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Feedback about drone update


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Dec 23, 2015
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Smart people learn and adapt to changes.

It seems some people want to continue exploiting the flaws of the old system.
What old system to exploit my guy?? Most people are talking about an item being horrible and 2 drones ( assassin and pumpkin) being overpowered.
Do you know to read and comprehend text in english?


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2015
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I don’t entirely get the drama that is behind this.
Reducing spaceball to 7,5 fair enough, I get the point. But overall it is still not trash now.
About the rest: Previously we had damage, armor, Cooldown and speed or range in max value with 3 drones. We didn’t even look at other drone attributes simply because why would you even think about swapping cooldown for 10% critchance? Or hit chance. That simply is no option. Same goes for most combodrones: spaceball2k20, or spaceball pirate. Why would you use these? These effects were just not good enough.

And drones like crit, damage and armor having the same value as their spaceball counterpart also made no sense at all.
Same as taunt and aggrobeacon having no purpose at all. From an objective pov it is an imbalance. And the change is not surprising at all. Just as it will be no surprise when at one point items will get a new balancing.
Or did everyone miss that all the ships mentioned above (presumably being nerfed to the ground now because of these drone changes) have either Orbital strike or Sniperblaster.
Some complain about rocket and aim PC being absolutely OP now.
I may ask: more OP than Orbitalstrike or Sniperblaster? More OP than Scope shifter? More OP than allycover in combination with Corr. Cloud?
I think some here are forgetting what kind of OPness they have been using all time for the past years because nothing happened regarding balancing items or drones.
And the number of ships none looks at because their items do not consist of SB, OS prot, Speed, Inverter or Cloud.
We always use what is good or OP if you wanna call it that. I just think that now there is room for more ships to join the circle of „good or OP“ ships. Rocket has been painfully nerfed a few years ago. But even then it was not considered OP, it was just AS GOOD AS Orbitalstrike. Now it may come back to the same level.

And I still did not understand what the issue is if someone uses crit and hitchance drone.
You do realize that this person has only one more slot for damage, armor, cooldown, speed or range right? No matter what he uses he lacks a bunch of important other attributes. If he uses damage, he has no armor, no CD, no speed and range… if he uses armor he lacks 15% damage and the other above mentioned. You can’t tell me that you can’t use your own drones to play against this.
I had a OTB on Vega yesterday where crit drone comes into play more than anywhere else. Wasn’t so bad at all. There is no 100% critrate. You can’t oneshot ppl. Switching 6 drones is more challenging than the fight itself. And the winner is still the team with better coordination.
Nothing changed except my right mousebutton filed a complaint.
Btw: if you do the math then crit drone is just doing the same as damage drone only with an RNG factor behind it.

So to sum this up:
I believe that all drones can be used now, there is no „best setup“ anymore that always consists of the same 4/10 drones.
It is an indirect Buff to Rockets, and an indirect nerf to scramblers. Lava Pitchstone and Quartz are the ones who benefit or suffer most from this.
Probably all other ships benefit from it no matter what they do.
It increases the overall option of useable ships and tactics which can’t be bad.
And imo it is a first step into the right direction when it comes to balancing BUT others have to follow.
As others mentioned scramblers need some love again, but so do many other items. BTW: anyone remembering the old scramblers. When it was 95% mysts being used in PVP. Was fun right.. so much fun… so much variety… ;)
One thing I dislike is that switching drones is still a pain and won’t get easier with more drones. That could have been adjusted when more drones are viable now. Maybe that can get changed in the future.

And one last thing: we saw on Public PTR 3 years ago that full gneiss is disgusting in CQs and cannot be countered with normal ships. Go on YouTube watch the vids. That has nothing to do with drones.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
If only 2 player cry about changes,2 have problem with only nerf fan drone then update was fine ^^
After some hours fly with assasine and fan drones i can say that now 2.5% nerf on fan drone is not so much feeling if you can have much more crits and faster kill enemys.

If i need choice i like have more criticals than 2.5% armor/damage.

