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Public Test for the "Conquest Rework" Update & Feedback thread

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Sep 14, 2010
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Death Watch
Hello @Highway , rest of devs and the Pirates. Thanks for mentioning the stream @Fission and the problem with the performance during the streams. Yes, that's right, my FPS drops were more drastically noticeable than on in my regular gameplay or different streams hosted on the channel. Either on first PTR CQ so Iga, and the second one on Ob, I had problems with performance not connected to the coder overloading, but because of the game itself and the GPU overload.

However I couldn't reproduce it later on while recording the Valkion 25v25 Conquest that will be soon ready on my channel. I'd need to check data while the CQ on-going to the above mentioned planets once again, since it may be a problem with the visuals right there too. Additionally, I agree with Fission, that this problem had happened before with harvester shooting. I may try to reproduce the problem with warscore grinding on live servers later on and will provide feedback about this case in the Feedback section asap.

But back to the point. The Conquest Rework update is outstanding. You can feel really good competition vibes while playing the Conquest in this shape, especially on the last 5 minutes, when everything can change, because of last decisive clash of two almighty forces ^^ Mechanics are really good, easy to understand and opens a lot of ways for various tactics to shine around. Of course, my clan Crit Happenz wasn't really coordinated as we tried to gather some randomly picked members to make bigger fights so we could test the performance and other various elements and this tests went mostly positive, excepting this performance issue mentioned before.

I pretty like the Conquest Ship that is not able to use gravitons anymore. In this state it is right now, as it is powerful monster wandering around, it'd be unbeatable with usage of gravitons. I can't even imagine that blaster powered up with Red Graviton, when it already kills most of the ships by few shots... That's why as well, Conquest Ships shouldn't be allowed to land when there are less than 8 or 10 enlisted people. Because i.e. on Vega, it will lead just to rampage of the CQ Ships and rest of clanmembers having no fun at all from the Conquests...

We couldn't really test the other items for CQ Ships so the BP Variants. Some of my members tried to drop some cyan BPs but with mere result. Here, I would like to suggest CQ BPs droprate increase, so that new clans may be able to compete more against other clans that are flying around for longer time. (Ah and by the way, Conquest ship shouldn't be able to be rematted. It didn't happen on my CQs but I heard from other players that CQ Ship can be easily rematted by engineer class or Materializer users, skipping 3 minutes of the rescue time. That shouldn't happen and I think this is the thing to be changed :p)

The rewards of the conquests are for sure better than the ones from the previous system, still on-going on the live servers, however I am really missing one thing here, so the leaderboards revamp. I feel that the leaderboards are still Beta, like it says on the right top corner of the window. Additional competition would occur between clans if there'd be additional rewards for week/month CQ participating than only Gold Skull. It could show up on PTR lately, when there was a competition between clans cross-server to win against each other or the Colossus that unfortunately I couldn't really attend (but I heard about huge german teaming against everyone and being unfair). Everything like this makes it more fun for the players and more PvP vibes are happening here or there. Additionally I must write that we can't really compare the PvE and PvP Cryonite gain. One of the viewers on my stream calculated that in 20v20 fight, if we distributed that Cryonite won by the members, you could get 103k cryonite without the booster for 45 minutes. That's around 137,3k cryonite per hour of grinding. But we can't compare it, because Conquest is something that you play to feel the PvP vibes, to do something else only than meaningless shooting monsters. Additionally, if clan gets more ores, then result in the end is better, sometimes beating most of players' average grinding speeds without boosters (I have to admit here that buying cryonite booster by each member participating the Conquest, the reward increases as well...)

One more issue that I could see on the PTR testing were clans blocking other fleets from participating the Conquests. However, I think that it's only the PTR issue. If it's said, that only 10 Mining Tickets (MTs) may be stored in the clan on the live servers when the update will be there, then this issue will be solved. With 99 MTs and 15 daily, the issue happens, because of more variety of numbers of MTs stored in the clans. Tbh, I have even met the spies trying to get to clans just to view the history and the amount of MTs paid for the Conquests :D That's why, hiding the clans' history is an one nice big step forward in this case too.

