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Public Test for the "Conquest Rework" Update & Feedback thread

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Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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Hello Space Pirates!

The next Pirate Galaxy update "Conquest Rework" is currently in the testing phase. The public PTR test will help us find remaining issues, get your feedback and provide insight into server performance. As soon as everything runs smoothly and we could incorporate your feedback, the testing phase will conclude with the live release to follow shortly after.

:info: Please Read This Before Joining the Test:
  • The PTR ("Public Test Realm") is exclusively used for testing.
  • The server is running a fresh new state without any pilots in it. After you create your pilot, it will automatically be given the items etc. which are required for testing the new update.
  • Many elements you will see on the PTR are still work in progress and might change during testing & live release.
  • To gain access to the PTR you may need to register a new Splitscreen Games account. Access to register and play on the PTR is here: https://ptr.pirategalaxy.com/

:!: Design Changes Only for the Public Test:
The changes below are only applied during the testing phase and will be reverted when the update goes live.
  • Newly created clans get 1 Mining Ticket instead of -7
  • Max. tickets for a clan to store is set to 99 instead of 10
  • Mining Ticket drop chance is set to 10% instead of 1%
  • Mining Ticket pickup amount is raised to 15 from 1
  • Only English is available as in-game language (translation will be done later)
  • Changed Conquest schedule phase timing
    • Conquest matches will run every hour instead of once per day
    • Matchmaking duration is set to 1 hour instead of 3 days
    • Initial starting hour of the day for the first Conquest battle is set to 10:00 server time (UTC+1) instead of 20:00
  • Pirate mode cannot be enabled

:?: Questions to the Community
It would be great if you can use the following questions as a guideline when you provide your feedback here.
  • What is your general experience in Conquest & PVP?
  • How many matches have you played on new Conquest with what team sizes?
  • How do you like the new system compared to the old one?
  • Is it easy to understand how the graphical user interface works for the new gameplay elements?
  • Is the new Conquest system understandable in how it works?
  • Did you enjoy Conquest battle and why? (What stood out most for you?)
  • (Summary) Would you participate in the new Conquest system when the update goes live?

We will not provide a Conquest Rework changelog at this time, so that we can see better if it is generally understood how the new update works. Most of it should be self-explanatory and you can use the Conquest help window in-game to check out all the aspects and rules of the new Conquest. Have fun and post your feedback here :celebrate: :)
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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
I have not played any conquest right now, but here a small suggestion:
The message would be better if that says "Clan A have won Conquest battle on Mouth of Dori against clan B"


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
Ok after play two conquests, I see a lot of people from my clan, alliance and all people generally happy & getting more fun.
:info: Also clans from gaia that not play conquests on it, are getting fun on PTR and like the new CQ mechanics.

With this PTR I see more the need to have 2 daily CQs for high populated servers like Gaia (maybe avoiding one clan to be selected for two conquests in the same day, to avoid exploits on low populated servers? )
And also I see that there is not divisions for the scoreboard. I don't like that for clans but also I don't like to have a lot (10 divisions). It would be good if the number of it can be decreased to three divisions.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2016
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hey, so far i am enjoyed quite a lot the CQ i played yesterday, it was quite fun even tho i saw some errors with prots hp not displaying properly

apart from that, i would like to see messages when registration and matchmaking phases are close to end, as we had in the previous conquests:

"The registration of Ob will end in 30 minutes"
"The registration of Ob will end in 15 minutes"

and so on, quite nice so people dont miss the cqs


Well-known member
Mar 25, 2019
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Pirates Legacys
Heya, about the new conquest system, for many friends and people that mentioned conquest, it looks very satisfying and fun to play new system. Everyone are happy that they can come PTR and try new update while having no restrictions for energy especially.
They mentioned they'd come to ptr more often when updates like these are planned, which would provide good feedback and looks for new updates.
Special praise regarding registration phase/enlisting and counting the members that can participate/not participate in window. Also, it's very fun to change "battlefield" to different conquest planets, that wasn't the case in old conquest system, since some conquest planets provided better gravitons and could be fought by higher numbers.
In this system, none of discrimination of numbers of both sides happens, while even "Spectators" can watch conquest as well that I love to see.
Again, good job.


