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Server Merge


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Feb 24, 2024
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I would like to ask the players and devs: why are all the servers separate? Do you not have the technology or the resources to merge the servers?

At the moment, there are only 5-10 active players on each server or maybe even less than that if you count simultaneous active players. Whereas a game like EVE Online easily has 1000+ players. The least you could do, if it is at all possible, would be to merge the servers (even ones with a different language) so you can get perhaps 50-100 simultaneous players. Then there would be some semblance of an active game. If it is at all possible, I think you should try.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
I would like to ask the players and devs: why are all the servers separate? Do you not have the technology or the resources to merge the servers?

At the moment, there are only 5-10 active players on each server or maybe even less than that if you count simultaneous active players. Whereas a game like EVE Online easily has 1000+ players. The least you could do, if it is at all possible, would be to merge the servers (even ones with a different language) so you can get perhaps 50-100 simultaneous players. Then there would be some semblance of an active game. If it is at all possible, I think you should try.
"semblance of an active game" that made my day😂

If this is the case at some point, the problem will only be postponed. The seed remains. We also eat our grapes with seeds, don't we? If that worked, the accounts could collapse, duplicate names of the respective server accounts could also collapse. The best way would be for players to recreate their account names. So to speak, all existing accounts should be rewritten to e.g. trantor.account1.01.05.2010.username.

If this works, other problems will arise, server lags, problems among the players. Full planets.

That's too many "ifs".


Splitscreen Studios
Nov 6, 2013
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I would like to ask the players and devs: why are all the servers separate? Do you not have the technology or the resources to merge the servers?

At the moment, there are only 5-10 active players on each server or maybe even less than that if you count simultaneous active players. Whereas a game like EVE Online easily has 1000+ players. The least you could do, if it is at all possible, would be to merge the servers (even ones with a different language) so you can get perhaps 50-100 simultaneous players. Then there would be some semblance of an active game. If it is at all possible, I think you should try.
You do not really try to compare a 450 employee company to us, do you?


Lead Game Master
Nov 1, 2019
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side note... eve online always had 1 live server and 1 test server + the recent years got 1 server for asian players... also they have a stable playerbase around 20.000/25.000 ... pg doesn't have that neither was made with such numbers in mind.

Now the only solution i see is making the game again from scratch but i don't see that hapening :p


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
side note... eve online always had 1 live server and 1 test server + the recent years got 1 server for asian players... also they have a stable playerbase around 20.000/25.000 ... pg doesn't have that neither was made with such numbers in mind.

Now the only solution i see is making the game again from scratch but i don't see that hapening :p
Agree, by the way eve online is horrible boring💯


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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Just shut down all servers and publish Pirate Galaxy 2.0 so all players are forced to rebuild their accounts from scratch.
I think that this move would drive the final nail for the game considering how much some players have spend for the game (me included) and i would not want to replay and recollect every stuff again with all the hours spend for it.

Sure i may not play right now and so not spend any dime for the game but starting all over again with a version that is basically the same game with the same flaws and challenges it has to deal but have a 2.0 to look like it was reworked? Nah not really interested in this route cus then i would say for sure to not play the game anymore.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2016
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Different time zones, different times for conquests. done


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
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The server merger has always echoed within the community, many have their reasons to support or reject it, but I think we are all sure that no one wants to start over from 0, if you are a player who has not done much, it is completely understandable, but for players like me who have hundreds (thousands) of hours of play, it doesn't seem like the most reasonable option, I won't even talk about money, which yes, plays a very important role, but I don't get my 9000 hours of play back, It would make more sense to me if they said that the servers will close after more than 10 years, completely understandable, if you tell me it will be a ''reboot'' for everyone, you better burn me like a witch at the stake


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Just shut down all servers and publish Pirate Galaxy 2.0 so all players are forced to rebuild their accounts from scratch.
Surely I will quit then. Don't have time to collect anything again. The game will die, sirius will not help either as it did with vénar failure years years ago.


Splitscreen Studios
Nov 6, 2013
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side note... eve online always had 1 live server and 1 test server + the recent years got 1 server for asian players... also they have a stable playerbase around 20.000/25.000 ... pg doesn't have that neither was made with such numbers in mind.

Now the only solution i see is making the game again from scratch but i don't see that hapening :p
Not fully correct, one sever for China, 1 test server and one for the rest of the world. It was from the start already designed and intended in another way than pg.


Jul 24, 2020
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- Exitium -
Already said this on the other post, but i doubt anyone from the dev team saw it there. There is a way to use existing servers to achieve something similar with a lot less work. If ability for people to start on some servers that are inactive was taken away so that one can start only on 1 active US and 1 active European server, (or just 1 for both), not only would it be a good start in solving this problem, but also the number of accounts needing transfer would be cut by several times. You could even make a new ticket type for everyone who wants to transfer on these chosen servers from their other ones since probably not everyone will want to. Over time the effect would be the same as a server merger. Dont get me wrong tho i know it will take some time and you guys on the team may consider this idea unprofitable at first glance same as with the the basic server merger, but once the game is dead nothing will be profitable xD


