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#9 Tau Ceti Part 3 & Conquest Rework

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Jul 31, 2015
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What is the formula for calculating cryo for your level? Can be useful to know with the tables shown to calculate cryo rewards to teams with some lower levels.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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What is the formula for calculating cryo for your level? Can be useful to know with the tables shown to calculate cryo rewards to teams with some lower levels.
The formula is an aproximation for the grindtime per minute that is aligned to the real grind data we have per level. For conquest this calculation uses 45m grind time as the base for each active player.


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Sep 11, 2019
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Highway said:Can you elaborate what exactly you miss from the old ladder system?
I'm not happy with these changes and I feel like I'm being disrespected because all of these years trying to reach number 1 on the warscore Ladder and I feel like that is not important at all.
this is unfair and it shouldn't be like this
what should be on the first page is the page with the players and the gold skulls,like it was before this update.
the old Ladder system was better and it would make more sense,it was much better like that


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Feb 24, 2010
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I'm not happy with the way this update changed the way Ladder looks because after all these years and all the effort and time spent,I feel like it was for nothing.
can we please change the Ladder to the way it was before?
Can you elaborate what exactly you miss from the old ladder system?
What Cata is refering to is that skulls and Achive points are now seperated and so he does not show up at 1st place anymore with his something something around 60 skulls cus now you would have to switch into the gold skull ladder rather then seeing it directly with the old ladder.

However @cataioni i hardly belive that the old ladder will come back due a lot of Pilots have complained how much Skulls made Achive points trivial + the ladder system is "abusable" cus it does not fling the 1st place Pilot all the way back to entry devision so that he would have to fight his way all the way back up to the 1st Division in order to go for the next skull.

If you ask me personally (and i stated this always in the game) i can not show any kind of "respect" to those who litteraly have tons of Skulls knowing that they basicly can stay for weeks in the 1st division and get the chance for another skull after they have obtained one from the previous week. For me the "top skulls" basicly just show how much "time the pilots have thrown away by litteraly just harv hunting" what still is the quickest way to earn WS in PG in compare to many other activities.

Would the ladder system actually send the 1st place Pilot of the 1st Division all the way back to entry divsion and such a pilot would have at least 10 skulls i would be way more impressed then with the current medal system. Aside from that (and i pointed that out in another thread) the ladder still is in Beta and might be reset or deleted at some point of the game if SSG ever decides so and in return this would mean all the weeks of farming for skulls would "never have existed"
Anyways as the Ladder clearly says it´s still in Beta and it even informs that it may be deleted or reseted so that even when no Merge would happen and SSG would decide so all this skull farming could be removed/reseted what means again all the farming/fighting for a Skull was pointless and useless.
Ladder Beta Info.jpg

This is a reason why i would more prefer to give the WS an "actuall purpose" that rewards every Pilot rather then just giving them "braging rights" cus another big issue with the skulls is that they have an higher value rating then achive points where Pilots had actually to do something specific to earn them. But Pilots who have lots of Achive points are simply "pushed back" just cus someone may have 1 skull more in his counter.

I think personally the only reason why this mechanic still is in the game to give at least some pilots a reason to go for something that has some sort of "competition" in it.


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Jul 31, 2015
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Ancients are only 3% stronger than the gold versions.
Not all ancients follow 3% stronger. Repair droids for instance are still 5% stronger than golds and have same cooldowns. (unless this was changed since TC3 was released)
The formula is an aproximation for the grindtime per minute that is aligned to the real grind data we have per level. For conquest this calculation uses 45m grind time as the base for each active player.
Then how about a table showing those approximations currently used in CQ calculations. :cheeky:
Fixed that multiple damage modifiers get correctly calculated together by addition and do not mix in multiplication which causes values to get larger than they should get.
So does this fix armor and damage drone not effectively canceling out?


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Sep 11, 2019
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What Cata is refering to is that skulls and Achive points are now seperated and so he does not show up at 1st place anymore with his something something around 60 skulls cus now you would have to switch into the gold skull ladder rather then seeing it directly with the old ladder.

However @cataioni i hardly belive that the old ladder will come back due a lot of Pilots have complained how much Skulls made Achive points trivial + the ladder system is "abusable" cus it does not fling the 1st place Pilot all the way back to entry devision so that he would have to fight his way all the way back up to the 1st Division in order to go for the next skull.

If you ask me personally (and i stated this always in the game) i can not show any kind of "respect" to those who litteraly have tons of Skulls knowing that they basicly can stay for weeks in the 1st division and get the chance for another skull after they have obtained one from the previous week. For me the "top skulls" basicly just show how much "time the pilots have thrown away by litteraly just harv hunting" what still is the quickest way to earn WS in PG in compare to many other activities.