Assuming, the Conquest Rework update is itself amazing and the ideas and thoughts behind it are pretty good in case of changing a lot of broken stuff according Conquests on the live servers. However, much things are the cases to change and expand, implement or adjust. I must agree with the previous speakers as well, like with Landing Zone camping (instead of 25% of HP to 100% of HP rematting on Landing Zones with Zone Protection) or changing ship after Conquest has started but on orbit (Destroier6 couldn't find the solution but I think, the mechanics to remove all pilots with wrong tech automatically 1 minute before Conquest starts and unavailability to enlist anymore in the moment when they have tech not corresponding to the tech level required & additional mechanics to disable hangar on the CQ planet when the Conquest starts would be enough). So a lot of aspects to change, but I think community really likes the update and stuff around it!

Greetings, RavenPL.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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Ok so after i did the whole day nothing else then farming for 45 mins straight on Calon, EiU, Venar and R5 (no R4 in range atm for us) i got the following results of Cryos out of it as a comparision for the rewards of 45 min CQ fighting.

Cryo test 07.12.2020.jpg

I have to mention that those results are the pure cryo drops without any sort of booster like Cryo Drone and/or Cryo Booster.

Due i have an Ult Cryo Booster (45%) running this whole ordeal did net me 780k of cryo what is for each tested planet ~100k and as i mentioned in an earlier post already is the minimum reward for an "balanced win" of both sides. If one side is however dominating the CQ it actually will give more but then again in the end it heavily depends on the drops as well cus each test would show different results due of RNG.

If you wonder why Calon has 4 tests this is due i have 4 different locations that imo are the best places to hunt (Test 3 hower had a terrible droprate at that time of test) while Venar and EiU for me have only 1 good spot and Siri Planets are heavily depending on the rndm unit setting + the wonky drop mechanics for each planet itself so results for Siri Planets can always be higher or lower at any given planet. Test at the R5 was done with a mix of mostly MU, some WU and SU

All tests have been done with an fully equiped DR Hunter and only the Cryo Drone, CD Drone and Locator Drone (for leveling purposes). Due i don´t use any Stat enhancing booster from Shop my damage is "normal" and heavily depends on the crits and stuff and imo CD drone is not that much of a changer aside from having an easier time to use the items a bit quicker again. In terms of E i have the Ult MS running so i that i could farm for the 45 minutes straight without the need of refilling.

Maybe SSG can take those values as an rough estimate for the absolute Minimum rewards that the losing clan could obtain in order to give PvEler eventually "a reason to go for 45 minutes of CQ at all".


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Mar 20, 2012
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Wow, still can't believe that I just played the new conquest update... christmas came earlier this year huh?
Now it's time to run the feedback machine! Let's go:

1) Gameplay on surface
  • for specific planets (e.g. Iga) the landing zone is too "spawntrapable"
    => rework landing zones, add minimun respawn distance to enemy players which are currently in the landing zone or add new safezones for each of the participating clans on each CQ planet.

  • in terms of CQ-ship I agree to previous told opinions such as too high armor, too much repair power, blaster damge too high, enabling if 14 other players participate in the battle, adjust the attack buff and speed acuator in duration/effect-relation (please for next PTR run: give all clans all conquest bps so we can try all out without needing to grind them).

  • if a player gets podded the ore that he drops spawns often directly in his pod which is annoying, because we need to click the item's blue square on the minimap to target it or many tries when hovering the mouse directly on the ore.
    => let the ore drop be slightly further away from the pod

  • speaking of ore collection, I feel like the are too many ore objects which leads to less value for every single ore.
    In my opinion the value of each ore has to be higher, so I would suggest to reduce the total amount of ore by -35% and therefore increase the collection time by 50%.
    => The goal: Give the CQ gameplay more zoning (conquer) aspects and less focus on chasing enemies

  • Landing zone​
    65 sec​
    75% HP​
    infinite times​
    50 sec​
    60% HP​
    75 sec​
    40% HP​
    45 sec​
    50% HP​
    infinite times​

    The first two selfmaterializations of a CQ are for no energy costs after that regular energy cost.
    This will also lead to let players choose the CQ ship as a squadleader, because the conditions are better

  • to let the CQ-ship's pod stand out => increase its size or/and give it a different pod skin
    (for squadleader pods a yellow pod skin aswell?)

