arent on others. A good idea could be to make item places be customizable in a way where all ships would obviously still have same fixed items but the slots on which we place them from 1 to 8 would be rearrangeable. This would add some customization to ships where people can adapt their ships to their play styles both in PVE and PVP. A small quality of life change that would do a lot more than what it sounds like, while also being easily implementable.


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Aug 14, 2020
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I would prefer a new star system so that I have something to do in the game


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Over the years ive heard a lot of people also complain about why some items on certain ships are in the same slots and arent on others. A good idea could be to make item places be customizable in a way where all ships would obviously still have same fixed items but the slots on which we place them from 1 to 8 would be rearrangeable. This would add some customization to ships where people can adapt their ships to their play styles both in PVE and PVP. A small quality of life change that would do a lot more than what it sounds like, while also being easily implementable.
I find such an effort quite unnecessary. The default layout of the installed components works well and I bet this "problem" is/was already tested on the new/old developed ships if it feels right in PvE and PvP.

In my opinion, the time should be invested in other things. Changing every little thing in this game leads to everything being ruined. There's a good saying that goes "if you think too much about one thing, you ruin everything" and that one thing is this game. If the developers worked on everything we wanted, this game would be a far cry from what it is now.

Another example. The desire to port this game to a smartphone and play it comfortably on your hand is total nonsense. There are really good but unfortunately also unnecessary suggestions.


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
I find such an effort quite unnecessary. The default layout of the installed components works well and I bet this "problem" is/was already tested on the new/old developed ships if it feels right in PvE and PvP.

In my opinion, the time should be invested in other things. Changing every little thing in this game leads to everything being ruined. There's a good saying that goes "if you think too much about one thing, you ruin everything" and that one thing is this game. If the developers worked on everything we wanted, this game would be a far cry from what it is now.
I doubt you played any competitive games by your comment. True its not the most needed change but its a good one and it doesnt mean it shouldnt be mentioned. Also i dont think changes ruin the game but rather the lack of them and thinking about them in this case, and that saying about thinking too much is just an excuse for laziness. Dont think u can list my ideas along side the ridiculous android thing either. I mean if you have better ones shoot, but im pretty sure we wouldve heard them by now if so.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
I doubt you played any competitive games by your comment. True its not the most needed change but its a good one and it doesnt mean it shouldnt be mentioned. Also i dont think changes ruin the game but rather the lack of them and thinking about them in this case, and that saying about thinking too much is just an excuse for laziness. Dont think u can list my ideas along side the ridiculous android thing either. I mean if you have better ones shoot, but im pretty sure we wouldve heard them by now if so.
Well, I've been playing this game since 2009 and as far as I know the components of the individual techs of some ships were different than we know them now. Rumor has it that the AnIn Parsec had a ninth component which was a bug, it was a shield.

If you are interested in what I played, god of war/ragnarök(best quotes and storyline) , rdr2 (this game changed my life) and ghost of tsushima(not finished yet) I grew up with PG just like others, it's a big part of our hearts. I loved the storyline of this game, I never showed interest in storylines until I was done with Tau Ceti and Oort. No wonder @Highway used to follow my theories about the Ancients. Decades later I'll remember all of it because we can't have that forever like other games.


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Jan 11, 2011
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Fatal Ascension
So it was pretty obvious the first time when after the tc4 update command units in sirius got their fire rate silently buffed along with some other stats. I assume this was done because devs were afraid to ban tc4 tech from sirius most likely thinking that people would take this negatively so they had to somehow rebalance sirius. People including myself tho have been starting to notice that unit damage in sirius once again increased around the same time we got those maintenance updates. I dont know if this was changed to counter the recent armour drone buff or something but i dont think a full tau-ceti ship should take 3-4 dmg from basic units without having that drone on. I remember holding up to 4 command units in deep chrome and now a gold one cant even hold 2 keopses without running, hell a full gold tau obsidian not using armour drone cant even kill an osiris without doing the same. Im just gonna say that this is a bit outrageous since now new players in sirius are suffering because of these changes. As our friend from askone said today, "Its easier to solo an amarna than an osiris now", which is sad but true atm. Doubt its intended for a command unit to do 5 times as much damage as the bosses.

Not only were Sirius units buffed silently (Seriously bad form from developers, Changing things in game and not reporting it via patch notes), But their drop rate has consistently got worse throughout the years, making hunting anything in sirius quite impossible.

Sirius would still be a great place to hunt and farm, but the drop rate has been nerfed so far into the group that it isn't viable anymore to actually farm there. Drop rate on erebos is far higher, And the cryonite amounts are pretty similar.

I think the developers have shown clearly how little they care about making this game active again, I think its plain and clear to see that they wont put this effort in. Things as little as offering people a reason to make youtube / twitch content (Coupon codes for giveaways for partners) are way out of the question for these developers. They put effort into nothing anymore, As we've clearly seen with previous updates. They've even gone so far to outright lie on forums (Offering some form of apology for the mess up that was the "preformance" updates at the start of the year), Which we still have yet to receive.

For me, i've watched a lot of friends walk away from this game, And the reasoning is always similar. I've tried to get friends into the game and got the same response when they have tried the game, Most of them leaving before they even hit level 80 and start the Sirius 6 month minimum grind. The game is far to grindy, and hunting blueprints in every system takes months. The drop rate is so terrible accross all systems with Sirius being the worst, that farming for bllueprints / cryonite basically forces you to buy blueprint boosters, and even then you don't get anything for your efforts. 12 hours farming Sol mat on moon for 1 blueprint with a 125% tracker is what weve come to, You tell the gms about it and they say "that shouldn't be happening, Submit a ticket and it will get looked into", But we can't trust that anymore we saw what happened last time we trusted a CM.