Well-known member
May 13, 2020
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Hello everyone,

I did some conquests, the new way of winning conquests really pleases me. However, I have noticed I find that there is a big problem; the QC ship. I totally aggree that he needed to be buffed because he was to weak but you made it TOO powerful.

In conquests I've seen a CQ ship litteraly hold against like 10 people typing it for more than 2 minutes. The fact that you increased his armor soo much may be understandable about the fact that it's a big ship, but I think that you maybe need reduce the armor a little bit without making it too weak or, conversely, too strong. I would compare it to a Anubis or maybe an Giza because of its resistance. As said before I think that a rebalancing will be necessary.

But for me biggest problem I've noticed are it's damages, when I saw a Gemini gold DPS get killed in 3 blaster shots I was like "What the hell is that thing" :LOL:. Like I said before I can understand that he got a plenty of "canons" but let's be serious the damages of the CQ ship are "ridiculously" high.

But one thing is sure, you did well to buff the CQ ship (but not so much), this will make it useful in conquest and the fact that it moves faster than before makes it all the more dangerous on the map.

Here's my feeling of course that not everyone will agree with me but I thought it was important to talk about it ^^
We had a lot of fun doing 25v25!! :p

Well done,
Eredin ;)


New member
May 6, 2020
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I liked the New cq, now having to pick up ores to fill the ship's belly and if you die you drop them, it was very good. Now we don't need to stay in one place to earn points, and also, the new layout that Clan will fight for was beautiful, especially the Name and the scenario behind the names. I also liked that the Matches are now balanced! we can see who will play or stay in orbit waiting and find out who the Players and Ships are. If possible, have you thought about putting Spectacle Mode in the game? it would be cool to see Players taking Points and killing others. One last thing, it's about the Cq Ship, it got VERY strong, it looks like he's using Gravitron without time, can it be fixed? (Sorry for the bad english, i'm Brazilian).


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2010
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The Doctor
It would be good if the planets are not grouped by system to make it more random, also it affects more the PTR because CQs on higher systems right now are too early or too late:
PS: these times are in Argentine timezone. We have 4 hours of diff with european timezone.
Other suggestion: if many pilots can invest MTs (admiral, captain and many lieutenants) it is needed to add in the clan log the name of the player that invest it.


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Nov 6, 2019
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TDP Reinart
The Dark Power
After i play a few conquest with the "Korell Guys" i have some feedback for you.

1. How mutch fight do we want? Now you have every minute of the CQ a fight. People spawn on the CQ-Ship and fight, die and spawn again. And so one. There is no end until the CQ Ends after 45 minutes.
The worst problem of that ist, that the player with the CQ-Buffs and the CQ-Ship have the most fun at all. The are so strong (Player with CQ-Buffs need one or tow healers) that they can face some time without support.
This is great at large CQ-Fights between 15 to 25 players.
For fights between 10 to 15 players it is okey.
BUT for the small CQ it is worse. Why?
You can kill the CQ-Ship. It wont happen. (maybe sometimes, but than the enemies are not good at all). As a normal player you spawn and use you repair and die again.

The questions is, how mutch impact shoud a kill give a side. At the old CQ-System you have 30 sec pot time and the way to the hangar, orbit and surface. I guess normal 1 to 2 minutes. Now you have 30 sec. pot time and respawn again. 30 sec is nothing. Completly nothing. (in small CQs that is really annoying)
For Example: you are an died healer and in front of you your CQ-Ship. The ship fights against the other ship and two players (without any support the normal ship can stay in the range for 10 sec befor they must run away or die. You matralize at your position and give you CQ-Ship your heels and die again. Now the CQ-Ship have a good amount of more hp until it has to use his repairdroid. Every 30-40 sec you can it again. If you have to healers. Your CQ-Ship will not die either. Until the CQ-Ship fights it can collect each ore that drops out at the other ships.
This typ of fighting is not funny at all. You can win tow or three fight in a row but you get nothing out it.

