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[Suggestion] Game ideas improvement!


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Nov 7, 2018
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Agreed , Vesperion , Sirius ships doesn't stand a chance on Venar and that makes players that ''come back'' to test the Update desist of doing it , but yeah , One more time , those ideas are great cuz they give something to do instead of this ''arcade'' mechanic of doing 2 things , BPS or Cryo , there are other things of course but those are the main to progress.


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Sleep said:
Agreed , Vesperion , Sirius ships doesn't stand a chance on Venar and that makes players that ''come back'' to test the Update desist of doing it , but yeah , One more time , those ideas are great cuz they give something to do instead of this ''arcade'' mechanic of doing 2 things , BPS or Cryo , there are other things of course but those are the main to progress.
This is why more fun in-game would cause people come back and new people join, that would make profit for newly released tau ceti also because we would have more people to shoot with in TC and it would be less harder. Suggestion/ideas above are perfect for this purpose. Game would rise stronger than ever.


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Good work Rajaa with this post with the images that look amazing.

I don't want to be pessimistic... But I think is hard to came real some of this ideas if the devs when release the part 2 of TC are going to develop a new game map or something similar taking months of development for the Dino Storm and after that, start developing the part three of TC to give us the next yearly update. Like a cicle.
Splitscreen Studios needs more developers...

like the craziest Steve Ballmer screamed in the past "DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS...."

And we don't know why but increase the dev team is something difficult to do for they... Some ideas requires minor time of develop than others (like energy increase), but with that cicle of updates to maintain two games I don't know how they will handle to make these good and necessary ideas and in the same time add new content to DS (new map or whatever) and PG (the two parts of TC left...)
But this game and her community deserves more content and features :!:
In 2010 they had more people working than now and in that year they released Draconis. One year later they released Sirius being a singularity with a entire new mechanics and gamemode. And after that, we know how sadly ended all.
So... the ideas of that post are nice and will catch new players and why not, catch some veterans what only connect to see if here is something new :mrorange: but if the developers don't speed up any way the times of development... Maybe TC get finished in two years and after that we have to wait another two years more to get the PVP update part 2 and the "invasion controlled by players" (that sound very interesting) before start to think about the future plans...

Now, I will comment what I think about these ideas writted here:

1) Energy increase

I have played a lot of time without memberships (before I start to work) and overall in sirius with a punisher, I had to get energy every 2 - 3 minutes to avoid stay without energy to resurrect. And it's boring because the player have to spend so much time in the energy fields. So it will not be bad idea to increase that limit.
And it would be good if the energy consumption of the drones get reduced depending the membership (like 25% for 50% membership, 50% for 75% and 75% less of energy consumption of drons for 100% membership)

2) Daily login reward

Something I have readed many times and it's good idea. But I am sure that is one of the these great ideas the devs have for PG in their "vault for great ideas". ^^

3) Daily/weekly/monthly missions

That is one of these ideas to add some dinamic activities to do. Very good idea. That will help a lot to retain players. If the missions are not the same each month and it might be in one planet of one system randomly, changing location each month. Maybe trying to set different types of missions depending of the planet. But of course, it will require a lot of work as I am thinking.
Else, it will be generic missions on each planet to do. And anyway, it will be a newest activity to do.

4) Achivement Rewards

Something I was thinking to make the achievements more usefuls. Simply nice idea and the gold as reward sound interesting to those people what can't buy gold.

5) Clan Flag

It would be nice if we can upload a logo to the clan (to show in clan profile and to use for that) and adding to this: the possibility to change the name of the fleet. But it of the logo / flag is nice!

6) Race Tournaments

Another nice activity that might be added to the game :!:

7) PvP Tournaments

I not agree about the GM as "judge". This might be more automatic by the system. But is a good idea to make fair battles.

8) Weekly Boss Event

F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C. I love this idea :arrowup: :mrorange:

All are good ideas... like I said before, this game and we as their community deserve more developers who can spend more time to development of it.

Crossing fingers to see this ideas being real some day... :sneaky:

Greetings. :mrorange:


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gonzaabel said:
And it would be good if the energy consumption of the drones get reduced depending the membership (like 25% for 50% membership, 50% for 75% and 75% less of energy consumption of drons for 100% membership).
Yeah, reducing drone energy consumption would be good thing to add for membership because it reduces any form of energy used.
About PvP tournaments, i have already thought of system as judge, but GM as judge would add some more purpose to GM role instead of hanging in orbit. Also adding tournament chat would be good , to not bother playes in global with countdowns of PvP fights.


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I wish the devs would just reply something to posts like these. Give us a hint if they're listening or not :|


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Rajaa said:
About PvP tournaments, i have already thought of system as judge, but GM as judge would add some more purpose to GM role instead of hanging in orbit. Also adding tournament chat would be good , to not bother playes in global with countdowns of PvP fights.
I guess you missed the PvP tournaments from 2011-2012. GMs were required then for judgement and they did a hard work to keep the things going on out of chaos.


