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New member
Jan 13, 2015
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You should TOTALLY add a new gravition that's white and it gives u a stealth effect where enemies don't attack you :mrorange: :mrorange: :mrorange: :mrorange: :mrorange: :mrorange:


New member
Jan 10, 2015
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Ok, my idea is a droid that can collect instead of attack. its annoying when u farm and u gotta pick up everything, but the droid can do it for u! and instead of having just an attack droid slot, it would be just a droid spot.

please consider it!!!,


New member
Nov 5, 2014
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Hi Devs I got some Great Suggestions

1. Using Gold To Buy Cyronite
2. A Cyronite Bank Vault for Players to Invest Their Personal Cyronite in (Not a Public Bank Just Player) To Get Interest For More Cyronite
3. Cyronite Transfer
4. Achievements For Pirate Galaxy You Get Free Rewards Out Of
5. 1 War score Point Transfers to One Cyronite per a War score point
6. Public Cyronite Withdrawl Bank to WithDrawl Cyro and get Interest until you pay it off


Active member
Jan 13, 2015
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Main Pilotname
Here is my list of suggestions:
  • 1. Ability to configure sirius jump ships, these configurations could be like: reduced cool down times or extended jump range or "external hangar" (this would make it possible to visit older planets that are not in jump range any more) Only 1 of these would be possible to install and would cost a lot of cryonite (or gold?) without any refund when uninstalling.
  • 2. Real hybrid ships (eg for TauCeti). It means each ship would have the basic 4 items but the other 4 could have been freely selected by the user. The ships HP would change according to what items are selected, like the more firepower you put on would make it more fragile or the more defence items are used would make it more survivable. The configuration should be made when purchasing the ship and it is not changeable later (or only for gold).
  • 3. Combining drones, when a drone has reached lvl5 it would be possible to combine it with an other lvl5 drone of different kind. The combining would cost some cryonite/gold. The resulting drone would give both bonuses but maybe at a lower level, and would be lvl1 again and needs leveling.

Some more (bit silly) suggestions:
  • 4. stunning a ship would make it easier to hit, like it is not a moving target (or not moving as fast as it could be)
  • 5. "built in scrambler", the more you are damaged the more smoke you generate making you harder to get hit. But if you put shield/protector on, it would encapsuate all the smoke thus it would disable this mechanism.
  • 6. Effect of taunt, right now I think the taunt quite a useless item. But it would be more useful if it would reduce some ability of the target. Eg: makes it easier to hit or reduces the firepower or reduces repair ability or reduces its aiming or perforator capability.
  • 7. Possibility to select/target own ship so use of repair target on own ship. Engi ships would be more powerfull because of double repair skill.

  • 8. and of course not forgeting the ability to reconfigure the keyboard mapping. For me it always takes some time to get used to the new skills when changing ships and the rocket comes into the middle of the basic items and repair/ab is shifted. Not to mention flying a punisher with sniper at the end of the list.


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all, Devs, costumers and inbetweeners like GMs...

First a word about this game I play for almost 5 years !
PG is the biggest ever game i played for so long and stil enjoy to the max... :D KEEP THE SERVERS ROLLING !
Thats why I still pay on 2 seperate accounts for gold, even while my wife alread turned her back to PG for obvious reasons !
Whats scaring me is I see very familiar names all high level players asking high level questions and sudgesting high level thigs to be changed or added !

Almost nobody level <45 I know is repsonding this threat ! Thats NOT good !


- Whome is going read 100 pages of ideas as they are already out there for a long time in forum, seems to me they are never read at all or else you would not ask to post them again ?

- Why is the life expectancy of a GM short, their knowledge low as their age and are there GMs that are gone as player to ?

- Why are we not getting what was promissed in past, parsecarmor, tc, etc ?

- Why are you asking us this if not to do a head count of whome is still interrested enough to even answer your question ?

- When are you gonna fix the lagg while DEVs roam in the server or doing server stuff (like a week prior to a event lagg makes game unplayable) (Use a shadow server, respect your paying customers !)

- Why are you asking for ideas if not for a head count, while your events are 3 years old and start with same buggs as 3 years urlier then today's event ? (Except the raven ones aldough also repetitive)

- Why are you not thinking for yourselfs, the ideas injected in this game by players and GMs that already left the game in the past, didnt have the outcome they or you predicted ?

- If your marketing manager, answer me this: Why sell items like gravitons (witch is your income) and put a stupid time limit on it ? (gravitons beying just 1 example)

- Why are prices rediculous high in gold, unless you want people forcefully do bugged useless repetetive events ? (Nobody wants to be foreced in to anything)

- Why are my actions freezing while 3 mantis are calculating how to hurt me, execute their actions and only then I am alowed to do something back ? (Sometimes looks more like a stepbystep game then fluent gaming)

Some ideas and responses just lo leviate my burning hart, as I understand nobody is going read it, but one can hope:

1] Switch GMs that play in same server as they are GM in to other Servers...

2] Give us what we paid for in last almost 5 years:
- Parsec is superior ship, no need to buy one now as they are all including ravs & hybrits useless compared to much more cheaper ancient ships ! Give us the 2 years ago promissed stonger 5th armor ! I am retty sure you lowered armor so why not restore it while 5th armor is not here ... Include the Raven ships in this to please ! Stop making game harder and harder for your benefit only, its emptiying the servers !