In my mind the cooldown for spawning again shoud be increased after each dead by 10 secs until it reaches 2 minutes.
This will be have a better impact and you will honor the players that live longer.

And you can give some bad 1vs1 PVP-Players and like to collect ores for there team more space to carry there clan.

2. The winning of Cryonite.
First of all. I love the idear to win some Kryonite at PVP-Events. I love it. But i think your intention to creat a new CQ-System is also to get more PVE-Players start to play some PVP-Content which is the late game content.

Unfortunatly if you lose a Conquest by 90 to 10 % you win nothing. (100k for 15 players) Normally not the PVE-Players are on the winning side. So for this it will be better, if you give a static number of Cryonite for each CQ.
For Example:
5 vs 5: winning team gets 1.000.000 Cryonite; losing team gets 500.000
6 vs 6: winning Team gets 1.200.000 Cryonite; losing team gets 600.000
and so on
If a team didnt entlist any player or didnt land on the planet the other Clan gets all Cryointe


Well-known member
May 13, 2020
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Hey everyone,

I hope you are all well, I had an idea. I think it would be a good idea to add a personal window at the end of each conquest with how many players we destroyed, how much pods we did. In the zone panel table will be displayed with a ranking of the players who have destroyed the most players. This feature can be good and it can make some "competition" between players of the same clan! ;)
I don't know if It can be achievable but tell me what you think.

I had an another suggestion, as we all seen the CQ ship is really strong, and If you decide to not reduce it stats or too reduce a little bit (it will always remain strong). I think that the CQ ship should not be allowed when there is less than 10 people from each side on a conquest. If we imagine 2 conquest ships on a 5v5 they will just fight each other during the 8 other players will fight each other, because if a player approaches from the CQ ship he will just get killed and 4 players and 1 conquest ship can't kill a conquest ship (AT THIS TIME) even with CQ ship buffs. We can imagine other scenarios but at the end it will finish at the same.
That just a suggestion :p



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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The main issue i see currently at this point is that the CQs on the PTR are not played under "real circumstances" so that experience and expactations will eventually will backfire when it goes live.

I assume here at this point that a) everyone at the PTR has the best MS active so that they don´t use any E during the whole time and even when not using any Membership we have so many Energy that i hardly belive it would be possible to spend it all so that we would reach the "normal values again".

The point i see here atm is that Pilots without an MS will sooner or later face a situation in which they have no more Energy to contribute during the fights and are "doomed" to sit in E-Fields or just stay in pod until the CQ is over. So far i did not participate in a PTR CQ directly (due of RL issues that have higher priority for me right now) but i have seen some vids about it already so that i have a good idea of how the new System looks and what it should achive.

I know that the PTR currently exists to let the players test the stuff as good as possible and i don´t know if SSG will make it so at a later point that the PTR will "reflect" the real things and maybe even restricts the usage of MS cus imo this side of the medal should be looked into as well. I mean it brings nothing if the new CQ comes out but the players who don´t wanna spend money for an Ult MS may run into the issue of having no more E left during the 45 mins of a CQ so that they are easy prey for those who have an MS... or in other words a CQ may be won by a Clan who has more pilots with an active Ult MS then with any MS below that.

Another thing for me as pure PvE Pilot is that the rewards itself look... not that great to go for a CQ and be stuck at it for 45 mins. From the battles and the rewards i have seen the final payload for the participating pilots seem to be around 100-200k (without the knowledge what the weekly outpay will be tbh).

As PvE Pilot i can make the same amount of cryos by hunting the Units at Siri or even Venar and don´t have to think about poding and stuff so i still see no value of going to CQ if the reward less in 45 mins then i can make during PvE in the same time + the final reward heavily depends on the final scoring of course.

Another concern at the current point is the following:
Allies may or may not become "obsolete" when the new Update comes and it may not be possible to give the participating clan any support if pilots of the ally want to help so that it may lead to an break up of allies entirely leading to uniting under 1 flag for the purpose of CQ and if i remember it correctly in the early stages of the game this did happen already once and it lead to an clan that dominated all CQs during that time.