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HGus said:
Rajaa said:
About PvP tournaments, i have already thought of system as judge, but GM as judge would add some more purpose to GM role instead of hanging in orbit. Also adding tournament chat would be good , to not bother playes in global with countdowns of PvP fights.
I guess you missed the PvP tournaments from 2011-2012. GMs were required then for judgement and they did a hard work to keep the things going on out of chaos.
The way i thought of it, it'd be very good organised without of chaos. If the system was judgement then we'd have button '' ready'' on side, or in special panel between 2 players. When they refill their energy to full and all item cooldowns are done, they would click ready and system would make count to start of fight. The same would be with GM judgement, when both players claim they are ready , there cannot be unfair fight, only win by some luck or skill depending on players. If you read first post, you can see pvp tournament mechanics, it's not same as normal/colossus organised deathmatchs/PvPs.


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Jun 6, 2019
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These are amazing ideas, but as a player aware of both dev requirements and fiscal platforms, these will in all likely-hood be rejected. I'm not cynical, just trying to be as realistic as possible about the possibilities.
If we as players would like to see some changes, we'd better provide a well thought-of solution which will also allow Splitscreen Games to increase their profit margin - that's why they made this game.

They provide a game which we all enjoy. I'm new and am only now starting to understand the complexities of game play and I must say that they have provided a thoroughly enjoyable game with tremendous sophistication - thanx SplitScreen Games(SG)

Having said that, I do support your ideas, but we as the PG gaming community have to ratify our suggestions in am anner which earns the company a profit. A profit which also weighs against the development, testing and deployment of changes. These changes are huge.

Up to this point in the game (lvl35), Gold is not much of an issue, and SG wants us to continue buying their packs.
It's a recipe with which they are comfortable with and are content with the amount of money the game is making - perhaps they've already looked at the game and predict that they can't get anymore from us, so they're content with that.
But we're the players, we want more.

To continue the discussion I will address the one change you suggested: the changes regarding ENERGYand how changing this affects only one aspect of the mechanics of GOLD.

All your suggestions will have to put SG's interests first, if you want them to be noticed and considered.

Sure, we all want more bang for our buck. Most of the gold we buy and use goes to "Materialize". WEll I do anyway. I'm a noob and want to level faster! Do you understand how SG makes their money?

If SG increase the energy yield ratio and energy caps/level they lose out on our money as we will be buying less gold as we have more cap therefore more energy therefore we can get podded 7 times before spending gold to buy Energy now. compared to the 4-5 before the change. This means that your gold lasts longer, which SG are not going to be thrilled about as you won't be buying gold three times a week anymore, but only 5 purchases per fortnight (note:this ratio is not accurate as I have no insight into PG's player base). Why should they lose 1 gold purchase every 14 days? They would be silly to do so.

You see how SG loses money implementing a change in the ENERGY Mechanics of the game?
And all the other changes as well: I cannot go into detail for all of them for the simple reason that I have no clue of what you're talking about as I've not done conquest yet.
The older players will have to contribute to this process as they know the mechanics much better than myself.

On paper your ideas seem awesome, but what are we the player base willing to trade-off on so that we can continue playing an interesting and enjoyable game and let SG have our cash for gold?

I'm sure SG want more money- to attract a larger player base and improve on content, but these suggestions have to be valid from SG's side of the fence.

I would definitely like more bang for my buck and I do not know if that is possible, all of us have to come up with solid proposals on this one. If we don't then any suggestion we make is moot as SG dictates policy.



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Mar 25, 2019
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Hi , i took time today to add some more ideas. This time they're not as long as last post at first page of this topic , but i'll put them here as non-priority game improvements. I think last 2 things can be called mini-games not much as they take just 30-60 minutes duration only.

Ideas list:
1. Jumpship Flag
2. Conquest Ship Flag
3. 5v5 Player Fights
4. 5v5 Flag Fights

Jumpship Flag

As i said earlier for Clan Flag mechanics , Jumpship Flag would be additional thing to that which would profit for players because if they want to know which clan is on that Sirius planet , they can just see flag and they know who to ask for squad-up or to ask what are drops on that planet. Also , i would suggest that if we click on Jumpship , it would open window of that Clan (homepage of Clan).

Conquest Ship Flag

I don't have much to say here , only that Conquest Ship can have flag as symbol of its clan. Clan Flag would apply to clan members' ships , Conquest Ship and Jumpship. As CQ mechanics will be changed soon as developers announced , i would be happy to have my clan flag on CQ ship , and paint it in some awesome color also. :mrorange:

5v5 Player Fights

First of all , sorry that picture is not that good made , i'm short with time so i made those super fast , to make topic a little more alive again. Ok then , let's go for mechanics.

Many of you already know what this looks like and will maybe say idea is stolen from other game , but i don't think it is truth. Games can have similar content in means of same mechanics things but they have their own qualities because they have different content inside whole game. For example if Dino Storm can have daily missions , if it's put in Pirate Galaxy , it doesn't mean it's stolen.

