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Personal Ghost Stories and Phenomenon

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I was living in a small town in a house built in 1815/1816. Everything was "normal" for the first month I lived there. I loved the quiet and classic beauty of my new 2nd floor apartment. One night however I started to hear heavy footfalls in my hall way i blew it off as just hearing things and it was an old house after all. The next night I heard the same heavy steps in my hall way, but this time they went into the kitchen and i heard other noises as well. I mustered up what little courage I had and went into the kitchen, to find that all my cabinets had been opened. I know i did not leave them open on my own but out of a little fear I convinced myself that i must have left them open or that my boyfriend at the time played a prank on me before leaving for work that night. On the 3rd night the steps sounded through my apartment and into my kitchen again. I very slowly and nervously went into the kitchen and found once again that all my cabinets were open and this time about 4-6 big bags of pasta had been ripped open and was all across the floor and counters. I cleaned up the mess, and went back to bed. I called my boyfriend as soon as I woke the net day pleading with him to come home early(even though I knew he could not), he informed me that he was only going to be one more night, and that he would see me the next day. I was laying in bed on my stomach as I normally do to fall asleep, though lately it has been to force myself to sleep. I started to hear the footfalls and was starting to shake and become tense. I had noticed though that the steps stopped much sooner than they had on previous nights, I thought I was in the clear that it was all going to stop, I was starting to loosen up and relax, then I heard them again only a couple this time but they sounded as if they were in my room. I closed my eyes and kept repeating to myself to go to sleep, it's nothing just your imagination. I then tried to lift my legs as I tried to get off the bed but my legs were being help down by something, I could feel the pressure on the backs of my ankles. I took a few deep breaths and lied very still and stiff until I eventually passed out from exhaustion. In the morning when I open my eyes, I lied there slightly moving my legs to see if they were still pinned, to my relief they were not. I continued my regular morning routine, as I was getting dressed and putting my socks on I noticed a bruise on the back of my ankle. I inspected it closer and checked the other as well to see that it also had a bruise from where my legs were held down the night before, where I had felt the pressure. Later that evening when my boyfriend came home I told him all of what had happened over the past 4 nights, and showed him the bruises on me. We ended up moving about a week or so after all that had happened.

Ever since those nights I see and hear things that I cannot explain in any way other than spirits or ghosts
I will post others as time goes by i think but please feel free to share your "happenings"


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