A sirius ancient strong rocket and one sirius ancient strong orbital strike can definitely 1-shot an obsidan. The obsidians armor is comparable to the parsec storms armor. Punishers/Dominators can be taken down to 1 bar of health on a high enough critical from either of those two weapons alone. Its been tested by others, and i've seen it first hand (on both ends of those weapons). If you don't believe me, you can either test it for yourself or look it up on HitchHikers Guide. Theyre saying the max damage a strong os or strong rocket will do to an obsidian, for example, is 150% The average damage for the OS is 93% (an os crit or an os and 1 blaster shot will kill it...) and for the rocket the average is 82% (same thing with that...a crit or an extra shot or two and it will die)
I agree, for having to spend nearly 4m cryonite (and roughly $100 in gold if the blueprints were bought) they shouldnt be able to be killed in a single shot (or two shots) in a pvp. Either that or there should be some kind of extra feature for Parsec classes aside from a small armor bonus over ships of the same class/system and the invulnerability to NPC stuns after the 4th armor.
Speaking of invulnerability to stuns, there is a glitch on some ring 1-4 planets in sirius (mostly imperial planets) where stuns affect Ancient ships and Parsec classes. It doesnt stop them in their tracks, but it does slow movement and cooldowns noticeably. This is probably the wrong place for this, but since i mentioned it earlier....