Letters ''S" on each side means "Spawn Zone" where players spawn on start of game and if they're podded , they will spawn at S zone after some time (it will take 10-20-30 seconds depending if game is at start ,already at half game or late game - almost ended). Each side has base which has a lot HP and turrets guarding it. Despite of appearance , i would call bottom team "Red Team" because of turrets that are red , and upper team "Blue Team". Turrets would have some strong blasters and some rockets maybe (appearance is not immportant if they look like shock or rocket turrets , they would both have same items , but color of turrets is immportant) , so players cannot destroy them right away , or two players need to use repair droid tech to shoot it for little longer (it doesn't heal after you leave it's range). Idea is for both teams to destroy enemy team's base , but before reaching base which doesn't shoot back , they need to destroy turrets and clean up enemies to get that option , then strike base before enemy respawns. This would include both PvP between two teams and strategy to come in action. In jungle between lanes there could be special mantis for some sort of ''little powerups''. I wouldn't put bushes in there , because enemies are already fast when they use Afterburner techonology while switching fighting sides , and Stun Charge and Dome would be fatal already enough by suprising enemy with afterburner. If one side both players or more players pod , enemy can use the time to shoot it's turrets to advance further and make progress.
This would put strategy in action as registration phase or settings would be set to one system , so players have right to choose any ship they think is suited for fight.
Also , instead of turrets i would even suggest Bosses ( like Osiris or Keops appearance) that do not have big border to move , but they do not even heal also. They would act as "Defenders" of that enemy side , but this way they would have more items than just blaster , to prevent players from advancing so quickly.

5v5 Flag Fights

I would call this mode 'thief mode" because it's based on resources. Flag Fights are similar to 5v5 Player Fights above because they will be based on 5v5 teams or even 6 or 7 people per team to make it more fun. Idea is to have normal "Spawn Zone" as above mentioned , but players fight on sides or in jungle to advance to enemy territory ( after player pods , it takes 10-20 seconds to respawn). When they arrive there , they can see 7-10 Enemy Flags in enemy base and they use collector to collect one of them only and need to deliver if to their base. If enemy is podded and let us to steal their flags and deliver to our base , they lose. This has same mechanics as "Resource War" because we use collectors to steal enemy Flag ( if they don't pod us or unable to catch us somehow) and deliver it to our base. PvPs are included to show which side is better or stronger or has better strategy to not make enemy see them. I wouldn't make this map too small , because it has to let players try to go past their enemy unnoticed if it's possible. May i would put some shield area at Flag bases , to first take out shield , then collect flag and run ( each time shield needs to be destroyed , but it isn't that strong to need very long time).

I had little time to prepare this , but i hope you guys would like this to be implemented also as some more option for fun in game after primary ideas i put in first page. I would like to make this topic more alive and make you guys actually post your ideas here. We need to let devs know that we're trying our best to help them see what we want for game improvement! Please post your ideas here no matter if they're well planned because we can discuss it here and maybe think of something greater along with that ideas. Thanks for reading my post , i expect you people posting here :)


Feb 3, 2018
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very well done Rajaa and agreed 100%
game really needs some more fun before more and more people quit.
I already had long message about new pvp features to devs , hope someone gets done.
instead of making game more farm focused , they can bring some additional fun like those pvp ideas and daily log in, missions and etc.
some more words about pvp features : if its well made, even people who dont pvp will do it plus it brings old pvpers back, who quit because PG never had significant part of pvp.
And also even simple death match would be nice fun, like team vs team and kills = scores.
and obviously it has to be free to win.


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Feb 24, 2010
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Small detour to the Offtopic section:
The only gripe i always have with suggestions is... that as good as never a developer responds to these things.

Sure they might read all the stuff that we post here and maybe even will consider to implement the things at some point eventually (just look at the Defender Class that they added with Drac and was an suggestion in the very early stages of the game).

Imo nowadays communication is a key factor for a game developer that works on an online game to share their ideas/thoughts/suggestions from and with the community. It´s not that we ask for an "total revelation" of Split to play with very open cards but the current communication with TC is to less...

I remember the times when then and when a sneak peak of new things did pop up in the forum like the redesign of the Stargate or the Hangar... but somehow such things got lost over the course of the development as it feels for me.

Aside from that and back to Topic:
The idea with an own design that you can create and show ingame to "represent your Clan" is doable... i know at least 1 game that has that sort of mechanic and is used by the players. So it is doable but it must be implemented 1st.

In terms of the PvP section as non PvPler i think that it might be a nice addition for those who really like to PvP next to the Collosus PvP times (where even the cryo reward not draws me to it). So i leave this section to the PvP pilots cus they can decide better what would be a nice addition for the PvP part of the game.


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Even if the flag on cq ship is not implemented, I would like to see "clan names" over them, just like "player names" over each player on orbit. That way we will know which other clan is in that planet without the need to dig on each clan history that we figure out could be there (or asking in public chat when nobody else is online to answer).


