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New ship class


Apr 30, 2011
Reaction score
First of i designed the ship model on CREO 3.0. This is the body. Feedback is greatly appreciated

Its called the Reconnaissance class. It has
An armour index of 95.
flight speed of 85.3
(you can decide the rest of the stats if you want)
- Blasters (2)
- Collector
- Repair droid
- Afterburner
- Aggro beacon

It will then have

Distress call
- When activated a distress beacon will be placed. This will alert 2 friendly NPCs that you are in need of assistance. They immediately land. They attack whatever is attacking you and/or your squadmates. The 2 NPCs can heal and materialize you and/or you squadmate (each NPC only has 1 mat). Once 5 minutes are up the 2 NPCs will orbit

- Activating this tech will make you oblivious to enemies for 2 minutes. However this will deactivate when in combat mode. If you are in combat mode you cannot activate the stealth tech. Although if you have under 20% health, it will stay ready for you to activate wether if you are in combat mode or not

Renegade rocket
- This rocket does not actually do any damage to the enemy. Nevertheless this is an ingenious device if i do say so myself. The Renegade rocket is propelled to its target. Once it comes into contact with the enemy it will explode. The blast radius would be that of an aggro bomb. It will affect enemies in the blast radius and those that enter the blast radius. What happens when the rocket detonates is a special type of EMP that causes the targeting systems of the enemy to target its comrades. For instance if i target a Death squad with a renegade rocket, they will all start shooting at each other, along with any mantis that ventures into the blast radius. This lasts for 1min 30secs