  • prevent hide and seek:
    how many areas should be activated during early/mid/late game ?
    -from minute 30-40 there should still be two activated areas
    -from minute +40-end only one activated area
    => like this the gameplay will be to constantly think about collecting the objectives and controlling areas instead of trying to milk the enemy team for ores.
    So we will still have a huge final teamfight at the end for those rare ores.

  • add an icon over the players bottom HUD which shows your own current ore score and a number of how many ores you loose if you will die. Currently you have to switch out from the "panel"-tab into the "conquest"-tab and switch back (you need to to look on the map more often for orientation).

  • "targets"-tab needs filter adjustments:
    -enable/disable enemies
    -enable/disable allies
    -enable/disable only squadleaders
    -enable/disable enemy player's objects (e.g. turrets, a-droid, magnettraps)
    -enable/disable ally player's objects
    -remove "level"-filter (we already have ship level restrictions on landing on those planets)
    -add "ore score" information and sort players by ore score (sort up and down)

  • to make enemy and ally items more outstanding the effect of some items needs a different color to seperate them (e.g. the magnet traps on EiU of the NPCs are red):
    -Corruption Cloud
    -Allies Cover
    -blinking Sticky Bombs
    -these important ones came to my mind, feel free to add more

  • the new awesome HP bar underneath player names:
    -make it slightly thicker
    -enemy and allies with different color (except the protection/shield HP bar)
2) Mechanics beyond the gameplay
  • cryonite payouts of the clan:
    -add the information for each player during the current and last week (e.g. Raick: 480.000 cryonite)
    -add the information for each player of all time (e.g. PlayerX: 5.700.000 cryonite)

  • reduce snowballing CQs: NO Mining ticket reward for a win (later in this post weekly CQ restriction), the daily mining ticket is enough regeneration

  • reward mechanics
    *%-booster from all clan-participating players average boost on the whole clan reward will cause problems:

    -a player will blame other clan friends for not increasing the boost with their own money and he will say that he deserves therefore a higher payout then others
    -inactive or even active but not participating players can get cryonite funneled
    =>individual cryonite inflation and too easy access on expensive shipclasses (daddy cryonite diggers alert)

    *as mentioned a lot: CQ stomps (=super dominant result for a clan) are really unsatisfying
  • new individual cryonite & x-random gravitons rewards (also removal of cryonite payouts from Admiral and Captain => automatical reward after participating with info message)

    => 50% more reward for winners!

  • restricting max amount of weekly CQs to 3 CQs for a clan and a player (to avoid wingclan creations)

  • =>PVE people are motivated to try and win, if they loose they will still be rewarded and happy (I hope)

  • the cryonite reward gets increased individually by the own boosters to avoid trouble

This update is overall just the most amazing thing that could happen to game, I can remember how many times the community was thinking about reworks and making CQs great again in the forum, in the ingame chat or in voicechat on teamspeak or discord...
If this update is adjusted we can finally try to get the "sleepers" back into this game to become constantly active!

Special thanks to the community and the Devs, your updating schedules have improved a lot and every answer to a community question makes me happy hihi :love::giggle:
!!!Sending much love to everyone reading and not reading this!!!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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a player will blame other clan friends for not increasing the boost with their own money and he will say that he deserves therefore a higher payout then others
In theory this should be prevented according to the planed feature that every Pilot will have a weekly "payout" that he can receive from the Clan Leader(?) and should depend on the level this Pilot has. So in theory the pilots who have an active booster will just create some "backup" cryos for the Clan Vault that then can be used for the payout.

