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Suggestions for potential game improvements


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Feb 24, 2010
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the unit that was tested 1-2 years ago was an ancient kenyte device and not an mantis unit
Well it was more or less simply a placeholder unit the devs used and those who were on Askone for the test knows what the end of that was. However it seems that at some point the idea was then scraped entirely to make anything more of it as not really any further feedback was made in regards to future plans or uses of the unit.
>>>Regarding the "Ultimate PvE Unit Test"<<<


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
I have nothing to do in the game, I have almost everything I'm waiting for Reaven Dynamic I once wondered that it was written that there were supposed to be player-controlled invasions
I mean we often have GM controlled invasions on askone but even then not even half of people that are online are willing to join in. Better solution to keep those that finished everything in the game would be to add something with replayable values.


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Jul 9, 2013
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Chancellor Gowron
the outlaws solaria
at least there invasions there on solaria they dont even do it anymore


Lead Game Master
Aug 8, 2022
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at least there invasions there on solaria they dont even do it anymore
Hi @dr.claw

As far as I remember for Solaria, whenever I used to ask if pilots wanted an invasion I was met with negative reactions or lack of interest. (Usually the GM's may hold without asking but it's needed on servers such as solaria)
It's not going to be a good invasion with less than 5 pilots present which is why you may not see many of us hold them.

This was a while ago though, so If you all have renewed interest we will be glad to conduct more spawn events :).



Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
That's true, invasions being held or not depends on GMs and overall reaction of players to them. They know to be fun and interactive and so its good we mentioned them if people actually miss them on other servers. Only thing i can say about invasions is that there could be a separate news tab for announcing them couple days in advance, so people know to prepare and when to be online, which would probably increase amount of pilots attending them. Although i doubt that's gonna prevent the game from losing players over time so i'd keep this suggestion at that.


Lead Game Master
Aug 8, 2022
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That's true, invasions being held or not depends on GMs and overall reaction of players to them. They know to be fun and interactive and so its good we mentioned them if people actually miss them on other servers. Only thing i can say about invasions is that there could be a separate news tab for announcing them couple days in advance, so people know to prepare and when to be online, which would probably increase amount of pilots attending them. Although i doubt that's gonna prevent the game from losing players over time so i'd keep this suggestion at that.
Hello @dragonarh ,

The GM team used to announce on galaxy news tab some years back. However this was stopped due to reasons I am not entirely sure of. One possibility may be that even with posts in advance the turnout was quite low. My reason (Maybe for the others too) is I am unsure if I can commit to the day announced in advance as irl is unpredictable (due to my job), and it looks bad if I announce but do not show up for the invasion ^^.

I do want to reiterate that even as volunteers we only want to do our best for the community. Thank you for the feedback! Will be putting forward the topic to restart announcing in advance with the LGM'S & CM'S.



Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
There is another point i wanted to make in the post about improving the influx of new players, this time not by trying to attract people but rather by reducing the amount of paths they can take when starting. I'd have to digress to explain the reasoning behind this.

So we all know there has been a lot of discussions in the past about server mergers, however estimates from the dev team showed that this idea would take too long to execute. Main reason why merging was even considered was that some servers were almost completely inactive like Aeria and Kalgan, and these days maybe even Solaria and Trantor. I could be wrong about some servers but im saying this from what i've heard about them and seen from screenshots.

Lets now consider the experience of an average new player. Assuming that most have an equal incentive to go for any of the servers, up to 50% of new players may quit after a few days just because they had bad luck of choosing a dead server to start with. Problem is that to know populations of servers they would have to play long enough to hear that information from other players, by which time they had probably given up already even if they liked the game.

If, instead of doing a massive merger, devs diverted the traffic of new players, only allowing them to start on Gaia, Askone and etc, we would get a slight insurgence of new pilots on these servers that actually are active. Perhaps it would be fair to allow pilots who still play on dead servers to transfer their accounts to an active one of their choice. Number of transfers needed here would be minimal and after a while, so everyone willing to transfer has time to do it, these servers could even be closed. This would ultimately increase the amount of new players starting and playing on active servers keeping them running for a while longer.


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
The server transfers and merges are hard to do because of database conflicts/duplicates and devs just straight up refuse to do so. Also why would they when people playing just create new accounts on said servers and pay for gold once again (OPG Fear i love you thank you for keeping game alive straight from israel).