As final concern i have another point:
It may or may not happen that in the situation that a CQ will be held between allied clans they will simply "decide" who will win the CQ or collect the ore equaly so that at the end both clans get the same reward and just do some fun 1v1fights here and there or "pre set PvP rounds" for those who are into the PvP stuff while the non PvPlers just fly over the planet to collect the ore and after 45 mins the CQ is over with no real winner.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2015
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While i do enjoy the most parts of the new CQ system, there are a few things that should be looked into again:

1. CQ Ship Strength
1.1 Firepower
As others stated already, the buff is indeed quite nice but it went a bit too far.
The damage (especially in Vega) should be lower currently it requires ~4-5 shots to kill the average normal ship. If this gets lowered to 6-7 shots i think it will be much easier to withstand or escape the CQ ship.

1.2 Armor
The armor is currently too strong for lower populated CQs. It works for 15v15 and more but in most fights below it is pretty unkillable if both teams are evenly strong. Winning the fight vs the other players does not bring any benefit since they can just spam respawns and you have to focus them again instead of the cq ship. That in turn lets the CQ ship cycle repairdroid and you can never kill it.
A solution to this would be to give the CQ ship a HP-factor equal to the LIVING participants.
As an Example:
The CQ ship has a base HP X,
For each clanmember alive on the planet (variable=n) this value X is raised by 50%:
CQ Ship HP=X+X*(n*50%)
That would also mean that if only the CQ ship is alive it has less HP than if others are alive as well.
If this mechanic is too complicated, then the "alive" part can be left out and it should still be fine.

2. Remat Mechanics
2.1 Spawnkilling in LZ
Rematerializing in LZ with 25% allows a small group to just camp LZ and kill everyone with ease completely wiping the opponents chance of a comeback.
Rematerializing in LZ should happen with 100%HP and landing protection just as when you would go to hangar and reland again (like on Live Server).

2.2 Rematerializing on CQ ship
It was maybe intended to keep fights dynamic with the 30s respawn cooldown, but it somehow did not work out that well.
It just causes a neverending battle where the CQ ship survives forever as mobile spawnpoint.
It is not a bad feature, but it should be limited as Leopard131 already mentioned.
An increased cooldown after each used spawn should at one point end the infinite battle.

2.3 Selfmaterialization for energy
Same increasing cooldown should apply here.
If only one area is active rematerializing on cq ship or where you died is pretty much the same and we get a p2w mechanic due to energy purchases.
Unfortunately opinions about this part are all not very founded due to 500mil energy on PTR for everyone.

3. Area activation
Right now the areas deplete too fast leaving only one area remaining for too long.
Currently it is: 1 Area deplete after X minutes, 2nd area deplete after X+Y minutes, etc.
With fewer active areas that means that the last area is active for the longer Part of the CQ which currently mostly ends in a neverending battle due to respawn times.
I think this mechanic should be inverted, so that only at the middle/end of the CQ the areas start depleting.
Like this we have several active areas during the whole cq and in the end it starts getting smaller leading to ONE big (and rather short) fight at the end.

4. Rewards
If PvE players should start playing CQs maybe give them something that helps them in their PvE stuff. Is it possible to have a Shop section for smaller or bigger clan boosters that can be bought from clan cryonite?
Also i think the Cryo currently is not enough to attract PvE players.
Maybe a factor towards the earned Cryo amount is required if more people participate. Otherwise i think it will become an option to leave "weaker" players out of the match since the smaller team decides how many can participate.
EDIT: I agree with Vesperion: 100-200k (for the winning side) is not enough for PvE players.

5. CQ ship Items
So far we only have "normal" blueprint for all tech levels. Are the other versions not ready yet or are we supposed to get them later to test how they work and if there is something broken?