Would the ladder system actually send the 1st place Pilot of the 1st Division all the way back to entry divsion and such a pilot would have at least 10 skulls i would be way more impressed then with the current medal system. Aside from that (and i pointed that out in another thread) the ladder still is in Beta and might be reset or deleted at some point of the game if SSG ever decides so and in return this would mean all the weeks of farming for skulls would "never have existed"
the Ladder should be in the way it was before.the way it was before, it was with first page showing the players with gold skulls.

and it will be disrespect again if gold skulls get removed from game.
it will be disrespect again if gold skulls get removed unless every single achievement gets the same treatment and, if gold skulls get removed all the achievements should get removed too.
but gold skulls should not get removed.
and gold skulls should always be there

after all these years of playing this game,I didn't see the Ladders being in any other phase than beta,isn't it about time that something is done?


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Feb 24, 2010
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and it will be disrespect again if gold skulls get removed from game.
it will be disrespect again if gold skulls get removed unless every single achievement gets the same treatment and, if gold skulls get removed all the achievements should get removed too.
but gold skulls should not get removed.
and gold skulls should always be there

after all these years of playing this game,I didn't see the Ladders being in any other phase than beta,isn't it about time that something is done?
In theory Gold Skulls and achive points are "worthless" if you wanna see it from another perspective if we would now be truly honest.

Achive points however showed imo way more what the Pilot went trough in order to obtain those points so they should always have a higher value then any gold skull. From my pov if Achive points would have be considered 1st and then Gold skulls where a thing you would have the other way around that "Gold Skullers" would have complained about the "Achivers" so with the new ladder both factions have now their own boards for "braging rights".

However if we are truly honest now the question is "what would a piot lose if the ladder would be reset/deleted at all?" The simple answer is "nothing would be lost". The time you have spent is the same, the Cryo you gained from it is the same so it is nothing that really would impact you in any way aside from knowing that the time you invested in it was "worth nothing after all". Aside from that i hardly doubt that you really can be "proud" to have so many skulls by knowing how easy it was to obtain them anyways once you reached the 1st division.

I may or may not have the rights to talk about skulls considering that my last attempt for 1 skull is years back but after the 3rd week of mindless WS farming and reaching Division 4 or so i got so bored that i aboarded the attempt and started to play the game so that i could enjoy it again rather then knowing "ugh another x hours of mindless harv hunting for the Gold Skull", Anyways... the ladder and skulls and achives are not part of the TC update so it is kinda offtopic anyways and i will leave it with that cus i think i have said everything about this topic that can be said.


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Jan 20, 2020
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Za VillainEmperor
Highway said:Can you elaborate what exactly you miss from the old ladder system?
I'm not happy with these changes and I feel like I'm being disrespected because all of these years trying to reach number 1 on the warscore Ladder and I feel like that is not important at all.
this is unfair and it shouldn't be like this
what should be on the first page is the page with the players and the gold skulls,like it was before this update.
the old Ladder system was better and it would make more sense,it was much better like that
The general consensus amongst players is that Achievement points should be given more precedence over skulls, which is why this change was implemented; after all, getting to the top of the achievements list means you've done a lot of bp hunting, story missions, white missions, PvP, etc as opposed to just killing mantis over and over again.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
Update tomorrow will drastically improve the cryonite rewards for conquest matches and fixes issues reported here and at the support. Check out the changelog:

No the pirate mode rework is not not part of the Conquest update.

Ancients are only 3% stronger than the gold versions. So its not a huge advantage over the golds especially not in team based group fights like the the conquest is. They are part of the game and should have their use. If you like to avoid them you can register on the Mercury that does not even allow golds to be used (max level 55 tech). Like @The_Ghost mentioned.

Would this idea be to counter clans that have have heavly guarded areas and then suddenly need to change to another areas?

Thanks vesperion that you are aware of that. Its very important for us as a design goal for pirate galaxy to avoid pay to win as good as we can while at the same time offer enough elements players can purchase to support the game. Not easy and always hard to find a good balance.

The landing timer is there to reduce the effects of clans changing their ships just after the others have landed. The main issue that we have often client crashes directly after the enlist phase ends. Quite anoying and not easy to track down what is causing it. So its understandlable that the landing timer can get annoying when not be able to land again after a crash. As a workaround I recommend to directly land when the CQ starts to have enough time to land again after the client has restarted. (90 seconds landing timer)

@KingSub I hope you are having a fast repair droid ready and will be feeling better after the corruption cloud has hit you.

@Naycko Thanks for the bug reports. They should be fixed in the update tomorrow.

Can you elaborate what exactly you miss from the old ladder system?
thank u @Highway LOL 😂😪


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Jul 31, 2015
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As for skulls who cares that your the best at killing interceptors? What do your ship and blueprint lists have to show for it? Achievement points are simply a better (still flawed in how many points some are worth) way of showing what they have accomplished in the game.
Personally I would like to see a "sum cryonite worth of ship list + current cryonite" leaderboard which would already be better than skulls for showing off how much u grind imo.


