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Black Slate

Mar 2, 2016
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Black Slate
How about u guys play something else if u are too lazy to hunt Gold bps, they are supposed to be rare.
Some of us are trying to improve the game here, and actually want the game to survive. If you don't have an appropriate argument to share, please don't chime in.


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Like i care xD
If you don't care and the only thing you can do here is to post stupid cats, why are you trying to fight against other players who want to fix specific game issues?
You won't benefit from opposing others so I assume you just enjoy being annoying.


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Feb 8, 2021
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I usually rarely chime in these arguments, and when i did it was in game, but i believe looking up on how rare bps work would be beneficial for new players and players who are stuck in lesser systems, in my experience most people who drop out early do it because of the "forced" group fights at the end of a system and because of the way golds work, that's just my view though, i'm in no way a big member of the community or something, just someone who plays the game since 2013-ish.

Black Slate

Mar 2, 2016
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Black Slate
in my experience most people who drop out early do it because of the "forced" group fights at the end of a system
I agree. It's one of the main factors of why I am off & on with this game. I only return for the nostalgia, and fairly unique playstyle & game mechanics. But the use of "implied," forced group fights is a main factor in the declining player population.

"Implied", due to the
  1. requirement of leading or being in a clan for Sirius access,
  2. blueprint drop quantity when defeating boss units, and
  3. the sheer "difficulty" in being able to kill Sirius units, even if you start from Ring 1 w/ a maxed Draconis ship. "Difficulty" in quotes, because it's not difficult, but rather it is a pure number difference game between you and the NPC. You are essentially forced to rely on the NPC missing its shots in order to get your kills
When it comes to solo-play or story missions, requiring player assistance should never, ever be a requirement.

And to the players in this thread, and on this game, saying this game requires skill, play another game such as Star Conflict, or Dark Souls. Those games require skill. Pirate Galaxy is not at all a skill based game. Skill only comes in for PvP & PvP only. Even then, it's lackluster.

and because of the way golds work
I can't comment on it too much, as that change did not appear to change the rate at which players continued to drop from the game. But I can imagine it did not contribute towards improving a player's quality of life.

One of the biggest hits to me I've noticed, is the requirement of getting Sirius blueprints unlocked, in order to access any of Tau Ceti's. Now I'm put in quite the spot for that. You're telling me, that with me being unable to get any sort of help in Sirius system, I am now effectively eliminated from being allowed to play the game? In order to get any help, I have to stay up late into the night/early morning in order to have any sort of progression?


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Mar 24, 2013
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When it comes to solo-play or story missions, requiring player assistance should never, ever be a requirement.
Only a few activities are "solo-play", mainly cryo/gold farming.
Sirius is NOT solo content. Story missions are NOT solo content. Most of them even have the "squad recommended" icon to inform you that you should not be doing these solo.
Again, the game is designed for teamplay, as it is an MMO, so it SHOULD be a requirement.
Even then, most of the game is still doable solo, it just takes more skill, time and dedication.
If you want to play the parts meant for squads solo but are not ready to "pay the price" in dedication, you're in the wrong place.

the sheer "difficulty" in being able to kill Sirius units, even if you start from Ring 1 w/ a maxed Draconis ship. "Difficulty" in quotes, because it's not difficult, but rather it is a pure number difference game between you and the NPC. You are essentially forced to rely on the NPC missing its shots in order to get your kills
I'm currently progressing through Sirius ring by ring (r3 at the moment) on a secondary account and I didn't have any issue killing r1 units solo with hive tech.
Sure it takes longer and it's way harder solo than when I'm with squadmates, but it's still possible.

If you're flying a drone-less, no-gold basic 70 storm, yeah no wonder you can't kill SU/CU.
If you take the time to get good ships (ideally RDX / Prototypes) and equip them with good drones (ideally spaceballs but armor/speed/AD is fine), there is no need to rely on anything else than your ship and your skills. Speaking of which:

And to the players in this thread, and on this game, saying this game requires skill, play another game such as Star Conflict, or Dark Souls. Those games require skill. Pirate Galaxy is not at all a skill based game. Skill only comes in for PvP & PvP only. Even then, it's lackluster.

