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Suggestions for potential game improvements


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
Sirius doesn't fulfill its role as a star system for clans (anymore) because there are too few players and too few clans. I already mentioned it, I'm stuck between these two star systems... I can't get a Tau Ceti spaceship, nor the opportunity to capture the last missing Ring 5 (2) components. That doesn't work without other players
Only answer someone can give you is to start on a new server, might even reach erebos faster than on your current one.
4. login gifts are a nice gesture, it would not be wrong to introduce them. Achievements rewards unfortunately don't work, as we already have over half of them. I wouldn't want to collect everything.
If i recall Jax has suggested making a shop where one could exchange skulls for purchasable items in the past, since skulls are among other mentioned features here completely meaningless. So there is a point in making something like this for achievement points as well. Much like the old legacy clan skulls, ladders system could track the total amount of points you collected so far, while you could spend the ones you have on rewards such as gravs, boosters and etc. Now one could argue and say.. well but theres only limited amount of points so you wont be able to use the shop continually, which is an obvious problem. Theres an easy fix though, one could simply add achievement challenges that are timed per for example every ladder reset or month depending on the difficulty. It makes sense even adding some minimal permanent bonuses for every 1k of those "legacy achiev points", like idk energy cap boosts, small cryo % increases or similar. This sounds much better than login rewards from my perspective, and also gives some meaning to achievement and skull hunting.


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Jun 12, 2015
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The regular replacement of event rewards may create incentives to play events repeatedly. And is therefore intended more for existing players. Why should I play events in which I already have the event reward?

Erebos rarities can also be built into the ship without this barrier, if the developer wanted to. That's not a valid argument for me. There were also rarities before this new barrier, namely in the previous star systems, without making it so unnecessarily difficult for the players.

This new encryption of blueprints, which has been activated for all star systems, is in my opinion the next big mistake for this game and unnecessarily slows down your own progress. So for me it doesn't belong, it should be abolished. And most of the players here aren't even affected by it. It's easy to approve of such a feature when you had the privilege of being able to collect blueprints without this barrier.

I wasn't talking about achievement rewards. Rather daily quests that could be introduced separately.

Sirius doesn't fulfill its role as a star system for clans (anymore) because there are too few players and too few clans. I already mentioned it, I'm stuck between these two star systems... I can't get a Tau Ceti spaceship, nor the opportunity to capture the last missing Ring 5 (2) components. That doesn't work without other players.

As long as there are so few players and so few clans, Sirius needs to be made more accessible. You can reactivate the Sirius role as a star system for clans if you have managed to get more and enough new players...
Uhmmm, I know people who started from 0 and in 3 months they already had all the golden technology to decrypt Sirius/Tau, in any case, for the majority of new players, this flow can be observed very well in Gaia, it does not represent a problem, and we are talking not only about a server with many new players, but also with the most full planets, on other servers if you need to get a gold in full, as most are empty, the planet is continually restarted to speed up the process, in Gaia you can't do that, and it doesn't stop new players from advancing quickly

The issue of Sirius and Tau, well, the low activity is something in particular that occurs on the other servers, could that be changed? I suppose so, but I think it is more work for the company, a few days ago I was talking to some colleagues who said they were making updates to the game with specific changes to specific servers, something similar to what happens in Gaia that the minimum participation of CvC is 10vs10 while the rest of the servers are 5vs5, but this is a ''small'' change and changing a complete system like Sirius and Tau so that their progress can occur alone, these are already big words


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May 10, 2021
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Tuna The Pilot
Dark Brotherhood
1- New players should be given a helping hand:

I am Turk. My English wasn't good at all. When I first started the game, I had a little difficulty reaching Aurora. I asked for some help. I didn't receive any response. Then I found someone at my level. She speaks fluent English and also speaks my native language. She asked for help for us and I am currently continuing this game at level 99.

As a result, new players need to be helped by players like us who have been playing for years. Unfortunately some players are very good at trolling.

2- Advertisement and Streaming:

A few people need to start streaming on Twitch, YouTube and similar platforms. I'm sure someone will come and play. A strong streamer can easily attract just 100 people to this game.