I see we are talking about new players... lets see... there are like 5 new players that dont quit the game after 48 hours... that would not only create one bigger server where everyone thats new joins "veterans" and is simply boosted to the endgame by such individuals but also language barrier would be strong (maybe thats good because GMs would actually have some more fun muting players instead of picking random people and muting them for not even bad words in public). Other servers would just simply die. Do you want to play on a server where joining as a new player is artificially blocked? Only HGus would want such a thing.

Another fact to consider is that players nowdays are not used to playing games where activity of a server is at max lets say 300 people active at once. When they see no answers in global chat they assume game is dead (and thats wrong because in order to override the gm problem people use discord servers to talk lol). By the way we cant say game is alive when private servers of games that are long forgotten or even destroyed completely by publishers like gameforge (example of that is Airrivals/Aceonline) have more MAU (monthly active users) than this game made from the ground up because of development cycle.

I dont know what is there to say at this point but just laugh at any suggestions / plans threads nowdays... in 10 years we had more than enough suggestions / plans / changes threads and they are still here after forums update (unless they reverted them too XD)... if the devs wanted to implement them or would actually try the reality where you play right now would be completely different place in terms of activity. Because thats the reason old players left and they are coming back because of nostalgia maybe. How many times you saw old players in PTR just to pvp and see if the game is worth the insane grind just to have something that was supposed to be exclusive to extreme grinders but today its standard and if you dont have it you are trolling.

From a consumer point of view you need to consider your behavior and what you are doing... what do i mean?...
When the product in this case game doesnt bring what you want or doesnt give you any fun anymore because of lack of content and there is so many others ready to play without mandatory mobile game restrictions (membership lul) then maybe you should not give money so it shows up on devs stats and causes a reaction to it... you dont like the change you dont pay... you like it you reward them... It is you who enables them to do nothing... So you have 2 choices ... you either start paying so much as PG community so that it brings 90% of their earnings so they just focus on PG from business standpoint... or you dont pay at all. There is a reason why steel legions game is not closed yet... lets see... oh yes 100% of playing players there are not only paying for 8% parts but also skill packs that are mandatory to play in pvp which is the main focus of the game.

You tried so hard and got nowhere in the end it didn't even matter. Keep that in mind i did nothing to deserve this fate. All i know time is a valuable thing so keep buying memberships. Watch them count down by the end of the day. The clock ticks boosters away. It's so unreal. Didn't fix anything before. Watch the balance go right out the window. Tried to hold on i didnt even know i joined them all the heron spam. I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I wasted time so hard.


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
Yea but stain or pride, last time we spoke you openly told me you wish for pg to die and players to stop wasting their time on it. Im glad to try even if i waste my time on suggesting a thing or 2 anyway. I know you dislike the game but please bro lets not ruin this post.. like its not enough we have certain bots commenting already xD


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
I liked the game and i hoped for the best before 3 things : sirius got introduced , pvp overhaul dropped , tau ceti turned out to be trash made from scrapped models from other systems with artificial difficulty. The ultimate PVE unit they tested that had infinite range multiple instances of same weapons show clearly that people that do have the game now are beyond any redemption. I want pg to die yes you know why because at this point devs are using nostalgia and FOMO + time-soaked argument to keep you here "playing" on same account. Most people here that play this game have some mental issues... some of them spent too much to let go... some come back to check if its dead... some just login to say hi because somehow (can you believe it?) other games are finally fun for them. By showing you the other side of things instead of pure hope that never came people started to realize that there is world outside and game that they loved got destroyed by lack of communication or straight up refusal to do anything. Arguments that dev team is small and anything shouldnt even be a problem in the first place... if you install the game do you research if its made by 1 or 30 people when you want to play it? When its good you maybe get interested in devs info and help them if its bad you complain and wait reasonable time for an answer with logical arguments or fixes... or you just simply uninstall... This community did both things and nothing has been changed... thanks to me multiple people from older clans successfully found happiness in other games instead of still hoping... and i can say this right now even today when they are not expecting anything whenever they hear about pg from me they are disappointed. So if you want good changes and future in this PG devs would have to finally make changes. Extreme changes to be exact. But even slight changes arent an option... and if you suggest something there are shills that will spam threads... HGus being one of them... and please give me more dislikes / disagree's that will surely help fix your problems here.

Also if you really need suggestions instead of "you need to make changes" etc then you can always DM me on forum. There is plenty but requires work... Are you prepared to do something... or will you say working as intended?