Different games have different ways to express player skill.
To expand on your examples:
Star Conflict requires you to know the basics of ships and damage types, with some mechanical skill and spatial awareness.
Dark Souls requires you to memorize patterns and execute them relying on fast reactions, with a touch of build theorycrafting.
PG does not require mechanical skills and very basic ship building, sure, but it doesn't mean it doesn't require skill.
Skill in PG comes in a more subtle form.
Skill is knowing the behaviour of each mob type, their item combinations, their aggro ranges and the limits of their spots.
Skill is knowing which battles to pick, managing distances, manipulating enemy AI to your advantage.
Especially as a solo player, you are weak in a world of strong enemies, it takes skill to create the best situations to pick your kills.

And about PvP, I don't even think it requires that much skill, it's heavily reliant on the quality of your equipment and luck, with the added depth of team composition in CvC (which doesn't seem to exist anywhere anymore anyway).
From what I read, you seem to associate skill with only mechanical skill and flashy moves, which is all but what PG is about when it comes to skill.

Black Slate

Mar 2, 2016
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Black Slate
Again, the game is designed for teamplay, as it is an MMO, so it SHOULD be a requirement.
Even then, most of the game is still doable solo, it just takes more skill, time and dedication.
If you want to play the parts meant for squads solo but are not ready to "pay the price" in dedication, you're in the wrong place.
If you want the game to survive, this must be changed. Other games that have set requirements like this, also have very low player counts, and such games are very few.

I'm currently progressing through Sirius ring by ring (r3 at the moment) on a secondary account and I didn't have any issue killing r1 units solo with hive tech.
Sure it takes longer and it's way harder solo than when I'm with squadmates, but it's still possible.

If you're flying a drone-less, no-gold basic 70 storm, yeah no wonder you can't kill SU/CU.
If you take the time to get good ships (ideally RDX / Prototypes) and equip them with good drones (ideally spaceballs but armor/speed/AD is fine), there is no need to rely on anything else than your ship and your skills.
Then that's good on you. However, this eliminates a large population of players that do not have the time to invest in such measures to scale up within the game, within a reasonable timeframe. As generations of players come and go, games must change and adapt if they do desire to stay afloat. Pirate Galaxy is currently not adapting.

Speaking of which:

Different games have different ways to express player skill.
To expand on your examples:
Star Conflict requires you to know the basics of ships and damage types, with some mechanical skill and spatial awareness.
Dark Souls requires you to memorize patterns and execute them relying on fast reactions, with a touch of build theorycrafting.
PG does not require mechanical skills and very basic ship building, sure, but it doesn't mean it doesn't require skill.
Skill in PG comes in a more subtle form.
Skill is knowing the behaviour of each mob type, their item combinations, their aggro ranges and the limits of their spots.
Skill is knowing which battles to pick, managing distances, manipulating enemy AI to your advantage.
Especially as a solo player, you are weak in a world of strong enemies, it takes skill to create the best situations to pick your kills.

And about PvP, I don't even think it requires that much skill, it's heavily reliant on the quality of your equipment and luck, with the added depth of team composition in CvC (which doesn't seem to exist anywhere anymore anyway).
From what I read, you seem to associate skill with only mechanical skill and flashy moves, which is all but what PG is about when it comes to skill.
You are very right. I failed to consider those aspects as a skill, as it comes with little effort from my part, whereas mechanical skill does take more time.


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Mar 24, 2013
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If you want the game to survive, this must be changed. Other games that have set requirements like this, also have very low player counts, and such games are very few.
Yet it has managed to survive in this state for years, and probably will for a few more.
I agree that a lot of changes are needed for the game, however I disagree that it's because it's not "solo friendly".

Then that's good on you. However, this eliminates a large population of players that do not have the time to invest in such measures to scale up within the game, within a reasonable timeframe. As generations of players come and go, games must change and adapt if they do desire to stay afloat. Pirate Galaxy is currently not adapting.
I mean, if we're honestly talking about the majority of players, their typical Sirius experience is joining an r5 clan and getting spoonfed ancient tech until they can walk on their on.
Those that wish to go through the intended experience are usually ready to accept the extra challenge.
I'm also curious, how did you do Sirius?
Also, what is a "reasonable timeframe"? Sirius is meant to be a long process with a steady progression curve.