Finally all drones can be use again.Not just fan drones for players who no life on event to get or pay to get.
I also buy all my fan drone,about 10,and i can say that i like this update.
Sure is not fair buy and some day later nerf but is a game,cant be sure what where be nerfed or buffed in future.
Al game do similar stuff .Buff one nerf others to make some balance.

About scramb ... Who say not be drone increase scrambler effect in future ?
Or just a scrambler himself buffed ?
Everything is possible but gives more % to drone at least now give player more configuration options.
Now you can have more choice what i do like.
Finally can use different drones to different ship and make them more firepower or more armored depend what will do.
Is not anymore fan drone best choice use them on all ships...


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
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I understand to a certain extent buffing single-skill drones, but why was there a need to nerf dual-skill drones?

And I find it even more disgusting that they do this with drones that are supposed to be dropped at an event, which makes them more exclusive, now it turns out that the only thing that makes them special, they nerf them, and spaceballs are not exactly fun to level up

It's like they buff the 4 basic parsecs but in the process they nerf the ravens, the first I understand, the second, why?????


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Dec 23, 2015
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If only 2 player cry about changes,2 have problem with only nerf fan drone then update was fine ^^
After some hours fly with assasine and fan drones i can say that now 2.5% nerf on fan drone is not so much feeling if you can have much more crits and faster kill enemys.

If i need choice i like have more criticals than 2.5% armor/damage.

Finally all drones can be use again.Not just fan drones for players who no life on event to get or pay to get.
I also buy all my fan drone,about 10,and i can say that i like this update.
Sure is not fair buy and some day later nerf but is a game,cant be sure what where be nerfed or buffed in future.
Al game do similar stuff .Buff one nerf others to make some balance.

About scramb ... Who say not be drone increase scrambler effect in future ?
Or just a scrambler himself buffed ?
Everything is possible but gives more % to drone at least now give player more configuration options.
Now you can have more choice what i do like.
Finally can use different drones to different ship and make them more firepower or more armored depend what will do.
Is not anymore fan drone best choice use them on all ships...
Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game? Or use ChatGPT or Google Translate idk.

If you read the original post:
" The current pumpkin drone heavily buffs the ships with rockets, however what about the Aim Scrambler item being used against a ship with Aim Computers? Or even, considering how "good" ( its very bad ) the aim scrambler is currently, the buffs to pumpkin drone will make it even worse, was this considered?"
A simple "Yes" or "No" from @alewx would have sufficed but instead he ghosts the thread and reacts with funny instead of offering a perspective or response in any sort to me, or @Hecatte or anyone complaining.

I will say it again:
  • The people complaining about Assassin drone and Pumpkin drone are doing so because these massive buffs make certain ships very strong in PvP and the already bad Aim Scrambler is on life support.
  • The people complaining about Fan Drone getting reduced to 7.5% are doing so because it was an item people grinded A LOT and PAYED for and now its weaker. Why not keep it 10-10% and increase the single drones to 17.5% instead?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
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Alone Wolf
Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game? Or use ChatGPT or Google Translate idk.

If you read the original post:
" The current pumpkin drone heavily buffs the ships with rockets, however what about the Aim Scrambler item being used against a ship with Aim Computers? Or even, considering how "good" ( its very bad ) the aim scrambler is currently, the buffs to pumpkin drone will make it even worse, was this considered?"
A simple "Yes" or "No" from @alewx would have sufficed but instead he ghosts the thread and reacts with funny instead of offering a perspective or response in any sort to me, or @Hecatte or anyone complaining.

I will say it again:
  • The people complaining about Assassin drone and Pumpkin drone are doing so because these massive buffs make certain ships very strong in PvP and the already bad Aim Scrambler is on life support.
  • The people complaining about Fan Drone getting reduced to 7.5% are doing so because it was an item people grinded A LOT and PAYED for and now its weaker. Why not keep it 10-10% and increase the single drones to 17.5% instead?
Yes You are Nub.
Stop cry is boring...
Only you complain 90% are happyfor changes...That say a lot ...
I am ending waste of time ...

Gut die Aktualisierung !! !!
Mehr mehr hinzufügen !! !!