Active member
Aug 1, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
Considering the release of new RDX ship was successful because a lot of people even on different servers (alt accounts XD) bought everything from the shop with gold ("because they can") instantly from the event you are ALL voting AGAINST the server merge... and AGAINST any logical fixes to problems that only give profit long term... so devs will continue doing what they are doing and game WILL BE FINE (fine is relative term)... because they expect the playerbase to BUY and playerbase DOES EXACTLY THAT. Dont try to compare other games to pg... they are all better than this one all you have to know is that game starts lagging when there is 30 ppl on the map ... instances get locked at ~35 ppl maybe and even with small numbers rendering is an issue XD... private servers with teams of 3 people manage older games in better fashion than this (so dont give that argument of small team pls its laughable)... not only because they have already existing code written for MMOs but because they try to make product of other company better for players... im pretty sure that the moment PG released core server files... private server would be created with snapshot from draconis update b4 sirius was released and it would get more numbers than official server XD... just because GAME WAS BETTER WHEN IT WASNT MILKING LAST PLAYERS THAT REFUSE TO GO... so keep suggesting fixes... keep begging for updates for balance (oh no pvp threads again... the only activity when you have everything who would have thought...) and its fine... its fine right? its not like PG MMO was created only for small numbers of players because it wasnt supposed to be MMO... oh wait... thats exactly what they are doing with code... if it works leave it... lets make another ship guys... no models? take something from mars sm ... oh no we already did that with krygar tank... lets try again... see the never ending cycle? but its a small team of devs with 3 games... all of them keep existing playerbase that spent too much time/effort/gold that they refuse to go..

keep posting brings more fun than all 3 SS games combined in last 10 years


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Considering the release of new RDX ship was successful because a lot of people even on different servers (alt accounts XD) bought everything from the shop with gold ("because they can") instantly from the event you are ALL voting AGAINST the server merge... and AGAINST any logical fixes to problems that only give profit long term... so devs will continue doing what they are doing and game WILL BE FINE (fine is relative term)... because they expect the playerbase to BUY and playerbase DOES EXACTLY THAT. Dont try to compare other games to pg... they are all better than this one all you have to know is that game starts lagging when there is 30 ppl on the map ... instances get locked at ~35 ppl maybe and even with small numbers rendering is an issue XD... private servers with teams of 3 people manage older games in better fashion than this (so dont give that argument of small team pls its laughable)... not only because they have already existing code written for MMOs but because they try to make product of other company better for players... im pretty sure that the moment PG released core server files... private server would be created with snapshot from draconis update b4 sirius was released and it would get more numbers than official server XD... just because GAME WAS BETTER WHEN IT WASNT MILKING LAST PLAYERS THAT REFUSE TO GO... so keep suggesting fixes... keep begging for updates for balance (oh no pvp threads again... the only activity when you have everything who would have thought...) and its fine... its fine right? its not like PG MMO was created only for small numbers of players because it wasnt supposed to be MMO... oh wait... thats exactly what they are doing with code... if it works leave it... lets make another ship guys... no models? take something from mars sm ... oh no we already did that with krygar tank... lets try again... see the never ending cycle? but its a small team of devs with 3 games... all of them keep existing playerbase that spent too much time/effort/gold that they refuse to go..

keep posting brings more fun than all 3 SS games combined in last 10 years
D@mn, i....never wanted to say this but. dear ares, blades of chaos, you are right at this. So. Right. But.

1. I also have to disagree with you. That doesn't apply to everyone. Less than half of players don't buy anything ingame stuff. What is bought most is the membership. There are people who really have a lot of money and want to spend it. That doesn't apply to everyone, but the overall picture? Unfortunately yes

2. I remember PG as it was, how well the planets were filled. Lags? Almost none, unless you hunted harvesters. Currently the servers are weaker in my opinion, it's in story missions, or in bp hunting. Always these random lags. Have the servers really been optimized or just "expanded" at low cost?

3. The ships of the Raven series were modeled by Darkblack and finished in 3d for Splitt. Also the character of armene(lost hangar). Also the ne0n ships were finished by them, also all the 3d techs like blaster, missiles, sniper. The buildings on the reactor planets e.g. Raven Planet in Sol. These huge structures are extended 3d models of the blaster and sniper techs. Simply put, they would be edited so that you don't recognize that these huge structures are parts of the Tau Ceti technologies (Blaster sniperblaster) also take a closer look at them with the freecam.

4. Since I assume that the Darkblack company no longer exists, I think that Splitt created the new and the predecessor Raven ships themselves based on the material they have. Also, there are other AnIn ships that can be introduced as prototypes.

5. Money plays a role in every gaming industry, but money alone is not enough if there are only 5-6 employees available. We can buy 100 bucks of gold every month, add that up to about 350 players on PG only. That's a lot of money, what does it all lead to? To waiting times for the big updates. I think that talented developers are very expensive and the reason why so many developers have left this game and company is the immense pressure with so much work. With 3 games you need at least 12 developers instead of just 5-6. Is the number of games enough? I don't think so. It doesn't pay off.

6. If you look at the pure story of PG it's very well written, but for the mmo it's nothing more, for pvp/cq certainly not anymore. For the first time Splitt also has his own composer in the TC system (Highway's brother-in-law as far as I remember). An important point for the future, to be independent from other stuff. However, you can't compare this game with eve online or no man's sky (neither of which I play)

7. Patience is our weakness, we should use it to our advantage, otherwise it becomes our weakness.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2011
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You won't get what you ask.

Leave the game, no one is listened.


Active member
Jun 30, 2017
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faça assim desenvolvedores criem um novo servidor com altos booster de xp projetos crionita e anunciem que todos os outros servidores será encerrado no dia 0 e todas as contas dos usuarios de todos os servidores devem informar o nome de suas contas nos servidores anterior e confirmar por email no novo servidor o jogador vai colocar seu nome e confirmar no seu email que é realmente o dono da conta ao fazer isso o jogador receberá crionita e outras coisas para ajudar lo a montar suas naves rdxs ah e deixem eles escolherem até 4 naves rdxs ou parsecs de graça ele receberá e todos começarão em mizar no planeta molikar com algumas missões historias já concluidas


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Jun 30, 2017
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@alewx eu estou parando de jogar por que não consigo fazer a missão B do evento sozinho e também por não ter clã que eu possa entrar ou membros pra min recrutar pro meu clã