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Graviton resets in Reactors


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Feb 24, 2010
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There is an issue with the current reactors and their interaction with gravs.

Some players realised that competing in reactors like Armene is very important, the Asura Cortex is a really strong addition to almost any ship in the game, and there are only 2 Reactors per month.
Its scarcity combined with its usefulness created a common strategy among many competitive players: the grav reset.
The game allows for the use of 1 grav of each color with 45 min cooldown in all game modes like open world (pirate mode), conquest, Colossus or Reactors.
  • In conquests the grav reset was fixed matching the grav cooldown to the conquest duration, not allowing players to change ships and even tracking the grav cooldown across all ships a player has
  • In Collosus there is not a relevant competition because the rewards are not as appealing as the Reactor ones
  • In Reactors this problem persists, not affecting Phobos or Arkon as much due to their Cortex utility, and not affecting Ifrit Cortex as much either due to the reward rotation (4 hours instead of 14 days) and therefore affecting Armene Reactor the most
The mix between how the game works and the players wanting to receive as many Asura parts as possible, lead into the uninteresting, unfun and unintentional consequences of grav resets, which consist of waiting up to 45 mins trying to control the reactor in every way possible, avoiding as much damage to the core itself and not allowing the next wave to spawn just to be able to use gravs again in the next wave.

The results are undeniable, squads that do these resets obtain much higher scores with better reliability, forcing other players who want to compete for these Asura parts to do the same strategy. This is so impactful that this strategy is even used on Ifrit Reactors.

The more intuitive way of doing this would be allowing only 1 grav set to be used in the entire Reactor run, but if this is not possible (like it wasn't possible on conquests) there are other possible options:
  • Removing the gravs entirely for this particular game mode
  • Having a global timer which limits the duration of the Reactor run itself
  • Having a wave timer after the last enemy unit has been spawned to force the next wave even if the last unit was not killed (although this timer has to take into account turret repairing and player recharging)
I hope this discussion brings some solutions for the needed changes.


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Jun 17, 2018
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- Loq -
Golfos del Universo
I dont think that removing gravs from reactors is a good solution, because its not simply using gravs but knowing how to use them. A more viable option would be to reduce the gravs CD time

ROA - Striker

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Feb 17, 2022
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ROA - Striker
-Reborn of the ashes-
This changes are for good to the game, reactor rn are taking 3-3.5 hours and at least 2h of that is wating gravitons, reducing the CD only makes this breach bigger, the correct course of action is to remove graves at all ot just leave 1 set of gravitons (1 of each) every reactor, this makes the wating null and reduces the time that the reactor takes at leas by 1h and a half, this will make the asura more appealing to the rest of the people and more asura squadrons will be seen in the Leaderboard

Isaac Clarke

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There is an issue with the current reactors and their interaction with gravs.

Some players realised that competing in reactors like Armene is very important, the Asura Cortex is a really strong addition to almost any ship in the game, and there are only 2 Reactors per month.
Its scarcity combined with its usefulness created a common strategy among many competitive players: the grav reset.
The game allows for the use of 1 grav of each color with 45 min cooldown in all game modes like open world (pirate mode), conquest, Colossus or Reactors.
  • In conquests the grav reset was fixed matching the grav cooldown to the conquest duration, not allowing players to change ships and even tracking the grav cooldown across all ships a player has
  • In Collosus there is not a relevant competition because the rewards are not as appealing as the Reactor ones
  • In Reactors this problem persists, not affecting Phobos or Arkon as much due to their Cortex utility, and not affecting Ifrit Cortex as much either due to the reward rotation (4 hours instead of 14 days) and therefore affecting Armene Reactor the most
The mix between how the game works and the players wanting to receive as many Asura parts as possible, lead into the uninteresting, unfun and unintentional consequences of grav resets, which consist of waiting up to 45 mins trying to control the reactor in every way possible, avoiding as much damage to the core itself and not allowing the next wave to spawn just to be able to use gravs again in the next wave.

The results are undeniable, squads that do these resets obtain much higher scores with better reliability, forcing other players who want to compete for these Asura parts to do the same strategy. This is so impactful that this strategy is even used on Ifrit Reactors.

The more intuitive way of doing this would be allowing only 1 grav set to be used in the entire Reactor run, but if this is not possible (like it wasn't possible on conquests) there are other possible options:
  • Removing the gravs entirely for this particular game mode
  • Having a global timer which limits the duration of the Reactor run itself
  • Having a wave timer after the last enemy unit has been spawned to force the next wave even if the last unit was not killed (although this timer has to take into account turret repairing and player recharging)
I hope this discussion brings some solutions for the needed changes.
What's your next suggestion? remove gravitons from achievements too?


