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[Suggestion] Game ideas improvement!


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Vesperion said:
Rajaa said:
[...]4th thing is something that could actually fit all players from Sirius! Most times , we cannot check all planet drops in sirius ( some things from ring 5 and all other lower rings ) so we sometimes jump-off that ring 5 planet without checking amarna/soris or giza sometimes.[...]
Well next to that Sirius Drop Chart list it always wondered me why Split never implemented some sort of "Drop overview" at the planets while you are in Orbit. For R1 - R4 this might be pretty pointless but for R5 it would totaly fit to add something like that and shows what unit drops what item.

I would maybe skip the Scan function and show the Items the moment the JS is send to the R5 planet. The idea sure is to keep that "explore the planet" feel up but let us be fair Soris is the most anoying thing to call and Amrana mostly jumps at you when you never need it cus you wanna clear an area to fight Soris/Giza lol.
R1-R4 planets drops come in pack with R5 known drops. I already meant that at moment you send jumpship/unlock planet you can just scan it and it's window would show difficulty, quarc, planet life and drops info. Basically all in one like on little window, but in scan module.
But with knowing drops on database, we can really have advantage to not miss some immportant BPs, we would still have to kill amarna/giza/soris as before.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
white propulsion.png
White propulsion would be good when found as a rare bp from a special mantis.


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Heavy artillery said:

White propulsion would be good when found as a rare bp from a special mantis.
Yeah, it would be nice if we could put that ''rare engine paint" on some ships we want to not be usual color (no blue, yellow or purple).


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Death Watch
Part 2 of ideas posted on this topic:



Oct 9, 2016
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Taunt, Aggrobeacon and Perforator are items that need rework the most as they fall behind other items in terms of effectiveness, especially taunt which is completely useless in most cases. Here are some suggestions on how we could improve these items, some of which were inspired by how the new items work:

Taunt Rework

First of all Taunt needs a buff on its aggro since its just not enough, and it doesn't make sense that other items like Aggrobomb generate more aggro than it when its main purpose is to gain aggro. Additional effect:

- Taunt slows targeted ships movement speed when they are facing away from you, so it would work similar to magnet trap except its only effective if enemy is facing away. This would be useful in PVE when enemies are running away when they are about to die (corruptors, rocketeers etc..) and also in PVP it would greatly lower opponents maneuverability.

Aggrobeacon Rework

Aggrobeacon also needs to draw a little more aggro so when u prot it the enemy doesn't instantly go back to attacking you. Additional effect:

- Aggrobeacon scrambles enemies radar causing them to deselect and be unable to target friendly ships and only be able to target beacon, this effect would remain as long as beacon is active and enemies are in a certain range of beacon. This would also be very useful in PVP and would force opponents to either shoot beacon or step away from it. Although beacon makes your ship untargetable you would still take splash damage from weapons.

Perforator Rework

Perforator is a very situational item and falls behind in effectiveness especially when shooting in squad. So heres an idea of how it could be improved:

- Weapons used while perforator is active now rip through enemy shields causing the enemy ships hull to be vulnerable to all weapon attacks for a few seconds, so now allied ships can also bypass shield/prot with their weapons. This effect should only last 2-3 seconds as the perf user needs to constantly attack in order to give other ships the same benefit.


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Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Hello , today's topic is called "Tau Ceti 5". It's not basically new part of Tau Ceti idea , but i would call it addition to Tau Ceti 4.
Planned mechanics of Tau Ceti Part 4:
- New Story Missions
- New BPs
- White Missions
- Gold BPs and Golden Ships introduction
- New planet
- New reactor challenge (new cortex)

These changes are crucial and will bring a lot positiveness to community. My idea suggestion today is formed on similar principle to help community to have more stuff to do when Tau Ceti 4 is out , so after they finish story and blue BPs , they will have more fun hunting Gold BPs.

"Tau Ceti 5" (addition to TC4):
- Small planetoid near Tau Ceti Part 4 planet
- Special Units on it (they have more special Items , for example: SB , Rockets , Magnet Trap and C Cloud)
- Instead of giving Gold BPs on TC4 planet , it would be given on small planetoid ("TC5")
- Small planetoid is unlocked after Story Missions are completed on TC4 planet
- It will have White Missions
- Update comes at same time as TC4 (it would be treasure planet , Gold BPs are special after all)

This idea may look somewhat weird , but purpose of this update is to encourage players to play together and to have fun hunting Special units together (similar to Sirius , but units would be more agressive).
Usual "bad thing" in lower System's is that Golden BPs are dropped from ordinary units. That way , anyone can achieve Golden Technology that is Top of System very easy and compete with anyone.
Gold BPs need to become Special again , and giving them on planet along with Blue BPs will be too easy for players and it will become boring to just hunt them.

This Small Planetoid would be connected to TC4 and it would be kind of "Lost Island". Golden Tech would be considered Treasure on it , and units on the Island would drop only Golden BPs there. But the thing i mentioned in bullets above is that units would all be Special which means they would be harder to kill , and they would have more Special items with points they would be more aggresive than normal units on normal planets.
With this idea Players would be encouraged to be more Skilled again , not to do just shooting like in Sirius in Singularity. Sirius Singularity problems are that units are not agressive , and it's too easy to shoot , which makes people get bored. One person for example takes Aggro on Keops , and others just shoot and deplete Keops' HP.
You don't really need to call this idea Tau Ceti 5 , it would come with TC4.