3] I read a lot of posts, and I mean a lot about borred players wanting to expand their game play with:
- PM permanent (give me a brake !) This game dies so quiclky if a puni goes roaming Vega for PvP achievement !
- More hassle with missions (even while some are stil bugged !) Give the new players a BRAKE !
- CQ more easy, come on its a sisy CQ as is already !
- etc...
All very selfish (alldough understandable due to boredome witch is you problem created as DEVS) if you think about "how to preserve the game" and make it more accesible for new players !"
New players are not benefiting unless you blow them in 1 day in to TC... Then you can make them GM to :) LOL The other players leave at level <40... I know, becauase I come there freaquently in ALL servers.
Fix the missions, stop enlarging living areas of mantis as they now go where NPCs should be safe, failing missions even before its started !

4] Stop asking rediculous E-prices for travel... 32 seconds >1300 E ? Make e travel armor/hitpoint depended... Make some sens sometimes helps understanding why you need to pay...

5] Remove huge amount of paralizers on Molikar, none can do missions solo there to proceed, this hurts the game 100% as new players leave at level <40...

6] Promote parsecs (grinding) by normal BP / Cryonite drop and restore superior armor. Drop rates are wurst EVER !

7] Remove Ancient / graviton / cortex stuff from CQ and stop making it a 25 vs 25 and open it old style, All can come and battle whome ever they want, you lose cry and a BP from your list if you pod...(all but the event bps and bps you bought) Items from BPs lost, still be on ships, but new ships will not be able to fit lsot items unless you refind the bp...

8] Do not make this a PvP game, you loose 80% of your costumers, as testen in past (Gemini and lower ships was off limits to higher then Gemini ships attack) does not work ! It is a fast way to clean out low levels whome leave the game ! Stop making PvP kills a achievement !

9] Make 1 account system, where your gaming account is also your ticket account and forum account.

10] Please, I understand next is a personal question: "Make BPs that drop rarly more droppable, like the one ship 1 drops"As example: I am looking and roaming Hive for more then 3 weeks for mine BP and found none !
The harvies in Hive should drop Mine bp not Blaster bp that is abundant in the assasins...

11] 1 Bug that realy is so easy to fix but never tackled by devs team: Experience bar in drones, it hides behind the drone picture... So simple to adjsut making it normaly visible is never been fixed... Gives is low expectancy on what you can and / or will do to unbugg the game...

Things i liked when reading other proposels
- Fast key / step key (like I presume 9/0 up / down) to switch drones in slots !
- Prices for drone slots must come down for parsecs/ravens/hybrids !

Last a word as a PG addict:
Please promote the game for what it is, its a grinding game ! Restore drop rates and give us what you promissed, or this aint no game no more and your word as DEV is useless unless it stand for DEVestators...
Please please please make new blood stick ! Let players go to SOL solo possible ! Fix the bugs ! We are stuck in the "Molikar is last system" headlock ! Remove the lock and place it in Sol or Draconis !

OMG I am asking you to make more players like me, addicts, so I can continue to be a addict; that can't be good LOL :D

Dont think we are stupid because we are addicts, we are sharper then a knife if you touch our glue !

Quadrupel aka Liv'ly Ghost...

I hope this wil work as I got friends that already left PG asking me to come play other games and stuff PG...
I am dislexic so need to read and rewrite a lot so excusse me if things changed, as I dont wanna offend none ! :eek:

Mr Sisko

New member
Jan 12, 2015
Reaction score
LivlyGhost said:
Hi all, Devs, costumers and inbetweeners like GMs...

First a word about this game I play for almost 5 years !
PG is the biggest ever game i played for so long and stil enjoy to the max... :D KEEP THE SERVERS ROLLING !
Thats why I still pay on 2 seperate accounts for gold, even while my wife alread turned her back to PG for obvious reasons !
Whats scaring me is I see very familiar names all high level players asking high level questions and sudgesting high level thigs to be changed or added !

Almost nobody level <45 I know is repsonding this threat ! Thats NOT good !


- Whome is going read 100 pages of ideas as they are already out there for a long time in forum, seems to me they are never read at all or else you would not ask to post them again ?

- Why is the life expectancy of a GM short, their knowledge low as their age and are there GMs that are gone as player to ?

- Why are we not getting what was promissed in past, parsecarmor, tc, etc ?

- Why are you asking us this if not to do a head count of whome is still interrested enough to even answer your question ?

- When are you gonna fix the lagg while DEVs roam in the server or doing server stuff (like a week prior to a event lagg makes game unplayable) (Use a shadow server, respect your paying customers !)

- Why are you asking for ideas if not for a head count, while your events are 3 years old and start with same buggs as 3 years urlier then today's event ? (Except the raven ones aldough also repetitive)

- Why are you not thinking for yourselfs, the ideas injected in this game by players and GMs that already left the game in the past, didnt have the outcome they or you predicted ?

- If your marketing manager, answer me this: Why sell items like gravitons (witch is your income) and put a stupid time limit on it ? (gravitons beying just 1 example)

- Why are prices rediculous high in gold, unless you want people forcefully do bugged useless repetetive events ? (Nobody wants to be foreced in to anything)

- Why are my actions freezing while 3 mantis are calculating how to hurt me, execute their actions and only then I am alowed to do something back ? (Sometimes looks more like a stepbystep game then fluent gaming)

Some ideas and responses just lo leviate my burning hart, as I understand nobody is going read it, but one can hope:

1] Switch GMs that play in same server as they are GM in to other Servers...