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HGus said:
Even if the flag on cq ship is not implemented, I would like to see "clan names" over them, just like "player names" over each player on orbit. That way we will know which other clan is in that planet without the need to dig on each clan history that we figure out could be there (or asking in public chat when nobody else is online to answer).
Yeah, that was idea. Put their flags or redirect to clan homepage or names above them also. We're having harder time with finding who is on each planet and drops sometimes are uknown for few days on sirius database.


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Sep 14, 2010
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Some of ideas commented and described in Pirates' Voice series. Part 2 in 2 weeks. Repeated missions case in 1 week. Enjoy!:



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Poland said:
Some of ideas commented and described in Pirates' Voice series. Part 2 in 2 weeks. Repeated missions case in 1 week. Enjoy!:

Really good reply to those ideas, thanks a lot for making good video!
Energy Increase
About energy increase, i had thought of adding that kind of increase per levels, because we still have issue with energy consumption which makes us hard time, and buying membership just because of that issue makes game not free to play. From Draconis to Tau Ceti we use memberships for our components to provide "longer shooting" more fun, but imagine how it would go in next Tau Ceti updates? Energy consumption will increase a lot further while our energy cap is still small, and without membership, we cannot go to any spot of newly tau ceti update without energy field near which makes this issue really big problem. I would say same for lower systems because we get to refill so slow there while spending goes a lot faster, so if we don't have BPs to collect for '' backup'' of energy, wre sit in energy field for very long just to refill (if we count that some lower level players buy drones in early game, they will need 30-60 minutes to fully refill them).
Honestly, your calculations are incredible! I wouldn' t change any aspect of them because every 10 levels energy cap change increases which brings a lot better balance compared to energy consumption we have. Only more change to this would be increased energy gotten by BPs and by energy-balls to not make us refill twice longer as we do now (it is already really long).

PvP Tournaments/Colossus Change
Your point is right. Not everyone like same PvP mods, and that's why there should be many more mods that we can access for more fun. Standard PvP tournament would be used to show who really is ''King of PvP'' on the server, while other PvP ideas would be based on teamwork and good strategy.
Colossus change: this one idea is really good. We already had good post by gonzaabel who suggested making colossus ''team fight'' because most problems are teaming-up on colossus since planet is currently in ''deatmatch'' mode. Having squadron of 2 or 3 on colossus should be described in registration phase, or making colossus be always 2v2 or 3v3 matches is good.
This next idea you suggested is incredible! To make less exploits, players who register for colossus one day and not land on planet would get punishment by not going to next day colossus.
Only thing i disagree is that if you pod only 2 times you are out of tournament. I would make it this way:
If you or your teammate pod 1 player, you gain 1 point on scoreboard, same goes for others.
But if both you and teammate get podded on planet, you lose 1 point. Because some games are made that as long your ''teammate'' is alive, you have chance to revive and continue fight. If your teammate stays alive on planet and you land, ans after that he/she pod, you do not lose 1 point because you are still in planet surface and alive. So lets say see mechanics again:
-Podding 1 player grants 1 point to your team of 2/3 players.
-Getting both you and your teammate pod on planet makes you lose 1 point on scoreboard.
-Teams with most points on scoreboard win best rewards.

Last thing i would suggest as 100% needed in-game. According to their rank in any mode: War Score, PvP, PvE points, Race Tournament, Colossus and more... players should get Season Rewards! Being 1st in War Score (most golden skulls) should not grant us nothing, same for any mode. We would get Season Rewards for being one of best players in those modes! (As top 10 rankings, or top 20)
Again, big thanks for your video and suggestion, your skills for planning/strategy are incredible! I look forward for more good videos and would suggest anyone to subscribe to your channel.


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Rajaa said:
Only thing i disagree is that if you pod only 2 times you are out of tournament. I would make it this way:
If you or your teammate pod 1 player, you gain 1 point on scoreboard, same goes for others.
But if both you and teammate get podded on planet, you lose 1 point. Because some games are made that as long your ''teammate'' is alive, you have chance to revive and continue fight. If your teammate stays alive on planet and you land, ans after that he/she pod, you do not lose 1 point because you are still in planet surface and alive. So lets say see mechanics again:
-Podding 1 player grants 1 point to your team of 2/3 players.
-Getting both you and your teammate pod on planet makes you lose 1 point on scoreboard.
-Teams with most points on scoreboard win best rewards. [/b]
Hey mate :D I did not really mean that you are out of tournament after 2 pods, but from the match from my Arena of Colossus suggestion, so that the matches will be smooth and will not encumber the servers. So two players register, land in special place in Colo, which is distributed only to them, then they fight etc. And it would give 1 point, if won. Tournament is a different matter here :p

I like that you are so satisfied with my video. I hope High gonna use some of your ideas and these from video. They are pretty nice indeed. The game would revive and money would flow ^^


