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Repetetive spaceball event


Feb 26, 2020
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Justice Fighter
Spaceball event is extremely repetetive and boring in long runs. Doing same planet 4 times over is not fun in anyones eyes. Reducing the event to solo and squad whould be appreciated. Less repetetive and still doing the same event, just halves the time. Noone I know is wanting to do event :sweatgrinning:


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Mar 20, 2012
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I tried the event many years ago.
Still feel traumatised by the sheer boredom and feeling of too low reward for a too high effort.
The best about this event is the offer to buy Spaceball Pirate and 2K20 drone.
The new drone was first posted with 7,5% damage and 7,5% attack range.
The big problem is that the division drone was before drone update with 10% range not useful as a passive stat bonus.
In my drone hangar the Spaceball drone with 7,5% damage and 7,5% armor is barely in use, because I prefer the singles (armor and damage drone) with 15%.
So both passive stat bonus seem to be very unattractive to me, because I would always choose the old division drone over this new A131 Dualstrike Drone.

I was hoping to see a new useful drone stat like increased healing + cooldown reduction or hit chance + critical hit chance.
Also adding a new drone to the game for healing only as a stat, which would be regulary collectable in Gemini.

When the Spaceball Drone (Pirate) was first time available, I thought the bonus hit chance with 5% was too low and not viable, but I bought it because I believed in some future drone updates for the hit chance in general of the Pumpkin Drone aswell (which happened).
The issue with this new drone is that no matter how the bonus % is getting fixed, I would always choose for bonus % damage the A112 Damage Drone and for bonus % attack range the AR1 Division Drone.
The design goal is now to have on single drones the bigger stat bonus than on dual bonus drones.
This means:
- if Division drone gets buffed to 20% then the Dualstrike Drone's attack range bonus would only be 10% (old bad value). So I would still pick the Division Drone which would be even kinda OP at this stat.
- same would be for the damage bonus

I would only play this event if it had a cryonite bonus (and maybe Gravitons, they are round aswell) for each event progress, which would be based on the players level.
As a level 99 Player I would only consider leaving 5th ring or Erebos if each hour of playing the event would generate around 700-800K cryonite or 500K + 2 Gravitons.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2010
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The main issue on this event is the simple fact that you need to do it 4x on each story planet in each system what makes it such a drag and pain to play. Combine this with sometimes stuck situation + all the crap around you have to deal with and the event is beyond the "i want to do this 4x on each planet".

When the event was introduced the 1st time we had how many planets? Way back it was made a bit more strange as the drones only lvled up for the vicotry of the corrosponding country until the devs changed it do "all country drones give the same bonus". Now we need to traverse a planet 4x with different conditions just so that we get an achieve that lvls the drone up and is needed to get the most out of it otherwise it´s not even worth to buy and equip the drone.

It may be nice on the one side that at least here the achieves mean something but the way for it is way to boring and tedious why buying the drone with gold is much easier. Sure there may be players who really go all the way and do this event from start to finish but i think that most will simply skip it entirely.

I would rather have prefered to have some sort of mission where we have to defend a goal against the enemies rather then trying to guide a ball over a planet where the enemies not even interact in the slightest with the ball as it simply does not exist for them but considering that the event is so for years we will never see a change for it and as @NGSpeed already mentioned the bonus of the drone for the effort that we have to be put into it when you want it "for free" (i calculate at least with ult mem and cryo vault) is way to much for way to less in return so that the solo stat drones are the better option to go for instead and can be lvled while playing without having to think about them at all.
Spaceball event is extremely repetetive and boring in long runs. Doing same planet 4 times over is not fun in anyones eyes. Reducing the event to solo and squad whould be appreciated. Less repetetive and still doing the same event, just halves the time. Noone I know is wanting to do event :sweatgrinning:
Tbf already doing it under one of the 4 conditions would be more then enough as even 2x (solo or Squad) would be way to much imo. We have now 20 Planets in the game what means 80x of a mission just to get the best stats from the drone. Sure the event may be longer in compare to other events but it still is tedious considering the time it takes each time what i would assume to 15-45 mins eventually for each run.

Also (and i know this is even a laugable statement) new player have no chance to even obtain the fully lvled drone as they have no access to all planets or are even locked out from the planets as they not have reached the point of the story or can´t progress due of the TC bottleneck that requires Siri Tech.


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Jun 12, 2015
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In addition to everything they mention, it is not only about having the patience and willpower to do this event, but being in a squad is also necessary to advance, it is about finding at least one other person who also wants to do it


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Feb 18, 2018
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Justice Fighter
We all know the real reason the event is this grindy is because it incentivises players to pay to skip the grind...
of course it would be a very nice gesture of good faith to the loyal players if improvements were made to events going forward nonetheless . i cannot speak for everyone but my interest in events is at an all-time low