2] Give us what we paid for in last almost 5 years:
- Parsec is superior ship, no need to buy one now as they are all including ravs & hybrits useless compared to much more cheaper ancient ships ! Give us the 2 years ago promissed stonger 5th armor ! Include the Raven ships in this to please ! Stop making game harder and harder for your benefit only, its emptiying the servers !

3] I read a lot of posts, and I mean a lot about borred players wanting to expand their game play with:
- PM permanent (give me a brake !) This game dies so quiclky if a puni goes roaming Vega for PvP achievement !
- More hassle with missions (even while some are stil bugged !) Give the new players a BRAKE !
- CQ more easy, come on its a sisy CQ as is already !
- etc...
All very selfish (alldough understandable due to boredome witch is you problem created as DEVS) if you think about "how to preserve the game" and make it more accesible for new players !"
New players are not benefiting unless you blow them in 1 day in to TC... Then you can make them GM to :) LOL The other players leave at level <40... I know, becauase I come there freaquently in ALL servers.
Fix the missions, stop enlarging living areas of mantis as they now go where NPCs should be safe, failing missions even before its started !

4] Stop asking rediculous E-prices for travel... 32 seconds >1300 E ? Make e travel armor/hitpoint depended... Make some sens sometimes helps understanding why you need to pay...

5] Remove huge amount of paralizers on Molikar, none can do missions solo there to proceed, this hurts the game 100% as new players leave at level <40...

6] Promote parsecs (grinding) by normal BP / Cryonite drop and restore superior armor. Drop rates are wurst EVER !

7] Remove Ancient / graviton / cortex stuff from CQ and stop making it a 25 vs 25 and open it old style, All can come and battle whome ever they want, you lose cry and a BP from your list if you pod...(all but the event bps and bps you bought) Items from BPs lost, still be on ships, but new ships will not be able to fit lsot items unless you refind the bp...

8] Do not make this a PvP game, you loose 80% of your costumers, as testen in past (Gemini and lower ships was off limits to higher then Gemini ships attack) does not work ! It is a fast way to clean out low levels whome leave the game ! Stop making PvP kills a achievement !

9] Make 1 account system, where your gaming account is also your ticket account and forum account.

10] Please, I understand next is a personal question: "Make BPs that drop rarly more droppable, like the one ship 1 drops"As example: I am looking and roaming Hive for more then 3 weeks for mine BP and found none !
The harvies in Hive should drop Mine bp not Blaster bp that is abundant in the assasins...

11] 1 Bug that realy is so easy to fix but never tackled by devs team: Experience bar in drones, it hides behind the drone picture... So simple to adjsut making it normaly visible is never been fixed... Gives is low expectancy on what you can and / or will do to unbugg the game...

Things i liked when reading other proposels
- Fast key / step key (like I presume 9/0 up / down) to switch drones in slots !
- Prices for drone slots must come down for parsecs/ravens/hybrids !

Last a word as a PG addict:
Please promote the game for what it is, its a grinding game ! Restore drop rates and give us what you promissed, or this aint no game no more and your word as DEV is useless unless it stand for DEVestators...
Please please please make new blood stick ! Let players go to SOL solo possible ! Fix the bugs ! We are stuck in the "Molikar is last system" headlock ! Remove the lock and place it in Sol or Draconis !

OMG I am asking you to make more players like me, addicts, so I can continue to be a addict; that can't be good LOL :D

Dont think we are stupid because we are addicts, we are sharper then a knife if you touch our glue !

Quadrupel aka Liv'ly Ghost...

I hope this wil work as I got friends that already left PG asking me to come play other games and stuff PG...
I am dislexic so need to read and rewrite a lot so excusse me if things changed, as I dont wanna offend none ! :eek:

well said LivelyGhost i agree with you


New member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hello Devs Team
i have only few suggestion.

as said in other post would be good to have removed cryo loss during CQ or in general during PvP.
I'm sure most pilot avoid CQ because they not have vault.

i'm aganist make "red" pilot unable to land if not with correct system tech... maybe they would only make cover in mission so would be better find another way to prevent high lvl pilot to hunt small pilot.

I would like to suggest an "Officer" chat so that officer, captain and admiral of a clan can spaek among themself.

As suggest by alot even on other section of the forum, i would suggest make conquered planet a farming spot.
This would make more clan apply for CQ and that would help have more free spot for other pilot on normal planet.
That said on every CQ planet the harvester should have different lvl... on Dante make lvl for vega ship and maybe some spot for antares and mizar lvl too. to give more range for clan pilot winning the cq.
on antares CQ ship put harvester for antares mizar and sol and so on... so that there is more possibility for clan pilot.

As for sistem story mission i would suggest change back from the idea of episode of tauceti and go back to a more simple line story.... pilot who have just reach tau ceti would miss all episode already played by other.

I hope that this got to your attention.
Bye and thx


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2012
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Main Pilotname
Death Watch
Hello Devs,

My question is regarding the old blueprint system. I know its done to make finding blueprints easier wich is achieved but as you go further in the game (like Sol/Draconis) you need around 7-11 BP parts to complete a blueprint (even 16 for rare blueprints) wich is very annoying.