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Mar 25, 2019
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Hello everyone , today i want to express all potential ideas from English feedback forum that were posted from years ago. There were a lot ideas that were used by development team and implemented as players suggested and i'm grateful for good progress. Here is list of ideas that weren't yet implemented/updated in game, but big number of them would be really profitable and good updates to begin with. This is mix of forum ideas and my ideas for new things.
Ideas list:
1. Clan Editing options
2. Jupiter , Neptune , Uranus ideas
3. Color choose option
4. Item Balance Rework
5. Lighting Chain Buff
6. Blueprint Market and energy convertor
7. Phobos addition
8. Items rework ( Attack Droid , Taunt , Aggrobeacon )
9. War Score Skull rewards & Bounty Rework
10. Squadron Improvements
11. White Missions Rework
12. New drone and XP drone addition
13. New Graviton idea
14. New booster (in shop) idea
15. Locator Drone Function
16. Global Boosters during weekend
17. More minigames ideas
18. Treasure Hunts
19. Sirius Planets Tutorial
20. Red Trade Missions
21. New Items Ideas
22. Skins for CQ Ships
23. Ask Devs Feature & add poll option on forum

Clan Editing Options

I thought well about this that clan should have some more options to do and i'll be short and clear with all ideas in here.
Clan edit from sirius database.png1st thing i would suggest is giving Captain option to delete/clear messages from clan message board because sometimes people would rather line-up some messages without waiting just Admiral to clean them.
2nd thing i would suggest is giving an option to delete things in clan history only to Admiral ( this one i don't think all would agree).
3rd thing you can see on picture above. It's option for clan to "add pictures from only sirius database made by V1 Hyper". Adding pictures from sirius database would help a lot instead of typing drops , and would increase members' attention to picture. Of course , typing drops is sometimes boring , instead of that just mark which borders of picture from sirius database you want to take and picture will be uploaded in clan message.
4th thing is something that could actually fit all players from Sirius! Most times , we cannot check all planet drops in sirius ( some things from ring 5 and all other lower rings ) so we sometimes jump-off that ring 5 planet without checking amarna/soris or giza sometimes. After we jump , depending on planet days , when other people get drops from those above ,if drops are good and we want to come back to planet , but it is about to collapse , we actually LOSE chance to get some BPs from planet because we didn't know drops. Lack of players online is sometimes cause of this happen , with not enough players we cannot kill big bosses sometimes.
I would suggest solution to this and it is to implement scan option to planet. The moment we send Jumpship to ring 5 planet or any other planet , we can scan it to get window where all drops are. By knowing drops of planet , we can judge if we need them or not. This would a lot help us Sirius players to know drops , and those drops would also be posted to V1 Hyper sirius database for those that are not online currently.
I would like honest opinion from anyone regarding this idea.

Jupiter , Neptune , Uranus ideas

Lots of people think what those 3 planets would have. I have two idea options : to make them Tournament planets like "Colossus". We already have cortex planets like Phobos and Arkon , but only one Tournament planet (Colossus).
You can read Tournament/Boss Raid ideas from my first post: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42589#p198036
I don't have big design ideas how they would look , but for boss raid/race tournament idea planet could be same because planet is free for travel.
SECOND option is from a player that suggested adding them in story line or some neutral planets that mantis couldn't reach for some reason. He has really good ideas for new units/looks and story line maybe!
Please check it here : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=31255#p166206

Color choose option

There is a guy who suggested this earlier. Here is his post : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=29975#p163419
I think maybe having menu on right side of color chooser is good option. In painting we can't always select colors properly , but in this menu you would just click on name of color you want ( Light blue , dark green etc.). This isn't big change , but wouldn't be bad to have this while painting ship.

Item Balance Rework

Already was posting about ground/max damages coming from items. Etc. having Orbital Strike possibility to do 20 or 90 damage to same player in PvP dissapoints me. It is not much difference for PvE.
If etc. Orbital Strike did 35 damage by minimum and 75 damage by maximum , balance would be better because it wouldn't be too weak or too high ( insta-kill ) damage.
Aggrobomb is also item that many players don't like. I don't mind its damage , but its range can be little ''too low" when it doesn't cover much ground. But real problem is its Coldown which makes no one want to drive aggrobomb ships mostly , the people would rather drive rocket/orbital strike ship. Suggestion is to make less coldown for aggrobombs surely , and maybe extend some of its range.
About Stun Charge & Stun Dome , since PvP rework , long stuns don't have that much effect but they can handle things. On other side , Stun Dome has both much bigger coldown than Stun Charge , but it has no almost effect on enemy + it has short duration. My suggestion here is to extend duration of Stun Dome , but make its purpose better by adding this effect -> When you use Dome on one enemy , it will have some effect on him , but more enemies you catch in Dome , stronger effect will be.
JustaRaven was discussing it in his videos by Selethen22 ideas also.
Please check his videos for better experience and explanation:
Pirates' Voice #2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iPEGXtcWX4
Pirates' Voice #3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wy7kg7s7OX8

