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Poll: Merge all Servers into one Like we saw on PTR Test server

Merge all the Servers into one big Server ?

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Jul 2, 2020
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Hey Devs and Players,

we saw in the PTR test Server how nice it would be to have all Servers merged into one like PTR.
This big change would make a huge diffrence for Players and for Devs .

For Players like us it would be much more fun to play and much more enjoyable and
for Devs it would be (i think) alot more easy to carry one Server instead of multiple Servers specially for maintance and updates etc .

the only change it has to made is the Chat.

there should be a global chat where everyone has to speaks english and then categorate the chat for example
Global ChatAskone ChatKorell ChatAurora Chat

or like this
Global ChatGerman ChatEnglish ChatSpanish Chat

Sorry if something like this has been posted but I hope everyone likes this idea.

thx ^^


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Feb 24, 2010
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This request was made already a few times but from what i have read in form from time to time when this idea came up is that SSG seem to have probs with doing such a thing due Pilots may have several Pilots with their login but on the different servers.

I for example have 2 or 3 other pilots due in earlier times with my clan we did "replay" the game for nostalgia reasons and stoped at Sol and then never touched those accounts again.

The major issue i see or fear is that during the merging process something really stupid may happen that could lead to the deletion of the wrong account and with it all the progress and purchases gone what surely will make a lot of players angry.

Normaly a merge of servers is not that big of a deal considering that i have seen it happening in other games BUT in most of those cases the player only had 1 account that could be used for any region they select and always have the same progress in it and other accounts they created with seperate mails where mainly just twinks.

So the real question here should be how SSG could handle this situation considering that pilots can not be deleted anymore once they have been created for a server and how could they assure that the correct profile will be used for the merge and do they have a backup plan in case everything goes wrong?


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
First. It shouldn't be a big problem. Devs have to create another server and expand it so that there are no server bugs or crashes or delays.

Second. At first only one server will be pulled over into the main server. And then only this server (ex Askone) should be offline and the general server online. Then the players should log in and check everything. If the Devs doing this step by step it will work fine.

+++ Problems can always be a problem, so the Devs should set up a backup for each server.


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Jul 2, 2020
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Today I wrote on instagram as u can see here @Vesperion.

The answer from pg shows, that this is possible to merge the servers.
Or else they would say "that's not possible" or whatever.

The devs can create 2 small servers and create some accounts there and move them to the Main server instead of testing with the current servers around.

Or like @KingSub said create a proper backup of all servers and then do so.

Nothing is impossible 😁


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Feb 24, 2010
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The answer from pg shows, that this is possible to merge the servers.
Or else they would say "that's not possible" or whatever.
If this is the case then it should give an offical information about that in this post that it is possible and how it is possible but since this post has been created it gave no offical response from any GM or anyone of SSG itself.

I know we have currently the breaktime for SSG BUT a simple answer within 24 hours for such a question should have been possible until that day even when it would say it may only happen after their break.

Transferring accounts to another server

Aside from that this sort of discussion did happen already 3 years ago when another PTR seems to have been around:
Discussion about merging servers together - Discussion from February 2017
Merger of Pirate Galaxy Servers [IDEA] (PLS, CHECK IT) - Discussuion from November 2017

And a while back even @Poland (aka raven) did bring this Server Merge theme up
Pirates' Voice on Forums -- Game needs to be REVIVED - Post from August 2019

So... it was already requested and a lot of pilots want a merge to happen exactly for those reasons and never it gave any offical response from SSG to that matter so i wonder if this response is really from any offical Dev of the game and why they communicate such a thing OUTSIDE of the Forum cus they can not hope that everyone uses platforms outside of the Forum what should be the "1st Hangar" every Pilot should visit for such things.

Don´t get me wrong i have nothing against a Server Merge if they can manage to pull it off AND if it is ensured that my Askone Account will not get messed up during the process but in such a situation an offical Dev response is a must and here i would say not even a GM or CM would be enough to answer that so i would like to read something directly from @Highway in this situation before i belive anything outside of th Forum cus again why would they communicate such a thing not in the forum directly where it did come up several times already?


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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This is requested since some time with several feedback that with pro and cons for merging servers. It certainly would help to fill less populated servers with more players when merging them together but would require to use the chat system we use in dinostorm to allow multiple languages to communicate better.

But merging servers is not a trivial thing to do as the state is completly independant and many things will conflict when merging them due to duplicate references etc. Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.

Still this is something that will be evaluated in detail in the future.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
This is requested since some time with several feedback that with pro and cons for merging servers. It certainly would help to fill less populated servers with more players when merging them together but would require to use the chat system we use in dinostorm to allow multiple languages to communicate better.