When we still had the old blueprint system it really had a 'nice' factor if you found a blueprint, now if you found a part, you know... still got to get more of them.
Also rare blueprints are no longer 'rare'.

Even if its not profitable to return the full old bp system back maybe think to put a limit on the parts needed, between 2-4 for normal blueprints and max 2 parts for rare blueprints.
Sirius Singularity should keep the amount of blueprint parts as it is now too make it something special for Sirius (as been called a mini-game).

As each system already gets harder and harder its not needed to increase blueprint parts as well in my opinion so please think about it.

Thx in advance,



New member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hey all devs,cms,gms.
I really enjoy this game its like 2-3 years i play it and its really sad that it is dieing.You should do something for it ,maybe a good start would be creating a new system?? Its like 3 years sirius is out and nothing new happening,in this game you get your benefits,but if you keep doing like this it wont have any player to buy golds.In general i like everything, about how this game is done.I also got a question why myst droped just once in askone??It's is really weird that puni been droping 3-4 times per month last year and myst droped once in 3 years.Lots of new players missed speed drone event maybe it is time to reput it in next event?I've only seen it in promotions ,where you can buy it with gold... Things i would like to get changed are:
1) NEW SYSTEM so players will have something to do.
2) IF you make this new system make it hard and tough not an easy 1 where you wont need skills to do it,dont make it boring.
3)Find someway to make speed booster not work in pvp?It's way too boring pvp-ing or doing pod partys vs boosted players.What makes you win pvp should be skill not speed boost.
4) I see few players want permanent pirate mode well that's not good at all becouse low level players wont be able to make xp,missions and all lvls to make cryonite get bps etc,and some players play this game mostly for pve.
5)Colossus is some kind of planet where you fight others,maybe its time to get rewards from it?
6)Maybe it is time for new ship ability?Or like ...each prototype with a special skill/ability?
7)I definitly think that the stun way of working was better before its boring that it also affects global cd of weapons its way too boring in pvp.
8)Some kind of reward for the player with biggest bounty in the end of week?
Well thats all thank you for your time, have a nice one.
P.s It would be cool if when you close this topic tell to all what things are going to change ?


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
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Main Pilotname
Greetings all!
It's great that steps have been made to improve communication (if only via this) between the devs and players. :D

That said, I have posted this before, but in this case, I guess it does count as a suggestion(s):

Tyrannus said:
No doubt many players are getting bored, and many have already left due to boredom - nothing to do. Sirius itself has an incredibly repetitive system, in that you simply jump the jump ship, check a planet for bps you want and hope the one you want drops, rinse, repeat. But since this has been going on since 2011, then it's no surprise that players are beginning to get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. After getting the bps they want and installing them, then that's essentially end-game... except there isn't really an end-game.

You get to level 85, got your nice tech and whatnot, but there's not much you can do with it, except grind grind grind, hoping that you'll be ready for if Tau Ceti releases new ships and tech. Of course there's also the occasional helping out other players and some nice conversations in chat, but that's it. The only fun for end-game players is pretty much PvP.

The game is stagnant, and something really does need to be done about this, else more people will leave out of boredom - there's simply nothing much to do for fun.

Tau Ceti - Development for Tau Ceti needs to continue, because at the moment it looks like it's 1/10 finished, what with only half a planet, no new ships and no new tech. This would actually serve to give players something to look forward to in terms of storyline, brand new ships, and new tech. It's already highly anticipated (or used to be), it would give us new toys to play with for a good while, like how we played with Sirius, and Draconis, and Sol, et cetera. It will also give people who have been saving up their cryo, incentive; they have something to look forward to grinding for.

However, releasing TC by itself simply won't do, as in a years time (or even a few months) people would most likely have completed it, got the tech they want, and are back to grinding, we can't just have a new system, but also a lot of 'end-game' content that will keep players interested until the release of a newer system. So here are some suggestions.

'Mega Boss' missions - A bit like the boss missions normally done at the end of each system storyline (eg 'Behemoth battle' (Behemoth), 'Mutilators revenge' (Vlad's Impaler) etc). The suggestion here is that after completing a system storyline, a 'Mega boss' squad mission is unlocked - this is essentially a boss battle involving the boss that had to be defeated in the system, but is much tougher than their original counterpart. When said boss is defeated, they should drop a large sum of cryonite (in concordance with what is defined as 'large' in the system the boss is in (eg, 3000 for Vega, so 600 for each squad member if 5. 6000 for Antares, so 1200 for each squad member if 5, or something along those lines)), as well as also dropping a rare that is specific to the boss itself; a 'Boss BP', that can only be dropped by killing the boss (if only for achievement value :) ). A bp would drop in relation with the amount of members in the squad to kill the boss (so 4 bps if 4 people in squad, 5 if 5), so each person can get a bp & the amount needed to complete said bp would only be 1/2, so it doesn't become too repetitive.

CQ Rewards - I think the rewards before the change to gravitons were fine as they were; a percentage increase in cryonite was much more rewarding in the long run than gravitons.

Events - This is mostly regarding the RavenDynamics events. The fact that we have to grind out a ton of Signets (very repetitive), in order to unlock the mission that will get you the bps. Once of complete the mission, you find out you need 25 bps for the ships, so you have to repeat the mission a certain number of times to get your ship bp. Then, after doing all this, you have to grind out 685k cryonite to get the ship itself, and extra for the armors; It's quite a handful. Events need to be fun if there is an intention to get players to actually play the event, or actually complete it. Either reduce the amount of signets required to unlock the missions, or reduce the amount of bps required to unlock the ship bps.