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Jul 25, 2019
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Death Watch
Yes You are Nub.
Stop cry is boring...
Only you complain 90% are happyfor changes...That say a lot ...
I am ending waste of time ...

Gut die Aktualisierung !! !!
Mehr mehr hinzufügen !! !!
You gud sir ? Gimme aswell what u use to fel that way


Active member
Dec 23, 2015
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Yes You are Nub.
Stop cry is boring...
Only you complain 90% are happyfor changes...That say a lot ...
I am ending waste of time ...

Gut die Aktualisierung !! !!
Mehr mehr hinzufügen !! !!
Ok, sorry, i will get good. Forgive me.
Can I get PvP lessons from you? @Hecatte you are bad player, book some lessons from HGus in tank master class.


Splitscreen Studios
Dec 3, 2015
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Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game? Or use ChatGPT or Google Translate idk.
I am not a native speaker but I also understand a lot of slang, interpersonal things and can read and understand between the lines very well.
Yes, I also need the help of a translator from time to time. You seem to have a problem with that. If this is the case, you should urgently remove yourself from the forum!!!

A simple "Yes" or "No" from @alewx would have sufficed but instead he ghosts the thread and reacts with funny instead of offering a perspective or response in any sort to me, or @Hecatte or anyone complaining.
You think the devs only answer with jokes and without sense and reason. That's exactly what you're accusing our devs of!!! I also do not tolerate this in any way here in the forum! The devs go to great lengths to implement your suggestions and ideas in any way they can. This also includes simply saying no or smiling! Accept this or here too: Leave the forum!

Greetings Faye


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Dec 23, 2015
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I am not a native speaker but I also understand a lot of slang, interpersonal things and can read and understand between the lines very well.
Yes, I also need the help of a translator from time to time. You seem to have a problem with that. If this is the case, you should urgently remove yourself from the forum!!!

You think the devs only answer with jokes and without sense and reason. That's exactly what you're accusing our devs of!!! I also do not tolerate this in any way here in the forum! The devs go to great lengths to implement your suggestions and ideas in any way they can. This also includes simply saying no or smiling! Accept this or here too: Leave the forum!

Greetings Faye
I do not believe I was disrespectful to anyone. I wasn't referring to you in particular, I was referring to the people who cannot state a message clearly without spamming "!!!" and "...." using a broken english while others take effort into actually writing something comprehensible, informed and well put together text.
While I do appreciate devs who go to great lengths to implement suggestions and ideas in any way they can, I also believe in fair criticism on a public game forum while not breaking ToS, and being free to voice concerns. If you have a problem with what I wrote in any of the posts above please argument with reason instead of showing me the door.
That is not the way.


Splitscreen Studios
Nov 6, 2013
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I would go on a limb and assume that it is more about the rise in mentality of "please me or else everything is shit" that is ramping up everywhere, and not helping anything. Which could be seen in a post with "give me an answer now or else".
I keep an eye on useage of the drones, which was due to their overwhelming effect just limited to a very few ones.


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Dec 23, 2015
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I would go on a limb and assume that it is more about the rise in mentality of "please me or else everything is shit" that is ramping up everywhere, and not helping anything. Which could be seen in a post with "give me an answer now or else".
I keep an eye on useage of the drones, which was due to their overwhelming effect just limited to a very few ones.
Thank you for the response. A lot.
I didn't mean that in any of my posts. All I wanted to know was if buffs to certain drones and their impact on weak items was taken into consideration. Its really not about "please me or else everything is shit", I just wished to raise some concerns as I do enjoy Aim Scrambler ships - to further my point about helping I gave some solutions ( which might be good or bad - I don't know, I am not a developer for this game )


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2015
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Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game?
using a broken english while others take effort into actually writing something comprehensible
Not trying to offend but
„Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game?“

doesn’t sound like proper English to me either.

