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N7 Special Forces clan is recruitng for new members for a couple of new feature


New member
May 13, 2016
Reaction score
My clan is now recruting members for a couple of new features
one of them is the pack system. each pack is made out of 5 member to fit in a squad
each pack also has a commander and 2nd in command the commander can pick the name of the pack

the next one is the support system. if a squad member needs help get to him if you are available but that doesn't mean you have to act heroic or selfish as that will get blasted to pieces.

the next one is the code system which will be written on the clan info wall if you need help but too lazy too type it for too long like i am then use the code system which will be implemented at server time between 19.00-21.00

the next one is the the ranking system like the ones used in the military so now leveling up has another purpose
when you reach level 35 and mizar system you can ask for a pack but requires approval from a officer, captain and the admiral