Warscore - You should be able to get something out of your warscore at the end of the week (at the warscore reset) - I suggest that after the warscore reset, 1/4 of the warscore is converted into cryonite - this'll give people more incentive to grind for warscore, as they know it'll also give them something by the end of it - and while doing so, also gives em the chance to go up the leader board.

A variety of CQ's - Having the same old CQ every time can get boring for some, so perhaps the addition of a bigger variety of CQ's than 'Hold the points'.

Capture The Flag - Perhaps a classic example. This could work by simply having two clans (and their alliance) fighting for the opposing teams 'flag' (which could be anything). The 'flags' can be collected by a player, once it has been collected, the player has been 'marked', so it is obvious that he has collected the flag (this could be displayed by the display bar that comes up, like 'X has got the flag' etc). Players return these flags back to their clan flag to earn a point, and the clan with the highest score wins the CQ.

Brawl - Very straight-forward. Two clans (and by extension, alliances) simply fight each other on a CQ planet for around 1 hour. The clan that achieves the highest kill count wins the game. This game mode would get people actively engaging in CQ's rather than sitting at control points (with the occasional AFKing).

These are merely suggestions that I thought would be interesting additions to this game, to spice things up a bit from the current, stagnant state of it at this moment.

I do hope this post is taken into consideration (as well as all the other complaints and suggestive ideas on this forum). In the end, we (or rather a fair amount of us) aren't complaining because we hate the game, but because we want it to change in a direction that will please the majority, and currently there are many players that are not pleased with the direction it is going at the moment.

Thank you for your time. :)

Original post here

Thanks! ^^



New member
Jan 13, 2015
Reaction score
As far as being in Pirate mode all the time, that would just kill the game (or even worse). It would change into that other game that shall not be mentioned) where bigger ships are constantly running around the lower levels preventing new players from getting anywhere. Bad idea.

How about a planet similar to Colossus for each system that is open 24/7 and where you are restricted to only system level tech (maybe ancient as well). Then you may be able to have pvp type events, or "free for all bloodbaths" or even maybe "squad vrs squad" events. Squad vrs Squad could work similar to the tournaments where you would have to register. If that worked out, you could then add a Sq vrs Sq challenge where one squad would challenge another(maybe even placing a cryo wager on the outcome).

"Rob the Bank" where you must sneak through a maze to rob a bank full of goodies, and get away again safely.

"Capture a Flag"

*** This would be my favorite idea ***
Since there are a lot of player "Mantis" ships available... why not play on the Mantis side.


New member
Mar 7, 2014
Reaction score
I want to ask the devs on bringing the game to more communities. By this I mean someplace like Steam. Let me explain, below is a picture of Pirate Galaxy being Greenlit for steam back in 2013. PirateGalaxyGreenlitOnSteam.png

Steam is a wide community of players whom love free to play games, I am curious as to why when you guys submitted the game and even were Greenlit to bring the game to Steam it never happened. Steam is a huge community that could really boost the player base of this game. My suggestion to the developers is bring this game to steam, it could really boost player population and bring more revenue in for Pirate Galaxy if advertised correctly. Please do consider this as it would be a great way to expand the PG community.


New member
Apr 24, 2014
Reaction score
Okay so, I disagree with the way people are saying if you are in Pirate Mode in let say... Antares, then you have to be in the same system tech to PvP with others or hunt other pilots who are also in Pirate Mode. Before you turn your Pirate Mode on, a message pops up on your screen giving you fair warning that once you turn Pirate Mode on then you are able to fight other pilots. When you click "OK", you take that risk of being shot at by another pilot who is also in Pirate Mode regardless of the tech. With that said, keep the PvP system as it is. Instead, how about you do something with Colossus like for example: If you have a group of players who are bored and want to take a break from grinding cryo or BPs to go PvP, we can gather at Colossus and have a system where a player can host an instance, choose the tech they wish to fight in and only players with the correct tech can land in that instance, choose between a free-for-all or team fights, and a time limit of the instance for like an hour or until the host ends the instance. Those instances can be made by any player so that way other players can make their own PvP instances. Keep Colossus open at all times or just during the weekends. As for the CQs, having to register for a CQ with log-files is something that I am against. Do something else with log-files like they can be traded in for clan cryo, gravitons, or a BP booster that allows an increase of drop rate for CQ ship BPs. I would like for the old CQ system to come to where clans could just register and fight. When the clan's CQ ship was destroyed then that clan is out of the CQ and the last clan standing wins. Clans without a CQ ship cannot register for the CQ planets in that system. As for the CQ rewards for the winning clan, not only do you get the gravitons, but also bring back the old reward that gave the winning clan a cryo refiner bonus for that system. As for PvE, increase the drop rate of cryo and BPs including just a slight bit of increasing the rare BPs drop rate aswell. A pilot can get bored, irritated, and frustrated sometimes when cryo, BPs, and rare BPs fail to drop for a really long period of time.

Anyways, that concludes my thoughts and suggestions for this topic.


New member
Sep 6, 2014
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Oh look, a questions thread to ask devs questions. Guess I'll drop a few suggestions instead since that's what this thread's turned into.

