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For S.A.R.

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Feb 25, 2010
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I dedicate this story to the men and women of S.A.R. They risk it all so others can live. Thank you.

The ship landed at 20:00 hours, And I was exhausted. The star base is a wonder of engineering but not what I expected to find.
No pilots in at the moment and no one to greet me.
"welcome to Vega star base!" a voice from behind me said.
I turned to the sound and a older man stood there smiling. The patch on his uniform read "only 1* 51st S.A.R.".
I handed my orders to him and he had me follow him to the hanger bay. There was a old angel class rescue ship covered in rust and Blaster marks.
He introduced me to the crew. Hangdog the pilot, Bug Breath the copilot, Frick the side gunner, And his partner Frack.the collector tech Sparky
And the medic Doc. My job is to open the pod when it is collected. The new guy is always given this job because sometimes the pods gravity negation
unit malfunctions and the pilot gets crushed.
No sooner had I been shown my station did the alarm sound. I was quickly bundled into the ship and off we launched.
Destination Vega 1. We soon entered the planets atmosphere and found the pilot surrounded by Mantiss. Both gun stations opened up as the collector started up.
after what seemed like an eternity the pod was brought aboard. as we ran for orbit I opened the pod slowly. The pilot was unharmed but the stress and fear still made
me vomit into the pod. We quickly returned to the star base. After that I was given my nickname Pukes. We cleaned up and I finally got to hit the rack.
The next morning at 06:00 I was given the "talk". They explained that each Base has six S. A. R. crews assigned to it. each crew was part of a division
Ours was the 51st the newbie division. we were responsible for all of Vega 1. The 49 Th had Vega 2. The 31 st had Lyris and Vega 4.
As I completed my tour of 54 missions I could transfer to the next unit available. I was told that each craft has a name and that fallen crews are memorialized
by the ship name.On the wall plaque was the names of 25 ships. I was informed that this was just for vega1 and that in Anteres, Mizar, and sol the numbers were higher.

It finally happened. We were on a rescue on vega1 when the iroquois was jumped by six eliminators at once. The crew never stood a chance and neither did the pilot.
another name on the wall and more empty bunks. I learned to do all the jobs on the ship including pilot. This way if something happens I can take over that job.
Although I soon get a promotion as Frick and Frack are both being transferred to the next base. well that is the alarm I have to go. good luck and stay safe.

If you like this let me know and i will continue the story i thank you for reading this. :D


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Feb 25, 2010
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Part two:
It is me pukes again. just finished my first time as a side gunner. Wow What a rush three eliminators at once.
even with the Vega vendetta blasters it was close. The pilot was fine and we even got a kill today. I will write as soon as I can.

Hi it is me again I know i have not written in a while but i have been busy today was my last mission here at
Vega 1 tomorrow i am off to the Vega 3 star base. We had a party even. But the party was tainted by the loss of the Mercy over by the temple. They got to the location beacon just as a engineer matted Him. No ones fault per say but it still hurts. As for my original intention to become a pirate I have changed my mind. This may be dangerous but those people are insane. They fly around in ships that are held together with duct tape and bailing wire and barley space worthy and they think we are nuts. Well i will see you later time to board the transport to Vega 3.

WOW I have just arrived at Vega 3 and already I am impressed. Instead of the old angel class rescue ships we have the improved Archangel class ones. twice as fast and with better armor to boot. And it even has shields to keep it alive longer. The Lieutenant told my to report to hanger bay three and there was the ship I was to report to the Blood And Guts. Lucky me I am now the co-pilot so my job is bit easier but not much.
Did I mention this thing also has afterburner? dagnabbit I need to go the alarm again I will be back later bye.


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Feb 25, 2010
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part three:

Hi it is Pukes again. You will never believe this, But I just made Captain of my own ship. Not only that but I was promoted to the Antares system . There I received a brand new Nightingale class ship. Not only does it have a shield and afterburner. But it also has a improved collector system for escape pods. Our first mission was to save a pilot on Teresa near the Carl Sagan. Let me tell you this I would not have wanted to do this in my older ships. We also have improved armor Thermograde they call it. I have heard of Diluvian armor but have not seem it yet. Even with the added weight this ship is super nimble and fast. I only hope the pilots have ships as nimble as ours. If so this war wont last long. Our wall of names here is fifty names long and I hope to not add the Raven to the list . my crew is all misfits and outcast. But I would not trade them for anything. They work hard and party harder. Every day at least half of the crew can be found in the brig. But when duty calls Hungover, Stressed out, Or dead tired they won't stop until the pilot is safe.


