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new idea: boost spots


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2011
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i had fun sometimes with the non interactive structures tht randomly appear on some sirius planets (the ones the look like claws or cages even with rocks) was just fooling around with defender saying its a nest i lay eggs in (mines) ,cage dancing punisher ,jail cell constructor etc...u know when u r booooored....

i was thinking it would b fun have such spots where u could actually randomly gain boosts or bonuses simplest would b +x% damage/def boost...but posibilities are endless u could gain +x% cryo/bp drops etc...
u can have spot just the size of 1 ship or make bit larget area... u can have them spawn randomly and cycle throughout the planet when they change position have then give a graphic warning (blinking etc).. u can make them even colored like gravitrons if they offer same boosts or b creative ... idea is =more fun + diversity in a for some already stale game..

not a big CQ fan as is but maybe for those tht still play could enjoy this addition too ..even if graphically wouldnt b so atractive ppl would actually sit on top of eachother if the spot is as small as a ship (because all would want the "boost")

i also thought it would create problems on non instanced sirius rings (1-4;ppl hogging/fighting over spots) then just add it to r5 to test...but even on lower rings i think if u have enough such "bonus spots" (graphics and size can vary) and have them maybe randomly cycle (maybe with a slight graphic warning, maybe blinking etc..so u know tht spot wil run out) it would also work.
i think this can b added all over the systems but u could start with sirius r5 to see how it fits in the game.
i bet the diversity created will not offend any player...lol

save ur energy typing comments like :"ssg dont care! y u bother?!" (myself i get urges to post comments like tht .lol but since i bothered doesnt really matter now does it)