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Feb 24, 2010
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Personally I would like to see a "sum cryonite worth of ship list + current cryonite" leaderboard which would already be better than skulls for showing off how much u grind imo.
This is something that you can debate nowadays as well consdering the farming possibilities you have once you hve access to Siri/TC Tech. For a TC Pilot it should be no big deal to make at least 100-200k/day at bare minimum if he would play for only 1 hour/day ;).

I for myself have planed at some point to do all missions in PM but what still holds me back from doing this is to have some sort of indicator if a mission has been done in PM already or not (something like a red skull next to the mission name would be enough already).

I know it give the achive list but for some reason i find it impractical to always check in a seperate list if i have the mission done in PM or not. Would be more an QoL update for me but some i would personaly prefer to see in the game.


Splitscreen Studios
Feb 23, 2010
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The Golden Skulls are planned to get a similar use like a currency in the game to unlock/acquire exclusives. But for the hall of fame the achievements are more important to reflect what a player has achieved in game as they are persistant and not volatile as the skulls will be later on. So we would rather make achievements to milestone that progress on the golden skulls.

@cataioni you will have a headstart on that will the golden skulls you already have collected :)


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The Golden Skulls are planned to get a similar use like a currency in the game to unlock/acquire exclusives. But for the hall of fame the achievements are more important to reflect what a player has achieved in game as they are persistant and not volatile as the skulls will be later on. So we would rather make achievements to milestone that progress on the golden skulls.
Hm... it may now be just me but wouldn´t that mean that you basicly admit with that statement at the same time that you reward the "abuse of the current Division mechanics for those who did nothing else for weeks/month/years" to stay in the 1st division and gain one skull after another?

Aside from that the next question will this be kinda similar like your other Game DS where your "main goal" is to reach the Sherif position in order to unlock the T-Rex or about what kind of "exclusives" do we talk about? As long as it is just something cosmetical i have no issue with this planed idea to give Skulls a proper meaning.

If we talk about passive stats or ships it may be a different story cus again with the current ladder mechanic you will see in many situations the same 3 pilots in 1st division and the 4th place who will constandly be switched out for weeks. So that 1st i would suggest to make it so that the winner of the 1st division will be send all the way back to the entry division in order to go for his next skull then it is currently.

In DS you see it at every player that once they have reached the sherif rank they "retire" and never go for it again cus they unlocked what they wanted so why should they go for it again it gives nothing else for reaquiring the rank?


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Sep 7, 2011
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The update is interesting, i have done 3 cqs so far on trantor (i think most of people are not motivated and just want achievements -_-, not fight, but i'll wait and see).
The ore system is cool with the health bar on ennemis, could be cool if this health bar could show if someone is stunned or trapped in MT (some ideas from teammates)
There is one thing that really annoyed me though : Map bug, on the map, you see your allies with blue dot but when your ally is on an ore zone you can't see him because the map shows the zone icon on top of the blue dot.
So sometimes i'm unsure if there is an ally or an ennemy in this zone.
I may understand why you done that so we can always see ore zone but maybe there's another solution i dont know.


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Aug 31, 2018
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Black Giant
What's that?
I dont think that ancient techs are 3% stronget because they feel alot stronger... My thoughst are..

Draconis Rare BP 15% Stronger as regular BPs with same Level
Draconis Ancient BP 18% Stronger than Rare BP with the same Level
Draconis Strong/Long BP 18% also double Strong than Rare BP with the Same Level but with more cooldown.
Draconis Rapid BP 18% Stronger than Rare BP but reduced cooldown at cost in form of repair skills/Damage/Flightspeed etc..

I dont think that it is 3% because that doesnt make that sense..

15% higher effectiveness than regular BP with same level
18% higher effectiveness than rare bp with same level


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Sep 14, 2010
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Death Watch
Would this idea be to counter clans that have have heavly guarded areas and then suddenly need to change to another areas?
Yep, basically, introducing this, it would make the winning clan to be able to move from the occupied area, and that might mean more fights meanwhile moving and also more dynamic and strategic Conquest. Furthermore, losing clan would have a window to get more ores for themselves and that means less 100-0 wins for the winning clan, as it still happens sometimes. Such devastating wins makes some clans less motivated to do the Conquests and I am very unhappy of this situation :D


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Jul 31, 2015
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Something I feel is missing is showing the amount of ore you have collected somewhere on the HUD. Otherwise you have to look at the Conquest panel and scroll your clan's list to find your ore count.

Quad buffs only seem to boost the target rather than 4 pilots. Was this intentional or a bug? If it was reduced to just the target this makes them rather weak in comparison with the variants particularly in larger CQS.