This game has months left, At a push maybe a year. I don't see it surviving much longer with the developers being so unwilling to put effort into giving people both a reason to come back to the game, and start playing the game.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Not only were Sirius units buffed silently (Seriously bad form from developers, Changing things in game and not reporting it via patch notes), But their drop rate has consistently got worse throughout the years, making hunting anything in sirius quite impossible.

Sirius would still be a great place to hunt and farm, but the drop rate has been nerfed so far into the group that it isn't viable anymore to actually farm there. Drop rate on erebos is far higher, And the cryonite amounts are pretty similar.

I think the developers have shown clearly how little they care about making this game active again, I think its plain and clear to see that they wont put this effort in. Things as little as offering people a reason to make youtube / twitch content (Coupon codes for giveaways for partners) are way out of the question for these developers. They put effort into nothing anymore, As we've clearly seen with previous updates. They've even gone so far to outright lie on forums (Offering some form of apology for the mess up that was the "preformance" updates at the start of the year), Which we still have yet to receive.

For me, i've watched a lot of friends walk away from this game, And the reasoning is always similar. I've tried to get friends into the game and got the same response when they have tried the game, Most of them leaving before they even hit level 80 and start the Sirius 6 month minimum grind. The game is far to grindy, and hunting blueprints in every system takes months. The drop rate is so terrible accross all systems with Sirius being the worst, that farming for bllueprints / cryonite basically forces you to buy blueprint boosters, and even then you don't get anything for your efforts. 12 hours farming Sol mat on moon for 1 blueprint with a 125% tracker is what weve come to, You tell the gms about it and they say "that shouldn't be happening, Submit a ticket and it will get looked into", But we can't trust that anymore we saw what happened last time we trusted a CM.

This game has months left, At a push maybe a year. I don't see it surviving much longer with the developers being so unwilling to put effort into giving people both a reason to come back to the game, and start playing the game.
Oh boy, the developers are still working on DS. Believe me, there are players who put good money into it and so PG will continue to run for years, otherwise there would be no more rdx ships if nothing is earned, why would the developers bother?


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
Oh boy, the developers are still working on DS. Believe me, there are players who put good money into it and so PG will continue to run for years, otherwise there would be no more rdx ships if nothing is earned, why would the developers bother?
True, pg is still the most profitable game out of the 3. Least work for as much money possible, thats the policy of splitscreen from the perspective of the average player. It may or may not be true but its the only thing one can assume since the information flow between players and the devs is so ridiculously bad. Was sad to learn recently that even Gruni left the team, he was pretty good at solving years old game issues that others couldnt from what i learned from talking to him on Askone.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
True, pg is still the most profitable game out of the 3. Least work for as much money possible, thats the policy of splitscreen from the perspective of the average player. It may or may not be true but its the only thing one can assume since the information flow between players and the devs is so ridiculously bad. Was sad to learn recently that even Gruni left the team, he was pretty good at solving years old game issues that others couldnt from what i learned from talking to him on Askone.
Mhh you hear so much from different servers, but most of the interaction from higher ranks usually comes from the gm's or tester players. I don't know what problems gruni seems to have solved, but he is gone, as are many other developers. Basically it's none of our business and it's none of the gm's business because it's purely business for the splitter team.

Let me give you an example, it was written by a player in the public chat that he had heard from a GM that there would be a "second" mantis hive. At that time, part 4 wasn't even being worked on properly and part 3 was in the starting blocks. Why do they do things like that? I will never understand. This interaction with higher ranks creates problems. "I've heard the Harpy has these and these techs!" Is that necessary? It's a wonder that the person didn't post a picture of it. Then the chromian was also posted in the forum before the event even started and you could see which techs it had. A role model for me is @Genjiro, who is real, clean and approaches the whole conversation with the players gently and professionally.


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Mar 14, 2024
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I don't know if its mentioned before, or even thought off but the gave discoverability is bad, like really bad, you are not getting enough new players (i don't see that many people in Sol, i just returned), in turn alot of stuff thats fun ain't access able enough.

i still wonder why the game hasn't moved to Steam yet, when it will be a relatively good decision, i would really like the game to have the population it once used to have, or atleast some pop, the days of grind, pvp and dueling, clans group boosting and grinding those harvestors, clan ships and stuff...man i miss them, you got a good game some graphical update and shifting to steam will prolly help


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Mar 28, 2024
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pirate elite
Sirius sys need be change bosses need drop all 3 bps guaranteed drop and full bps not one part of bp

jumpship should be used to open a planet once planet open you can go back and forward to planet anywhere in sys this benefits everyone in game as some players might only get on few days a week or only get on at weekend

take away pick up intel make it shoot unit give percentages higher unit more percentages you get
as for red tail units need be mark on map or make them stand out better

bp decryption need be rework for venar for Sirius tech for example say i need balance repair droid to unlock Symbolic repair droid when should be i only need 1 out 3 sirius bp to unlock Symbolic repair droid doesn't matter if it long rapid or balance

same gose for Perceptron repair droid i only need have 2 sirius repair droid doesn't matter which repair droid i have as long it 2 sirius repair droid

all sirius bps need work this way in venar because you can't fly to sirius land on planet pick up balance repair droid
because you can be wait for 6 month or longer for it to drop same gose with rest of sirius bps