However i more see another Problem with this change what is more or less an "overflow" of cryo that may not be used for anything. In Theory every currently existing Clan has already every CQ ship so no Clan Cryos needed for those anymore. Items of the CQ ship are an maybe 1 time only change so no Clan Cryo here needed as well.

Maybe for the future some sort of "Clan Shop/Hangar/Base/Whatever" could be implemented where the Clan Leader (maybe even Captain and Lieutenants) can purchase some sort of passive Buffs/Perks that work for all Pilots of that clan and can be unlocked/increased via Clan Cryo and by researching them 1by1 of course.

For me as PvE Pilot it would give at least an point of motivation to go for the CQ in order to contribute Clan Cryos that can be used for the passives to increase our stats a bit more and may be a good thing for those who not invest in any boosters aside from maybe only the MS of the game.

as mentioned a lot: CQ stomps (=super dominant result for a clan) are really unsatisfying
Considering the Vids i have seen where a clan simply dominates the CQ with at least 70%+ the "contribution" for the pilots of the wining side was at least 150k-200k+ while the losing side only had something around 50k-75k what then could bring the demotivation again for the pilots resulting in move away from CQ again.

new individual cryonite & x-random gravitons rewards (also removal of cryonite payouts from Admiral and Captain => automatical reward after participating with info message)
restricting max amount of weekly CQs to 3 CQs for a clan and a player (to avoid wingclan creations)
I would go rather with 2 CQ/week then 3. Not only due of the payout of nearly an parsec ships hull within a week but also to maybe create an better rotation of the clans that can compede. Issue here is that it surely depends on how many active clans each server has so that it could cover the clans with their rewarding attempts due not all servers may have many active clans so that 2 CQs/week may be to less while other servers may have so many clans that already 1 CQ/week would be enough for all to cover them.

Maybe an(other) possible solution would be to have an "decreasing" reward for each victory that a clan has achived in the current week and until the victory is achived he gets the reward for the losing section until the victory occurs
Number of CQs won in the week​
Cryo Reward for wining​
Cryo Reward for losing (1st payout)​
Cryo Reward for 2nd losing until victory happens​
Grav Reward for wining​
Grav Reward for losing​
1st victory​
2nd victory​
3rd victory​
4th victory onward until next week​

Over this way only the 1st and 2nd victory and maybe even the 3rd would let the "dominating" clans participate in 3 battles in total for the week and then wait until the next week so that other clans have a chance as well for the Cryo rewards. The losting Cryos are set so low by the reason to prevent "lose abuse" so that you not can simply go to the CQ let the other side win an earn some easy cryos over and over again.


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Mar 20, 2012
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In theory this should be prevented according to the planed feature that every Pilot will have a weekly "payout" that he can receive from the Clan Leader(?) and should depend on the level this Pilot has. So in theory the pilots who have an active booster will just create some "backup" cryos for the Clan Vault that then can be used for the payout.
If there is a linear scaling of the weekly payout then a new player will still be able to get a lot of cryonite and can lay back until some weeks are over and his clan can pump cryonite into him which means "effortless farming over time".
Those pirates will not create backup cryo, they create the total shareable amount of cryonite, the won cryo and donated cryonite goes into the same pot.
So players could also donate their private cryonite and funnel it over time into players without doing CQs...