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Nov 22, 2021
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Yes, those are big words, but they were written deliberately, intentionally and perhaps also a little provocatively, because it should finally make you think. As far as I know, Sirius was not created for the purpose of having to struggle through it alone. This system is designed for larger groups of players, for clans. In this game, where there are fewer and fewer players and clans, I no longer see that as a given, it is a contradiction. When Sirius was created, the number of clans and players was completely different. And yet the requirements are unchanged, and it is the ticket to Tau Ceti. Sirius has not taken into account that the number of players and clans required for this star system has fallen rapidly. And that's a problem...

A problem that makes the system unplayable from my position. Unless you join one of the very few existing clans. However, Korell is very special here. My experiences so far are actually enough to refrain from searching. We wouldn't have these problems if we made sure that this game got enough players and if we made sure that the game became better known.

Only answer someone can give you is to start on a new server, might even reach erebos faster than on your current one.
This cannot be ruled out, but I cannot judge it either, as I do not know the clan situation and its requirements on other servers, and I am also not familiar with the player numbers. However, I have worked hard to reach 91 levels on my server, and from my point of view I have achieved a lot. Starting from 1 again is pretty tough. It would be different if the game allowed you to move to another server with existing pilots. In addition, there is the foreign language on other servers. Since I only communicate via game chat and not voice chat, it's difficult because you can't even copy chat messages into a translator.

I don't think it's right that today's game progress is exclusively dependent on clans.


Jul 24, 2020
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Main Pilotname
- Exitium -
This cannot be ruled out, but I cannot judge it either, as I do not know the clan situation and its requirements on other servers, and I am also not familiar with the player numbers. However, I have worked hard to reach 91 levels on my server, and from my point of view I have achieved a lot. Starting from 1 again is pretty tough. It would be different if the game allowed you to move to another server with existing pilots. In addition, there is the foreign language on other servers. Since I only communicate via game chat and not voice chat, it's difficult because you can't even copy chat messages into a translator.
Well askone and gaia are still active, mostly gaia though, for example i started on gaia 5 months ago and im already on Earth in unrest with most system golds and Sirius bps. But again its your own choice.
I am Turk. My English wasn't good at all. When I first started the game, I had a little difficulty reaching Aurora. I asked for some help. I didn't receive any response. Then I found someone at my level. She speaks fluent English and also speaks my native language. She asked for help for us and I am currently continuing this game at level 99.
Yea it was fun carrying all 30 of you in the same time back in exitium lol. There are still people that help others tho, its just they don't play as often and theres fewer of them. Its not worth changing the whole game just because of difficulty of some to progress, advertising seems enough on its own.


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Feb 24, 2010
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There were also rarities before this new barrier, namely in the previous star systems, without making it so unnecessarily difficult for the players.
Technically there is as you need the previous gold tech before you can install the next gold tech and the further you go the more previous golds you need. You can install for example any Drac Gold if you not have the Gold BPs from Vega - Sol done for the corrosponding item what should give an incentive to hunt the golds.

For TC it is more a bottleneck situation the devs created to give an incentive to play in Siri (what is pretty limited once every member in every clan has the BPs done + you luckily only need the Siri Variants to decry the TC tech and golds. Imagine the pain if you would need all Siri items from R1-5 + all system variants
And most of the players here aren't even affected by it. It's easy to approve of such a feature when you had the privilege of being able to collect blueprints without this barrier.
Well i was kinda affected by it as well when i had my long break from PG what was for several years (i think it was 4-6) for reasons and the Decry system was in full place and Siri was a thing already with TC1 released. So i had basically to suffer through the Siri BP hunt before i could start building TC tech so that i had kinda a mixed situation between some Siri BPs to decry a few things and had to keep on track what items i still needed.

