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Amplifier modules - "finders projects"


New member
Jan 13, 2015
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Hello friends! Me clarify how it is done calculating the percentage for the projects finder find the projects. What is the relationship between percentage and probability? I currently use the locator projects 50% thirty days and I have the impression that it does not work well because there are times it takes a lot to find common projects. Rare projects, sometimes it takes days to find one. Looking forward, I thank you.


New member
Jan 13, 2015
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This is how I try to think of it.

Say you have a rocketeer. Lets just say that out of 100 kills here is what you see;
33 Rockets
33 Aim Computers
7 Rare Rocket
4 Rare Aim Computer

Your probability for one is (roughly);
0.33 for Rockets
0.33 for Aim
0.07 Rare Rocket
0.04 Rare Aim

To find trackers you take [ probability x (1 + Bonus) ]
50% = 1.5
75% =1.75
150% =2.50

With your tracker the numbers would be like;
0.495 = 49 per 100
0.105 = 10 per 100
0.06 = 6 per 100


Active member
Nov 7, 2011
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If you mean bp trackers I would not waste my time nor gold with a 50%. I used to have a 75% bp tracker and was surprised at how many drop EX: we went to an R4 and in a little less than 2 days got a total of 1 boss, 2SU and 2 MU bps. Member of my clan bought a 75% tracker and was done within hrs. It could be that we did alot of killing and the bps started too drop but in my experience a 75% is good for regular top blues and the higher trackers are good for rares. It seems that some rares drop every 200 kills(thank to switchblade:DUDE come back to play lol) BUT you can kill 200 and get 1 rare OR kill up to 600 and get a few drops near each other. just keep going they will drop and you'll be done sooner or later.