The problem I see is when down to 1 area the superior clan basically gets a free 10-15% or more if other clan attacks and fails to take it. Making it change once or twice can give the other clan a chance to be there 1st and grab some ore.


Nov 16, 2020
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These exclusive rewards that have been mentioned here.... What exactly is meant by that?

Pirate Galaxy has always turned to fair content so far. I hope this exclusivity doesn't lead to unfair rewards to the other players. It would be pretty hefty if this target group of players were to receive exclusive spaceships or special rewards over other players. That would be a fatal signal and quite a step in the wrong direction.

I really hope the exclusivity is limited to visual content, or consumables, like instant cryonite, gravitons, instant energy, or time saving boosters.

One idea would also be to integrate a booster inventory, in which boosters are stacked, which you buy in the store, or which you earn. I also think the runtime should be able to be paused, at least for the three hour boosters.

Another possibility would be to introduce a login calendar, where once a day every player is rewarded for logging in. And a reward is drawn in the form of instant cryonite, instant energy, gravitons, or a random 1-hour booster. The reward could increase in the form of quantity and time through such ranked stories. This would also be a form of exclusivity, which wouldn't be too bad, since all previous consumables and boosters are fair. Rewards that could also be integrated as an alternative to the calendar in a wheel of fortune, for example.

There are already a few ways to promote gaming and reward players for their activity. Such content is present in many newer games and now also more and more often. This would not only have the effect of promoting the leaderboard, but would also encourage daily gaming activity at the same time. Just a few ideas.


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Feb 24, 2010
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Pirate Galaxy has always turned to fair content so far. I hope this exclusivity doesn't lead to unfair rewards to the other players. It would be pretty hefty if this target group of players were to receive exclusive spaceships or special rewards over other players. That would be a fatal signal and quite a step in the wrong direction.
I more see the problem here in basicly saying "hey we reward you for mindless harv/interc farming above anything else". Imo it would make more sense to actually reward the pilots that did go for the achives rather then something you can earn by an activity that not even stand in any relation to progress or "trying new things". Aside from that i still see the issue that those with a (as @Highway stated) Headstart have an advantage get rewarded for an unfair ladder system that allowed them to obtain all those skulls over the time since the ladder has been implemented in the 1st place.

Before i however go into any further "ranting" i wait for an offical information before i can and will share my further concerns cus in the end it depends on "what exactly SSG has planed with the Skulls as currency and what they have in mind to get for them".

One idea would also be to integrate a booster inventory, in which boosters are stacked, which you buy in the store, or which you earn. I also think the runtime should be able to be paused, at least for the three hour boosters.

Another possibility would be to introduce a login calendar, where once a day every player is rewarded for logging in. And a reward is drawn in the form of instant cryonite, instant energy, gravitons, or a random 1-hour booster. The reward could increase in the form of quantity and time through such ranked stories. This would also be a form of exclusivity, which wouldn't be too bad, since all previous consumables and boosters are fair. Rewards that could also be integrated as an alternative to the calendar in a wheel of fortune, for example.
This is something that was already suggested a few times. One of the big contributions to such an idea was made (along with other stuff) was made by @Rajaa in his Mega Post >>>[Suggestion] Game ideas improvement!<<<


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Nov 4, 2016
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I more see the problem here in basicly saying "hey we reward you for mindless harv/interc farming above anything else". Imo it would make more sense to actually reward the pilots that did go for the achives rather then something you can earn by an activity that not even stand in any relation to progress or "trying new things". Aside from that i still see the issue that those with a (as @Highway stated) Headstart have an advantage get rewarded for an unfair ladder system that allowed them to obtain all those skulls over the time since the ladder has been implemented in the 1st place.

Before i however go into any further "ranting" i wait for an offical information before i can and will share my further concerns cus in the end it depends on "what exactly SSG has planed with the Skulls as currency and what they have in mind to get for them".
I think that's not the correct aproach to look at it, even tho it can be considered "mindless farming" and such, the most important part is that its time consuming, and due to that, u must get something out of it, or do u think doing all white missions, or repeating the queen mission 150 times isn't "mindless farming"? if u think about it, there are many achievements that are even more grindy than what a skull can be.

At the end, both achievements and golden skulls require a lot of time investment and some of them aren't really skilled grindy (even tho i still see more value on achievements since its involves many aspects of the game + reaching till the end of the game to actually get a nice quantity of them).

I do think its good that devs are trying to give an added bonus/reward/currency/use to those golden skulls since its part of the game and it would incentivize the weekly leaderboard. In my personal case, i do have 18 skulls between the servers i've played and i can tell u that nearly none of them were "free given" as u think they are, i had to fought vs other people and actually spend many hours just to get them, and even tho i find achievement hunting way more interesting, i do think everything on the game should have a reward/reason to be there, even more if that includes player weekly competition.
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