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New member
Jun 12, 2015
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Hey guys this post is for you to share your ideas and updates that you think will make the game better. Any idea is good and don't feel shy to share :D.

My personal idea is not that big of a deal but I like it and it seems simple. We all know the droid that gives us the white missions right? For each system, the color of the droid will change. Vega will stay yellow. Antares should be blue. Gemini is purple. Mizar is red. Sol is green. Draconis is black.

It's a simple idea and I think it's great that we finally show respect to the droid that have us the white missions :D.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2016
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Main Pilotname
What if we take the blaster. Split the blaster effects between the button "Q" and "E".
So when u hit "Q" the Left blaster will fire, and right blaster with "E".

The energy usage also splits between the usage of the buttons Q and E. This will not do more damage on your enemy. But it would be a hell of a cool effect to enjoy. As long as you hold one of the buttons in, the energy will drop the same value as the blaster is required to do, but the blaster is firing continiously.

And as you fire. The blaster should get this red glowing color showing us it gets warmed up. And starts to fire slower as it needs to cool down for some seconds to work properly again.

The same principle as a gatling gun. I love those. :devilish:

I have been thinking about this idea for a looong time now. :mrorange:


LCM (Lead Community Manager)
Community Manager
Jul 9, 2013
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Wouldn't this need a 3rd button for ships like the Anin 12 parsec where 3 blasters are installed?


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2011
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The Dark Power
You are thinking far too complicated i guess. You have to think about Ideas which keep the game simple. I already had lots of ideas for pirate galaxy which you can see when following the link from my signature. Maybe i will translate that into english, but that will be a lot of work, also my english is not the best.

I have got many simple ideas, ideas for pvp, for new ship systems, ideas for battle planets, for a new storyline (have a look at the map) and many more.

Here are just a few ones which may be intresting:

New Ship Systems:
Stunedome-minelayer (explains itself)
thermoblast-sticky-bomb (make enemys burning when being in detonation)
corrision-field (like a red repair-field, making dmg to enemys)
repair pulse (repairs a big amount of life immediately)

PvP Ideas:
Capture the Flag System based our CQ Planets we have atm
instead of having an announcement of an increasing point, you will have one like "the flag is in Point B" The Player who s got it have to carry it to an other point which is displayed when arriving at Point B from the announcement before. If it was succesful, they score a point, if not, nothing happens and a new one will start a minute later. if both teams have the same points after 30 minutes, they continue playing untill the next point is scored.
start point and arriving point are displayed on the big map after the announcements.

I also had ideas about a menu where you be able to swap drones and gravitrons with other players. splittscreenstudios wont include a free trading system, but maybe the will think about this one here.

I am staying in Contact with one of splittscreens staff and with a CM about my big list of ideas, some are already in the game, f.e. the friendship-list in alphabetic order, the column in your list of blueprints where you can see how many you already collected (f.e. 7/13) or the opportunity to give a clan member more than one gravitron at once.
However, they told me they have a look on my list which is always getting bigger and they try to make more ideas real.

greetings from Korell