But merging servers is not a trivial thing to do as the state is completly independant and many things will conflict when merging them due to duplicate references etc. Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.

Still this is something that will be evaluated in detail in the future.
make big changes step by step like cq rework. until cq rework and tc have not been completed (and other plans I don't know) this will not happen so quickly, right? the theory is simple for merging server , but it has to be correct before the implementation can take place.

- somehow that worries me because tau ceti and sirius will be very full with players.😳 I hope that the servers dont crash or bugs around. or that there is no conflicts with players. After all, we're all pirates😁


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Nov 4, 2016
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This is requested since some time with several feedback that with pro and cons for merging servers. It certainly would help to fill less populated servers with more players when merging them together but would require to use the chat system we use in dinostorm to allow multiple languages to communicate better.

But merging servers is not a trivial thing to do as the state is completly independant and many things will conflict when merging them due to duplicate references etc. Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.

Still this is something that will be evaluated in detail in the future.
This would be amazing :) in some games that had more than 1 avatar per account, they sorted it out by instead of having this avatars to be locked by server, to be just like a tag on ur name that defined where u came from. This way people could hag multiple avatars in the same server, since for example i have a maxed avatar on askone, aurora and gaia.

I think the main reason that people always asked for a merge, is because it would boost up a couple of aspects, activity overall, the interest on many activities that are based on multiple people, and such.

I also think the chat thing shouldn't be a real issue, in the post i described on 2017, i found a way to get with this, or even Dino Storm way is quite similar, gonna do a quick quote:

Regarding the language I have come up with an idea that could offer players to continue playing in their native languages and if they want to access different (obviously having to speak in the language of that chat):
  • We would continue having a global chat, in this chat you can speak in the language you want.
  • Then we would have an option(a tab where we would open different language chats for example) to enter our LOCALchat (chat of our language and/or country) (we could access any of them, but we would have to speak in the corresponding language)
    • In each of these local chats would be the GM's of the respective languages (previously servers) moderating and making that in that chat you can only speak in the corresponding language.
  • We would have these languages in the Local chats:
    • European Server: Spanish, French, German, English
    • American Server: Spanish, English
Still, i do understand that merge of server is quite a complicated task ,and needs to be done carefully, but i do see quite good benefits out of it, i just imagine the possible population in events, and it would be so beautiful to record :cheeky:

Maybe a big pull for the community to get an answer of what they would really prefer, could be nice, something like:

Would you like a server merging where only ur avatars (account) is transfered, but your golden skulls and clans need to be created/done again?

-I dont mind either options


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
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Death Watch
make big changes step by step like cq rework. until cq rework and tc have not been completed (and other plans I don't know) this will not happen so quickly, right? the theory is simple for merging server , but it has to be correct before the implementation can take place.

- somehow that worries me because tau ceti and sirius will be very full with players.😳 I hope that the servers dont crash or bugs around. or that there is no conflicts with players. After all, we're all pirates😁
I think the more players the better since we'll be able to see more fights around and more activity on chats :p But yeah in my opinion I would like to see the server merge AFTER finishing the Tau Ceti Part 4 so that Devs can truly focus on the server merge after big project so called Tau Ceti is finally finished on live servers.


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Jul 2, 2020
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This would be amazing :) in some games that had more than 1 avatar per account, they sorted it out by instead of having this avatars to be locked by server, to be just like a tag on ur name that defined where u came from. This way people could hag multiple avatars in the same server, since for example i have a maxed avatar on askone, aurora and gaia.

I think the main reason that people always asked for a merge, is because it would boost up a couple of aspects, activity overall, the interest on many activities that are based on multiple people, and such.

I also think the chat thing shouldn't be a real issue, in the post i described on 2017, i found a way to get with this, or even Dino Storm way is quite similar, gonna do a quick quote:

Still, i do understand that merge of server is quite a complicated task ,and needs to be done carefully, but i do see quite good benefits out of it, i just imagine the possible population in events, and it would be so beautiful to record :cheeky:

Maybe a big pull for the community to get an answer of what they would really prefer, could be nice, something like:

Would you like a server merging where only ur avatars (account) is transfered, but your golden skulls and clans need to be created/done again?

-I dont mind either options
It would be nice if the devs (@Highway) create a new Poll where everyone can vote. If we players create a poll like this the community ignore the thread like this one.

About the chat, I don't mind if it is like Dino storm They're quite similar.
About the avatars/accs it would be enough to move the important things like gold cryonite ships achievements etc. About the ladder and skulls who cares if the servers get merged pilots can redo these things with all the pilots from all servers. It would be a new beginning.