1) Finish Tau Ceti, because as far as I'm concerned, doing the missions to begin unlocking it are going to be pointless until Tau Ceti has something valuable, and make it harder and more valuable to grind in than Draconis. I understand that one of the issues by doing this may make some parts of Sirius broken or redundant, but you people need to seriously start thinking of a way to solve this problem to keep us entertained. We're losing a lot of players to boredom as it is.

2) Finish Sol. Like seriously, you have a few planets to play around with here that nobody has been able to even land on yet. Put something here, maybe even use them to beta test new features among the community. Plus it gives you an excuse not to finish Tau Ceti yet. What other reason is there not to do this?!

3) New conquest ship drops from Sirius. This is an interesting one I've been thinking about for some time, and it's mostly born out of seeing the GTs patrolling Sirius planets. New conquest ships with different sets of tech from the default (pirate) conquest ship. For example, a Methanoid Sepia Conquest Ship that could have tech that is different from the default (pirate) conquest ship. (Of coarse, only one conquest ship may land on a planet at a time, so a clan owning multiple conquest ships would only get the benefit of choice).

4) Cryonite vault for the duration of conquests. Some people are seriously scared of losing cryonite at high level in conquests, meaning that they won't fight or even land on the planets. Against an alliance with many more players online, another alliance might simply not show up for the conquest.

5) In fact, while we're on the topic of conquests, make different conquest game modes so people don't just sit on points for the whole game. It bores them to death and excludes them from the clan's activities. Team death match, capture the flag, defending energy collectors, heck even a space race with guns blazing sounds fun.

6) Two choices, find a new way to make log files useful, or go back to the old conquest rewards that give cryonite. I'm sitting around with 420 log files in my inventory and have no intention to spend 45 gold a piece to donate to my clan. I get like three more every day. I'd rather sell them at a station for some form of cryonite or other reward than just collect more of the same useless thing.

7) Draconis parsec armor is too weak. I'm sure other people have raised this issue already, so I'll leave it to someone else to rant on the issue.

8) I saw someone mention a daily renewal to mission rewards, but this seems too generous. Instead, it seems more fair to make the rewards regenerate on a weekly basis at a fraction of the original reward.

9) Bounties should be worth something instead of just being a number to gloat over. I can see a few possible ways this could be exploited, but perhaps only being able to cash in bounties for the same person once every week would do well for this system.

10) NO GLOBAL PERMA-PIRATE MODE*. Lower level players will be killed out of the game and higher level players with strong rockets will reign supreme. This is not something I'd like to see.

*) That being said, there is perhaps a way to integrate this into the game's clan system. Make a new section on the clan page that acts as an 'enemies' page to list enemy clans or alliances. Players in the opposing clan would be given a special symbol or other identifying quality to their playername or ship, which would allow them to fire upon / be fired upon by other players regardless of them being in pirate mode or not. A clan would simply prevent itself from entering this perma-pirate mode by not accepting requests to go to war with another clan.

11) Our clan banks are holding cryonite and it just sits there. Here's an idea, allow players to be given cryonite on a system similar to how graviton transfer rates work. For example, players can give cryonite to the clan on a 1:1 rate, but the clan account can give cryonite to a player on a 2:1 rate or higher.

12) The ability to configure what buttons activate what tech would be GREAT. It would help me get over my issue with storm ships and how I accidentally press 4 for afterburner and get repair droid instead.

13) Lastly, kudos for the update that made the clan button glow when a new post was added, however this should be persistent for if a player adds a post while other players are offline. Also, add this feature to player profiles so there's a sort of mailbox system between players, that can also have a message privacy option to be viewed either by all people who can see the player's message board or to only be viewed by the recipient.

That's my arbitrary input. Hope you take this all into consideration, devs. :)


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Jan 9, 2015
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ObliviousGarden said:
Oh look, a questions thread to ask devs questions. Guess I'll drop a few suggestions instead since that's what this thread's turned into.
"Over the next few days we will be inviting you to put your questions to the development team, from ideas and new features to things that you just wanted to know the answer to. "

So everyone just add a "Could you please add the following to the game?" In your post to meet requirements :p

But to stay on topic you've made some very good suggestions.


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Jan 13, 2015
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1. Player vs. Player Planet
Planet that allow players to fight one another. Restrict the Technology that

players can use like we already have on Conquest planets.

2. Safe LZ/ multiple LZ on Conquest
Small safe zone around Landing Zone. I like to come down for a battle, not insta-podfest

3. PvP Mission
Missions for PvP planets. Like with the challenge maps, have us fight for

resources to get some kind of pvp badge that can be used to improve clan.

1. Platoon
Make 2 squads under one leader, (11 pilots) into one group. Mainly for Sirius

and beyond.

2. Squad Boost
There should be some benefit to using squads. Like a bonus per person on cryo,

Increase in BP drop rates. A bonus of 2.5-5 % per additional person, allowing

for 10-20% bonus.

3. Group Looting
Some way to allow the squad leader to determine how BP and cryo can be dealt

with. Making one person the cryo looter for the group or making it so everyone

can get a BP in some organized fashion.

1. Keybindings
Yeah let me make it so my log, map, target list, and shop can all be set to a key,

or key combination. Also would be a good way to let persons know what keys

are already assigned.

2. System Bonuses
A bonus for Getting achievements, of after completing a set of side missions

after the story line that would give a PERMANENT bonus while in that

system. Cryo drop rate, cryo pickup, cooldown, damage, speed, etc. that a

person get
Vega Finalizer = 10% Cryo Drop Rate Bonus, 10% Damage Bonus

What concepts for ships are we looking at?