Ok the difference between you and me might be that i still was in the clan and Askone has enough active players to tackle Siri stuff otherwise i would have left PG for good without any progression chance available to me (namely DS and Boss units in Siri)
Uhmmm, I know people who started from 0 and in 3 months they already had all the golden technology to decrypt Sirius/Tau,[...]
From my pov Golds are not really an issue and Siri will alone take its fair time. From a logic point with the rotation in place you will need ~2 months alone to get all Siri items if no planet was skiped + in compare to the early Siri times were every player needed every BP during BP hunt time with a terrible rotation (i only say the mysterious Myst who was not available for at least 2 years in Askone when it droped there) then now when a clan needs to hunt BPs for only 1 new player who can get the stuff much faster now.
As a result, new players need to be helped by players like us who have been playing for years. Unfortunately some players are very good at trolling.
Some game have a mechnic called "Mentoring" or "Veteran" program were the experienced players can enlist themself when they have reached a certain point of the game so that they can be requested for help if player needs something. Mostly such programs can be used until the new player has reached a certain point in the game (for PG it might be around Sol/Drac were the program could end) and the players who help the newbies got rewarded with some exclusive stuff (mostly consumable that not really gave a big advantage or benefit). For PG it could be a bit difficult what reward should be given aside from Cryo and/or Gravs + over the time the effect may be diminishing so that players rather might avoid the system the using it to help.
When Sirius was created, the number of clans and players was completely different. And yet the requirements are unchanged, and it is the ticket to Tau Ceti. Sirius has not taken into account that the number of players and clans required for this star system has fallen rapidly. And that's a problem...
Tbf even TC is not a Solo part of the game anymore (if we exclude Cryo and BP hunting as this can still be done Solo) in terms of the missions as a lot of missions there require to fly either in Squad and/or have OC (Outside Cover) Squads that deal with the non mission stuff to keep an area clean. So even if the requirements for Siri would be lowered without others TC can be hard to complete wihtout others. Basically Siri is the devs way of telling you "You will need a Clan from this point onward to progress.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
@Z0ckt, Hmm I honestly don't know what you mean by that. It's that you haven't quite been taught the decryption route yet. As @Vesperion says, there are players who are done with sirius in half a year, let's say at least a good year, 3 hours of PG every day is enough.

At first I was also upset about why the whole thing was like this, but if you follow the storyline, it fits much better with the decryption route. I also think it's good that you can't tilt the blueprints on Erebos. You need Embodied tech to build the Sentient and so on, so I think that's a good way for players not to tilt the blueprints.

Unfortunately, that's what happens if you don't follow the storyline in depth, or why do you think there were no blueprints on vénar very early on? Or why do you think we had to vote earlier on what we would get in the next "monthly" missions? All that was preparation and that should be ruined now ? Never

So that this "secret" of the ancients had to be revealed, this way had to be introduced, the blueprints have as you see no known names like Zero Point or Anti Matter. That is also the reason why there were no blueprints at the beginning, they already existed, but they were not unpacked as the "standard things". Whoever's idea it was, I think it was a very good way to go.

But what I can say is that the design of the Tau Ceti blueprints is very different from the ancients as we know them, but that doesn't change the fact that it came from them. Probably in the future we will get the old cool engraving back, those details, when that comes I will surely lose my osmosis😬


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Jun 12, 2015
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From my pov Golds are not really an issue and Siri will alone take its fair time. From a logic point with the rotation in place you will need ~2 months alone to get all Siri items if no planet was skiped + in compare to the early Siri times were every player needed every BP during BP hunt time with a terrible rotation (i only say the mysterious Myst who was not available for at least 2 years in Askone when it droped there) then now when a clan needs to hunt BPs for only 1 new player who can get the stuff much faster now.
Yes, the old sirius system drop was gross, at aurora, myst late two years, at Gaia I never saw a player with sirius strong protector (now long) just since sirius adjustment I saw sirius long protector in gaia xd


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Nov 22, 2021
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Well askone and gaia are still active, mostly gaia though, for example i started on gaia 5 months ago and im already on Earth in unrest with most system golds and Sirius bps. But again its your own choice.
You've set a good pace then. That's not possible solo. You have the advantage of a clan. And that there are more players.

Technically there is as you need the previous gold tech before you can install the next gold tech and the further you go the more previous golds you need. You can install for example any Drac Gold if you not have the Gold BPs from Vega - Sol done for the corrosponding item what should give an incentive to hunt the golds. For TC it is more a bottleneck situation the devs created to give an incentive to play in Siri (what is pretty limited once every member in every clan has the BPs done + you luckily only need the Siri Variants to decry the TC tech and golds. Imagine the pain if you would need all Siri items from R1-5 + all system variants
This incentive you're talking about worked back when there were still enough players and clans. Today, the situation is different. A player who arrives in Sirius and can't find another clan can actually stop playing immediately, because you won't be able to destroy the large units from Ring 5 on your own. If you make it to the 5th Sirius level at all. The core idea of Sirius is not bad, but unfortunately it does not take into account the rapid decline in player numbers.