After all of these problems, i do really love the rest of the CQ rework:
- Mining tickets :love:
- Registration and matchmaking is awesome
- The idea behind the Reward is far better than what we had before
- The overall gameplay is great and the area and ore mechanics are apart from a few issues also very fun to play and offers a task for everyone
- The shorter "out of battle" times due to respawn mechanics is also a great thing, even when it is a bit too short right now in some situations
- The spectator mode is awesome and equal team size is great in terms of balance

- Will there be new achievements?
- is it possible to show the teamsizes during battle? Currently they are only shown during enlist phase
- Battle statistics as @Eredin mentioned them with Kills, Deaths, and maybe even Damage dealt - Probably all of this can be forged into something like a efficiency number that also takes collected ores into account.
All of this can be shown together with the opponents ratings at the end of the CQ in orbit only for participants
- Is the Leaderboard going to stay like this?
If yes, maybe give additional rewards to the top 5 Clans after each weak. Otherwise we probably end up like in every RDX reactor challenge, where only one tryhard Clan gets the reward and everybody else got sick of not getting anything and they don't even try anymore. Like this everybody can at least compete for #2-5 whenever #1 is no option.

That's all for now
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2016
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Hello everyone :D,

After few days of trying the new system i wanted to give some short feedback regarding few points of it that i think they would be nice additions or changs:

1. History of previously played CQ's

With the current CQ System deployed on PTR, there is only track of "what happened" for 5 minutes after the CQ ends and with the global message that is sent through the server, i would like some type of button on a CQ Planet Pannel, that leads u to see a history of maybe the last 10 CQs fought there, even tho it isn't a change that would impact the mechanics of the CQ itself, i am sure some people would like to have a better following of what happened even when they were offline :D

If that's to much hard, i dont think it is super mandatory, but its just a little addition.

2. Rewards

Regarding the rewards, i am also agree with the overall opinion of Kapljeu or Vesperion, where maybe the rewards might not look enough to participate, even more in cases were you get wiped out and ur side looses heavily, i think the ideas proposed already are nice for that. But there is something i would like to add as a counter-feedback here.

I don't think giving price/reward to a clan just for the fact that they paid is good (if its a planned change), that would lead to people again not really fighting the CQs, and just clans trying to avoid each other in order to obtain a easy reward that doesn't require of fighting, we already saw what happened for years with gravitons where most clans just paid planets were no one else did to not fight and get a 100% secured reward, i don't think this should come back :D

3. Remat

As Kapjleu discussed, there are some remat mechanics some broken right now, that lead to either infinite fights or at a massive non-stop podding, and i do think his suggested ideas regarding respawning on CQ Ship and the LZ HP + proteccion are quite good, but added to that, i think the protection u have when u choose any option should be increased to something like 5 seconds (for all options, being 30s in LZ) since with the current timer, in a blink u are dead again.

4. Changing ship after Enlist time finished

Currently with the actual system, changing ship is still possible afterwards the conquest time started, due to this, i saw some people changing ship in orbit after everyone landing, even tho that couldn't sound a big problem, it actually makes some unfair situations due to some reasons:

1.The players from the side that landed before the other side changed ships, will see them with X ship in the pannel for all the CQ, even tho he will be flying Y ship.
2.It leads to doing an "unfair" counter picking, by basically letting ur enemies choose their ships, and when they already landed, take everything that counter them.

I don't have any direct solution to this, but i think this should get a fix somehow. If there is no direct solution, at least the problem described in the point 1. should be fixed in a way that those players that landed, get the ships updated.

5. CQ Ship

I think everyone saw how OP is now our loved piggy, but somehow i feel that the damage that it deals, went a bit crazy (specially in Vega), in Vega it should be nerfed by a lot, since due to not having armors, it basically deals twice the damage as the other CQ Ships. For the other systems, i think this small reduction that Kapjleu suggested should work.

Due to the power it has, i do like more the idea suggested by Eredin, were the CQ Ship would be something locked for at least timesizes of 10vs10. This would also bring a bit more dinamic fights in lower numbers, since due to the CQ Ship being available right now on PTR with those, it becomes a couple of aggrobeacons (players :p) trying to fight against a monster.

6. Order of Planets & Planets per day

As gonzaabel suggested i would really like to see the planets more split, right now they are grouped by System, and that could make it quite repetitive, i would prefer them to be completely mixed to add a bit more variety through the week/weeks.