Today we had a close call. A Juggernaut appeared. Twice it targeted us, but both times we narrowly escaped. Boy was that impressive to see when it blew up. Those mantis Never knew what hit them. After only three weeks we already have five kills credited to the ship. The second highest kill rate for the amount of time we have been in system. We are two kills behind the Mercy. But my crew says that wont last long.

We did it. We got five kills in one mission making us the first crew to get ten kills in four weeks. We also have the highest number of saves in four weeks. Twenty three so far. Well time to go another call just came in, And we are on duty so I will see you later and good luck to you all.


excellent story Akonant. SS could hire you to write storyline for Draconis system :D Keep up the good work!


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Feb 25, 2010
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Part four:

Well I am back now. Whew that was a close one We are heading out to Lustra tomorrow. They are currently adding Deluvian armor to the ship. It adds about three tons to the ship, But thanks to the improved maneuvering jets we lose no maneuverability. We have a total of 25 missions left here in Antares. If we survive we get transferred to Gemini system. Only one system after that until we reach Sol. I have never met anyone who has ever seen the planet Earth let alone lived there.

What a way to test the new armor. no sooner was the ship cleared then we had a call. A new pilot just fresh from Vega landed on Teresa and was surrounded by sentinels. they barely did any damage while we rescued him. Man I love this ship. well time to pack I am off to Lustra now.

Well here I am at Lustra and Boy i barely had a moment to find my quarters before the alarm went off. When we got to the surface a Custodian commander jumped us. First he stuns us and then BLAM opens fire on us. The armor really came into it's own then as our repair was not ready. once the stun wore off our gunners made short work of him. the pilot was found next to a abandoned mining outpost.

Well it finally happened. We lost one. We recovered his pod but the Gravity field failed and he was pulped.
It took about half an hour to clean out the pod. Unlike the pods that work right the failed ones become coffins, And are launched into the sun. We never knew his name and won't look at the pilots wall . It's easier that way hurts less.

I have to tell you I am worn out today. We had a hat trick this time. Three pilots back to back. I didn't know these ships could handle that many pods but we did. Got our first look at the plateau today also. Whatever is there must be major if that many mantis are protecting it. Oh no time to go that's the all crews scramble alarm. Will be back to talk later bye.


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Feb 26, 2010
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Excellent story Ako, love the short 'report' style, more immediate as if you're there making a phone call or something. As has been said, lots more please bro. :D


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Feb 25, 2010
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part 5:

Whew what a week six pilots were podded over by the plateau and seven more by turrets. We had to work sixteen hour days just to keep up. And to make matters worse we had to help rescue the prisoners from the lab. Well now it is time for my transfer ceremony. In the morning I go to Gemini. Third highest system according to S.A.R. losses. I am nervous but excited also. as once i get there I am put in charge of a wing.
In case I have not mentioned it, A wing consist of Five ships. Mine will be Call sign Med one.

I will never get tired of star gate travel. One moment I am in Antares, And the next I am in Gemini.
There i received My Salk Class rescue ship. This ship even has protector field technology. They tell us that here we will be using it often, As the mantis have created a unit just for us called the Death Squad.
It is fearsome to behold One custodian commander, one ressurector, and two rocketeers, And two marauders.
We lost four crews in just two days. As for the name of my ship we decided to call it the Alexander Flemming after the man who discovered Penicillin. We have made three pickups near village one just this week. I am afraid that this planet will be to tough to survive, But my crew is the best and I will continue to have faith in them.

What a night We had to go to all three villages in a row. Two pilots at the first one, A second pilot at village two, And four at village three. Our hold was full but we still made it. Well time to hit the sack as I am about to pass out from exhaustion. One more good thing to report the paper work came through so I am now a Major. Well good night , And I will be on later. You have no idea how much I wish to be there again.