Lighting chain buff

Not much to say here , but lighting chain isn't much of items in my opinion. It surely can hit 7 enemies at once , but its damage isn't that good. According to what i've seen and tested , it has damage like 2 or lil more than 2 blasters damage. Additionally , it has lot bigger coldown and using it doesn't show much difference at least to me. Since it has lots of coldown , i would put dijar's idea to action for increasing damage: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42241#p196712

Blueprint Market and energy convertor

I'll straight give link to player who suggested it: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=29844#p163054 .
Some people said that just getting known BP for energy has to be changed. He said that we can choose if we want to take BP or not ( if we have it incomplete 0/2 we collect to 1/2 or we don't select to have for our collection). I wouldn't agree in here because i think we could only choose options if we have completed BPs already. If BP is known , we could have ''bag" or ''invertory" where we store BPs we collected in those. From our invertory , we could sell it to Pirate Galaxy Market and we would gain little amount of cryonite for doing it ( depends is it blue or rare BP). That market would daily reset , so players who want to buy some BP with cryo or some gold should hurry!
Second idea here is to choose if we want to convert known BP into our current energy or to convert into Drone energy , so drone can refill right away even if we don't look how much energy it spent.

Phobos addition

Here is straight link to player's post : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=31276#p166244
We already know that since last RDX event in february 2019 developers introduced us better system for challenge planets where we don't need hours to finish one run. But untill those changes apply to Phobos and Arkon , this guy suggested already to have some BPs dropped by mantis on Phobos so we can refill our energy little better. What i think is that is actually maybe good idea , that while fighting wave we collect some BP of 280 energy there would be good help. To lower level players it's good because they get energy drained lot faster than higher levels cos their energy cap is a lot less and energy isn't yet that big , i would completely agree to this. But in case if energy increase happen by idea of me and JustaRaven , it would be a lot easier even for lower level players to play in there. Here is link for his video about that : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErVY5ahrnjc

Items Rework (Attack Droid,Taunt,Aggrobeacon)

Players posts about Attack Droid and Taunt:
Attack Droid: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=31576 and https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42633
Taunt: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=34406#p173757 and https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42360

Attack Droid should really be smarter and to not attack anything in it's way causing a mess. By players suggestion , after releasing it on button 6 , every time we want it to attack someone , we just click number 6 again to direct it at that enemy. It could show little animation like smaller circle like taunt for 1 second to show that we directed droid at that mantis or player.
Taunt surely has big range , but it has not much more function than luring mantis. That is disadvantage for players with tanks because already aggrobomb has a lot coldown. So practically , tanks are useless for some purpose if other ships can do most things better than them.
Aggrobeacon is also useless for any purpose than luring mantis onto it. In PvP has no function , only in special cases if u put it under yourself when other player attack is coming at you , so you can ''reduce" damage a little. Those 3 items are surely needed to be changed in some way.

War Score Skull rewards & Bounty Rework

Being in list of people who won Golden Skull in War Score ladder isn't much of being ''famous'' pirate. I already suggested some things need to be changed and you can check it in my post from before: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42589#p198036
Having SEASONAL rewards would benefit players a lot as JustaRaven suggested for Colossus Rework , but being at Top of list in ''Hall of Fame" should have some good behind it. So players who win tournaments and war score and all other things will have benefit of being Top Players.

Now let's move to Bounty Rework. Dev team already announced that PvP overhaul changes are planned after finishing Tau Ceti system. I know it will be done , but i don't know if some things can wait untill tau ceti is finished.
Players post for bounty rework : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=37749#p179792
I agree to this fully. He says that after Pirate Mode resets ( on Tuesday ) we should get rewards for staying alive in Pirate Mode for whole time.
Managed to not get killed with pirate mode: 850 bounty x 10 = 8.500 cryonite at the end of the week
Managed to kill many people without dying: 25000 bounty x 10 = 250.000 cryonite
Died with pirate mode without killing anyone back: 0 bounty and so 0 cryo.
This above idea is very good , so going Pirate Mode isn't going to be in vain.

Squadron Improvements

Here is post by player who suggester it earlier: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=33679#p171985
Being able to send your mate to orbit who is AFK , went to toilet or somewhere else would be good idea , but just given to Squadron leader. If your jumpship isn't on that planet and you don't have engineer to revive you , if you pod while being AFK will results loosing some BPs or so if you don't have energy to ressurect yourself.
Also one addition to squadron achivements : While being in Pirate Mode we don't get progress if we finish some mission in squad. So we don't get achivement while done in Pirate Mode , i mean it's still done in squadron , but there doesn't exist achivement etc. "Gemini Pirate Squadron" , there just exist Gemini Squadron. So this would be nicely to be changed , because i did some missions on Venar multiple times in Pirate Mode because i like being red but i can't get squadron achivement.

White Missions Rework

I wouldn't say much here needs to be reworked since those missions guide players for locations of BPs or let them grind. They don't give much reward , but if Achivement rewards are to be added , they would be done more often by players. I would suggest just reducing amount of BPs needed to complete white missions in higher systems since drop rates aren't that good. I was myself having hard time with drop rate while doing sol/draconis whites because they don't drop. I spent hours in order to complete one white mission earlier.