„Maybe [you should] learn [proper] English for [the] future before writ[ing]/[posting] [in] [the] forum of [a] game“
Sounds much better don’t you think?
But I am not a native speaker as well so my grammar surely is absolute toast. ;)


Nov 11, 2020
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Tropa de Elite Kps
I do not believe I was disrespectful to anyone. I wasn't referring to you in particular, I was referring to the people who cannot state a message clearly without spamming "!!!" and "...." using a broken english while others take effort into actually writing something comprehensible, informed and well put together text.
While I do appreciate devs who go to great lengths to implement suggestions and ideas in any way they can, I also believe in fair criticism on a public game forum while not breaking ToS, and being free to voice concerns. If you have a problem with what I wrote in any of the posts above please argument with reason instead of showing me the door.
That is not the way.
I had even thought about commenting about it, but I preferred not to do so because in my opinion it would deviate from this forum topic ... But as Faye did, I will give you my opinion on this type of comment. First of all, you should know that a huge portion of the community does not speak English as their native language, many do not even understand it. Making criticisms related to bad writing or the fact that someone understands certain language well or not is not the correct conduct to have in any case, as in your posts:
'Do you know to read and understand text in English?'
'Maybe learn English proper for future before writing on forum for game? Or use ChatGPT or Google Translate idk.'

Remember that the translator and even ChatGPT are quite imperfect, I myself use the translator many times and I almost always have to make corrections to the translation because sometimes its translation is completely meaningless. I understand that you may not want to be disrespectful as like this is an English forum you may be trying to do this especially to try to minimize someone who does not agree with you, but in my opinion this type of conduct is not appropriate in any place.


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Dec 23, 2015
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Not trying to offend but
„Maybe learn english proper for future before write on forum for game?“

doesn’t sound like proper English to me either.

„Maybe [you should] learn [proper] English for [the] future before writ[ing]/[posting] [in] [the] forum of [a] game“
Sounds much better don’t you think?
But I am not a native speaker as well so my grammar surely is absolute toast. ;)
Yes, you are totally right, I don't know what was wrong with me when I wrote that paragraph, perhaps I meant something else... perhaps.
And about the point with "proper English" @NosferatuZodd - I was talking about people replying with "No" or "Stop complain", and very messy, sometimes incoherent messages, without giving arguments or any real point. All I am saying is its not exactly proper to respond like that to someone who put in some effort.


Aug 15, 2020
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Golfos Del Universo
I have some words on the situation that I have stated on the Askone OTB discord server about this update.

1. The update (IMO) is very good, for once. My only concern is that the division drone is now ridiculously powerful in PvP. The spaceball was overpowered in the sense if you did not have one you were at a huge disadvantage this now gives wiggle room to other drones to be used however the priories that you guys (the devs) on how you update is always lacking. Like I said this update is very good but the priorities need to be set with updates, there are much bigger issues in the game than drones, I don't think anyone in the universe asked for a drone re balance despite it being good but EVERYONE wants white items/bugged c/ds on items to be fixed and we have been asking and asking.

2. This is a more opinionated section of my post, but I guess I will say it. There are clearly massive skill and intelligence (In the game e.g items, drones, pvp etc.) gaps between players in this game I see a lot of people who I have played with in Conquests, Events or in squads at some point in PVE who are in no position to make these posts when they do not partake in PvP events more than a few times (Colo, 1v1s, CQs) and I would consider "Bad Players" in PVE mode. Yet I see the same people spamming under every post like they know the game better. I am wondering if the devs would some how communicate to players who have played their game for years are active recently and have a lot of experience in PvP and PvE modes to get opinions. No hate to anyone these are just my thoughts.

3. Some other ideas

A: 1.5x Or double colo cryonite rewards to get more traction towards it
B: Randomizer in OTBs needs to be reworked a tiny bit, I would recommend 25 min enlist period, teams get chosen and have 5 mins to take ships, join squads etc and then be a 3 min period for people to land in case they crash or lag
C: Cosmetic rewards for different things, previous warscore ladder winner - Pink engine trail, Colossus Winner - Brown engine colour etc. Colours can be changed obviously and these trails can be rewarded for other events.
D: Clan skull shop, clans can use skulls to purchase passive bonuses for their clan whether its a one time thing, upgradable or a period e.g you pay 50 skulls and get 1 month of cryo boost for your clan etc.
E: Ban Podatte