However i more see another Problem with this change what is more or less an "overflow" of cryo that may not be used for anything. In Theory every currently existing Clan has already every CQ ship so no Clan Cryos needed for those anymore. Items of the CQ ship are an maybe 1 time only change so no Clan Cryo here needed as well.
There will be no overflow that cryonite which can be gathered is too low to create an overflow.
If a clan can generate (current circumstances) with 7 wins a week (luck on registration) always a hardcore stomp win which is 80-95% on 25 players which means 2,5-3kk (this was with cryoboost of ~16-25%) cryo rewards per CQ, this clan ends up with 17,5-21kk. That is 700-840k per player per week which is still no overflow, because you can afford ships etc. with that, but only equal to 2 hours of farming on average boosters combined with global boosters.
More average case is 55-65% win, which will just lower the total shareable cryonite amount even more down to something like ~480-570k per player per week for 7 won CQs.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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If there is a linear scaling of the weekly payout then a new player will still be able to get a lot of cryonite and can lay back until some weeks are over and his clan can pump cryonite into him which means "effortless farming over time".
Those pirates will not create backup cryo, they create the total shareable amount of cryonite, the won cryo and donated cryonite goes into the same pot.
So players could also donate their private cryonite and funnel it over time into players without doing CQs...
I belive that this cryo needs to be given manually cus otherwise it would really create unfair advantage for those who can/will not participate in CQ at all so if it´s not given automatically i see no issue here cus either "go and participate in CQ to get "paid" or stop crying" :LOL:

There will be no overflow that cryonite which can be gathered is too low to create an overflow.
If a clan can generate (current circumstances) with 7 wins a week (luck on registration) always a hardcore stomp win which is 80-95% on 25 players which means 2,5-3kk (this was with cryoboost of ~16-25%) cryo rewards per CQ, this clan ends up with 17,5-21kk. That is 700-840k per player per week which is still no overflow, because you can afford ships etc. with that, but only equal to 2 hours of farming on average boosters combined with global boosters.
More average case is 55-65% win, which will just lower the total shareable cryonite amount even more down to something like ~480-570k per player per week for 7 won CQs.
This is where your idea (in advance with mine) and the "decreasing" rewards the more wins a clan makes in the current weeks will kick is so that an domination at some point is basicly "pointless" and allows a rotation of clans fighting each other rather then only seeing the same clans over and over again.

The more battles a clan wins the less will his payout be so that basicly only the 1st, 2nd and eventually 3rd win makes sense for this clan to go to CQ until it resets to get the next round of rewards.


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Mar 20, 2012
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I participated in 4 CQs with these results:
(My team)
(my team)
Won cryo
at end
(enemy team)
(enemy team)
Won cryo
at end

Planet, System
139252.590.1427,75216.567Iga, Gemini
1490,4162.823.5429,63264.410Ob, Mizar
1194,2272.525.2994,7796.875Desai, Gemini
1179,1152.098.03019,915524.916Cetacea, Tau Ceti
For the case anyone likes to have the data xD


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Feb 24, 2010
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Ok so i tried to figure out if it gives some sort of "formula/calculation" that shows if there is some sort of "base" on what all the rewards are given out and so far it seems not to give some sort of "red line" that it follows or rather said how the rewards are calculated.

I took the CQ of 2 vids that did happen on Iga along with the information from you but it seems that the value/ore has no real guidance or some unknown formula that decides the final value that seem to be tied to the number of participating pilots at the end.

I tried different aproaches to "normalize" the value for each ore according to the "base cryo" without any booster in the mix but as you can see in the following examples in each round it gives a different base value for the Ores so that the unknown calculation seem to happen in the number of pilots or maybe in the number of spawning ores at the current point.

Sadly due your information does not show the number of ores i can not provide any actual ore value in the last example. All numbers are rounded by excell so it will have a +- difference at the end but as in example 1 and 2 already can be seen the difference is more then 2k in the value.

Raven presents: Bloody Warfare Special - PTR CQ Update Public Testings! [Livestream] (Reward after CQ)
PTR CQ 20vs20.jpg

Pirate Galaxy - PTR Conquest Iga P-U-N-I-S-H-E-R-S VS Taco Tuesday Korell | 7vs7 (Reward after CQ)
PTR CQ 7vs7.jpg