Ok the difference between you and me might be that i still was in the clan and Askone has enough active players to tackle Siri stuff otherwise i would have left PG for good without any progression chance available to me (namely DS and Boss units in Siri)
You said it yourself, a completely different situation.
Tbf even TC is not a Solo part of the game anymore (if we exclude Cryo and BP hunting as this can still be done Solo) in terms of the missions as a lot of missions there require to fly either in Squad and/or have OC (Outside Cover) Squads that deal with the non mission stuff to keep an area clean. So even if the requirements for Siri would be lowered without others TC can be hard to complete wihtout others. Basically Siri is the devs way of telling you "You will need a Clan from this point onward to progress.
Yes, that's what they say. But they forget to mention that there are fewer and fewer clans and fewer and fewer players.

...Unfortunately, that's what happens if you don't follow the storyline in depth, or why do you think there were no blueprints on vénar very early on? Or why do you think we had to vote earlier on what we would get in the next "monthly" missions? All that was preparation and that should be ruined now ? Never...
I don't remember the storyline after the many years I took a break. Justification does not solve the problem. You're playing on the same server as me. You must have noticed that there are fewer and fewer players and clans in this game. If barriers in the game, or as they call it here "incentives", prevent progress in the game due to a lack of players and clans, the consequence is that the game is abandoned, no matter how well it is grounded in the story.

No matter what is written, it always leads back to the core problem I mentioned. Too few players and clans.
It is not okay that there are so few clans and players left. That needs to be changed, but I don't see a single effort in that direction here. You rely on existing players. And that was it.

And the development time for new content also takes too long. When I started with Pirate Galaxy, Gemini was the last star system and I was there live when Mizar was released. The time intervals weren't even remotely as long as they are today. The months-long pauses in development have damaged the game, and are still damaging it. There will be fewer players and no more...


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
I don't remember the storyline after the many years I took a break. Justification does not solve the problem. You're playing on the same server as me. You must have noticed that there are fewer and fewer players and clans in this game. If barriers in the game, or as they call it here "incentives", prevent progress in the game due to a lack of players and clans, the consequence is that the game is abandoned, no matter how well it is grounded in the story.

No matter what is written, it always leads back to the core problem I mentioned. Too few players and clans.
It is not okay that there are so few clans and players left. That needs to be changed, but I don't see a single effort in that direction here. You rely on existing players. And that was it.

And the development time for new content also takes too long. When I started with Pirate Galaxy, Gemini was the last star system and I was there live when Mizar was released. The time intervals weren't even remotely as long as they are today. The months-long pauses in development have damaged the game, and are still damaging it. There will be fewer players and no more...
Yes we are in the same server, I just come online to get my graviton, but to be honest I never saw you anywhere 😂

It may be that you are level 91? Correct? Anyway, at the beginning it was uncertain whether the sirius blueprints from ring 1 to 4 would be necessary for the tau ceti techs. It only concerns sirius Ancient techs, the other Ancient techs are excluded, e.g. Mizar Ancient Blaster is not necessary for the Tau Ceti turmoil Blaster. All gold blueprints have to be collected to "create" this blueprint in a way. The logic behind this is that these technologies of the ancients are encrypted, so it makes no sense to undo this.

The goal is to understand the Ancients and use their technology for the last time. In Sirius this was much easier, I think. It's all complex because it's an AI technology and it's linked to neural networks on Calon I guess. I just don't want to go into detail. But the progression of the individual AI technologies is as follows: from Symbol to Multi Agent to Embodied Mind. simply, it makes sense that the blueprints procedure was used in this way. That doesn't mean it has to be like this forever.


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Feb 18, 2018
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This game has two serious problems. 1. there are no new players, all star systems are extinct and empty with the exception of Tau Ceti and Sirius. 2. no new game content comes into play, and if it does, then at far too long intervals.

Keeping the remaining players and clans busy with PVP / conquests may be a good approach, but it is not enough and does not solve these core problems of the game. Your priorities are wrong.