As far as I know the instagram site of pg is created by the devs. Correct me if I'm wrong.

If there is a problem with the names of the accs and avatars, all pilots from all the servers should get a free name change of the acc and avatar before logging in to avoid duplicated names etc.

Idk let's see what happens in future.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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This is requested since some time with several feedback that with pro and cons for merging servers. It certainly would help to fill less populated servers with more players when merging them together but would require to use the chat system we use in dinostorm to allow multiple languages to communicate better.

But merging servers is not a trivial thing to do as the state is completly independant and many things will conflict when merging them due to duplicate references etc. Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.

Still this is something that will be evaluated in detail in the future.
Thanks for the honest answer.

About the clan issue, maybe we can't move the clan but we can recreate it in the new server.
For the cryo inside the clan maybe a GM can give additionnal cryo (the precise amount in fleet before merging) to the admiral who will donate to his fleet or GM can directly donate, this will need all gms to do it because there is many fleet...

About the ladder either you find a way to recreate them or ... we don't care ...
I may understand if you don't want to do it because you don't want to loose any data.
But there is one thing you have to keep in mind even if you don't want to loose this.
Many people on Trantor have skulls and 90 % of them quitted the game.
Many other people have left the game on other servers (i don't know if they had skulls or not).
In my honest opinion i think nobody cares about sacrifying ladder for an active server.

Because :
1-Skulls are useless (no reward)
2-Better enjoyment playing with many people VS having your name on the first page of a BETA Ladder.
3-In server with very few people, Clan Skull are won because there is no opponent so it's the peak of uselessness.

Maybe sucess will be a bit hard to let go but we are at a point where we are desperate, every planet is empty and it is insanely hard to find someone to shoot or to play with.
So we have players with insanes hangars, insane amount of sucess ! But offlines ......

Whatever you decide i just wanted to inform you of some facts and my experience.

Thanks for reading.

PS : I'm not native english speaker so maybe my sentences are a bit weird sometimes but i think you will get my point.
PS 2 : I hope this Poll will come one day because i'm not playing the game anymore , i look forward to it.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.
The Ladder:
To be fair... considering that the ladder STILL is in Beta since it was implemented 8(?) years ago it serves no real purpose aside from obtaining a Skull each week but not setting the wining pilot back to the starting Division what made some Skulls insanly crazy cus it basicly just showed how much weeks a pilot did nothing else then Harv/Interc farming lol. Atm the "Skull Champ" at Askone has 46 Skulls but did not play this game since february 2017 anymore according to his last login... so 46 weeks of farming for nothing at the end.

Atm the next piolt who is going for 1st place has 42 skulls and his movement shows mainly travel between Gazica and Sirius so this speaks for itself already what this pilot is doing lol. And this is again only possible cus the 1st placed Pilot is not set back to the Entry division to work his way up all Divisions again to obtain the next skull.

So if the skulls would be "lost" i would not really care due they give no benefit what is at least a plus on them but i would not really care if they would be removed entirely during the process either and i would like to see that the WS will get another purpose that everyone benefits from what maybe would make it "more usefull" if it actually rewards you with something then "just to be there"
>>>[Suggestion] Giving War-Score a new meaning<<<

This shouldn´t be that much of a deal imo if simply the GMs would be allowed to join a clan donate the Cryos and Gravs (don´t know if GMs can add clans to their accounts though) the Clan had on their Server and then just add those to the Clan Vault so that the JS and CQ ships can be bought again. I think the real issue/challenge here might be to get the CQ BPs back again for the Clans or maybe an alternative could be to implement some sort of "Clan shop" where those CQ BPs can be researched/unlocked along with other bonuses?
>>>Public Test for the "Conquest Rework" Update & Feedback thread<<<
Maybe for the future some sort of "Clan Shop/Hangar/Base/Whatever" could be implemented where the Clan Leader (maybe even Captain and Lieutenants) can purchase some sort of passive Buffs/Perks that work for all Pilots of that clan and can be unlocked/increased via Clan Cryo and by researching them 1by1 of course.

For me as PvE Pilot it would give at least an point of motivation to go for the CQ in order to contribute Clan Cryos that can be used for the passives to increase our stats a bit more and may be a good thing for those who not invest in any boosters aside from maybe only the MS of the game.
somehow that worries me because tau ceti and sirius will be very full with players.😳 I hope that the servers dont crash or bugs around. or that there is no conflicts with players. After all, we're all pirates😁
In this situation i have already the feeling that we may see the good old "This is my spot" discussions in the Chat again what would be even more fun when different languages are at play and the other side may not understand that language...

