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Voice of the Traitor

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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My story from an old event.. thought I would re-post it here since it kinda applies. A bit of back ground to my Gringrok Event Character. ^^


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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The sirens wail a deafening tone. The corridors, bathed in red light. Their worst fears have been realised. An intruder of the most deviant kind is amongst them. A thief, a murderer, a traitor! The alarm system creates holographic arrows towards an inconspicuous hangar door, disused for decades. How long has he been here? The fact is unknown and mattered not. He is here now and he has been exposed. Secret data has been stolen, the outpost’s primary computer; sabotaged. The hangar door must to be opened by any means possible. He must not escape. For the sake of the colonies. For the sake of mankind.

A bead of sweat joins a single tear, slowly coursing down the cheek of Major Ivanova as she approached the door to the hangar. He was a hero, a savior of millions and her friend. Many times she had followed him into battle. His war cry alone was enough to stir dormant courage from any soldier. He was always in the front line, wielding his energy axe and slaughtering the Mantis invaders in their hundreds and with frenzied delight.

Ivanova loads her blaster. “Take your positions soldiers, the traitor must be arrested. Dead or alive.”
The soldiers take up defensive positions pointing their blasters at the hangar door. Captivated by fear and adrenaline, they await for orders. The powering up of their weapons signifying the imminent truth of their situation. The enemy is strong. A colonel of the highest decoration. Battle-scarred and powerful.
Ivanova points to the door “Set a charge on the door now! We must take him fast and decisive.”
As ordered an engineer rushes to the door but as he touched the charge on the door, a blue glow emanates from it surface.

“Get back! It’s shiel...”

The engineer’s face of horror can only be seen for a second then nothing but dust remains.


Ivanova grimaces in disbelief but anger soon sets in. How can he do this to us, to me, after all we’ve been through? She shakes off her emotions and duty takes over. “Fire! Bring down the shield!”
Blaster fire crackles through the air as the shield is pounded with frenzied energy like the solar storms over Mars. The smell of static assaults the senses of the soldiers as the shield flickers and disintegrates. At last, the hangar door is free for the taking but the inferno caused by the destruction of the shield has left the door aglow with searing heat.

“Engineers! Bring the nitrofreeze cannons!”

With urgency, the new engineer hoses the sizzling door, rendering it crisp and frozen. Ivanova raises her personal rocket pistol and launches a single shot towards the door, shattering it into a myriad of frozen metal shards. On cue, the soldiers rush into the hangar to confront the traitor...


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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A towering shadow looms, hunched over a control station. The sound of frantic key-tapping permeates the creaking silence of the hangar. Ivanova gazes up in stoic concentration to the control station, weapon at the ready. “Surrender, traitor!... and you will receive a quick death!”


“Gallian! You cannot dare to hope that you can defy the will of the Colonials.” proclaimed Ivanova.
The shadow turns partly to the light. Half of Gallian the Hero's face is revealed.

“Defy the Colonials? It is the Colonials who are defying us. You have been stealing blueprints and cryonite for too long! The covenant of Draconis has decreed that it is time for revenge. Their wrath will rain down on you and it will be magnificent to behold!” retorted Gallian.

“You are a hero to us, why would you do this?” implored Ivanova.

Gallian rises up. “Muhahahahahaaa...Gallian? I will no longer be called by that foolish name.”

He steps fully into the light to expose his half-torn human face, revealing the scaly, mottled skin of a Mantis.

“I am Gringrok the Mighty! Master assassin of the Mantis Guardians! Enslaver of thousands; slayer of millions and destroyer of planets! My deeds as Gallian is but a pittance in comparison”, hissed Gringrok in defiance.

Ivanova raises her blaster. “You will die a fool’s death, traitor. A death fitting for mantis scum! Soldiers! Fire at will...”


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2010
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A searing pain tears through Ivanova and the soldiers. A pulsing, debilitating pain that can only be caused from the activation of a stun dome. Ivanova falls to the cold floor, grimacing in agony. “You will not get away with this! We will hunt you down! I will tear your heart out to see what colour it is!”

Gringrok spits. “You cannot harm me! Behold! The culmination of my genius!”

With a push of the control panel, a cloaked mantis ship is revealed. One not seen by any humanoid before; appearing, even to the untrained eye, as massively advanced and infinitely more powerful than any ship in existence.

He looks down at Ivanova. “Since, you will die soon enough, I will enlighten your puny mind to my master plan. All the Outposts that were constructed under my orders have their foundations spiked with anti-matter devices and they are all set to activate on the 29th of May and unfortunately for you, that is this day!”

Gringrok breaks in to maniacal laughter, “Muhahahahahaaa! Do you hear, my little Ivanova? My loyal minions are breaking orbit as we speak! Their arrival to my aid has spelt your doom! Enjoy the rest of your, soon to be short, life.”

Gringrok's form wavers and vanishes as he de-materialises. The mantis ship powers up its engines and blasts out of the hangar.

Groaning, Ivanova lifts her hand and taps her communicator. “Command... Launch the Pirate interceptors. Broadcast to all allied frequencies. They are cleared to use excessive force as necessary and destroy all in your path.”


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2010
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amazing story but im still in the antares system is this a SM in like the 3rd or 4th system o_O if it is U JUST RUINED IT }:<


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
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Darkblare said:
amazing story but im still in the antares system is this a SM in like the 3rd or 4th system o_O if it is U JUST RUINED IT }:<
It's no SM...
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