The conquests, in which so much time, effort and energy is invested, do not interest me at all as a player without a clan. On the contrary, there are now so few players and clans on the Korell server alone that it's really difficult to find somewhere to play, especially when other players on Korell think they have to make promises or invitations to join clans and then you yourself are rejected, or there are clans that insist on voice chat on Korell, or there are some clans with completely absurd demands.

And even if it were possible for me to take part in conquests, I wouldn't do it, because I think the way you deal with other players when they have to go afk on the surface is pretty questionable, and I don't really find the whole feature of conquests attractive for me as a player.

So before any players are penalized here for little things like afk, maybe they should work on other core problems of the game first, which should have a higher priority, because I honestly don't know how I should continue in this game at all with this background.

I'm level 91 and stuck on Venar. Before I can continue, I have to get more Ring 5 blueprints from Sirius thanks to a game update, because they think I'm not allowed to unlock the blueprints I made in Tau Ceti, so this star system is unplayable for me. I can't even buy a new Tau Ceti spaceship there... And even then, the storyline there might not be playable solo.

I could create my own clan for the few missing Sirius components, but surprise: there are no new players left to join. And surprise: The enemies that have the required blueprints can't be destroyed solo in Sirius, even though I was able to get my Venar blueprints. How can it be that Sirius Ring 5 units are impossible to solo, but Venar units are? I could look for an existing clan, but surprise: there are very few clans left, some with high requirements.

How are you supposed to progress in this game if you're slowed down like that? With this background, I can actually and strictly speaking look for another game, because how should things continue for me? I hope they reconsider the situation this game has put itself in.

In the past, when there were still enough players and a higher number of clans, or even when I had my own clan, I didn't have these problems. Not even at times when you could still play the storyline without clan dependency. In my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes was to increase the difficulty of the storyline so drastically. The loss of players only came about due to long development breaks / inactivity of the game.

You can now rest on the existing players that are still left, or perhaps you can now ensure that the number of players for this game increases again.

Suggestions, potential solutions:
- Make game more popular through advertising, and by publishing on different platforms. (Facebook, Steam, GoG). More players = more clans.

- Reduce time gaps to new game content, even if Dino Storm has to suffer. It sounds harsh, but why release 3 games at all if you have a team that is far too small for it, as I have often read here in the forum? Pirate Galaxy was there first, not Dino Storm.

- Login Gifts, Activity Gifts: Pour out Cryonite, Gravitons, Energy, and small amounts of Gold for players who log into the game daily, while offering smaller easier activity tasks.

- More variety in the game: Introduces special time-limited quests, especially for the lower star systems. Reward and difficulty of the quests depend on pilot level. Can something like this be achieved?

- New events. Come up with new events and don't just repeat existing events. This has been going on for years, and please change the rewards you can earn. The rewards have remained the same for years. Please change more often.

- Scrambled blueprints: Remove this barrier from the game, or adjust the difficulty so that the items required for Tau Ceti can be obtained solo in Sirius. Sirius should not be a star system designed primarily for clans. There aren't even enough players or enough clans to justify that anymore. Clans should be an optional way to form larger groups of players, to network, to keep busy. But now, because of Sirius and Tau Ceti, your game progress is dependent on clans... Clan bound. That shouldn't be the case.

Please focus on the core problems of this game and not on side issues. The consequence is, and will be, that I will ultimately have to give up the game if the situation doesn't improve.
the asnwer to all ur issues, buy 1million gold buy rdx event ship bp for 125k gold and buy full booster to solo r5 easy nothing to complain about everything is working as intended XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


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Feb 18, 2018
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@Z0ckt, Hmm I honestly don't know what you mean by that. It's that you haven't quite been taught the decryption route yet. As @Vesperion says, there are players who are done with sirius in half a year, let's say at least a good year, 3 hours of PG every day is enough.

At first I was also upset about why the whole thing was like this, but if you follow the storyline, it fits much better with the decryption route. I also think it's good that you can't tilt the blueprints on Erebos. You need Embodied tech to build the Sentient and so on, so I think that's a good way for players not to tilt the blueprints.

Unfortunately, that's what happens if you don't follow the storyline in depth, or why do you think there were no blueprints on vénar very early on? Or why do you think we had to vote earlier on what we would get in the next "monthly" missions? All that was preparation and that should be ruined now ? Never

So that this "secret" of the ancients had to be revealed, this way had to be introduced, the blueprints have as you see no known names like Zero Point or Anti Matter. That is also the reason why there were no blueprints at the beginning, they already existed, but they were not unpacked as the "standard things". Whoever's idea it was, I think it was a very good way to go.