New Drone and XP drone addition

First i'd like to express XP drone idea by player's post : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=32058#p168213
This shows that PLUS drone could give a little more help than it does usually since it cost some gold to be gotten ( buy gold and u get PLUS option). PLUS drone could give some additional XP aside of just 10% cryonite more gotten.
Level 1: 1% XP Bonus
Level 2: 2% XP Bonus
Level 3: 3% XP Bonus
Level 4: 4% XP Bonus
Level 5: 5% XP Bonus
It would be a little bonus for players who paid money to Pirate Galaxy :)

Now let's get to NEW Drone suggestion:
According to drone types , we have similar drones for these things:
Arkon cortex part (eagle eye cortex) gives more range to player while not moving. We also have Division drone which increases range of player items by 10%.
Raven Dynamic cortex part (ifrit cortex) gives more damage while we have bellow 30% HP. We also have A112 dmg amp drone and spaceball drones which give more damage.
But last thing! We have Nephilim cortex which boost repair skills when 5-6 enemies attack us , but we don't have drone that does same!
There could be NEW drone made that boosts our repair skills by 5% while it's active ( repair droid , repair target and repair field) , so we can heal ourselves / other players better to survive and not pod!
I don't know what new drone name would be , but we could name it HS1 Healing drone ( like AR1 division drone where AR means attack range) where HS means healing skill.

New Graviton Idea - Emerald Graviton

I just mentioned what new drone could do , but graviton could be same purpose.
There is green graviton ( Beryl) which heals our ship to maximum and yellow graviton ( citrine) which reduces incoming damage by 80%.
New Graviton would increase our repair skills by 80% , so it applies to Repaid Droid , Repair Target and Repair Field. Here is how it looks.

Graviton.pngIt's name would Emerald graviton! Since beryl ( berylium) is naturally green , emerald has stronger effect than beryl and it's naturally green also.

New Booster Idea

This is booster idea from player named combat. Here is link: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=37790
This would be Coldown booster ( if Pirate Mode is active of course it doesn't work ).
I suggest booster would have the same percentage and price with speed boosters.
Standard +15% cd . price is 4.000 gold.
Enchanced +20% , price is 7.400 gold.
Elite +25% , price is 14.800 gold.
Ultimate +30% , price is 29.600 gold.
I hope this can be added in future if it's good!

Locator Drone Function and Treasure Hunts

Here is straight link to post of player named flyfighter: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=41276
Locator Drone has only function for christmas event to search hidden stashes , but with treasure hunt , we would have some fun also by searching it!
Another post by other player posted here : https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=31584
It would give locator drone some function and we'd get some small rewards from hunting this treasure too. :)

Global Boosters during weekend

Nothing much to say here , but as earlier , players suggested to have global boosters every weekend. Like +10% cryonite , firepower or any you want. Also aside of Summer Sale that happens in this time of year in PG , we could have sales for some BPs and other things during normal days ( when there are no events) and it would be nice too , would profit to both game and players who buy gold too to buy gold often if they want to buy some BP for ship or item.

More Minigames Ideas

I have already posted most some minigames ideas earlier at my post: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42589&start=20#p198207
Those are some made by flyfighter from earlier , enjoy and let me hear opinion for those! :)
Link: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=38569
Flyfighters examples of minigames: Arkon like minigame , Bossfights , The maze , Attack the convoy , King of the hill (pvp).

Sirius Planets Tutorial

I think there should be a mission for "Tutorial" like in Unstable Wormhole to Sirius , but those missions would be on reach ring 1-5 , to show new players just what units are and names and other cool stuff. In mission text explanations would be made and would teach players what quarc fuel is , and what ancients are made of.

Red Trade Missions

I know this kinda is little to early since highway said it's planned for PvP overhaul update , but i wanted just to express opinion about this and show you the post by player.
Link to player's post: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=42116#p196169
This would be mix of assassination and delivery jobs that Pirate Mode players do.
I think that clan or player could put his offer (job) on request board and what prize is for those who complete it. e.g he wants some other player to be podded and one player takes offer and pods that player. Then he can collect his prize. For this there are many things that can be added so if you have any idea , please post at this feedback topic.

New Items Ideas

This is very interesting thing that we could talk of.
Here is link of player's post , i'll just explain how idea for those 3 items is.
Link: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=34823
Distress call - Distress beacon is placed and it will alert 2 friendly NPCs that you're in need of assistance.
They immediately land. They attack whatever is attacking you and/or your squadmates. The 2 NPCs can heal and materialize you and/or you squadmate (each NPC only has 1 mat). Once 5 minutes are up the 2 NPCs will orbit. Other things is that 2 NPCs can support in your fight by shooting target also maybe.
Stealth - Activating this tech will make you oblivious to enemies for 2 minutes. However this will deactivate when in combat mode. If you are in combat mode you cannot activate the stealth tech. Although if you have under 20% health, it will stay ready for you to activate wether if you are in combat mode or not.
Renegade Rocket - This rocket does not actually do any damage to the enemy. Nevertheless this is an ingenious device if i do say so myself. The Renegade rocket is propelled to its target. Once it comes into contact with the enemy it will explode. The blast radius would be that of an aggro bomb. It will affect enemies in the blast radius and those that enter the blast radius. What happens when the rocket detonates is a special type of EMP that causes the targeting systems of the enemy to target its comrades. For instance if i target a Death squad with a renegade rocket, they will all start shooting at each other, along with any mantis that ventures into the blast radius. This lasts for 1min 30secs.