Nov 11, 2020
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Tropa de Elite Kps
I dont think that removing gravs from reactors is a good solution, because its not simply using gravs but knowing how to use them. A more viable option would be to reduce the gravs CD time
I don't think the concept of how to use gravis applies in this case. The problem is about the duration of the reactor due to the need to wait for gravis, to be able to compete for the best positions, which greatly increases its duration and makes many excellent players to not do the reactor because of this. Remember that not everyone lives off PG, some people have real lives, work, have family and other types of entertainment.
Analyzing the suggestions, removing it completely would not be appropriate, but allowing the use of 1 gravi of each per player is fine and would maintain what you said about *knowing how to use them*.
Reducing the cooldowns is a step backwards, and a contradiction in relation to what you said, this would only cause bad groups to spam gravis in lower waves, while keeping only 1 of each per player would be much more strategic and would reward those who use them well as you said and not spammers.


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Mar 24, 2013
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I agree on having only 1 grav per run, grav resets are ridiculous and 3h+ per run is just horrendous.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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As Jackal has indirectly mentioned the whole Reactor strat is a 2 part situation.

On one side there is of course the Grav CD break but the reactors don´t wait for anybody once a wave has been fully dealt with aka the last unit was killed. Only then the timer for the next wave will start to show up and mostly the strat revolves around leaving 1 unit (of course a weak one) alive so that Gravs can finish the CD and turrets can repair.

Rather then fidling with the Grac CD a more appropriate way would simply be that once all units have been spawned the team has 5 minutes to clear all units before the next wave will spawn automatically without any chance. As the later waves get harder and harder due of more units at some point it will become impossible to beat all units within the 5 minutes mark.

In case of the situation that any player would be as insane as to try an reactor without an active membership give the benefit of the doubt that on the reactor planet the players have an energy flat like the Ult Membership so that we can exclude the comments like "Reactor will then turn P2W cus i need to have at least Ult Membership to not refill energy every 5 seconds" and then only the skill of the team matters for the points and placement in the challenges.

Not that i would be eager to participate in reactors at all cus they are boring as heck in combo with being time consuming but at least this would be a possible approach to counter the inflated point scores.


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Nov 4, 2016
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In case of the situation that any player would be as insane as to try an reactor without an active membership give the benefit of the doubt that on the reactor planet the players have an energy flat like the Ult Membership so that we can exclude the comments like "Reactor will then turn P2W cus i need to have at least Ult Membership to not refill energy every 5 seconds" and then only the skill of the team matters for the points and placement in the challenges.
That is a VERY VERY out of place assumption, jackal himself doesnt use energy membership, and many other players i know doesnt aswell, even askone players like getagripx and moodoo doesnt use them yet they do highest score reactors. Basing this balance on that principle is extremely dangerous. Not sure where you got your data from. Felt it came from just Vesperion account which as far as i know it isnt all players.

Would advise to please try stuff in-game before posting as it can be missleading
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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That is a VERY VERY out of place assumption, jackal himself doesnt use energy membership, and many other players i know doesnt aswell, even askone players like getagripx and moodoo doesnt use them yet they do highest score reactors. Basing this balance on that principle is extremely dangerous. Not sure where you got your data from. Felt it came from just Vesperion account which as far as i know it isnt all players.

Would advise to please try stuff in-game before posting as it can be missleading
Well and why is is possible to fly reactor without Membership currently? Because you can "control the spawn of the waves". If you do not want to progress the wave cus of repair for the turrets or to refill E you leave at least 1 unit alive and let it shot someone while the others can refill it´s as simple as that.

If a change to the wave spawn system should be made so that you can not more controll the spawn of the next wave i´m pretty sure that players without a membership will not be able to reach such high scores again if they need to refill between each wave.

I admit that at best i play only the RDX reactor and sometimes also played on Arkon for the Eagle Eye Cort but the mechanic is the same so i know some strats from there as i did play sometimes with the high ranking players in those challenges when they looked for an additional player for max squad.


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Mar 1, 2010
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Justice Fighter
Our squad reach wave 16 killing 2-4 bosses without waiting for gravs to reset, and we get 1st place every reset. Use the gravs wisely, and of course the most important is:
Teamwork makes the dream work people! :cool:


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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If a change to the wave spawn system should be made so that you can not more controll the spawn of the next wave i´m pretty sure that players without a membership will not be able to reach such high scores again if they need to refill between each wave.
Keep in mind that the lack of energy membership most of the time is not even that difficult to deal with, the problem relies on keeping the turrets alive after killing all the units.
Sometimes all 3 Bosses spawn in the last 15 enemies and having to deal with them as well as repairing the turrets in a 5 mins timer will be impossible, with or without membership.


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Nov 4, 2016
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I admit that at best i play only the RDX reactor and sometimes also played on Arkon for the Eagle Eye Cort but the mechanic is the same so i know some strats from there as i did play sometimes with the high ranking players in those challenges when they looked for an additional player for max squad.
Arkon and Phobos are quite different because they are quite unupdated and competition/interest is way lower, so don't think that's a good "experience" metric.