I think trying to fit TC as a "system you do alongside Sirius" was not the best approach from the devs, and it was very poorly implemented. I also think it causes players to get impatient with Sirius, as they could be playing on TC but are blocked by Sirius, whereas if TC was simply locked behind some kind of sirius story mission, it would follow the natural progression that the game is used to.

I should also explain why I'm absolutely against making PG more "solo-friendly".
One of the main reasons why I like this game so much is because it's one of the very few that actually enforces teamplay and doesn't spoonfeed the story to its players like they're incapable newborns.
If we take FFXIV as an example, sure it's a thriving MMO with millions of players and it makes a ton of money.
But it's gone all the way in the "solo-friendly" path, so much so that you can actually do the entire game without interacting with a single other player. How is that an MMO??
Its maps are filled with trash mobs that pose literally 0 threat and are indistinguishable from eachother because you never have to care about them. The quests are dumb and slow because any form of challenge would "scare the players away". Are we players even playing?
Here in PG, the maps are alive, players have to respect the mobs and learn about them, the strengths and weaknesses of each, where they are and how to deal with them. Story missions are actually challenging, players can and will fail them.
All of this pushes players to interact with eachother to progress, as it should be for an MMO.

Sorry if it sounds like a rant, I'm just really protective of that aspect of the game as it is what makes it unique to me.

Black Slate

Mar 2, 2016
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Black Slate
Yet it has managed to survive in this state for years, and probably will for a few more.
I agree that a lot of changes are needed for the game, however I disagree that it's because it's not "solo friendly".
Then what do you view as the reason for the game's dwindling numbers? The game has been in a low flame, on the edge of dying out.

I mean, if we're honestly talking about the majority of players, their typical Sirius experience is joining an r5 clan and getting spoonfed ancient tech until they can walk on their on.
Those that wish to go through the intended experience are usually ready to accept the extra challenge.
I'm also curious, how did you do Sirius?
Also, what is a "reasonable timeframe"? Sirius is meant to be a long process with a steady progression curve.
It took me nearly eight years to get through Sirius... Eight bloody years of being forced to stay up late into the night, so players in bloody Europe can help out on an American server. If I stayed within a normal U.S. based timeline, I would have never gotten through Sirius. That is too bloody long, and that is too bloody demanding for a video game.

Players should not feel that they are "stuck" in an area, making little to no progression. Slow progression over the span of more than one year for this style of game is way too long. With how some of the servers are spread in players, most people will be very lucky to get through the game.

typical Sirius experience is joining an r5 clan and getting spoonfed ancient tech until they can walk on their on
That's the one aspect of the game I absolutely hate. You reach a point where you are essentially helpless, and require others assistance to get through Sirius. I want to have a decent chance at getting it solo—make it hard if need be. Not impossible.

I should also explain why I'm absolutely against making PG more "solo-friendly".
One of the main reasons why I like this game so much is because it's one of the very few that actually enforces teamplay and doesn't spoonfeed the story to its players like they're incapable newborns.
If we take FFXIV as an example, sure it's a thriving MMO with millions of players and it makes a ton of money.
But it's gone all the way in the "solo-friendly" path, so much so that you can actually do the entire game without interacting with a single other player. How is that an MMO??
Its maps are filled with trash mobs that pose literally 0 threat and are indistinguishable from eachother because you never have to care about them. The quests are dumb and slow because any form of challenge would "scare the players away". Are we players even playing?
Here in PG, the maps are alive, players have to respect the mobs and learn about them, the strengths and weaknesses of each, where they are and how to deal with them. Story missions are actually challenging, players can and will fail them.
All of this pushes players to interact with eachother to progress, as it should be for an MMO.
I absolutely agree with you. I am not aiming for Pirate Galaxy to turn into one of those games, not one bit. I want the scaling turned down just enough, to where a player can do it solo if they wish, especially at the cost of investing significantly more time. The fact that they have the option to do it solo is perfect. There has to be a separate avenue for a player to be capable of getting their pieces of techs & getting through story missions without another's help, and keep it challenging. Not impossible.


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Feb 8, 2021
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Milky Way Tourist
honestly the game is not dead but it's ability to get new players is severely diminished compared to 10-12 years ago, i don't think it will ever recover, and i'd personally consider it more in a life support of sorts, it has a very dedicated veteran community, but it's a small one (which is enough to keep the game going)
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