Atm such discussions in the game are pretty rare considering the "emptyness" of most spots so that you have them basicly for yourself or by using spots that no one would consider using but thinking about the time when Harv Spots have been mostly used for Cryo farming i can see that resurface again when a bunch of pilots is at the planet and nothing is left to shoot due the respawn can not keep up with the killtimes.

In Siri for example the respawn time of most units is +- 10 mins and a wild hoard of TC geared Pilots can wreck the planet within minutes leaving a trail of empty spots behind them. In all Systems from Gemini - TC the respawn time is +- 2 Minutes after the unit kill so it is a bit more forgiving but while Vega/Antares have just a couple of seconds (i think 15?)


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Jul 2, 2020
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In this situation i have already the feeling that we may see the good old "This is my spot" discussions in the Chat again what would be even more fun when different languages are at play and the other side may not understand that language...
After all this is a pirate game, so this shouldn't be a big problem. Farming everywhere is allowed, also if there are players already farming.
It's my point of view.


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Feb 24, 2010
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After all this is a pirate game, so this shouldn't be a big problem. Farming everywhere is allowed, also if there are players already farming.
It's my point of view.
Belive me i have seen wars breaking out between clans just due of an occupied Harv spot and pilots throwing words all over the place.

I have no real issue with this cus i have the one or other alternative to go for + i don´t really go for harvester Hunting atm.

OR SSG would need to add some sort of "Endless Harvester Hunt" White Mission to the planets as "Final White Mission" when all Whites have been completed on that planet and works similar to the pumpkin event Mission so that it never finishes and always spawns 2-3 "Mission only Harvs" that respawn after 30-60 secs so that they not can be attacked by others.

The only system that would be excluded from those would be Siri of course due it gives "no white missions" there and R5 is a pure ancient planet and atm it gives no Ancient Harvs :sweatgrinning:


Jul 5, 2017
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Green Tea
is very easy to say that you do not care that skulls are lost if merge servers, when you have nothing or only a few, I have fought for skull on kalagan for many years and have 49.

In the kalagan there is still a battle for skulls, so I think there are more than me who get angry if they are lost in meging the serves.

I do not think it is a good idea to turn all servers into one, it is already difficult to hunt green in r5, when large active clans are there, they vacuum clean the planet for green, and it will also be the same in other systems like tc .


Jul 5, 2017
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Green Tea
another thing here. In 2014, I chose to restart on another server, one of the main reasons for this was that I wanted a fresh start, away from several players who made my life miserable in the game, something I have never regretted. So merge all the servers into one, then I'll quit this game forever, I do not want to meet all these players again. I know of several players who have done the same as me.


Jul 5, 2017
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Main Pilotname
Green Tea
This is requested since some time with several feedback that with pro and cons for merging servers. It certainly would help to fill less populated servers with more players when merging them together but would require to use the chat system we use in dinostorm to allow multiple languages to communicate better.

But merging servers is not a trivial thing to do as the state is completly independant and many things will conflict when merging them due to duplicate references etc. Many elements where players are referenced in will not be possible to be moved in a merge (ladder, clans, etc.). Simply speaking its basically a new server where only the players are moved to it with their belongings and everting else will need to be recreated on the new server.

Still this is something that will be evaluated in detail in the future.
so all archiment will be lost too?


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2010
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Death Watch
is very easy to say that you do not care that skulls are lost if merge servers, when you have nothing or only a few, I have fought for skull on kalagan for many years and have 49.

In the kalagan there is still a battle for skulls, so I think there are more than me who get angry if they are lost in meging the serves.

I do not think it is a good idea to turn all servers into one, it is already difficult to hunt green in r5, when large active clans are there, they vacuum clean the planet for green, and it will also be the same in other systems like tc .
As far as I am informed, the Kalgan server is the one least populated and people are quite mad on that there is no move from SSG staff in case of server merge so that they can have a lot of more new faces next to each other.

However from Askone side I may say that we don't really need that server merge so much, but it would be quite nice to see new people around :)


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Nov 4, 2016
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I do also have many skulls, and in 2 servers actually, but i do prefer a lot more players than having a small number on a server where it isn't played much, i guess we talk of a MMO so that means = Massive Multiplayer Online, why u would play a MMO to play mostly alone ,i just checked Kalgan Division 1, and i dont think there is any current fight on the division 1 as teaspoon mentioned the opposite. ofc a server merge can have some "downsides", but if u look at it as the MMO perspective, its just better in all aspects.