Je me permet de poster en anglais, j'imagine que ce sera plus simple pour la traduction.
Je peux faire un edit avec la traduction si vous le souhaitez.
here is a lot of things we wanted to say, me and others, about pirate galaxy.
1) about game speed
As you probably know, the lastest trend in video games and mmos are fast paced games. It seems like the players want to test their skills, and most likely against each others.
To prove it, just see the ammont of people playing CS:GO or pvp games in minecraft, or even osu! . All of those games are pretty much fast paced games that need real skill to be played good.
The problem with pirate galaxy right now is that it's a little bit outdated. The player has to rely more on the power of their weapons than on their own skills to kill an enemy. And even if that was common in games a few years ago, things evolve. MMOS that still rely on farming are starting to get rarer and rarer. If you don't want PG to be only for nostalgic people, then pirate galaxy needs some changes.
Here is some ideas, but they are not exhaustive at all.
- Do something about charging times. Maybe make stellars map and orbits one big location, where you could freely move without any charging times. That would not be suited for browser playing, but for client that would be awesome.
- Increase general speed. That might sound a bit weird, but what about increasing speed of everything? That would make pvp more interesting without changing ships, that would bring more skills to the game overall. I mean increasing movement speed, item durations, item cooldowns, drones usetime and xp charging, mission times...
2) about community
Please communicate more. It really does feel nice to be able to speak to you and to know that we are listened. But maybe a bit more would be nice. However that's not a need, and there is a lot of things to do.
Community is dying. You know it. And the more people are leaving, the less life there is in PG, implying in a lack of interest from players to play . If that continues, the whole game will die due to lack of players. That would be stupid, since PG offers great gameplay and is able to be an awesome game.
As far as I know, the only way to prevent this is to bring social relations back to the game. For exemple, the christmas event was a bit unique, enough to bring player's attention and to make them all together go farm at aurora. That made a lot of players feel like they where not alone on the server, and that the game is still living.
So events are a good way to bring life to the game. Especially PVP ones, but invasions, chases and other stuff work as well. I would like to note that a few mmo's are using event moderators to make daily events, and that really brings something to the game. Or even daily bosses on random planets (no need for a mod, CF: guild wars 2).
There is a lot of possibilities, just let your imagnation do the thing!
3) about economy
We have been waiting for 2 years now, waiting for stuff to do. I mean yes there is still a lot of blueprints that we need on sirius, still crionyte to farm, but that take ages. And that's really boring, not helping people to enjoy playing pirate galaxy.
Maybe a crionyte boost is not a good idea, maybe giving large ammounts of crionyte to people for achievements would be cool, maybe do leaderbords for pvp and warscore that gives money, ext...
That's a real need. Because we had the time to farm our ships, but the goal now is to bring new players to the game, and people will hardly farm a whole week for a normal sirius ship, even less a month or 2 for a parsec. One last thing, to bridge a bit the gap between Nolifes and casual players (always good in mmos), maybe you should integrate daily rewards. They are a good way to make the casual player log in everyday, and cannot be abused by farmers. You can make it bigger and bigger each time the player log in and each month reset it, that's what a lot of games do.
There is plenty of possibilities, you really one again have the choice, but something needs to be done.
Also I would like to point out that in most of games nowourdays, not only onlines ones, there is a way to earn alterntive money. And there's not in PG, no consistant way to earn gold so far.
But nothing really important there, i'm just letting you know about it.
4) random stuff
You probably heard this many times... Where is tau ceti? Why that lack of communication?
But is it really important? People are leaving the game every day, and we need to do something about it.
I won't go in details, you already know all of this. But keep in mind that giving nothing to people who are at least wanting new planets and new stuff sometimes is nice.
Maybe you should also improve your outside communication. For exemple on ships prints. Right now this will be a failure since there is not enough people out there, but you could have for exemple organized a contest for making 3D models of spaceships. You need thoose models, you need us on the game, we need to know that we are important, we want recognition and small prices. Everyone wins at this.
Well, thank you very much for your attention, that really does mean a lot for us.
I hope the best for pirate galaxy, i'm sure things are going to do well with a bit of motivation from both of us.
Darklink3 - Trantor
Contact me: YT : Darkxell_mc
Skype : Darkxell_mc