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Aug 14, 2020
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I'm glad I'm playing on a smaller server I don't have competition to reactor too much :D


Aug 7, 2021
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The Outlaws Solaria
"Suggestions for potential game improvements"
1- Cortex changes
2- Alliance system review
3- give us more and more drone power
4- Taunt but actually does something in PVP

These changes are clearly created by and geared towards a maxed out, late-game audience, and this thread is essentially from players who are assumed to be lvl 99 cap'd, with all siri ancient tech, and rare techs, and all RDX and drones unlocked, who will also get access to cortex parts on demand. (1) and (2) and (3) have been mostly ignored, I've put forth my suggestion for (4), and the original (4) has been the most buzzed topic from the OP in the thread. But some bigger discussions in this thread are -dogging on people we don't like, -new player experience, -community events like invasion.

These changes would only seem to make sense if there was a sufficiently large late-game community dedicated to PVP, which sounds like it's the case on Askone. There is not one on Solaria. I'm also not level-cap'd and tech maxed. PVP is not fun when you're playing with top blues vs techmax'd RDX ships as well. There is also no feasible time commitment that will make me techmax'd, given the decryption system, vega-siri reliance on R5 bp drops, randomized event drops and *crazy* cash shop distribution of RDX ship BPs and drones. What suggestions do lvlcap'd techmax'd players have that could turn new players or mid-level returning players into viable PVP players that are not top-blue pvp fodder?


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
These changes are clearly created by and geared towards a maxed out, late-game audience,
Not really steel, if you read the post carefully you'll see that the reason why cortex changes are there is because low end players cant use the those cortexes that are useful at the moment, which only those with access to asura can, so its quite the opposite. As for drones its suggested again because newer and unexperienced players get stomped by those who know how to switch drones in PVP so to help them not get a headache trying, we suggested 1 more active drone slot among other reasons. Alliance rework is in Sirius so its not end game, and taunt exists in Vega already so same logic applies.

But again we mostly tackled with obsolete game features with the main post, if you have other suggestions feel free to post them.


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
One of these suggestions is REMOVAL of ancient balanced tech (for example "Sirius Ancient Blaster" and others in systems below) and adjusting gold values to match these balanced ancients so we would get variants of said tech in sirius but new players that are not in the endgame zones could atleast with time investment into little bit of grind... compete with these minmaxed players at reasonable level... and change blue top tech to be -10% of gold power.
That ensures that even new vega player can fairly pvp with endgame players in cqs etc if they wish ... nowdays with system in place you get instantly stomped.

Taunt should in my opinion redirect ANY (excluding selfbuffs and heals like RT and RD) items to taunt-user for 2 seconds or 2 items (2 GCD global cooldowns around 2.3sec with ui updates) (without switching target in clients UI) (would require quicker skill indicator for taunt that is almost instant to work). That would make tank not change its power level but become more useful overall... there is not that many ships with taunt anyway... (that would make for example claw in gemini a good support option in pvp and pve).

Why pve also? Because of how supposedly the game is coded... items in this game work the same way in PVP and PVE... and therefore as a taunt in pve would still serve its user as taunt... because using any items on any npc in this game aggroes said npc. So it works.

PS : Removing ancient balanced versions of tech would justify grinding harder in low systems and encryption system would have its meaning .... right now its an obstacle for players because why not


Aug 7, 2021
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The Outlaws Solaria
I would suggest some method in Sirius Singularity to guarantee a specific BP drop. Like, if there was a special "Oracle" mission on R1 planets, and when a clan completes that mission for the first time, the clan then unlocks a "Fortold Future" mission on an R5 planet, which gives access to a specific Ancient BP tech that would allow clans to bypass the potential 4+ month cooldown on a specific print. The elevator pitch is that a clan can achieve any R5 dropping bp in under 7 days, no matter the time of year, but it's not so easy to get bps that a clan would ignore the 13 dropping bps every 1-2 days on new planets.

Some BPs are very hard to get. Sol sniper tech and draconis defender tech are difficult, but warranted to get, requiring over 10 goldbps from specific sometimes low-count enemies, like DS heads and minelayers. What's unwarranted was making the grind even harder for new players: to equip any of this tech, you need to grind specific sometimes low-count enemies from lower systems like Mizar's one mender that drops repair turret and Sol's R60 free roaming rezurector to equip them. The rare bp decryption system would make more sense for lower systems to require all the blue bps of that tech in that system required instead of all rares of that tech from lower systems required. And to step away from lower system rares, TC blue bps can sometimes be ridiculous to get. "Kill at least 11 ds heads for blue speed actuator". "This one mender on the whole map drops 12 deflection droid bps and 10 thermoblast bps." The mender requirement means that a single blue bp requires by my estimate at least 10 hours of waiting for a respawn on a single mender, which can be above the average rare bp grind. It looks like the mender drops drops deflection droid and thermoblast because they ran out of units to drop bps from and shoehorned them in somewhere. A quick fix would be make the mender lander drones drop bps, any unit from the ds drops the bps, or fewer bps required to unlock the print, with the elevator pitch being an attempt to equalize theoretical new player time investment to blue bp acquisition.

