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harv spot fight's


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Feb 8, 2013
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Well i am just normal guy needing some cryo and xp but a guy called ******** is stealing all the harvs.
i don't care if anyone else is at a harv spot and my idea whas just,
forbidden higher system ships in a planet... causs its all nonsens that u can't grind with same system causs i made 43k cryo in a day at earth with a r45 i just post this suggestion causs i hate it there is always a fight for a stuppid harv spot... and if ya rly want to grind with a higher system ship u gotta ask permission at GM .
i would appriciate it if this suggestion is gonna be used, and let's prevent some fight's....

what i mean is this : r70 draconis sniper AT Molikar (mizar)
i just hate it that people making fight's for a spot so plz stop with it.......


This is one topic you never will see that Split will change it cause the reason is that you need to land for some missions whit an higher ship on an lower planet (what you should know whit your level) That most of these high level pilots don´t do a mission is clear but the reason why they think that they can farm better in lower systems is one of the many mysteries in PG.

The normal belive is you fly to an lower planet shoot there nearly everything whit 1 hit and can so farm much more cryonite but the truth is that you can´t make really an higher amount of cryos than in the system ship itself. I have done many tests on an lower planet whit an high level ship and the system ship. The effect was that i farmed in 1 hour of shooting nearly the same amount of cryonite whit both ships no matter if it was the high ship or the system ship the farmed amount was as good as everytime the same (around 10k)

And the other mysterie i never will understand is why everytime harvs... i mean ok they drop big cryos this is clear but in the time where i shoot 1 harv down i can drop the same amount of cryo by shooting 10 other mantis units whit are much faster to kill then an harvester...


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May 31, 2012
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It's also a good suggestion, just 1 minute here please.
I think it's a good idea but why not make it of a simple way even wasting time fighting with those players?, about mission you need accept it right? and you got a cryonite payment, in colossus SQ Battles you need registrate then you recive then reward, but why not pay for an hour with cryonite for a harv spot? let me give an example :
You are with a sirius parsec in gazica, there's many players who's want to steal all your spot, but why not make it with permission of owner? no, they will not!, so....why not pay an exactly cryonite amount for a harv spot each time? 2 hours = 2,000 of cryonite, 8 hours = 8,000 of cryonite, just saying something like cq's payment, you need to pay a log-file amount to registrate your clan and allies to the fight, so you can registrate with a cryonite pay for a spot and you can pay like 100 hours only if you have millions of cryonite lol, even fighting fighting for ever for a harv spot, if you share it's good, but if you don't want don't so it mate :cool:.
It's just a suggestion to PG devolopment ;).
-Best Regards and Wishes.


They never will bring in such things cause i think the system can´t handle really such an amount of "reservations" for players which will pay then in some systems where farming is way to easy and in the end you don´t can earn more cryonite then whitout of the payment...

One of the simplest ways to get an "private" harv Spot is doing the Harvester missions where you need to kill 15 harvs... currently it is one of the onliest chances to get an "Private" Harvester spot whitout of any stealing... and before you will add the idea... it gave many topics where they should add an endless long harv mission but it never came.


No one can be owner in no way of a grinding spot, harvesters or other. This is a game and the prey is free for all. The suggestion about paying for a spot imo is really not possible due to the game being free for all.

Anyone fighting for a harvester spot, on each planet you have the Harvester Cryonite wm's, you can simply retake the mission how many times you like, and all harvs will be yours, as they are ghosts for all other players.

If you now say that you cannot grind them with system tech and ship, then aren't you yourself then out of system tech and ship?

You simply retake the mission till you get the closest spot to Lz.
It will be worth even all those times to retake, as you will have all them by yourself.

I have seen so many users writing about this during now these 3 years I have been here as a mode,
and being annoyed for players with higher ships and tech taking the harv spots, but what never will stop amazing or surprise me, is that these exactly same players ones they reach the higher systems are doing exactly the same what they were annoyed with themselves, they go back to lower system and grind harvs with higher tech and ship.

It seems so many even forget about what they were whining for on lower sys, and repeat everything what the others did, and what they didn't like themselves.

What goes around, comes around right

Ps. Alekjoao this is not your suggestions thread, so please stop hijacking a thread for your own purpose!


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May 8, 2012
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Justice Fighters
Well said Adrana well said :mrorange:


At least i have learned to find other ways to farm cryonite which is way more lucrative then just killing harvs for hours and hours and gets boring in no time.

I must admit i was in my "younger" times of PG one of the Pilots who was thinking that farming Harvs is one of the fastest way to get cryonite until i noticed that i can reach more when i shoot several Units in the same time and i can earn more Cryonite through them instead of Harv shooting (even whit the Mission retake option).

In the end the good way on this is that i can search for Cryo and missing golds in one turn and i have some more action in this way... at least i also fly from time to time in the system ship itself to stay trained in my skills and itemusage which rescued me from time to time my life ;)


Active member
Mar 2, 2010
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i might to write my suggestion then since ppl really have issues with harvs spot grinding (i been too lazy to write the suggestion that i have in my head)


I must admit i was in my "younger" times of PG one of the Pilots who was thinking that farming Harvs is one of the fastest way to get cryonite until i noticed that i can reach more when i shoot several Units in the same time and i can earn more Cryonite through them instead of Harv shooting (even whit the Mission retake option).
That's my favorite too, I get sleepy grinding harvs lol ^^