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Feb 25, 2010
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Part 6:

Well I have just been assigned to Commerce Central . I can't begin to stress how scary it is here. We have five ships in our wing, And only two ships that were in my wing when we started are left. And this week we still lost another ship. We had to go by Issac's home twice today. Then we had to go to the center of the planet for six pilots. and to make it worse we almost got killed five times on two days. Blood and thunder it was close. If it was not for the protector field we would have been goners. As if that was not enough we got to see a Clan in action, The Angels of Pestilence swooped in and wiped out four Death Squads instantly. I was truly impressed by their teamwork. Oh no not again be back when i can.

I am back now. wow sixteen pilots down at once talk about busy. And to make it worse I still need to do the paper work. I have incident reports, equipment forms, And Sadly death notices for fallen crews. And these are all written on filmplast in triplicate.Plus I still meed to balance the energy usage for the month. Fortunately I am guaranteed flight time. We don't have enough pilots to go around. Our ranks are filled by those who fail to pass the medicals to be pilots. My vision failed me and my copilot is too short. Because we are so short handed the brass has mandated flight hours for command staff as well as rank and file service people, I should warn you that we soon start to exhibit a gruesome sense of humor here. We call pilots in their pods spam in a can. When the pod fails it is called a can of soup. And the mantis we call them bugs.Not very P C I know but war is not very P C either. Our wing is being bumped up the ladder to Technatoria now. Apparently we are so good that our wing is considered an elite wing. who would have guessed that. Must have happened while I was asleep cause I cant think of how we got there.

We just arrived at Technatoria for the first time. This should tell you how hard it is there when we are allowed to add the rare protector.I am surprised that there are any pilots who survive this place let alone thrive. But there are and some are so good we almost never see them. God bless them they seem to terrify the mantis so bad that they run from us at first. But some units are getting more aggressive now than before. Sorry but I need to go now Miss you all bye.


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Feb 25, 2010
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Hi I am back. We Ran into a new type of mantis today. We called them Pyros because they have a flame thrower like ability. On top of that we ran into a unit called a Paralyzor. They have a stun weapon and shields.And to make things worse they almost got us with it. A passing storm saw them and took them out. One good thing is now that we know of the passage we don't have to go all the way through the planet to get to people. Something about the planets gravity makes it impossible to land right on top of the pilot. We have to land outside of the interference near the L Z (Landing Zone for those not familiar with it). I could not believe how much the mantis had destroyed this planet. They cracked the core of this world. There are even rumors of a slave camp here full of humans.


We just received an order to escort a fleet to the surface. What a fleet it is Three storms, One armor, Two engineers, And the Vendetta. Those mantis haven't got a chance. And to top it off the Hospital ship; The Queen of Mercy was in orbit. This should tell you how important this mission was. Those ships are so secret that not even rumors of them exist until now. I need to go now there is a large group of pilots who are in trouble. They ran into a whole nest of Pyros. Miss you more BYE.


keep it coming SS hire akonant he/she can ride a good story line :mrorange:


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Feb 25, 2010
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How did we survive this I will never know. We got called in to rescue a squad after they tangled with a lord Fam doom. Once we got there I couldn't believe all the mantis. If I never have to go through with that again it will be too soon. There were six squads sent out for the rescue and only three ships came back. And to make matters worse we then had to rescue a pilot in a Antares ship. What he was thinking I'll never know. Some good news though. I am off to Mizar soon. My transfer just came in. This is the place with the second highest causality rate for rescue pilots.


I have arrived in Mizar today and Can not wait to see my new ship. The Galen class ship is so tough that it seems to be blaster proof. Our ship the Hippocrates is even faster. Because of our skill we have been given a ship with advanced maneuvering jets and Fusion force afterburners. I hope we don't need them anytime soon.

I have made my first trip out to a outpost here. Seems that between the pirate force and the defense force here we wont have a moments rest. I am a little scared but my crew is the best and I believe we can make it through. One little note though seems as if the crew has taken to the old custom of nose art . While it is against regulations I still love it and wont report them for it. I wonder who posed for it, And where did they get the nurses outfit. You know what better if I don't know those things I may sleep better not knowing.
There is a competition here as to who can make the most rescues without taking damage. We have five hundred crystals riding on our ship. This is a weekly game and this week we won fifteen hundred crystals.

This time we got lucky the outpost almost got overrun. Only the timely intervention of the pirates prevented it. Rats have to go hope you are well will see you later.


wtg commander - these stories come in handy when server is down :) keep em coming ;)
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