Benefits of the new idea:
- Gold BPs and Spaceships would be again Special
- It would be more fun to hunt harder Special units for Gold BPs , in teams (unlike lower systems where you can hunt them solo , even in equal system you can solo Gold BPs)
- It would give players more fun stuff to do after Finishing Tau Ceti Part 4 , not whining and waiting for PvP Overhaul update (and Player Controlled Invasions)
- Players would need more Skill looking to ship choice , what to use against Special units
- Players who earn Gold Items will be stronger than Top Blue players (it's intentionally in every game to be someone stronger)
- Players would learn to Share BPs again (optionally) because they can only hunt Special units in teams
- Enjoyment of team hunting , less boredom , longer time hunt the Gold BPs (fun in expecting when we will finish those great items and Ships)
- More White Missions to complete with your team (so whites will be more fun as well)
- Special Units would be stronger , and they would be "Ancient Guardians" of their Treasure Island , they would all have Special Items , or multiple items as mentioned in bullets above (More items like players , item combinations to be very strong in item combinations)

I hope this will be considered , because it would give players more work to do after finishing Story missions and Blues. So they can't finish Gold Items that easy , because they should be special and strong (unlike lower system , anyone can hunt alone).
This would be also fun to do , because we would get in teams and find strategies to defeat those Ancient Creatures , and hunt a lot longer than normal Golden BPs (maybe better drop rate , but more parts Required for Golds to be done).
Make the questions , or suggestions coming , let me see what you think about it :)
TC5 planetoid.png


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Feb 24, 2010
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Either i´m to sceptical for that Idea or it sounds just nice on paper atm.

Wouldn´t this make the hunt for Golds for TC way easier then the current system? Considering that we would have 1 planet where units drop only golds it sounds a bit like giving us a "quick way to get those Golds if i just need 1 Planet to look for them".

The lock behind finishing the story is something i can live with BUT then the overall power bonus of those Golds would need to make it worth going for them in compare to the current system where a GBP is roughly ~5 more powerfull then the top BBP and an Ancient version is roughly ~5 more then a Gold BP.

So we would need to talk about ~20-25% that those TC Golds should deliver cus otherwise it would be a "waste of time and Cryo" to go for those cus their only purpose then would be to decry the ancient version of the TC tech and this can in theory be "skiped" cus for the decry of the next tech you only need the complete BP series and not the actual decryed item.

Considering the base idea however that playing in SQ should get a "meaning again" i support it and TC already shows a bunch of situations where playing in SQ for the missions is crucial along with having OC SQs as well. And in order to "remind to my Idea about the current SQ situation and a suggestion to that" here the link for that topic again.
[Suggestion] BP and Squad Overhaul (BPaS O):


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Goal to finishing story is to find an Artifact to see information route to that "Lost Island" (planet).
Gold Technology doesn't need to be buffed as it already has advantage comparing to crit rate and damage of blues.
About ancient technology, it's nothing mentioned yet, but if it was about to be given on R6, I would require all Golds of TC to be done to be able to unlock Ancient R6 planet, because ancient technology is even more special than Golds (and there would be only 1 or 2 R6 planets, to not give players too fast progress to Tau Ceti Ancients if that happen).
About speed of finishing Golds, you are not clearly right, that planet would have more difficulty in units as I repeated many times in above first post, and Number of parts for them would be increased, so we'd have to hunt in teams + Golds would become special because they cannot be obtained easy, so far they are not called Golden BPs for nothing :)


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Feb 24, 2010
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Rajaa said:
Goal to finishing story is to find an Artifact to see information route to that "Lost Island" (planet).
As i mentioned i can live with the lock behind the idea to make Golds not obtainable right away so that they count as somewhat of "end story progress of the system we completed the story in"

Rajaa said:
Gold Technology doesn't need to be buffed as it already has advantage comparing to crit rate and damage of blues.
About speed of finishing Golds, you are not clearly right, that planet would have more difficulty in units as I repeated many times in above first post, and Number of parts for them would be increased, so we'd have to hunt in teams + Golds would become special because they cannot be obtained easy, so far they are not called Golden BPs for nothing :)
This is why imo those Golds should have an higher power increase in compare to the current Golds that we could simply obtain by "shooting ordinary units" as you mentioned that not really require sq work at all with higher tech.

If we now talk about an planetoid with "special" units that are stronger and only can be beaten in sq i somehow imagine we shoot units that have "event qualities" (more HP, higher lvl then the top units of the system and more dmg output) and so the power of those golds would require to have an higher value as well in compare to the current ones (~5%) cus again otherwise it would make not much sense to put time and effort into it and then again again we could "skip" the ancient tech (if it will be implemented) of TC by simply collecting the BPs that will only be needed to decry the Tech of the System after TC.

Look alone on rare ships that have in compare to the normal ships an Armor bonus up to 25% what makes it worth to go for them while the items in most cases just give the small edge needed to deal that 1% more dmg that is needed to kill a unit between an top blue one to an gold one to an ancient one.

Sure it would with this new power increase (~20-25%) trivialise a lot of the PvE part for farming and stuff but in theory with top gold tech the players then could in theory switch to the planetoid if it gives good cryos in sq compared to Siri cus let´s be honest the current farming efficency is calculated by hunting Siri units with top tech rather then hunting venar units with top tech.