Regarding the amount of planets per day, i saw in the announcement that highway made that it was supposed to be 1 planet per day, i must ask why this has been changed from the previous 2 daily planet we had. I do think this already worked to give the opportunity to pilots with different timezones and free time to participate. If we only have 1 planet daily, i fear that in the most active servers, it will be really hard to get more than 1 CQ in a single week.

7. Leaderboard/Weekly competition

One of the things i firstly missed in the new CQ System ,is the miss of a bigger change in when it comes to the weekly competition, its great that fighting a CQ leads to great rewards, but being the winner of the weekly leaderboard, should even be a bigger and more complicated fight. and so, it should come with some great rewards (different from cryo), i think if a change to this comes, it would bring even more spice and competition into the system, making it more enjoyable.

For that, i think the division system should be revised (most likely reducing it to at max 3-5 divisions) and the reward for not only the first division winner, but also for other divisions, should be changed. We all know there is not a single participant in a competition, those that didn't came to the top, but got close, should also obtain something from what they did.

I think thats all i have in mind for the moment as feedback for the system, i do really enjoy it a lot and i think all the changes introduced are quite great, and thank you devs for investing all this work into this, since it mostly just brings fun and PvP into the game. Said that, i hope all the feedback given, helps into making this amazing update even better for everyone :love:

PS: its possible that i might bring more feedback if i see anything else in the future days :p


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the nice feedback so far. Good to see that we are on the right track. The public ptr is now offline so that we can concentrate on fixing the reported issues and give the players who tested the time to reflect the changes and provide feedback here in this topic. Any language is welcome here (a wink to the Spanish speaking community :sneaky:), but we would like to encourage you to use online translation to English via DeepL to help others to quickly understand you.

When the major issues are fixed we will go through all the feedback we got from you.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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Depending on if another PTR may happen after you have ironed out some things with the current feedback i would suggest the following for the next testing round:
Disable the option to buy any sort of MS and Energy along with maybe just giving 200k of energy if planets and stuff need to be rexplored again to give the CQ test the "experience" of doing it without MS and how it would end in the Systems in terms of "what happens when a side has no E left again".

I think it may give some extra feedback that may be needed in order to iron those things out as well OR make it so (if it is not implemented so already cus again i assume that every has a ult ms as minimum running) that at CQs for all players a 100% E-Flat is running while they are on the CQ Planet along with the Cryo Prot (that to my knowledge has been implemented already into the current CQ System).

I hope that with the next round if it comes i will be able to test the one or another cq myself to get an actual experience from the planed changes more directly then by the vids atm where i can "skip" most of the CQ.


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Feb 12, 2019
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Hi there,
I would also like to take the opportunity to give some short feedback here. For the two most important points in my opinion, the CQ ship and the remat mechanics, there are already some good suggestions, so I wont discuss them in this post. However, there are some smaller issues I'd like to add.

Planet rotation
As @destroier6 and @gonzaabel already said, it would be good to shuffle the planet rotation. But I think it would be important that on the live servers, they get shuffled after each rotation, coz we do have 14 CQ planets right now and 7 days a week. If we don't do that, it would mean that the CQ on for example Valkion always takes place on monday. Although that would be similar to the old system, it would be a nice change, so that people who always work on one evening also can enjoy all the CQ planets.

Mining Tickets
First of all: I love them! :)
I think they work great on the PTR. However, in my opinion the winner team should only get one MT back after the CQ on live servers. With the limit of 10 MTs and 1 per day, getting 2 for a win would be to big of a boost for strong clans. Especially on lower populated servers, a clan who keeps winning, could fly almost all the CQs.

AFK players
This is really a minor point, but if it's not too difficult, nice to have. :)
When one clan has several afk players or is completely dominated by the other clan, a CQ can get quite boring. It clan lead to 25 minutes of just spawnkilling people again and again or just sitting there the whole cq and collecting ore. So my suggestion is, if a clan is under 10% or maybe even 5% of ore for 3 minutes straight, the cq times out. This rule should probably only apply after the 15minute mark.

All in all, I'm really hyped about the update and I think you did a great job!

Curious about your opinions


Community Manager
Feb 22, 2019
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Hey pilots & devs,

So, since most feedback that i had planned to give, has been already discussed by other pilots :celebrate: , i will add a single comment that i think its quite important to get a good experience out of Conquests and game in general.