@NGSpeed provided information
PTR CQ 13vs13.jpg


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Mar 20, 2012
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I calculated by with some more infos used from my footage, if you would have watched my youtube video, you could have collected these informations as well xD. I counted the total amount of ore during a moment when 100% of the ore was collected and not somewhere lying down on the surface: 325. I checked it several times.
So I was adding the missing amount of 0,3% to figure out the total cryonite amount, since both sides had a 5% boost, I could work from there (total cryonite amount for this fight: 2.815.345).
Then I needed the inverse value of 1,05 which is 0,95238.
2.815.345 * 0,95238 ~= 2.681.280
Now we find out how much each ore is worth
2681280/325 ~= 8250 Cryonite/Ore on 13 Players

Now I check this with the Tau Ceti CQ that I mentioned above, I remember we weren't to pick all ores, because we had the final fight inside the guardians which killed a lot of players hahaha
I found out that the total amount of ore is: 287. At the end we weren't able to pick up 3 ores, because we ran outta time. The inverse value of 1,15 (15%-boost) is 0,86956521739.
2.098.030 + 524.916 = 2.622.946 + (2.622.946 *(3/287)) = 2.650.363 * 0,86956521739
=> ~2.304.664/287 ~= 8030 Cryonite/Ore on 11 Players

8250-8030 = 220
13 - 11 = 2
220 / 2 = 110
Now we can choose any of the two above examples:

* 11 = 1210
8030 - 1210 = 6820
110 * 13 = 1430
8250 - 1430 = 6820

So the base amount of any ore is 6820 without player. 5 Players are at least need so:

6820+5*110 = 7370

is our actual base value for one ore in any CQ the maximum cryonite = value per Ore is:

6820+25*110 = 9570

Ore Per player value:

7370 / 5 = 1474
9570 / 25 = 382,8 => rounds up to 383

Consequence of these numbers?
1474 / 382,8 ~= 3,85 => 385% more efficiency in terms of making cryonite when playing as 5 players rather than 25 players

I guess I am also in love with numbers :ROFLMAO:


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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The math to caculate the cryo reward is as follows for each active player of the team played the match.
  1. cryoGrindByLevel = get the effective cryo that can be grinded in 45minutes with the tech available for the level of the pilot. This is formula is created by real live data and spot samples tested by our experienced testers. its baseline and without booster use.
  2. The cryoGrindByLevel will then be increased by the active cryo booster % the player has.
  3. Then the result will be multiplied by the total ore share % the clan has aquired in the end of the conquest
  4. A conquest Bonus % will be added (currently at 200%) in the end. If a clan collects 100% of the ore share it gets about the double it would get from grinding. Collecting 50% will make it about even to the grinding. This is set up like that so a clan is encouraged to win even more than just split it half with the other clan ;)
Each player result will be summed together resuling in the total clan cryonite reward.

clanCryorewardTeamScore = foreach activePlayer (cryoGrindByLevel * cryo booster * ore share * conquest Bonus )
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Mar 20, 2012
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This is set up like that so a clan is encoured to win even more than just split it half with the other clan
But this also means that losing a conquest is always less effective than farming and that is gonna demotivate people who are not regular PVPlers and stick to common farming. If a losing clan has 0% it will literally have 0 cryonite, that is not even unrealistic, because on PTR we all have the same tech, but on live servers there is a huge difference between available tech and ships.
If you want to make those happy aswell the formular needs a fix value somewhere like this:

clanCryoRTScore = (CryoGrindbyLevel*0,75) + foreach activePlayer * (cryoGrindByLevel * cryo booster * ore share)

basically instead of using the conquest bonus a the 4th factor it becomes a summand to add a fix value with a decreased value (0,75 was the first that came up my mind, this could be adjusted).