What drone concepts are we looking at?

What information is available on the RARE MANTIS?

What do us players need to do to help expand the game content?


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Apr 4, 2014
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Hello Developers
Since i have read most of the posts proposing ideas and asking questions i want to take some time to write down my questions that i have..Playing for like 3-4 years Pirate Galaxy ,i never stoped having fun.But in the proccess i started to have more and more questions.Some of them silly :p
To begin with
~why tau ceti was stopped and when / IF it comes back on?~

~When Does new SYSTEM ships will come on? ~

~Will we get the so called Ancient Armor that was promised?~

~Parceq/Dominator/Terrorizer/Constuctor.Those ships are extremely expensive and RavenDynamic ships made people that bought them(old parceq class ships.i reffered them above) feel that they wasted their cryonite.For Example, Poenari and Marleston is the new Shock,Black Granite the new tank,etc.Will we see an increase in armor on those ships to get them equal with the RavenDynamic ships ?~

~CONQUESTS. WIll we see new CQ ships? When will the bugs get fixed?(Many bugs appear that you already know.It even happen to get podded by an invisible player that buged out and none could see him)~

~The Rest of Sol system planets that are there only for decoration..What are the plans you having for them? You have some planets you can benefit from them and not trying to make new system...MAY BE INVOLVE THEM or make them CQ planets for sirius or Planets for Cortex,etc.Your choice how to use them ..BUT use them!~

An idea that i had quite some time now is.How about a Ship that you can decide the last 4 items that you will equip there. For example it will have always blaster/collector/repair droid/afterburner/item1/item2/item3/item4....Those 4 items can be anything we wish BUT Try to avoid making that Ship Over powered...Like having Aggrobomb/Os/Stun Charge/Protector...That needs much thought but thought i would through that idea on table.

~Are you planning to make something completely new in the game in the near future? If yes .What could be it.give us a clue~

~Are you planning on making molikar and baumar planets less habbited? Many pilots find it hard to keep up and quit there..Many mantis make missions fail~

~Will we see something like when you pod someone else you may have a chance to take one of his/hers graviton or may be his/hers War Score that already have? ~

If any more questions come up will be added :)
That all for now..I hope i get answered most of them.I havent told much ideas because previous posts covered my demands.I posted only the 1 i havent see and its complicated to develop but very interesting if became reallity


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Apr 13, 2014
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Hello Devs

I really hope u put my ideas in along with the other great ideas players have.

1. The energy problem with traveling
Why not let the amount of energy you need to jump go down as the distance time to travel go down as well. :!:

2. I personally think the it would be cool to sell us the ability to change the color of our light trail.

3. :idea: Getting Muted !!! :x
Instead of muted from all chats player should get muted from public/private chat. I have experienced getting muted 1 time for a good reason but the second time was because of 1 word. That really got me frustrated since i really didn't know why it was a big deal. The muting should be from specific chats not all chats. or restrict all chats but SQUAD CHATS.

4. Raven Dynamics
I have missed out on 2 of the 3 events for ravens but in the third i wasnt ready for it but now i am so More Events pls!!!!!! That is all ^^

5. Self Refilling Drones :idea:
A problem that i face is REFILLING my drone before it runs out of energy or go pass the need of 1000 energy. I suggest that a setting should be added to the drone so that we can set the amount of e it should loose so that it can REFILL itself. As an example say if i had the setting. I would set my drone to refill itself when it needs 1000 energy. :D

6. Squads
Benefits should be given for the amount of members in a squad.
-When hunting gold blueprints each squad member added in should increase drop rate of both blueprints and cryonite.
-Drone effects should increased if all by the members with the same drones. Say if i had the plus drone and 2 others in my squad has it too so since there are 3 people with the same drone the drones lvl should increase by 3. For 2 members with same drone the lvl 5 drone goes up to lvl 7. If all members have same drone then lvl 5 drones go to lvl 10. :cool:

7. Inviting Friends
Being able to invite friends into the PG by using invite friends is just very useless. I have invited a few friends but without using that. I just tell em to play the game. A new feature should be added to new players who join the game. When they complete their first mission they should be ask who invited them to the game. That way the people who invited these noobs to the game can receive the credit they deserve.

8. Selling of Ships/Tech/Drone
I have never sold a ship during my game playing so i have a lot and theres no way i'm even thinking of selling
but i think that a warning to sellers should tell how much they spent building the ship and should be compared to how much they're getting back. Im not asking for 100% cryonite return i'm just asking to show the true cost of the ship. Like (the amount you used for ship - the amount you get back = the amount difference).

9. PvP
The issue with pvp is a problem with all those higher lvl pirates hunting us lower lvls down. To fix this problem there should be a PvP planet for each system. ONCE A PILOT HITS GROUND ON PLANET THEY ARE PUT INTO PVP. This way only people with the SAME TECH of the SYSTEM the planet is in CAN LAND. When PILOTS are in PIRATE MODE ON OTHER PLANETS they should BE IMMUNE TO ALL OTHER PILOT ATTACKS.

