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Revenge for the fallen

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I wrote this really fast, can someone proof read it? thanks. And point out any mistakes.

Revenge is a vindictive creature. When everything is taken from you in the blink of an eye,it is the only thing that keeps you going. It keeps you alive. But it is never enough. Nothing can replace those closest to you. Revenge keeps you fighting until you have nothing more to fight with.

Where did it all go wrong? Perhaps man's igonorance was the main cause of it's downfall. Noone ever seriously believed there was a another race out there that was more advanced than ours. "What are the chances?" Scientists would say. Fools. Anything, no matter how improabable it seems, will always be possible.

The invasion of earth... Where do I start? The amount of mistakes and blunders contributing to the near extinction of the human race is colossal. But I shall begin with me. My decisions kept me alive, and got me where I am today. Perhaps this will be of use to someone else, trying to survive out there.


The cockpit of an Anin 1450 is not a place for two people. I stood, hunched over, trying not to cause myself a headache as the small transporter docked at the starbase. I always had an interest in flying, and being able to pilot an Anin 1300 at just 10, I was quickly recognised and taken in by the Royal Starfleet. This pilots skills were making me cringe.

There was a bump as the Anin 1450 ground to a halt in the starbase hangar. The pilot disengaged the shields and opened the exit hatch. As the hatch pivoted backwards, I couldn't help but smile, despite my headache. It never ceased to amaze me just how big the sol starbase was. It orbitted on the other side of the earth as the moon, and reached nearly half the size.

As I climbed out of the exit hatch I was greeted by a sharp voice.
"Are you the replacement for Beta Squad 4?"
"Yes Sir"
"Good. I'm Axe, captain of beta squad, you will be taking orders from me now. Follow me." He took off at a fast pace.

I followed him to a group of expensive looking fighter ships, much larger then anything i had flown before.
"I'm glad to have you on the team, Beta Squad has been a man down for nearly five days now. We were lucky no pirates showed up, or things could have got nasty. But I will warn you now, Beta squad is a whole new kettle of fish to what your used to. We deal with space pirate arrests, and if that aint enough, reports of extra terrestrial behaviour. This job ain't easy, but i've been doing it for 20 years now and believe me, its never boring"

We ducked underneath one of the dual cannons of a STAM S lightning storm class ship. A man was perched on the other, he glanced up from the bunch of splayed wires in his hand. His black hair was trimmed short, a requirement of the Royal Starfleet. His piercing blue eyes studied me for a second before he returned his attention to the ship.

The captain filled me in:
"Thats Dusk, Beta squads engineer. He fixes anything a repair droid cant. In case you havent realised, we work under code names here. You will be working under the codename 'Ice'. You got that?"
"Yes sir"
"Good." He set off again at a brisk pace. I nodded at Dusk, who was too focussed on his work to aknowledge me, then hurried after him.
The captain stopped abruptly as a tall, dark skinned man impeded his progress. He hurried towards the enourmous STAM S mega armour that was parked, rather badly, in the centre of this section of the hangar. The mans muscles rippled under the weight of the engine he carried with one hand.

"Hawk, for what reason are you adding ANOTHER afterburner to your ship?"
A gruff voice replied: "I told ya, It's a tank, it aint fast enough."
He climbed a precariously placed ladder on the rear of the "tank" and began to fix wires to the engine whilst balancing it on one arm. He shrugged his shoulders in my direction.
"Is that the rookie?"
"If you mean the replacement for the shock pilot, who has had more piloting experience than you, then yes."
Hawk grinned.
"Still a rookie"
The captain rolled his eyes and brisky paced away.
I jogged after him.

"In case you hadn't realised, thats Hawk. I sometimes wonder if all that muscle has replaced his brain."
I smirked.
"We have one more pilot you haven't met yet, But he is patrolling orbit in the X shadow. We can save those introductions untill later. I think its time you got to know your ship."
We rounded the corner of the giant central pillar that supported the hangar roof, and my jaw dropped open. My ship, the STAM S Thunder shock dominated my view. Its elongated body was nearly 50 feet in length, and it gleamed in the dim light of the hangar. My eyes were drawn to the sinister looking blasters that hung underneath it.

"Pretty, isn't it?" The captain had obviously seen the look on my face.
"You have no idea"
"She's brand new, all the latest tech on it. You'd be surprised at how rare some of these parts are nowadays."
That didn't seem right. Wasn't I supposed to be replacing a retired pilot? Surely I would be flying his old ship. I dismissed the thought. The new ship was probably just a welcome present, the amount of cryonite that was pumped into the Royal Starfleet was beyond imagination. I smiled as I pictured my salary briefly in my head.

The captains head set glowed blue for a moment.
"One second Ice, Incoming call." He turned away for a second.
I attempted to listen in on the call.
"Yes? is that Beta 5?"
"Affirmative, sir. I have had an assistance request from a squad on the surface, by the sounds of it therehas been as sighting of a large number of space pirates"
"Repeat? Space Pirates? We havent had an attack in weeks!"
"Affirmative, sir."
The captain was already moving before he ended the call.
"Looks like we are throwing you in at the deep end Beta 4" I took a second to realise he was talking to me. There was a clatter of steel toed boots on marbal flooring as Hawk sped around the corner. You could tell he was trying to hide his deep joy.
"Boss? You get that?"
"Are we going to blow Sh** up?"
The captain hid a grin. "Affirmative"
Asmile spread across Hawk's face.
The captain was already at the foot of his ship. He climbeed the ladder into the cockpit and reached inside. He threw a complex set of wires at me.
"Headset" he explained. "You are going to need this if you wnt to communicate out there. Now get to your ship Beta 4"
I was running before he finished the sentence. A crackle came through the headset.
"Beta squad- to orbit!"

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