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Mar 20, 2012
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CryoGrindbyLevel ~= 206.254,3398 for Level 95

previous formular:
clanCryorewardTeamScore = foreach activePlayer (cryoGrindByLevel * cryo booster * ore share)

next PTR Server formular:
clanCryorewardTeamScore = foreach activePlayer (cryoGrindByLevel * cryo booster * ore share * conquest Bonus)

What is the max. weekly payout foreach level?
is it okay for you that we can donate cryonite and share it without a conquest? @Highway

Tried to edit my last post but it took me more than 15minutes haha


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Feb 24, 2010
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cryoGrindByLevel = get the effective cryo that can be grinded in 45minutes with the tech available for the level of the pilot. This is formula is created by real live data and spot samples tested by our experienced testers. its baseline and without booster use.
This is where i eventually see a chance to "exclude" Pilots from a CQ if their level is "to low" cus the Clan wants to go for the absolute possible reward and if a "low level" pilot can be replaced with an "high level" pilot it may lead to the situation that a clan may only use fixed pilots rather then "just to have fun"

Maybe it would here be better to set a fix number no matter the level a pilot has so that it doesn´t matter what progress the pilot has made when he wants to participate the CQ but is denied due his level is "to low".

The cryoGrindByLevel will then be increased by the active cryo booster % the player has.
Question here is how much % does the Boosters give? The numbers seem atm rather odd to me then to "make any sense" so i guess that each Booster has a different value it add BUT wouldn´t that as well lead to "pick the pilots who have the best Cryo Boosters" for the CQ?

If a clan collects 100% of the ore share it gets about the double it would get from grinding. Collecting 50% will make it about even to the grinding. This is set up like that so a clan is encouraged to win even more than just split it half with the other clan ;)
This is what i mentioned a bit earlier would be the extreme situation if allied clans fight at the same planet and litteraly "decide how the CQ will end before it even started" with maybe some fun PvPs here and there.

But this also means that losing a conquest is always less effective than farming and that is gonna demotivate people who are not regular PVPlers and stick to common farming. If a losing clan has 0% it will literally have 0 cryonite
PTR vids show already how dominating a clan can be so that they gain 70%+ of the possible Ores and in reverse tons of cryo while the other clan gets more and more demotivated so that they may just "have the dominating clan their way and wait until the CQ is over"

Even in the old CQ system and the current one this could be noticed that if a clan is on the losing side and has no more chance to win they "just give up and leave the planet" what with the new CQ system will not be possible until 45 mins did end and let me tell you i´m one of those pilots who sees no point in doing other cqs if the reward at the end will yield me less then i can farm in those 45 mins by grinding NPCs.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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We plan to start the next public ptr on this friday. It will contain mainly bug fixes of the reported/encountered issues. But there are already several improvements as well. Next year we will dig throgh all the feedback and plan what is still needed before the update can go live.


Settings Change:


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Jul 31, 2015
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Will conquest ship class bps be given to existing clans to use in ptr?


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Will conquest ship class bps be given to existing clans to use in ptr?
Jup we plan to have that automated when loggin in. If that is no possible it will come later or is given by request by a GM


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May 7, 2011
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Main Pilotname
Good morning.

It is very important that the bps of conquest ships are awarded.

I remind you of the well-known problem: I buy bps and when I assign the ship to a member, they do not see the new purchased bps.

This problem must be solved, it is very bad to spend the clan's cryonite on those bps that later the companions cannot enjoy it.

Best regards.


Community Manager
Feb 22, 2019
Reaction score
Main Pilotname
Good morning.

It is very important that the bps of conquest ships are awarded.

I remind you of the well-known problem: I buy bps and when I assign the ship to a member, they do not see the new purchased bps.

This problem must be solved, it is very bad to spend the clan's cryonite on those bps that later the companions cannot enjoy it.

Best regards.
Hello @nemesis1900 ,

this problem will be already solved with the new Conquest rework, adding even configurations to CQ Ships in case clans wants different configurations for the same CQ Ship depending on their team size.

So dont worry about this since the devs already worked into fixing it and now CQ Ships items will be saved as they should. :cheeky:

U can even already try it when Public PTR is open again ;)


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
What is the max. weekly payout foreach level?
It uses the same formula as for the CQ reward grind cryo. Its currently set to 7 hours per week (1 hour per day)

is it okay for you that we can donate cryonite and share it without a conquest? @Highway
For the cryo donation and payout we are still not finished on how we handle that. Currently it would lead to several issues we want to prevent. We will update you on this as soon it is ready.
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