Ficou lindo demais o efeito do canhão TC raro!!!!! Vermelho com azul e com anéis... Seria muito interessante se no futuro os desenvolvedores do jogo colocassem os efeitos no canhão sniper, míssil, ataque orbital e canhão térmico.
jupFicou lindo demais o efeito do canhão TC raro!!!!! Vermelho com azul e com anéis... Seria muito interessante se no futuro os desenvolvedores do jogo colocassem os efeitos no canhão sniper, míssil, ataque orbital e canhão térmico.
yes but its challenging doesnt matter how good armor and techs are. we are all doomed on this hostile planet. no methanoids, no ancients, no nothing. we should get boy scout briefing with the ancients to survive this somehowb some safe zones and i would say ,,yes give me orbital strikes too!" but we've got a sentry thats angry and he doesnt care about 99 stun techs he keeps firing. we need to pod him so hard down that he will finally react to stun techs. and we got sniperturrets with a rapid sniper blaster thats annoying but fun too.I already requested a change for the TC rares effect so don´t have to high hopes that it will give any change for them considering how much time the devs hat to think about such a "trivial" matter and delivered us again the same lame 08/15 effects that exist for years now already for the weapons and for some reason only Blaster gets a "special treatment"
I think a visual issue witht he rare tc rockets is that is leg is way too long. I'll show a quick example witht he parsec ss.
View attachment 51437
the parsec still needs fixing though
It´s already a wonder that those thin wings don´t fall off with so much weight considering how much the items have grown over the timethe parsec still needs fixing though
the items itself looks like spaceships especially rare sniper blasterthe parsec still needs fixing though
By changing the colour of the fire. How about blue flames?i dont actually dont know how thermoblast could be maked different.
its mindblowing that the rare techs and ne0n ships have the same carbon design etc but look how messed up the thunderbird looks. paragneiss looks still the best even lava. this O design on the rare blaster fits perfect for the gneiss on his wings with the same O.
always gonna say this, most of the players exploits bugs in tau ceti and still they do, even with armene reactor some other getting asura parts without completing 6 amounts of story. landing lock doenst help because squad counts the playets in the ranklist. anyway this will never be fixed and this mission was the best example of it. heading up to ancient hq and alt-f4 for closing the game and like a miracle combat mode vanished and you can land to lz for protecting the s.u.r.g.e. choose your lovely ship to do it easily and fast. i didnt know about that. some others told me that and i'm happy that i finished the story without fail or multiple attempts with my calon slate and some gravs. i showed you a video how hard i struggeld with erebos slate. didnt had any problems with calon slate. we ,,allegedly" have top armor and new stuff. no wonder why so much players stopped playing after tc4 launch. and that this mission is solo is a pointless complication for you to rack your brains out. I mean you could do "inside job" solo, because the guard isn't allowed to see anyone. I hardly understand the intentions behind it. storymissions that are supposed to run undercover are solo, that's a good thing, but not the first for the new system where transporters and the s.u.r.g.e are already lurking around in the lz. it did take a player 5x attempts for a normal calon chroma to do it without any booster and the mission isn't even complete. each attempt with gravis. 5x escorted externally, 4x fail. fail even in the last 5 sec. to get the navigation chip.I came to complain about the Last Journey mission. I'm a little late.
Getting to and from the center of Calon is already quite difficult with Lava. On the other hand, when I come to LZ, there are four landings each. Before you kill the first wave, another wave arrives. I take on the aggro with the cloud. Do you know what's going on? That cloud touches the cursed praying mantis named "Runner". Anyway, I actually have a lot to complain about. If he actually landed 3 units instead of 4 units, this mission really wouldn't be a pain.