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Feb 18, 2018
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Justice Fighter
I agree, gravs resets are unhealthy for the game.
It gives artificial advantage to players who have more free time. Some players like Razzor above there have very strict schedule and cant afford to wait for gravs even if he wanted to.
I think gravs should be on Cooldown on a wave basis, for example , if u use grav on wave 10, it will be off cooldown on wave 13. This is the best way as it removes the "brute force" tactic and it rewards players for more strategic use of gravs while not completely removing the usage of them in my opinion.
Otherwise just disallow gravs on Reactor planets ,its probably better for the game than having 45min abusable grav cooldown.
Admittedly, graviton waiting isnt an issue on Askone since players on askone just arent willing or even free enough to spend time waiting gravs for no reason. I hear its a problem faced only on Gaia mostly where the competition is fierce between 2-3 squads. So maybe we are making a mountain out an anthill and this problem really isnt urgent at all.
But overall yes I agree that something should be done to limit Grav resetting.


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Jun 17, 2018
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- Loq -
Golfos del Universo
Gravitons are an additional gameplay artifice in the game, I don't think the best solution is to remove them completely from the reactor


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
There is an issue with the current reactors and their interaction with gravs.

Some players realised that competing in reactors like Armene is very important, the Asura Cortex is a really strong addition to almost any ship in the game, and there are only 2 Reactors per month.
Its scarcity combined with its usefulness created a common strategy among many competitive players: the grav reset.
The game allows for the use of 1 grav of each color with 45 min cooldown in all game modes like open world (pirate mode), conquest, Colossus or Reactors.
  • In conquests the grav reset was fixed matching the grav cooldown to the conquest duration, not allowing players to change ships and even tracking the grav cooldown across all ships a player has
  • In Collosus there is not a relevant competition because the rewards are not as appealing as the Reactor ones
  • In Reactors this problem persists, not affecting Phobos or Arkon as much due to their Cortex utility, and not affecting Ifrit Cortex as much either due to the reward rotation (4 hours instead of 14 days) and therefore affecting Armene Reactor the most
The mix between how the game works and the players wanting to receive as many Asura parts as possible, lead into the uninteresting, unfun and unintentional consequences of grav resets, which consist of waiting up to 45 mins trying to control the reactor in every way possible, avoiding as much damage to the core itself and not allowing the next wave to spawn just to be able to use gravs again in the next wave.

The results are undeniable, squads that do these resets obtain much higher scores with better reliability, forcing other players who want to compete for these Asura parts to do the same strategy. This is so impactful that this strategy is even used on Ifrit Reactors.

The more intuitive way of doing this would be allowing only 1 grav set to be used in the entire Reactor run, but if this is not possible (like it wasn't possible on conquests) there are other possible options:
  • Removing the gravs entirely for this particular game mode
  • Having a global timer which limits the duration of the Reactor run itself
  • Having a wave timer after the last enemy unit has been spawned to force the next wave even if the last unit was not killed (although this timer has to take into account turret repairing and player recharging)
I hope this discussion brings some solutions for the needed changes.
You, sir, are a fish. 🐟 The better way should using 1 complete set of Gravitons. Only 1 set per run. No frills with a 2 hour wait for the next possible deployment of the Gravitons. These people literally camp and wait until their Gravitons are ready again. It's so timeless and boring. + Adding the wave timer for the last enemy is so good to read, if its not killed next wave arrives. I don't like these chick flicks camping players who laying on the planet hours and hours to get every time #1


Nov 11, 2020
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Tropa de Elite Kps
You, sir, are a fish. 🐟 The better way should using 1 complete set of Gravitons. Only 1 set per run. No frills with a 2 hour wait for the next possible deployment of the Gravitons. These people literally camp and wait until their Gravitons are ready again. It's so timeless and boring. + Adding the wave timer for the last enemy is so good to read, if its not killed next wave arrives. I don't like these chick flicks camping players who laying on the planet hours and hours to get every time #1
Yes, making it possible to use only 1 set of gravitons per reactor would be more than enough to solve this issue, in which even if players wanted to do their reactor slowly they would not obtain any significant advantage. However, adding a wave timer is something very sensitive and I do not think it would be necessary, if put it for 1 enemy then people will save 2 , and also it could not only make the reactors more pay2win in relation to membership, but it could also harm teams in case, for example, some emergency arises in real life. In many reactors, pauses are sometimes taken to restart due to visual bugs and lag from the game itself as well as real-life emergencies such as basic human needs or other matters.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2015
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Gravitons are an additional gameplay artifice in the game, I don't think the best solution is to remove them completely from the reactor
There is no talk of removing them, there is talk of limiting their use once, and nothing changes, you only take away the extra time that is dead time, the one who is good should not worry about limiting their use once, and will have more time for anything else

You, sir, are a fish. 🐟 The better way should using 1 complete set of Gravitons. Only 1 set per run. No frills with a 2 hour wait for the next possible deployment of the Gravitons. These people literally camp and wait until their Gravitons are ready again. It's so timeless and boring. + Adding the wave timer for the last enemy is so good to read, if its not killed next wave arrives. I don't like these chick flicks camping players who laying on the planet hours and hours to get every time #1
This isn't even talking about "guaranteeing being number 1" yes, that helps you, but it's not a secret tactic for anyone, I'll give you a very simple example, in Gaia more than half of the players do the reset of gravs, and still the same 2-3 squads always remain in the first places, that doesn't change, remove the reset, remove the unnecessary time, the previous 2-3 squads will remain in the same places, and nobody has to spend 45 minutes philosophizing