I like the idea to remove ancient balanced from lower systems. I don't like that all systems just become purple blasters, the rare blasters are cool. At least rare blaster is somewhat competitive with balanced, but 5% damage buff is actually a crazy number for pvp effectiveness.(which people who swap drones all the time should know- 7.5% cdr is INSANE, 10% damage/hp from old drone is INSANE, 15% flight speed is INSANE, +10-15% range is INSANE, no wonder people are talking about swapping drones mid fight.)


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Aug 14, 2020
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I have all the plans from the singularity and it shouldn't be that if you want to develop you should devote your time to it sometimes when I read about because new players have a hard time with this and that I once when I was short of plans from the low rings 6 planets in one day I beat so many plans and managed somehow I don't know sometimes when I read some of the posts it makes me laugh I want to laugh, it's best if everyone's plans were flying from orbit, I was also beating and getting plans, I spent time beating and not a new player gives up, poor guy, if he gives up, how will he beat the plan I would prefer if in the planet's peculiarity it could be written in the description what is flying from that planet and it would speed up people's search for plans I don't know if it could be added.


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
I would suggest some method in Sirius Singularity to guarantee a specific BP drop. Like, if there was a special "Oracle" mission on R1 planets, and when a clan completes that mission for the first time, the clan then unlocks a "Fortold Future" mission on an R5 planet, which gives access to a specific Ancient BP tech that would allow clans to bypass the potential 4+ month cooldown on a specific print. The elevator pitch is that a clan can achieve any R5 dropping bp in under 7 days, no matter the time of year, but it's not so easy to get bps that a clan would ignore the 13 dropping bps every 1-2 days on new planets
Did you consider how much time this overhaul of drops would take to make though? I doubt it would be worth it to do it just to shorten time needed to progress in the game. For example i started playing on Gaia recently with my account and after mere 5-6 months i'm already lvl 90 with most Sirius tech, meaning ill soon be on Erebos. Progression shouldn't be faster than this if you ask me, so we better focus on things that are plausible and productive.


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
The thing that noone mentions is that vega to drac progression is so fast that its basically a tutorial for actual game ... you collect everything there and just never come back... why is that important? Game feels empty because people do not see others doing stuff in areas they are in. An actual activity (you have unused sol planets use them) should be added to give reason to do something in the game... I said this when erebos dropped and i will say it again... ALL of you min-maxers rushed content with max boosters and now you are the ones to be blamed for the lack of content for you (@ben1982). So keep cq-logging because you deserve it.


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Feb 18, 2018
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The thing that noone mentions is that vega to drac progression is so fast that its basically a tutorial for actual game ... you collect everything there and just never come back... why is that important? Game feels empty because people do not see others doing stuff in areas they are in. An actual activity (you have unused sol planets use them) should be added to give reason to do something in the game... I said this when erebos dropped and i will say it again... ALL of you min-maxers rushed content with max boosters and now you are the ones to be blamed for the lack of content for you (@ben1982). So keep cq-logging because you deserve it.
i mean the reason u would rush content is to gear up for cq because theres literally nothing else waiting for you at the end of the game. (god forbid you call warscore grinding on the reactor alone all day as actual endgame content) Theres no one whos going around to help in lower systems , they just stay offline until the inevitable CQ/Reactor timing. Nothing particuarly interesting is going on in the game atm. I've always felt like if there were like "special events" or "open world events" like for example a random boss spawning on a random planet that can only be fought with tech from the same system would be an incentive to keep ppl on the lookout but im honestly unsure.
Also dont blame me for cq-logging when im probably the one player in my clan who still plays PvE content outside of Reactor runs , pls blame more appropriate names like Moddoo thankiew
I just wanna say as well, STAIN's comment honestly sounds like something a lazy developer would say tbh, devs any thoughts?


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Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
Im lazy developer that answers and gives reasoning... fear those who do not answer because these are the ones that truly do not care ;p