Skins for CQ ships

By this idea , we could buy or earn limited skin for CQ ship. There is a player who suggested having Mantis skin on CQ ship for limited period. Those skins can be bought in shop for other ships as well and they would be nice to have in-game . etc. christmas skins or easter skins for ships , it wouldn't be bad to have something like this as well.

Ask Devs Feature and adding poll option to forum

This goes to question of devs. Some guy asked for steam publishing earlier: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=34195&start=30#p173321
I don't know how much publishing on steam costs for a game , but if game was ''free" on steam of course , more players would join and play game because players search games to play on steam.
Back to ask devs feature: https://forum.pirategalaxy.com/viewtopic.php?f=253&t=34195#p173178
We had Ask The Devs topic earlier , where players could ask and suggest devs during some period. This would be very useful and if they could answer some questions to players during that period.
Also , i mentioned Poll option on forum. Poll is function where you set a question and some answers that others can vote for. That would be good on forum to have and it would be very useful. :)

Thanks for reading my post guys! I am trying my best to contribute ideas and things that could be good for this game. I hope you like them , and if you got some more ideas , please post them in this topic!


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2015
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Main Pilotname
-Obs the skrapper-
It would be cool if we can colour our blasters, rockets or sniper blasters. Rare bps for ship propulsion colours:
Red (like actual red not mantis red)
Purple (normal colour appears violet)
Your ideas are amazing, keep posting them!


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
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Main Pilotname
Pirates Legacys
Heavy artillery said:
It would be cool if we can colour our blasters, rockets or sniper blasters.
I have planned that already for next post. Stay tuned untill next post and enjoy current ideas. :D


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Main Pilotname
Rajaa said:
[...]Lighting chain buff

Not much to say here , but lighting chain isn't much of items in my opinion. It surely can hit 7 enemies at once , but its damage isn't that good. According to what i've seen and tested , it has damage like 2 or lil more than 2 blasters damage. Additionally , it has lot bigger coldown and using it doesn't show much difference at least to me. Since it has lots of coldown[...]
The LC is one of those weapons that work most efficently in a "pack of pilots" cus they have a lot of potential dmg.

A big difference in compare to the other AoE weapons of the LC is that the dmg is nearly stable to all units rather then reducing the dmg the more units are hit by it. While the dmg of the AoE weapons for some weird reason decreases the more units are affected by it the LC dmg is not decreasing at all even if you hit the max of 7 units. The price however is that LC never seems to crit from what i have seen.

The CD however is somwhere between rockets and OS so that i find it totaly fine. Only real disadvantge of the LC imo is that it can "accidently" trigger a bunch of units that you not wanna already cus maybe your RD is still in CD and then the real fun starts haha.

Heavy artillery said:
It would be cool if we can colour our blasters, rockets or sniper blasters. Rare bps for ship propulsion colours:
Red (like actual red not mantis red)
Purple (normal colour appears violet)
It gives a bunch of game that show "Fashion can be sold and keep a game alive as well" and if other games could be mentioned i would post them but the one or another player might know them.

It would be cool to have some sort of "Transmog/Effect" section where we can change the look of stuff like blaster effect, propulsion colour, ship alloy, etc. And if the devs sell them for a decend price (i would go so far to say make an 3 hour test version and an permanent version of this stuff) players would buy it for sure.

Rajaa said:
[...]4th thing is something that could actually fit all players from Sirius! Most times , we cannot check all planet drops in sirius ( some things from ring 5 and all other lower rings ) so we sometimes jump-off that ring 5 planet without checking amarna/soris or giza sometimes.[...]
Well next to that Sirius Drop Chart list it always wondered me why Split never implemented some sort of "Drop overview" at the planets while you are in Orbit. For R1 - R4 this might be pretty pointless but for R5 it would totaly fit to add something like that and shows what unit drops what item.

I would maybe skip the Scan function and show the Items the moment the JS is send to the R5 planet. The idea sure is to keep that "explore the planet" feel up but let us be fair Soris is the most anoying thing to call and Amrana mostly jumps at you when you never need it cus you wanna clear an area to fight Soris/Giza lol. Giza on the other hand is the easiest Boss of all 3. I think the reason why Soris and Amrana are skiped most of the time is due of their mechanic that "artificaly" extend the time of the fight cus you need to move way more then during a Giza fight.