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Tau Ceti ideas.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
This feed back is about Tau Ceti.

It has been so long since Tau ceti came out I assume it would take less than an hour for how the ships would look like (idea) this is not a complain It normally takes 1 year for a system to come out but the question was what is taking so long? I've already found the answer. I know the raven Dynamic events have been distracting you all from being focused on Tau ceti but at the time you all had enough time also to create new and powerful Tau ceti stuff. The thing that haunts me is it never actually takes about 4 years to create a whole system that is what were all thinking but I know soon that the ships will be made and everything will be fixed. What I'm most excited for is the new planets and new enemies (lets hope so) I also found out that you all do visit the forum and you actually listen to us. (only if it's good) Even though you haven't finished with the system, I think it's best if you just show us what you all did so far. Good luck creating the new stuff. Hope they'll be good. :)