During the Conquests that i participated, mostly in the first day and second day, i noticed a big problem with performance. This was really visible during the last parts of a Conquest - being even more hard as more pilots are there. And it made the experience for some pilots quite worse since their FPS were really low.

so, u might ask, Why this occur?

This issue, isn't something new into the game, but has become a lot more visible now into conquests, the reason for that, is because pilots don't switch zone through the duration of the conquest, the issue here, is that as long as u are staying on a planet and u are not switching zone/relogging, there is something that isn't being cleaned properly in the game and makes the FPS of the players keep dropping till its near to impossible to play - in high-end PC's, the fps just drops to near 15-20. Obviously making low-specs PCs being in a state of 1-5 FPS when they been on the planet for more than 25-30 minutes :(

This always affected the game itself, but it was hard to see people not switching zone for more than 1 hour unless they were grinding warscore - where this issue has been seen for years. I think that's a good moment to work on it since now it also affects a PvP competitive feature.

If any dev might need help into getting some data for this, i could always work on getting some, but as a first look, the stream from the pilot @Poland in the Iga Conquest during the first day, could be already noticed how the FPS were dropping slowly - Even tho a stream isn't the best way to look at it :p .

Thanks everyone for the feedback you provided, it helps a lot :cheeky:
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Feb 24, 2010
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the issue here, is that as long as u are staying on a planet and u are not switching zone/relogging, there is something that isn't being cleaned properly in the game
Wasn´t this discussed in another post quite some time ago that basicly the cache is running full what in return leads to the issue itself? I´m no expert but atm SSG only solved this issue by making it so that during the transition of the loading screen this is cleared if i remember it correctly.

However there is major difference between an PvE Planet and an CQ Planet. For the start the current CQ allows pilots to go into hangar and reland what basicly triggers the clearing so that it may not have been an issue right now. With the new CQ players are forced to stay on the planet until the CQ ends. In 45 mins a lot of stuff happens due the game has to load in the ships, show effects, crits, items, etc. Due so much stuff happens in a short time the cache basicly runs full in no time and at some point it "suggests" to lower the settings for better performance... what basicly is useless at the end and only an forced relog will solve it for now.

I´m no expert in terms of the technical stuff but maybe the system SSG currently uses is simply not more "suitable" for the times. What worked maybe until now should maybe get the consideration of beeing replaced with something new/more modern. In terms of Graphics the game didn´t age well too but this would be go to much in the off-topic.

Maybe an proper solution would be that the clearing of the cache happens not only during loading transition but also every x minutes we are on a planet (let´s say every 5 or 10 mins)... again i´m no technican or expert in this area.


Jan 25, 2017
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Main Pilotname
Hello everyone.

On certain planets and with the frenetic situations that occur, it is difficult to find your way around and on the map, the icon that refers to the player is seen below the rest of the icons making it difficult to know where we are.

What I propose is to superimpose the icons on the map by importance, as follows:
  1. Player.
  2. Conquest ship.
  3. Leader of the squadron in which the pilot is.
  4. Squadron leaders.
  5. Rest of pilots.
In this way of a quick glance to the map (since normally we are in combat, it is difficult to see it for a long time) we can know the current situation of the conquest. This is very important for the organizers of each fleet so that they can make decisions with more fluency and precision.

Distinguishing the conquering ship, the leader of the squadron to which the pilot belongs and the other leaders is important.


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May 17, 2011
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In addition to shuffling the planets weekly, to give to out of schedule players the chance to enter the CQs, I suggest splitting the 2 daily CQs in morning and afternoon scheduling. Per example, I work only at afternoon in a bakery, a type of industry with strictly fixed schedule (the dough doesn't wait, the bread must be baked and distributed before the shops open in the morning). As I live in Argentina, that means I cannot play most CQs in American servers, and I have a chance to play sometimes in European servers just past midnoon, which is hardly achievable. I guess the same case is for European players that cannot play CQs in afternoon on European servers and only have chance to play them in American ones very late in the night, when available.
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