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GDFS Epsilon

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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GDFS Epsilon

As the wary crue of the Epsilon settled down after the evening after there Entire fleet, the GDF, had been destroyed at Technatoria. Admiral Hornblower came over the mic to inform the entire ship of there new destination. The Frigates engines suddenly roared to life as they headed to Tech in search of survives. When they go there they saw the devastation that had been left, they knew then that there was low chance of finding any. They scanned the area when an escape pod had been detected.
“Admiral we got something on scanners. It’s an Escape Pod sir. What should we do?”
“Move us in. Prep a Transport Sergeant”
“Yes sir”
The Transport launched, the gunnery crues ready and the rest of crue even more alert than before. A few minutes later the scanners started to go of the frits as dozens of Mantis ships came out of no were.
“Shuttle Pilot, this is Admiral Hornblower, hurry up with the pod”
There was silence.
“Commander Respond”
A voice cracked over the radio.
“Admiral Hornblower we have the pod, the pilots alive”
“Ok bring them back Commander. Collect the transport and set a course for Terasa, we have reports of survives there”
“Yes Admiral”

Hope u like ^^
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