Another way that would be really helpful is there should be a PIRATE MODE MISSION IN MISSION PANEL. This way pilots in PIRATE MODE CAN ONLY BE HUNTED BY PLAYERS PLAYING THE MISSION. SINCE THE MISSIONS ARE CONNECTED TO A PLANET THEY CAN BE SET SO THEY HAVE THE TECH THEY NEED TO LAND. Those who have accepted the mission should be able to hunt those who haven't and can be killed by those they shoot. BUT THEY SHOULD BE IMMUNE TO ALL PIRATE ATTACKS WHEN IN PIRATE MODE.

These two ideas is not important because PvP is not a problem. I got to admit these are great ideas :LOL:

10. Sharing Items :mrorange:
Being able to give cryonite to other players would be great. Would be an amazing feature to add. And BP transferring. For example if a player receives a Gold Blueprint then they should have the ability to store it for 5mins and give it to another player, but it should come at a cost. A Gold Blueprint should be transferred to another player by using cryonite. To determine the amount of Cryo is needed for the Blueprint transfer the player who is sending it should pay (SENDERS lvl*10 - RECEIVER lvl*10 = cost of transfer) ADDITIONAL COST OF 1000 Cryonite for GOLD BLUEPRINT storage. ONLY THE SENDER SHOULD PAY.

11. Rare Mantis should also drop GOLD CURRENCY maybe 1000 gold

12. Cryonite Storage
Say if i were to click the buy button on a ship it should ask how much do i want to store for this ship. In the shop next to the ship should have how much i've stored for it.
when the amount for the ship is reached then i should be able to buy it using the stored cryonite.

This is all the ideas i have fo Pirate Galaxy. I hope u take most of my ideas into consideration. Thank you for letting us pilots bring our ideas out. :D


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Jun 9, 2012
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Main Pilotname
My question simply is: Is development actually occurring for PG?

This game has been in maintenance mode since the attempted release of Tau Ceti. Just seasonal events, the occasional bug fix (which has been better lately), but there has been no indication any work has been occurring on future content.

I would like to know truthfully, whether PG is being actively developed for, or is just getting enough attention to stay alive and help support Dino Storm and Steel Legions monetarily. Even if the answer is not the one we would like, personally I would rather know the truth, instead of hanging on to the hope that the game is still being worked behind the scenes. Transparency is a good thing.


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Dec 15, 2010
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The game is stagnating and becoming boring because there is no real story line after Draconis, Events are boring, PG has just become a grinding game and nothing else. Pilots are getting bored with the game and are taking long periods of absence from the game, quite a few of them are paying customers. Keep us interested and we will keep paying to play the game, when we are bored and disillusioned we stop playing and stop paying.

If Split Screen started bringing out systems that continued story lines and purpose, Pirate Galaxy would flourish.

With the demise of the Mantis Queen, this left Split Screen studios with a huge opportunity to spin of 2 story lines. (Split Screen could hire a good sci-fi writer to come up with good plots and stories)

They could do a back story on the Mantis, where they came from, where their home world is, just like bees and ants there are multiple queens and so there could be multiple Mantis Queens, and the Queen we killed could have been an adversary of another Queen. I will leave it at that as I am not much of a story teller myself.

They could do a story on the Methanoids, where they came from, how they were so easily defeated, Draconis could have been a small colony of the Methanoid Homeworld.

Because of the Sirrius Singularity there is another opportunity for another story line.
Where did the ancients come from, why are they the enemy. Why is the ancients only found on Ring 5 of the singularity, why has contact not been made with the ancients.

Player ships should be available as you enter the new systems, just as you have from Vega to Sol.

Events should be constructed around the storyline of the game, enlightening the some of the back stories, previews of upcoming story changes/planets/systems.

Adding a quite few missions to the event and upon successful completion of these events certain rewards are given, including a cryonite payout (The payout should be a decent payout)

Events should not be a mind numbing grinding exercise, but an enjoyable extension to the Pirate Galaxy universe. There is so much potential in this game to create plenty of systems to explore with many storylines.


Drones – Why do pilots who have membership, have to be forced to collect energy and charge the drones with energy.
Rematerializing – Why do pilots who have membership, have to be forced to collect energy for rematerializing.
With drones and rematerializing the energy usage can be calculated according to the membership level pilots have taken, just like the weaponry energy usage the usage for drones and rematerializing energy can be calculated the same way.

When looking to purchase a ship/technology/drones in the equipment dialog box, the stats of the ship should be displayed (Like armour index, speed index, modifiers, etc) instead of having to search for it on 3rd party websites.

When scanning enemy units the information returned should also contain stats of the unit (Like armour index, speed index, modifiers, etc).

It would be nice to see what your current experience level is at and what experience points is to get to the next ranking level.

E.g. RANK 76 [Experience : 168933 / 175000 ( 56% )]

When a pilot that purchase a ship for gold (Real hard earned cash/bucks/money), that ship should be placed in the hangar with the basic tech on it, E.g. The Hyan Mutilator is purchased for gold, the Hyan Mutilator should be in the hangar with top Mizar tech (Blaster, Collector, Repair Droid and afterburners) as well as the Mizar tech for the repair turret, attack turret, sticky bomb and mine.

The developers should have a bi-monthly developer stream, where we can interact with the developers over live video streaming. The developers talk about various changes and upcoming events and the pilots can ask questions via a chat system. With this method the developers can be more in touch with the audience/pilots/customers of their product, getting information from the pilots about what the pilots want. That way the developers can be more in touch with their customers.
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