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Ship armor and blaser dmg.


Jan 31, 2013
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not sure what has happend recently, but my dominator with antimarrter alloy can`t handle to be a primary target anymore. earligher i had no problem beeing primary for killing giza, but now days i struggle defending my slefe i need to AB far away, even in R3 and R4. I do have ancient armor installed, a lvl 85 armor that i bought before on the ship that suddently was gone after a break.

i tihink you need to tune the armor of the ships better, or make armor on mantis less.

same goes with the blaster, i find it really strange that Sirius blaster does so little more dmg. compared to standard draconis blaster. Need a bigger difference.

i find Hive hard in my parsec-clas ship that costs way too much compared to ordinary ships. and if i go to sol shooting a harv for fun, i need 4 hits to kill it with a sirius blaster? should be one shot one kill.
what is the point in spending all those hours grinding if you get so little in return?

the aggrobomb is a joke, takes 10 hours to return for the next blast and it barely scratches the mantis.
need to make the cooldown much faster og much stronger.

Ive read posts that indicate that some tuning has been done to level ships due to pvp. make ships more the same so that the piloting skills is the winning factor. I really hope that this hasn`t affected the PVE play, i belive the majority is PVE-players and would be saddend if their ship is beeing broken down due to some pilots want to PVP.

If there has been som tuning going on, well, i know how my ship handeled befor and now and i struggle alot more than before, so something has changed. then you need to change the strengt of all mantis aswell.

what has happened to the afterburner? mantis shoots at you during AB, it goes slower and shorter then before, this has nothing to do with scaling ships. sirius AB worked as it should on previous armor lvl 85, why not with the "new 85 armor"?

1 thing id love to see is bigger difference between the armor class og the same ships. make the high lvl armor much bigger in a visual way, atleast as big as they are in Sirius R5.

last thing,

the alloy we can buy for loads of gold. the few % buff this gives you should be upped to 20% or something, it worked in early days at molikar, but in drac an sirius not so much. allso the other boosts you can buy needs to be much higher if you want to sell snad make money of it.


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Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
Maybe a bit off topic but they should make other colours for armor alloys. If effects then they could make more blaster range or bp tracking.


Armor alloys don't really do much effect. They were mostly for styling your ships and make them look pretty.
They were the same maybe you just felt different after putting ancient armor on.


Jan 31, 2013
Reaction score

thx for reply.

R5 is probably the easiest ring between 3 and 5. but still, i struggle alot more now than i used to.
ancient myst can handle alot more then i can in my domi.

i need to use alot more gravitons to survive bosses at R4. due to that, the new ancient R85 armor is weaker then previous R85 armor or the mantis has gotten way stronger.

still, post from DEV`s wrote that parsec/hybrid will allways be better than standard ships like the sirius ships. in my opinion it is not so.

the hybrid BG03, has about 30-40% more HP than a Dominator and in total costs barly 70k cryonite more? and got better prints on, like the protector that comes faster and is stronger.

i dont understand the scaling that has been going on.

domi now days are finished. have bought a RDX06 i hope that it will do some good.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2015
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-Obs the skrapper-
auto82 said:

thx for reply.

R5 is probably the easiest ring between 3 and 5. but still, i struggle alot more now than i used to.
ancient myst can handle alot more then i can in my domi.

i need to use alot more gravitons to survive bosses at R4. due to that, the new ancient R85 armor is weaker then previous R85 armor or the mantis has gotten way stronger.

still, post from DEV`s wrote that parsec/hybrid will allways be better than standard ships like the sirius ships. in my opinion it is not so.

the hybrid BG03, has about 30-40% more HP than a Dominator and in total costs barly 70k cryonite more? and got better prints on, like the protector that comes faster and is stronger.

i dont understand the scaling that has been going on.

domi now days are finished. have bought a RDX06 i hope that it will do some good.
Well same has been happening to me. They might fix that problem in the sirius system adjustments update.