But what I can say is that the design of the Tau Ceti blueprints is very different from the ancients as we know them, but that doesn't change the fact that it came from them. Probably in the future we will get the old cool engraving back, those details, when that comes I will surely lose my osmosis😬
I think youre reading too much into it, they never had a road plan for Tau Ceti back then, thats why Venar had to be overhauled basically completely with the exception of a few story missions. The design philosophy for Venar was completely changed....also they forgot to change the sm NPCs XD some of the old Venar Pirate NPC's still appear on venar missions with their silly old Ion Blasters xD
There were no bps for venar because they lacked inspiration to make them. Sirius was supposed to be last system, they never thought of what to do after sirius .
Speaking of ancients i really hated how they were used and humiliated. the Ancient faction was supposed to be this huge unknown they were mightily powerful , they shouldve been the final boss of the game but instead they get hijakced by mantis on Eiu storyline, their power is stolen by mantis on Calon storyline and we get a second queen fight...


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Feb 24, 2010
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I think youre reading too much into it, they never had a road plan for Tau Ceti back then, thats why Venar had to be overhauled basically completely with the exception of a few story missions. The design philosophy for Venar was completely changed....also they forgot to change the sm NPCs XD some of the old Venar Pirate NPC's still appear on venar missions with their silly old Ion Blasters xD
There were no bps for venar because they lacked inspiration to make them. Sirius was supposed to be last system, they never thought of what to do after sirius .
Speaking of ancients i really hated how they were used and humiliated. the Ancient faction was supposed to be this huge unknown they were mightily powerful , they shouldve been the final boss of the game but instead they get hijakced by mantis on Eiu storyline, their power is stolen by mantis on Calon storyline and we get a second queen fight...
Well in theory they had an idea how TC should be shaped but failed when they tried to follow the path as TC was some sort of "Shape the story of TC by voting (when you have completed the current set of stories)" what in itself already had some flaws that were heavily discussed. The very first TC had a Venar with only half of the map available as the route to the souther parts was simply blocked off.

The main issue on this system is that following player would have had the benefit of voted stuff available right at the start while we (the forrunners) had to do the stuff without all those benefits and against their own plan that every 4 weeks (irc) a new episode of missions should come out and it started to fail already at Episode 3 with a delay of 2 weeks (again irc) and with Episode 4 even with a delay of 4 weeks (again again irc) and then the further progression stopped entirely for TC so that it did fall into it´s long time slumber for several years before the actual TC1 was released for all.

From the idea it was interesting and fresh but from the execution it was a massive failure as either they did not have everything in place or to high ambitions to get the stuff done in time with the votings.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
the asnwer to all ur issues, buy 1million gold buy rdx event ship bp for 125k gold and buy full booster to solo r5 easy nothing to complain about everything is working as intended XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Sounds like you did that that's the reason why this game still lives😭🤣


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
i havent spent anything on this game but i heard there was one guy on solaria who had 25k blue gravs on his account when he quit XD i guess u have him to thank
sounds like dutch to me xD


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
There was a talk about why the game doesnt have new players and such... i tested why and the results are astonishing... Its not the fault of the game... Asked for help/team 3 days in different hours and timezones with something that actually requires a team in tc (lets say i wanted a collector bp even 1 nonrare in eiu as a venar player)... you either get ultra trolls / laughing / no response at all because why ppl should care ;p

So summary is everything is working as intended...
Helping people is a timewaste for the community and after effort changes helping others is even more painful.
Noone cares about existing people playing so new players are irrelevant by default.

BTW it doesnt matter if you dislike/like this post im exposing the truth behind the scenes that "elites" have created here in fact its even better for them to not help you because you wont be competing in cortex runs in potential future... ofc we forget the fact here that without ancient tech and only on golds you cant even 1v1 a complete press 1 to win people that have them... its not skill issue right now... the game wants you to lose by design


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Nov 1, 2019
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i havent spent anything on this game but i heard there was one guy on solaria who had 25k blue gravs on his account when he quit XD i guess u have him to thank
a player with 25k blue gravs isn't as rare as you think ;)